
6 Reviews
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Better than the trailers would have us believe.
18 December 2010
So here we have our first Warhammer 40,000 movie.

Immediately there are some flaws that need to be addressed: Codex Pictures, the company responsible, have created this movie out of nothing less than a love of the background. While this is not a problem (and you can tell that they're not about to make any mistakes with the lore) this does mean that they've done it out of their own pocket. Games Workshop who own Warhammer 40,000 did not put any money into the movie! What we're left with is a CGI movie which suffers from bad CGI in many places. At worst, this can mean that shots look like they're from ancient video games (Ages of Empires I's cutscenes spring to mind). At best, which seems to be just as frequent, the shots are actually quite stunning. Mostly, it averages between the two.

There you have the first fault, the second is camera-work. Yet again, this is variable and at the start of the film I thought it was awesome. However, as the film progressed I felt that the camera shots managed to spot and point out the bad CGI. And while the beginning is strong in this film, the middle seems to hold on to lingering camera shots just a little too much. This, I fear, is the reason a lot of the action is not quite as exciting as in the beginning. That, and a lack of the mighty soundtrack to accompany these scenes.

Now, before I commence with the good I must address that this film is for fans of 40k. An ingrained knowledge of the background and understanding of Space Marines and Chaos is required to get full enjoyment out of the movie. It is not to say that you won't find it entertaining as a newcomer but you may find certain mannerisms of the protagonists strange, or not understand what an astropath is, or find it difficult to believe that this elite squad is after a relic that happens to be a book... the list goes on.

Warhammer 40,000 is an established background which started rooting itself in '87. No exceptions are made to explain it's immensely vast background in this movie. As a matter of fact, it focuses on relatively little when you look at ALL of the other things that didn't make it into this movie.

Now for the good:

The first thing that springs to mind is the Story. Given reign over the script for the first 40k film is top 40k novelist Dan Abnett. He delivers. Whenever there wasn't enough happening a timely line would add depth, humour or character to the film, keeping my interest throughout. It's great how the soldiers who refer to themselves as brothers feel like a brotherhood, and that each character acts as an individual (though it may be a little hard to tell more than four apart when they don helmets) with their own personalities and motivations.

The plot is pretty strong for a 70-minute flick. As far as I could see there were no plot holes and as far as plots go this one seems straight forward but still manages to pack a few surprises.

Next for kudos is the soundtrack. Though tastes may dictate whether or not you like this soundtrack, it is very appropriate for the movie. The kind of Latin chant is very fitting for Astartes warriors and their monastic-militant lifestyles. The sound of these chants are very strong and evoke powerful emotion. The opening scene aboard the Ultramarines' Strike Cruiser is a high example of this and is used well to implement the action and dialogue.

Thirdly comes the voice actors. These voice actors are brilliant and fill the boots of Astartes perfectly. Though you may prefer the baritone thunder of THQ's Space Marines in Dawn of War II, the voices chosen make characters more distinguishable and less like generic action heroes.

Lastly a mention goes to all the parts in this movie that rang true to fans like me. With any other company such a movie would look a hundred times better but would be at massive risk of not being true to the lore. We've seen it a million times before, it's just good to see it done right.

Overall, the film starts strong, wavers in the middle and builds again in momentum near the end. It isn't perfect but with all considerations on the table - it's good - 7/10.

A Final Note: If you love Warhammer 40,000 and want to see better movies in future, go and buy this. Buy it for you, buy it for other people you know'll like it. Buy it even if you didn't like it. It took Games Workshop 20 years before they let any company make a move, and it was this one. Future Warhammer 40,000 movies with other races and new stories (maybe even Horus Heresy movies) rest with the amount of money this film makes. Codex are out on a limb here. Furthermore, if you've watched this and are able to make videos, upload a review to the Ultramarines website. They can't improve their movies without knowing what they need to improve (and I'm sure they'll be happy to hear the positive feedback too!).
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Best Actor: AA-12
7 September 2010
Watching this movie, my greatest joy came from the performance of the AA-12. That rapid-firing shotgun took me back to such great primal instincts that I felt like driving my new stone wheel at high-octane speeds in an apely fashion. Whenever it was on screen blasting all enemies within line of fire to kingdom come I was laughing in testosterone-consumed sadism. *chunk* *chunk* *chunk* *chunk* (gore bathed limb sundering) *chunk* *chunk* *chunk* (explosions!) Such action would have bad director Michael Bay spasming with excitement. Go and watch now the phenomenon that is AA-12!


