
12 Reviews
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dark and horrific
26 March 2010
Salo is not a movie your going to enjoy,its depressing sad and cruel.The first time i watched this movie i was just curious of what the whole concept of this film was, i just saw it briefly because i was young and it was impressing me, i said to myself wow what kind of animals would involve themselves in creating such explicit material.It made me feel sick although i was never impressed by anything this had a powerful impact on me and as i saw the last few minutes of this movie i literally felt blown away and this was just by browsing through it quickly. I even had really bad dreams that were connected to this movie, more than once, some of the imagery just couldn't go away,especially the finale part were the torture took place. Then a few years later i was reading reviews about it and wanted to see it properly and i did. It didn't effect me the same because by that time i had already watched a lot of brutal movies as a horror fan, but i still think off it as one of the most shocking and disturbing stuff thats out there.And if you ask me why i would just say that even the characters that were in power were creepy looking nasty bastards that looked like a bunch of perverted nuts playing with the emotions of there victims.and acted so convincing like happy sick sadistic psychotic humans that have nothing better to do but humiliate there victims through extremes where your not even sure if your doing the right thing by watching them get punished in such perverted ways, example eating there own feces,on there knees naked acting like dogs and begging invaded all there privacy,forced to act like worthless items. this has to be one of the most notorious movies ever made, not even fake snuff movies like august underground or cannibal holocaust come close to this.Nothing will ever make this movie look tame not even the most hardcore of film. And the answer is simple every part of salo had deep evil thought but other movies seem to try and push violence so much that it just becomes twisted but forgotten after some time. this is a journey into the depth of depravity that is portrayed in best way possible to ensure that you will be disgusted by what some people are capable of doing.
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The Reeds (2010)
triangle style,with no sense
25 March 2010
What the hell was this? this movie had so much different vibes going on that it leaves you only with empty plots, hallucinations,dead people coming back to life, a guy going around shooting a bunch of wild teens, they come back in the picture, skeletons in the water, a complete mash up of a movie, sort of the movie triangle but even more mind blowing, in a bad way. you will try to make sense out of the story but there's nothing making any sense,it started good and introduces the main characters well and ends up in a waste of time. The only thing going well for the movie was the acting the rest was a total flop. And the way it all ends just makes the scar even bigger, because when you thought it was already a waist of time it really continues to keep putting you off even by the ending. all in all 1 out of ten just for the acting.
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Scarface (1983)
The best gangster movie ever
20 March 2010
I feel sick when i read negative things about this movie,I've seen lots of gangster movies and are rated much higher and don't even come close to scarface.What are you people that give a movie like this one star and say its a bunch of crap? acting not good, storyline not good, and the list goes on and on. This is the most realistic ,visious, straight to the point well constructed movie with some off the best lines ever told,the true mind of a gangster, when he looses his temper, when he has to stay solid as a rock,were he will not be afraid of no man and will challenge any opponent that tries to outsmart him or be stronger than him. this movie makes you wake up and be strong and face your toughest moments.the attitude al pacino has is of a guy who will not let you stumble on his foot twice,knows that he can get what he wants,and and grabs every opportunity, what did you expect? where was the acting not good? if you did not like al pacinos performance then you don't know what a gangster movie is all about.Respect,money and a woman to make you complete.even when scarface had a mission to eliminate a person while driving a car and there where kids involved he went with his heart and terminated the whole thing, he didn't care about the consequences that he will have to fight against a strong mafia member,he just went with his instinct although he was a tough guy, he had some good inside off him and didn't let anyone higher than him change his way of thinking, and that is what its all about, thats why he says all that I've got is in this world is my word and my b...s and i don't break them for no one. and he fought till the end. that is what gangster is all about, unfortunately he died. but with Honor, Honor that no other man stepped on him and made him look like a p...y. If you didn like the movie because it was violent or over the top then just watch some stupid dramatic feel good movie that ends with a happily ever after bull...t finish, but if you know what it takes to be in these guys shoes and want a good gangster flick that starts from rags to riches, the real deal then this is for you. But don't hate, in my opinion this tops every other gangster movie,THE GODFATHER was good but tame and GOODFELLAS was good but this is the ultimate trip into the mind of a big time gangster.a perfect 10
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Avatar (2009)
Cameron is a Genius
4 January 2010
I don't understand how some people could criticize this outstanding work of art, i never in my life felt so good watching a movie at the theaters and i didn't even watch it in 3d.I liked all of Cameron's work, especially aliens and terminator 2,titanic was OK but nothing to rage about,but this goes on to a whole different level, the scenes in this movie are incredible,the imagination a person has to have to create a movie like this have to be beyond description,not even district 9 comes close to some of the visuals in this movie, the storyline amazing, what else can you ask for. I've read some comments stating that avatar does not belong in the top 250 movies on IMDb, as its numbered 26th i think,well not only should it belong there i personally think it deserves to take first or second place on IMDb's list for the pure genuine pleasure, and Cameron is ahead of time, he proved it in 1991 with T2 JUDJMENT DAY and he proved it again with AVATAR.
