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From: Belly of the Beast (2023)
Season 2, Episode 7
It gets a generous 4
6 June 2023
And I mean a really generous 4! Although if we're grading "slowness" it would get 10 stars.

Just when you think the show is going somewhere it pulls you back down and introduces pregnancy, and withdrawal . Ok notice to the writers: We are past the mid point of season 2 and we still have no idea what this place is! For a show to survive you need to give the audience, your fans some form of answers !

First season was great and had a great cliffhanger! But this season has just been terrible! Now we're 7 episodes in and still nothing.

We get nonsensical dialogue that neither has substance or entertainment!

At this point you've probably lost a lot of fans and you probably won't get a season 3 after this disaster so what's the point in wasting my/our time with watching !
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Alert: Missing Persons Unit: Chloe (2023)
Season 1, Episode 1
Putrid pilot
12 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Probably one of the worst pilots I have ever seen! Sooo many things wrong with this I don't know where to start!

The show moves to fast for standard pilot "introduction" episode! Let's start with the beginning scene with the main character trying to diffuse a bomb. Wasn't a bad opening except for when he gets the girl off and they run with the bomb about to explode apparently they had 5 minutes to run bc they ended up like a 1/4 mile from the site lol. And then they spring on us his kid gets kidnapped. Ok fine im interested! But then they fast forward SIX YEARS! Um what?! Six years ?! WTH?! Who the heck fast forwards 6 years?! Answer: Nobody! And there's a reason why not! ... anyway, let's look past all that and see what six years has brought us...ABSOLUTELY NOTHING apparently lol. At this point the only thing we know is that the main character has a wife and six years later they are exes lol.

I get a new show going for wow factor to get off to a fast start but they just didn't do it right!

So from there it was all downhill!

The casting is just as horrible. Scott Caan is the only reason I was interested in this show. Nobody else however could pick up the slack . They tried too hard to be "inclusive" and it cost them big time. The writing didn't help matters along with the dialogue!
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House of the Dragon: The Green Council (2022)
Season 1, Episode 9
19 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The storytelling of this series is just awful! They have not connected me (us) to any characters at all. Most of the time I'm (we are) yawning and falling asleep. The stories are just not there unless you read the books and maybe then you can understand what's going on. I have not read the books and I'm lost!

That's not good for a series to based solely on books. Especially if the books are this boring!

Maybe the books aren't boring (hence why they made a show) I don't know. But as far as the series goes it's just not good! They have not implemented anything of what worked in the previous series.

We've had time jump after time jump with some actresses changing. IMO they could have made things more interesting for TV.

For instance in what world did they think it would be okay to not have the succeeding princess in the very episode the king died. They knew he was on his death bed and they just flew away?!?!

Then all of a sudden Alicent says oh the king said his first born should be king. Um that came outta no where. Usually this would be great tv to have that twist. Right?! NO! The writing, the dialogue, the storytelling ruined it. Then we learn the council was plotting behind everyone's back anyway to have the first born be king...Um again where did that come from.... This series could have been so much so much better if they had indulged us with this. Instead, like many times before, they decided not to show us this build up!

Episode 10, judging by the preview , looks boring as well. Albeit with more dragons. I'm not expecting anything because I haven't been shown anything !

If you want your fans to be interested and wanting more YOU GOTTA GIVE US SOMETHING! Especially for those of us who have not read the books.

Right now this series is just a glorified book on tape. It might actually be better just to listen to it !
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The Walking Dead: A New Deal (2022)
Season 11, Episode 18
4 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The writing, the dialogue, the plot, the story, EVERYTHING is absent in this episode. The number 1 issue is there is wayyy too many characters on this show to follow. None of which I actually care about. If I had choose it would be Negan but they wasted that big time!

They tell Negan to go on into the commonwealth but then don't show him going into the commonwealth! Just all of a sudden is at table with the man in red lol and then says a few words and gets in cuz he knows Daryl. Ugh!