The Movie was good too...

7 out of 10 for Expendables, 10 out of 10 for AA-12.
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Inception (2010)
An art style I dislike thoroughly, why would I want to see it at cinemas?
20 July 2010
Ugh, where to begin? This is without doubt one of the worst movies I've ever seen! I know I stand pretty alone in saying this, everyone else loves it at the moment. I just guess I'm no fan of surrealist art, and don't get me wrong - this is, if there ever was, a surrealist moving picture. It's like watching James Bond while you're high. Y'know, James Bond in the sky with diamonds? I guess that doesn't really work though.

I don't know why this film has my dislike. It has good actors, good jokes and very visually stunning sets. Yes, I know what it's about. Yes, it's mostly in a dream. Or, a while in, In a dream of a dream of a dream of a dream. Yes I get the whole time thing. 5 minutes in Inception equals 1 hour in reality. Yes I know because it's set in a dream world this gives it license to do surreal things that would happen in a dream.

Stuff it, call me simple but after so long of a Soundtrack that sounds like a stuck record, landscapes filled with surrealist artwork, people I can barely hear speak, Jokes that seem out of place and just plain weird weirdness AND ON TOP OF THAT a story that I didn't pick up interest on when the movie started and I most certainly did not by the time it finished - it all just seemed like white blur. The snow didn't help much either.

To be completely honest I just sat through a movie that most now regard a masterpiece and was bored out of my skull. When I left I felt horrible and tense and unsure as to whether or not I just watched anything at all. I guess it just all blurred together, won't be seeing that again if I can help it.

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Kick-Ass (2010)
SICKENING VIOLENCE: just the way you like it!
26 March 2010
How I would've loved to entitle this review "Kick-Ass!" (get the double meaning), because it was! It was truly unique and lived beyond my expectations. It just had something of everything. In a nutshell - revolutionary.

Unfortunately this title is already consuming reviews in many variants. And though it's highly appropriate and a little contagious, it's just too easy to do. I'm fresh out of cinema, just having seen it in advanced screening. It was so good I'm still buzzing. I couldn't stop rambling about it to the friend I went to see it with, I enjoyed it so much. And by the way he wasn't able to stop talking about it either I guess he did too. I just had to review it! I've never read the comic by Mark Millar, I'm not really much of a comic book fan. However, I love a good movie. Having seen a trailer, I instantly thought this looked different to most of its genre. After seeing more trailers, it became one of my addictions. My interest keened on it. So I booked tickets as soon as I could and went to watch Kick-Ass.

Enough of my autobiographical account of my run up to seeing the movie. Here's some of the things you can expect...

Storywise Kick-Ass is quite simple. It brings us into the world of Dave Lizewski, a high school student and comic book nerd who yearns to become a real-life superhero. Not through some life changing event, neither through any actual superpowers. So he does. Despite parodying many, many superheroes who are referenced in the film (mainly by the protagonist himself (fittingly!)). It oddly retains a comic-book feel in structure from start to finish. Going as far as to use comic book captions throughout the film.

I'd say that Kick-Ass is in one sense a teen film. Not a cheesy one though. It carries the whole feeling of typical teenage life at that age in the film. The desire to act irresponsibly, sexual curiosity, immature jokes and social cliques. They all feature. At the same time Kick-Ass has some surprisingly mature and realistic themes and moral questions.

Now in other senses Kick-Ass is an action-comedy with hints of thriller and western. And it doesn't lay up on the action or comedy. Action is intense and brutal and often you can almost feel the hurt of the heroes. Comedy is top notch and should have you laughing at some daringly placed jokes. Or laughing inside at the nerdy/immature jokes. Use of some well known songs and movie themes at best-placed moments amplify Kick-Ass greatly. And though you'll most likely guess what's coming next, (some parts still come as a surprise) it's the way it's told that keeps you involved and loving it. My friend bought a large cup on Coke for the movie. He confessed afterwards that he was so taken in by the movie he'd completely forgotten about it!