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Endless stupidity
27 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was not funny at all, in fact it was pretty patethic, you got this teen surfing, happy with his new surfboard, looses it during a wave, he is still paying it off, and someone else steals it from him, he then tells all his friends about the incident and they start searching for the guy who stole it, they manage to track him down, go to his house, he was not there, instead they explained everything to his dad.His dad gives them back the surfing board and they leave....BUT NO THEY STAYED WAITING. behind some bushy plants drinking beer so that when his son arrives they can beat him up...WOW, so they confront him again this time with his son, and his dad tells them you can either call the cops about this stupid incident he didn't say stupid but that what it is, or you have the permission to strike at my son 3 times. WOW. then something really dumb happens which is a waste of time explaining, to make this long patethic story short they got the board, and they are happy and guess what? the board falls out from the back of the cars open bonnet, they get out of the car to pick it up, and guess what? another car comes their direction and breaks it..SO ORIGINAL, and then you just see the teens and the guy who lost and got his board broken, describing how they got on in their later stages in life. example having kids and stuff. BOOOOOOOOORING
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the only movie that scared me more than the exorcist
22 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
im a real hardcore horror fan, There hasn't been a movie that made me get all paranoid except when i had seen the exorcist, but i slept with that movie. it had its frightining moments,but this is something that leaves you shocked,and not shore if your safe in your own home or not, this doesn't scare you after half an hour of watching the movie, this makes you think at first,come on is this the scariest movie that lots of people keep on talking about? this is boring,but give it time.This movie is deep,realistic,the acting was like as natural as can be,and what they do here is what a real horror movie should have the power to do, it is not exaggerated but leaves a real hard impact,there are some parts in this movie that after you've finished watching it,you regret it like i did, i wanted to watch it alone in the dark at around 1 test myself,knowing that I've heard about similair events that happened in real life . It is so well done, in a dark room with noises,banging ,a camera is always switched on a door moving back and forth a woman being dragged out of bed in a really weird style like a strong evil power of Satan pulled her and ran with her into another room, and closed the door.knowing that the demon is present every night beside you in the dark,footsteps right next to your bed,moving objects,whispers and to make it really terrifyingly you find a burnt picture of yourself in the attic when you where younger in a different location in a different house, and discover it in the house you are living in presently which makes you only think that this force has been following you for such a long time and is always getting worse and more angry ,that is when horror is genuine.and she phones here dad to see weather that picture still existed if i remember correctly and he tells here no. while they are sleeping,always with the camera on,there was a part where the sheets would rise up like a wave as if the demon entered inside the bed with them.NOW THAT IS SCARY.After all that here boyfriend makes some research on his laptop and finds out that a woman had the same problems, and they play the video to see what happened to this other woman,only to find out that she got possessed turned really ugly like a demon and was strapped to a bed for exorcism and bit off here own arm,this footage is not for the faint of heart, and makes it even more scarier, because it is actually giving out another message that things are most likely to get worse. and guess what, they do. even if you are not a religious person and don't believe in these things,i think that this movie will shake you up, and to sleep after this, I Don't THINK SO. unless you watch a couple of comedies after, but that didn't work for me either, in fact i got so paranoid i stayed awake till the morning, i was dead tired and didn't want to put off the lights,i didn't want to touch the sheets,and i couldn't even stop thinking about what i had seen. AND THE WORST PART IS THAT I WAS EXPECTING A NOISE.
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District 9 (2009)
very very good movie
20 October 2009
District 9 is without question one of the best movies of 2009 till now, it looked as if you where watching CNN and at the same time a movie documentary style but as the story develops it really leaves you waiting for more,the aliens, or as they called them prawns looked really unusual, the mother-ship and the environment in this movie seemed to work perfectly,if you had to show it on the news people would actually believe that there are aliens living on this planet, its so well crafted and the acting top notch. you feel simpity for the poor aliens,as they are treated unfairly especially from one of the characters in the movie, im not going into depth not to spoil any good parts of this movie for you, but these prawns have the only power to use their technology, which is more advanced than ours, because of the way they are constructed, in other words you need part of their body to use their weapons, and some sort off gang members that sell stuff to the aliens, one in particular wanted their powers,so that he could be superior to the human beings, and he believed that by consuming the aliens body he could achieve his goal.etc you will c for yourselves if he manages or not.on the other hand one particular person that is promoted to be in charge off this mission receives these powers by mistake,but things don't go well for him at all, his only hope is now becoming friends with a prawn and his son to get back to normal, this is where the movie becomes more and more interesting, i will stop here and really recommend everyone except children to watch this movie.