If the writers had only a few characters and one story line to write for things would prolly be better for this show! Instead their mixing in protesting of a government leader.

There is lots of other smaller issues with this episode as has been the case the last 5 years or so. I won't go into them but just know if your not Simple Minded than you will recognize them. When comparing with how this show used to be versus now it's astonishing the amount of drop off.

They have 2 jeeps (somehow there still fuel all these years later) drive out to the herd one tips over of course lmao then the 3rd drives on in to rescue . I have no idea what their ultimate goal was . All these years later you think they be better at leading herd away.

If we made it this far nothing we can do but to put up with it for 7 more !
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A soap opera
26 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Actually a soap opera would have more suspense. This episode is by far the worst of the season and there's been some pretty bad ones. I have no clue as why they thought they needed to tell this story of GOT! From what I'm gathering I don't think they do.

This episode immediately starts off with a time jump. We don't get told how much of a time jump mind you so we were left with wondering and confusion. We're finally told a while later that it's been 10 years which seems more like 15 lol but whatever. There's a lot of different relationships now aside from the king and queen. And none of the new relationships make any sense whatsoever. Especially the one with Dameon. That made absolutely no sense. Then the girl just kills herself because they couldn't get the baby out?!?

All that being said, the episode as a whole was just god awful. The writing terrible. The dialogue was incoherent and sleepy! Way way to much dialogue in this one. They even talked while riding dragons. Note to executives it is not suspenseful talking on top of a dragon !

The time jump we all knew was coming just came outta nowhere. It leaves you saying Um what!? They should have and could have done this a lot better! If they put some effort into it that is. Right now there is absolutely no effort with this series.

Hence why I'm calling this a glorified soap opera. House of the dragon is exactly that. AND NOTHING ELSE!
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The Sopranos: Pine Barrens (2001)
Season 3, Episode 11
7 July 2022
Um how does this ep have a 9.7??? Literally nothing happened besides ppl walking in the woods. This was prolly the worst ep I have seen so far! Really disappointed!
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Peaky Blinders: Lock and Key (2022)
Season 6, Episode 6
Snooze fest!
19 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am shocked that I am writing that this 6th season was a snooze fest. Unbelievable that they only made 6 episodes and chose to talk and talk 90% of the time. Tom Hardy's character was always entertaining BUT to have his scenes only be talking was disappointing.

My main issue with this last season was Finn's arc. Or lack thereof really! He first appears in episode 5 and then ep6 he is out of the family because he wouldn't kill Billy. So I guess that meant that he was in cahoots with Billy. They didn't explain that at all....and for duke to be the one who does it to Finn instead of Thomas and Arthur is infuriating.

The other confusing part of this last season was the fact that Thomas cheated on his wife to get in it better with the Mosleys. This just isn't what Thomas would do IMO.

The show is still very good, cinematically speaking.