I struggle not to give this a 10, which is a pity. It's so close but I believe firmly that there'll never be a perfect movie. Why is it a pity exactly? I saw Avatar at the end of last year. As Christmas drew close. I loved it and wrote a review, giving it a 9/10. But Avatar only just scraped a 9/10 in my mind. Kick-Ass was so much better. So there's my verdict! Go grab tickets and enjoy this stand-out movie while it's still in cinemas.

***Final Notes*** Though I guess some people may say this movie is ripping off Watchmen, they'd be very wrong. Though it has some basis in it, Watchmen was a very serious look at the idea of real-life superheroes. Kick-Ass is a lot more comical look at it. Detailing a world where the main character and others are very aware of the superheroes these vigilantes have based themselves off. Plus Dave Lizewski decides to become "the wetsuit crusader" because he wonders why no one else has tried something similar. Not because he's a psychopath.
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The Wolfman (2010)
A great and respectful remake of the original!
24 February 2010
I went to see The Wolfman on a friend's birthday and to be quite frank I was looking forward to it.

Now you have to bare in mind this is a remake of the original Wolf Man which came out in the 40's/50's, I know it was one or the other but can't quite remember exactly when it came out. I have seen the original and having now seen this movie I think not only it is better but it respects the original with quite a passion. Almost everything I remember about the original is included and what was changed I didn't actually mind.

The original coming out the time it did was a lot shorter and this gave a lot of room to expand and this has been done rather well. Introducing more material that works pretty well with the existing plot. Characters are given a heap more background, even the beast's origins are explained well.

Now if you're looking for an original plot I'm afraid that this movie does not provide (being a remake of an old school horror), however this doesn't spoil it (providing that you can get over this lone fact).

Characters are slightly believable and the incentive is often there, unlike the new Star Wars movies. Some lines are slightly bad on delivery by the actors but if you listen to what they say it all makes sense even if it does seem a little cryptic.

Seeing the English countryside (replicated or not) in this movie was an added bonus amongst all the CGI. All in all a howling good movie, a tad intelligent, full on the gore, occasional scares and a story that if you let it will suck you in.

7 out of 10.
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Avatar (2009)
Avatar - the 3D experience
17 December 2009
(Prepare for a long read)

What to say, just bloody awesome.

When I had seen the trailer for Avatar my mind was at conflict as to whether or not I thought it would surmount to being worth a watch. On the one hand this film is directed by an outstanding director who is responsible for many films that hold a special place in my heart. On the other, the trailer, on appearance, gave away so little that all I picked up was that at least I would not be disappointed by the special effects. So, with mind made I decided that the special effects at least where enough to buy me.

What I rate here after seeing the movie is what I'd describe as being an epic fantasy in league with the Lord of the Rings. I say fantasy because really this has more elements in common with great fantasy movie than that of sci-fi, though it also bears those unmistakable hints of a 'nam war movie that only James Cameron could pull through.

Talking about the special effects that bought me they certainly don't let down and 3D just brings out all the gorgeous glory of this film. Though some of the more movement based shots couldn't quite seem to adjust right to the 3D, this most definitely did not spoil the movie. The soundtrack is amazing and really brings out the emotion of the movie - yet it isn't solely relied upon and some of the most gut-wrenching scenes are delivered by that all important character building.

The plot & acting are what really sums this up for me, don't be fooled at the beginning by what seems to be your averagely decent movie because as the film progresses some really subtle but key story vices are brought into play that bring the film up to its roaring climax. Crunchy and inventive action/battle scenes as well as beautiful romance, great story, amazing scenery and that (as I've already said) all important character building that forms an attachment between you and the character are all more than ample reasons that people of all audiences will enjoy & should go to see Avatar! If anything I'm not disappointed that I went to see it and am already planning to see it again.

On a final note, the rather interesting and different ending this film has puts it on a standing point above all other sci-fi that raises thoughts as to the nature of humanity.

Many thanks to James Cameron, for an outstanding film that I hope to soon see on the top 250 movies of IMDb. Also for including many of my favourite recently discovered actors.
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