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8 Mile (2002)
you can do anything you set your mind to
19 October 2009
OK,We all know eminem and his music. Some people get the wrong impression with some of the lryical contents he seems to project, or maybe are put off by the way he raps because of the bad examples that may influence children that are young and want to have the same attitude towards life. But lets be realistic here,times have changed and life has changed,and we all got to admit that films,music and everything in society has changed as well teenagers and adults know that,they experience some dramatic situations,they know what is going on out there and that times got hard and life always becomes more and more complicated. but lets put his music aside and talk about the true meaning of this movie. although it is mainly about hip hop culture and eminems lifestyle,there is a positive message which a lot of us can relate to. a lot might not understand whats so positive about this movie because they don't want to face the real facts of life and keep themselves close minded,but on watching this movie who has an open mind and knows that everything in life requires sacrifice or lets even say practice and if you are in a hard situation you gotta see what your main options are and find out if you can create something with your talent or call it a gift,whatever and eminems talent was rapping and letting loose his angry moments which im sure every each and every one of us have.and this isn't easy, there are lots of fish in the sea that have what your skills require,so you really got to work hard at it and be original, sharp and motivated,keep on thinking positive even when the rainy days come,in fact when they come struggle harder, what doesn't kill you only makes you his first battle he knew that he was capable of doing what he was set up to do but he felt the tension of being rejected. his friends knew he had what it takes to be a great mc and one of them in particular wanted him to show and prove to himself that he can make it, he believed in him till the end,he knew he was going through a rough time and supported him mentally and phisically.and the second time he entered the battle he proved to himself and everyone around him that he had what it takes to be a perfectionist when it comes to hip hop,and that is a satisfaction and proof that you can do anything you set your mind to.and the lesson here is not to give up,or let go of an opportunity that comes your way, believe in yourself, and that is why i give this movie a 9 out of 10
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Borat (2006)
Had a bad day,watch BORAT.
19 October 2009
Sacha Baron Cohen is very smart and played the roll of borat in a spectacularly way. NO 1 some parts of this film had me laughing so hard i couldn't even catch my breath. NO 2 although people thought that this guy is from Kazakhstan and visited America to learn about their culture and needed assistance from American people, he plays up to them in an innocent way which really is funny,because he does things that look genuinely way behind time where he speaks about simple things and about his culture when really he is taking the mickey out of everyone, his manners are very poor, his rude and makes it seem to play out so innocently, in some scenes he offends certain people,buy doing insane stuff, for example he is invited by an American family for dinner starts of a conversation which starts of pretty well but doesn't last very long, as soon as he gets the conversation going he makes the viewers and the people sitting at the table in a very uncomfortable situation it keeps on building up into a disaster in which one of the members tell him thats its getting late to get rid if him as soon as it continues to get worse and so on, and that is only a little portion off what comes your way in this hilarious movie,if you had a bad day at work or maybe you are a little tense with things that crop up in every day life, look no further but to watch this movie, it will certainly cheer you up and relieve your anxiety.
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Silent Hill (2006)
This movie really matched the game.
19 October 2009
When i say this movie really matched the game or lets say games of silent hill, it was spot on, Not like some resident evil which turned out to be a SEQUEL TO A HORROR THE MATRIX. it kept its originality in many ways,very creepy atmosphere,the creepy sounds the way the place changes from its depressing view to a hell hole with disturbing imagery to the disturbing monsters and a terrifying experience that really gets under your skin. the story made sense,the acting was good, and i enjoyed every minute of it, just how a horror movie should be made, for all those fans out there that played the game will notice that this is the closest movie based on what they played,for others who haven't played the game but are horror fans im sure that this would not disappoint them. and for that it deserves a perfect 10
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Hands down one of the best action movies in cinema history
19 October 2009
T2 is an excellent over the top action packed, insane visuals, amazing storyline, some emotional moments, in other words it had everything.Arnold was made for a movie like this, john conner was a really good actor for his age, also Sarah conner his mum, and the T-1000, man for a 1991 movie the effects were stunning, all the shape shifting and other kinds of stuff he can do were amazing.Nothing to do with terminator 3 or salvation which really where disappointing. It also gives out a message to us humans.And a powerful one to. i don't recommend renting this movie. BUY IT. its worth every single penny. And treasure it for it is really a true gem.
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I found it more entertaining than 1 and 2
18 October 2009
OK,a lot say that WRONG TURN 1 was better than 2, i don't think so.Why? it didn't have much action,the story was dragging and it was lacking on the gore side,when comparing it to other modern day horror movies it just didn't do the job. WRONG TURN 2 however was a more solid and entertaining movie, the gore scenes increased and also did the action, and that is what a horror fan, or gore hound looks for, as now we have seen all the executions from 1 and 2 its time to go a little bit further,and thats what wrong turn 3 does, it pushes the levels of the killings and gore on a higher level, the story line wasn't that bad,nor the acting,not top notch but decent. And so it qualifies into todays modern horror giving you some good suspenseful moments. AND YES ALTHOUGH TILL NOW IT IS THE LEAST RATED I THINK IT DESERVES A HIGHER RANK, NOT FOR THE STORY OR THE ACTING BUT JUST FOR THE HIGHER LEVELS OF GORE WHICH WE ALL WAIT FOR WHEN A NEW MOVIE COMES OUT.
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