Way too much dialogue tho that it would be very easy to fall asleep. A lot of this dialogue had much to do about anything.
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Killing Eve: Just Dunk Me (2022)
Season 4, Episode 1
Worst by far
1 March 2022
Thought maybe new season the show will get better, but it got worse. Didn't think that was possible! But then again look what amc did to the walking dead! They love killing good shows! Done with this show!
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Vikings: Valhalla (2022– )
No rhyme or reason
27 February 2022
This show had a lot of potential but failed miserably! Looking past the wokeness and the total neglect for history this show still did not meet my expectations. We weren't able to follow just one character but instead they introduced too many without developing them. The fight scenes were boring. The dialogue was boring and incoherent! Netflix and is fans should forget this show ever existed and just wait for The Last Kingdom! Hopefully they didn't damage that!
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1883: Boring the Devil (2022)
Season 1, Episode 6
6 February 2022
Boring the devil?!?! More like boring the fans! This show is only 10ep and I feel like this is ep 20 that's filler for what's to come. But this ep is no filler. It's just what this show is. A trek across the country with some cattle and Gypsies. That's it. Maybe a gun fight if your lucky. But not much else to write home about. For a show that's only 10ep you would think there would be more happening ! But it's just a walk in the grass field a few miles, next episode, walk in the grass some more, next episode. Blah blah blah !
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Could've been better
27 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know what it is but this movie felt like an episode of Seinfeld! Lol. It was basically a movie about nothing! So the plot line is that since Spider-Man's identity is revealed he and his friends cannot get into college. Instead of Tom Hollands character going and actually talking to the colleges he goes to Dr Strange to try to get everyone to forget who he was. Except a few loved ones of course. Dr. Strange actually points this out in the movie that he shoulda just went and talked to them. Which makes this plot line even more pathetic! Did the writers not have anything else to come up with. Regardless if this was in the comics or not it's just bad! Too many villains! Too many subplots! Too much talking! Not enough depth to said subplots. Aunt May dies and it's like it never happened! Just a bad overall movie!! There were some good parts so that's why I gave it a 5. And there's no way I'll be watching this more than once!
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Clickbait: The Son (2021)
Season 1, Episode 7
Wokeness knows no bounds
16 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Can we have any series/movies without some type of swipe towards cops?!?! This ep would've gotten higher rating if they just stuck to what was working. The mom yells at Pia saying why did you take my black son to the Oakland police station. Then says some more woke BS then yells at the son saying that her and dad told him he cannot just walk into a police station . Such lazy writing that is. It is irresponsible to preach such disinformation to the audience. This should not have been allowed to air and should've been edited.
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The Walking Dead: Acheron: Part I (2021)
Season 11, Episode 1
The worst yet
23 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The worst yet and that's saying something! We're in the 11th season so congrats to them BUT there is no story anymore. There's nothing there. The characters are boring and plain. You can make a case for Negan because of his comeback story. But if that's far fetched to expect everyone to just accept him back. The evil that he did there's no way u can just let him walk with you on stupid idiotic missions. Negan actually points this out that it was just an effort to kill him just not by her own hands. I also like Aaron but he doesn't get enough parts. Everyone else can GO AWAY! forward to the commonwealth. Who The $&!@ thought this crap up?! Ok for comics but not for tv. It's just plain dumb. 4 characters get caught with them and at first it seemed interesting -here comes another but- BUT, they squandered this opportunity to pick up an actual storyline. Princess while perceptive is annoying but found a way out so to us fans you would think that they have a plan and we'll get to some actual good tv of seeing them trying escape. INSTEAD all we get is them already walking down a hallway with two of them in stormtrooper suits. UM, hold up, I would've liked to see the actual escape. ....So all we get is more idiotic and lazy writing. More of the same stupid characters and oh there's apparently sleeping zombies now that are only woken up by the drop of blood. ....this is insulting and pathetic that they would continue to put this crap on tv.
