
5 Reviews
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30 March 2013
It is unbelievable that they shot this for just $6000. The film quality and performance by Angus MacLeod would put many main-stream productions to shame. Although I did not know what to think about the films use of partly action with stills prior to seeing it, it was very effective in setting the mood of Poe classic "The Tell-Tale Heart." The film is narrated in Gaelic by Angus MacLeod and the DVD release contains the Gaelic-only version, Gaelic with English subtitles and an English rendition by another actor with Gaelic subtitles. Unfortunately this one does not come close to matching MacLeod's performance in Gaelic, even if you have to read the English subtitles. I can't recommend this highly enough to Gaelic language enthusiasts or fans or Edgar Allan Poe. Full marks for this creep-fest.
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Gunless (2010)
Good light-hearted comedy
2 May 2010
My wife and I just caught this movie in the theatre and we both found it an enjoyable light-hearted western/comedy. To those who have never heard of a Canadian "western," you must be very young because there have been a few, mostly Hollywood, and involving Mounties, but also some home-grown ones, though these never made it to the big screen.

But I digress. This movie is one of good clean fun which the whole family can enjoy. Perhaps this is one of the real complaints for those who compare it to a CBS movie - no gratuitous sex, violence or foul language. If you are going looking for these elements you'll be sorely disappointed. It does make a political statement regarding some differences between Canadians and Americans, and against handguns (though thankfully doesn't group shotguns and rifles into the same category). However, overall, the production values are quite high, especially for a low-budget movie - something I think many people tend to forget - and certainly compared to a CBS movie-of-the-week special. You can't even pay the salary of a lead Hollywood actor for $10 million.

Generally this movie should appeal to those who go in with realistic expectations, and of course fans of Paul Gross. Oh, and watch the credits for a time before you leave the theatre.
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Less Movie, More Disney Roller-Coaster Ride
7 August 2006
Don't get me wrong. I enjoyed the ri... movie. From the start the twists, turns and loops of this movie get faster and faster, and higher. Everything about this ride has been souped-up, mega-sized, etc... all in an effort to outdo the first movie. Unfortunately it's not just the action which has been souped-up - the villains and corresponding horror and violence has been as well.

This movie/ride is definitely not for the faint-of-heart. Davy Jones' crew makes Barbossa's Zombies (from the first movie) look like Hobbits next to the Orcs in Two Towers. At times things (especially the scenes with the Kraken) get every bit as intense as scenes from Aliens - while there are humorous moments much of it falls flat due to the serious nature of the movie which leaves you hanging on for dear life at times. A NOTE TO PARENTS: be responsible and get a sitter. This movie is not meant for kids despite the marketing (shame on you Disney and McDonald's). Despite the ratings in most areas (influenced I'm sure by politics) I could not recommend this to anyone under 14.

Because of the wildness of the ride you don't realize you that haven't actually gone anywhere (i.e. no plot development). The only change you note is that you're a little higher up from your starting point preparing for the next big downward spiral. The sharp twist at the end though is one of the most enjoyable moments of the movie - it also is an indication that the second part of the ride may be as wild as the first. We'll have to wait and see. Let's hope they don't jump the tracks entirely in an effort to outdo this one as well.
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3 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
My wife and I are big Bill Murray fans and judging from by previous user comments we though might be a decent enough movie to rent - we were disappointed. I guess I should have been suspicious when it was categorized as both a Comedy, Adventure AND Drama. It certainly felt like the producers didn't know where they wanted to go with the film and at nearly 2 hrs it definitely drags and you're just left waiting patiently for them to wrap things up.

This is unfortunate given all the comic talent gathered for the film - it had a couple funny lines and some quirkiness but these were immediately off-set by some tragic or dramatic event which readily did little to advance the plot. Bill Murray never readily gets a chance to cut loose. He's shown smoking pot from start to finish - something I'm not too sure the producers weren't doing while piecing this thing together.

The direction and editing were terrible and the camera work made you feel at times you were in the documentary they were (badly) producing. The CGI effects looked like something you'd find on a video game or a dated screensaver. Also there was just too many characters popping in and out of the picture but no real development actually occurring - case in point Murray and his wife are on the outs - we are never sure why or what causes them to separate or later reconcile. This is just a readily badly done film which is too bad because it didn't have to be so.

5 out of 10 (just for Murray)
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Entertaining and informative Gaelic language film
21 June 2004
This is a very well done docu-drama (about 55 minutes) about the taking of the Stone of Scone from Westminster Abbey on Christmas morning of 1950 by a band of Scottish nationalist. The Stone of Scone is a holy relic (supposed to have been Jacob's Pillow when he dreamt of the Ladder to Heaven) on which the old kings of Scotland were crowned. It was stolen by Edward Longshanks - of Braveheart fame - in 1296 and had remained at the Abbey since. It has since been returned to Scotland following the devolution of government in the UK.

The story centers around the interrogation of one of the main participants, Kay Matheson, who frustrated her interrogator by only speaking in Scottish Gaelic, through an interpretor. Most of the show actually takes place in Gaelic (with English subtitles). The only disappointment perhaps was that they had to have a stand in for Kay Matheson as she herself had taken ill at the time.

I'd highly recommend this program to learners of Gaelic and those with an interest in Scottish history. The videos are hard to come by but are available in both PAL and NTSC format.
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