
4 Reviews
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A hidden gem
26 July 2020
I love feel-good films and this is very much one of them. It is the closest I've seen to my favourite film "Amelie" in its tone. It is quirky and magical. Yes it follows somewhat a formula but that in no way takes away anything from its charm. Visually it is lovely too, with deft use of effects here and there to add a touch of fairy tale mystique. The characters are engaging and the cast is splendid. How is it that this film went under the radar? Utterly delightful
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White Lines (2020)
Utter tripe
29 May 2020
This could have been a good series. A great setting with beautiful scenery and lots of decent actors.The writing though is woeful, the storyline is ridiculous with people creating or walking into one disaster after another. Pretty well all of the characters are caricatures and very unpleasant ones at that. There is so much nastiness interspersed with portentous 'speeches' which are just nonsense. I thought was going to be a slow burner but realised it was just slow and heading nowhere but by then I'd wasted several hours so I stuck it out to the bitter end.
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Queen Sono (2020)
Style over substance
5 March 2020
It looks great and has a lot of ambition but the plot lines and dialogue are woeful. It's like a cheap soap opera but with a big budget. I was hoping for so much more with the feisty main character and the sense of adventure set out in the first few scenes. However only a few minutes in and the whole thing becomes a rambling mess and loses all credibility. This is a great shame as the settings and production are really good. The acting is not terrible as some have said here but they have to contend with scripts which must have by-passed any editing process. I watched two and a bit episodes before finally pulling the plug out of exasperation. Make it better or make it go away
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Sunshine (2007)
22 September 2011
cliché ridden nonsense. Explosion quotient more important than credibility. Don't waste your time. The plot line is micro thin, the characters are pretty well unimportant. Apart from the sheer stupidity of the idea that the sun is going to conk out in 50 years, it is not at all interesting as a story. I'd rather the budget had been blown on anything other than blowing up the set. At no point did I feel engaged with what was going on. Plot spoiler alert? For that you'd need a plot worth spoiling. It was probably a straight to video release, but will eventually make its money back by selling dvds for £3 at the supermarket. How does Cillian Murphy get cast in so many films? He is as wooden as it gets.
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