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1/10's the little things...
25 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Where to begin...Let's start with the little things that make this a bad movie! The opening scene gets lost when the girl only next appears 3/4 of the way thru the movie. How does that happen on purpose?!? ...We then see a jogger jog off home by herself and car follows. The camera zooms out and to the sky, the sky goes from dark to light. Then we see one of the main cops see a missing persons flyer on the diner door. How does this happen in a matter of hours??... And, since when does a detective have a happy home and a lovely house with inground pool?? Not even remotely close to what's real!.There's so many more little things but it's not worth my time to write it all down or for you for that matter to watch this trash!
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The Walking Dead: Find Me (2021)
Season 10, Episode 18
Who are they writing this for???
9 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Snooze fest at its finest! 5 years later, 6 months later, 8 months later, 3 months later... Still a F$@& snooze fest! Daryl and Carol talking. New lady and Daryl talking. Then some more talking and more talking and more talking. Of course some zombies here and there for no other reason than to say they killed a zombie. ...None of this story matters! None! Leah was pointless. Just another reason for Dar to hate himself. Lmfao! The only point of this is so that we see where he gets the damn dog from. Lol. And I really don't care!...The ep ends with a disagreement with Dar and Car and again I really couldn't care less . Again more talking! Who are they writing this crap for? Plus all these episodes, based on the scenes for next week, all seem to be with different characters. So there's no forwarding along the plot. Which there is no plot line it seems! First week was about Maggie. Second week was about Daryl. And third week is someone different. We need everyone together and the plot to carry over from week to week IMO!
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The Walking Dead: Home Sweet Home (2021)
Season 10, Episode 17
What a dumpster fire!
1 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is the best the writers can do?!? Maggie walking thru woods with Judith for some reason only to see Negan for first time out in middle of nowhere seeing off a caravan . Such garbage , so many ways they could've done better ! Then Maggie shows virtually no rage against the man who killed her baby daddy?! Just walks past... Poor poor writing! Carol shows her that hilltop is no more and that Negan rescued them all. Maggie runs off. Darell says he will smooth it over?!? WTF! Seriously?!? Then we have Darrell and the he/she semi deaf person strolling along in the woods and I just don't get the whole let's use sign language to a person who can hear , the he/she does this with Maggie too. But anyway, the find some cargo containers but have to kill some walkers and Maggie gets cut , and we never hear about this again. They sure made it seem like a Walker did it but nobody was concerned at all and we never hear about it again. Weird! The rest of the show was disappointing and a lot of talking . Pretty much a wasted episode of her going back for her son who she found up in a tree unsupervised. Maggie's acting with the military person in the woods was comical which goes along with this show! Comical!
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The Resident: Mina's Kangaroo Court (2021)
Season 4, Episode 2
Preaching in unbecoming
21 January 2021
Every show now is preaching this systemic racism conspiracy and it's ruining the programs that do it. Stop the preaching ! TV shows are not meant to pass out PSAs ! If you want change in your area talk to your local representative.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 11: The Heiress (2020)
Season 2, Episode 3
20 November 2020
Worst ep of this series IMO. Dialogue is still good but was short episode
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Space Force (2020–2022)
Worst on Netflix
31 May 2020
Just bad! Bad writing , bad acting , bad cast! They tried to be funny with jabs to the president but came up shallow and stupid.
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The Walking Dead: The Tower (2020)
Season 10, Episode 15
7 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So when did Carol come back? Last we saw she left Negan out to dry and said she needed time. #Garbage

Princess is the worst character since slingshot Mohawk chick. #Garbage

Minefield ? In a parking lot? Under asphalt? Not sure how that works! #Garbage lol and then they make it rain as to some how add suspense ! Please TWD doesn't know anything about suspense since season 2.

When did the group come back together , how did they find each other again? All of a sudden in one scene everyone is back together hiding out in a abandoned building !#Garbage

Carol and slingshot Mohawk are resting in a car talking 5th grade dialogue! #Garbage

Judith again roams free needlessly wanders into the woods and finds dar with the no prob #Garbage

...There is no logic, the characters are dumb and not interesting any more. They can't even make a new character interesting.

...Beta going crazy was the worst possible idea for his character. Would've been 10 times better if they wrote his character to be strong and fearful. Anything could be better than that horrible character alpha ! But nope, TWD.
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The Walking Dead: Walk with Us (2020)
Season 10, Episode 12
16 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
...Six explosions! Six explosions I counted! Begs the question, WTF is exploding?! One explosion is explainable but six, no! #Garbage! Before it cuts to commercial, we see our ppl scrambling and trying to hold the line. Then we see Carol and Umeka or whatever the hell her name is , they see Magna and then commercial! So when commercial comes back, you think we would be right back in the chaos ?! Nope, TWD knows that would be too captivating for their liking so instead they fast forward about 5 hours or so and the fires have burned out and now they can go ahead and talk the rest of the episode ! #Garbage! #snoring ... then we see Neeg meet Aaron. Now honestly, this show could use more Neeg and Aaron! Prolly my 2 fav characters . If this show had only them two I'd be fine with that! Then Neeg gets Lyd. And that's the end of that for 40 min or so, time for more talk between the rest of the group. Then Aldon misses Beta and shoots Mary. I'm only assuming he missed bc there's no logic behind not shooting beta and hitting Mary with a dead head shot. Lol. Then we see another group with carol and girls and Eug, they have time to talk rest and get punched in the face. Let's talk about that punch in the face! Absolutely the worst TV punch of all time! They don't even show her get punched , it's just a shot of carols face being jolted back! #Garbage! Next group time -tip to Kang: too many groups.- okay next group, Dar and them go to this "rendezvous " but no dice, they then had the bright idea to back track to the burnt down hilltop, mind you this is only a few hours later, they come to find Ezekiel under something and burst up as if bilge just had an adrenaline shot, lol, okay first where are all the walkers and where did the whisps go? The whisps were double tapping everyone who was injured but miraculously didn't find Ezekiel , #Garbage! So they then go to another Cabin bc apparently Ez knows Exactly where the old guy took them . By the way, where all these cabins come from lol and a van in the middle of the woods too like come on ppl we can do better writing than this! But obviously you can't ! The whole show was a mess! So many different stories going on that they miss all the fundamentals of story telling. I am all for dialogue but it's got to be captivating and not a snooze fest ! This franchise should have enough money to not put together this kind of trash! We never even saw anyone scatter away, the fight was just over , done. Guess they blew their budget away literally by having six explosions for apparent reason other than shock value. Trust me the only shock there is , is how far this show has fallen from grace !
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The Walking Dead: Morning Star (2020)
Season 10, Episode 11
10 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Ok time for the real review. #Garbage There was a review written all ready about how none of this makes sense and he is 100 percent correct. There are sooo many instances where nothing is explained or even talked about between the characters. Everything is essentially one and done as they say. For example, the tunnel, now forgetting how ridiculous that is. I mean come on you have to have expert tunneling ppl. Not just some ppl wearing masks. It's a process, I mean every so often you gotta put timber up so you don't get cave ins. But after it happened, this slaughter, there was no discussion about it. Just boom he kills like 20 ppl and and bam done on to the next village. Where's the discussion about how did he came up and how they managed to tunnel in so on and so forth. Very lazy writing. Instead we get needless soap crap. This ep Dar and ricks lil girl are back at hilltop like nothing happened and ppl died . Lyd tells them there's a hoard coming and the only Meeting and discussion they have Is about leaving. They leave and are now trapped . They get back and it's all doom and gloom, where's the meeting and discussion about the defenses ? We get an electrified wire but where's the dialogue where's the discussion. 55 min of talking in this ep and now one discussion was worth listening to! We get Eug and Ros talking about going on date with a foreigner and she doesn't even ask what the hell hes working on with the batteries and doesn't ask who that lady was, just assumes it's someone from Oceanside . Very poor and lazy writing ! Abysmal dialogue ! Creativity is there but they can't back it up with anything with substance and sophistication! I am trying to finish this series cuz I hear it's going to be over after season 11 thank god but I might. Is be able to hold on till then!
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The Walking Dead: Stalker (2020)
Season 10, Episode 10
3 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The writers have out done themselves! No, not in a good way! First, though, let me say something about the directing/camera work. We the audience, do not need any more closeups of Gabs blind eye! They must think it's cool which tells me they don't know who their audience is, do they think we're 12 years old ! And then we get the bloody camera which there trying to show us what Daryl is seeing. It is creative I guess but it just doesn't fit with TWD. ...Now onto the writers, 3 words...They Are Bad! They were on the right track in this ep but in the end nothing happened! You give us Lidda come back and apparently in her time away she became a witch. Um, last we saw Daryl he had blood shooting out of an artery in his leg! Lol. It's all very laughable! I mean, the whisperers tunneling into the Alexandria is beyond absurd it's just stupid. And they started the tunnel in the middle of nowhere and placed an RV overtop of it. How has this RV gone undetected. If the writers were smart they would've hinted towards all this which would build up suspense , instead tho they just throw it at us in one fail swoop. And they failed. Maybe they could've had events happen in the town that we wouldn't know where they came from , you know subtle stuff that makes you think. Instead we're left this #Garbage!
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The Walking Dead: Squeeze (2020)
Season 10, Episode 9
24 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
They run into a cave and they fall down deeper into the cave by forgetting all their survival skills one being proceed with caution. Magically no one is injured also. Also during the fall they must've been playing Mario kart or something because somehow they picked up some lanterns. Then we have a silly scream from carol , what was that about. Guess the writers couldn't think of anything smart for carol to say at that point other than let's just have her scream yeah great idea! Then they proceed to jump rocks and amazingly again no one is injured . I mean it would only be logical for someone to twist an ankle while jumping for their lives. (But this show isn't made to be logical) Then 30 min goes by and their still in the cave even after finding a conveniently placed arrow , they apparently didn't have another arrow cuz they end up at a very small tunnel to climb out of. Jerry gets stuck but then gets unstuck adding a little bit childish predictable drama to this overplayed scenario. They find some dynamite but then don't use it but then try to use it after the smart one says don't use it. I would give this episode a 10 just for the lack of common sense and logic. I can't write any more , the rest is very pathetic and I can't write any more
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The Witcher: The End's Beginning (2019)
Season 1, Episode 1
Does not live up to the hype
21 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I am extremely disappointed! I've been waiting for this for awhile now -since GoT ended on a bad note-! All the hype this show got as evident by the show being renewed for season 2 already before the show premiered. The episode starts off with a bang -literally if You Didn't notice Your volume was too loud- with our main character In The swamp fighting a swamp creature! Geralt then comes into a village with a creature on his horse back. Not sure what this creature was because it was way too small to be the one in the swamp and I didn't see him kill anything else. So he meets a women in bar, dialogue was very odd and out of place and hard to follow as was much of the dialogue in the show. He then meets another smaller human who tells him about a wizard. Again the dialogue was unclear and hard to follow about why the Witcher needed to go meet him but from what I gathered it was about the Witcher needing more money especially to buy new clothes which was brought up twice ! Again very odd to be commenting about someone's clothes in this era! From what it looked like the Witcher wasn't as badly dressed as everyone else lol. So he meets the wizard who had the castle under a spell of nude women... Very odd! Lol the women were just picking something out of the trees/bushes.. very odd! They barely moved and never said anything. The dialogue Again between the Witcher and wizard was very hard to follow. But again from what I could gather The wizard was trying to give Geralt a job, a job to kill a human who was born during an eclipse. Geralt passes. Then he sees the women from bar again and figures out that she's the one that the wizard wants dead. Then next time we see Witcher he's in the woods for some reason and talking to his odd! But everyone needs to talk to some thing. The bar lady apparently follows the Witcher and they have a moment. That moment leads to a sexual encounter?!? This is very uncharacteristic from what we learned about the Witcher up to this point having heard that Witcher's don't feel. Then for some reason that's not explained the bar lady changes how she feels and runs away back to the village the next morning and now want to fight the Witcher ?!? I don't get the sudden change in mind!!

Now Onto the other story that was unfolding. I have no idea what or who this kingdom is or who belongs to. Lol and then they are under attack already and we have no idea who is attacking and why they are attacking ... there was some convo between the queen and whomever the other person was about getting the daughter of the queen to be ready for any attack?!? Very odd and out of place . When ppl were talking to the daughter they referred to the queen as her grandmother . So there's some confusion here as who's who and what's what! So to summarize, this sham of episode was just crap , hopefully it turns around ! ONE good note, the gore and fighting scenes were nice
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