
6 Reviews
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Cold in July (2014)
Pleasantly Authentic with Amazing cast!
30 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A small "dose" of the underground world of the horrors of snuff films before the internet.

Pleasantly surprised in this one as it retains an authenticity of the period of late 80s. That's always an admiral quality that even some higher budget films lack or fail in smaller detail.

Love the cast! WOW! What a perfect indy script for these guys! Nice to see the diversity and quality in the cast return to the screen.
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Boxing Helena (1993)
So Freakish You Gotta See it
1 June 2015
Most Americans don't like this film because of a general stick up their you can tell by some of the reviewers here...and probably from the bible belt....but this movie so freakish of an idea, like human centipede (without the gross factor) you just gotta just see it.

Definitely a cult classic that the open minded progressive, no-hang up Europeans and Australian can appreciate. Some things you just gotta see. This is one of them.

Jealousy and beauty and control. Freakishly done.

No spoilers here.

I hate text limitations...whether there is a minimum or maximum.
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23 August 2014
Let me make this simple and clear because I really don't want to waste my time.

The 1974 version is for educated mature adults.

This version is for under 16 with little or no reference for history, art, culture or an attention span and care about anything else but lighting themselves on fire. The graphics and effects makes It look like it was made in disneyland for disneyland. Nothing in this emotes or references the 1920s. The hair, music, moves, speech and clothing is so far off it is just a caricature of itself.

Fine to watch to laugh at. The adult version will be the goto as a better film. I was embarrassed for these, which are seasoned actors forced into clown makeup and into to a circus. Very laughable throughout.
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Crooklyn (1994)
GREAT except for Distortion effect
8 May 2013
The distortion doesn't complement anything...and certainly doesn't communicate the blatant literal attempt it tries to. It just takes away from the wonderfully acted and designed set that captures living in the midwest 1970s so well...that now the distortion takes away from it.

The distortion is a really bad idea because your audience is immediately distracted by the first thought as to 'What is wrong with the projectionist?" Next thought is you are now well aware you are in a theatre watching a possible technically error. Thanks for reminding me I'm in a movie...watching a movie....because that's the goal of all filmmakers. At that point, your train of thought has taken you away from the action happening in wonderful detail in the actors expression and set design you fail to miss this "blatant literal" attempt to tell your audience that they can't possibly understand this change in the character's environment so now "I'm going to help you because you are too stupid by the 40 minutes of Brooklyn living to see the difference between the two environments!" Either Spike felt his actors were so bad or his audience to stupid to get it. Sorry Spike...most of us were exposed to slumber parties in other households as children where the culture and environment was vastly different from our own. We didn't need distortion glasses then to know our environment me..your audience get's it and would've better appreciated your art departments, wardrobe's work and the actors performance better without the distortion. Do you really need to be that literal? Are Brooklynites that stupid to get and you put it in there for them? Or do you think people in the suburbs would be too stupid to get it? Really? Any chance of releasing a "Fixed Crooklyn" version so that every time I see that scene....I don't feel like I'm being spoon-fed a narrow viewpoint of a Brooklynite that never got out of their house for a slumber party in the 70s or couldn't fathom other lifestyles? I'm sorry..I don't know about the Brooklyn school system but we had geography and social studies in Middle School. We were taught about other cultures way back in the 70s. I would have expected you would've known about the other world outside your neighborhood by the time you made this movie.

The distortion effect is an epic fail on really one of your best family drama films. It's like a turd in the middle of this great Brooklyn experience of a story.

Other than's a great movie with a lot of replay value. If you ever watch Soul Train back in the 70s or been to a slumber party.....this movie captures the period in a very realistic way! Too bad the distortion takes away from the reality of the suburb scene. I wonder why he didn't distort any of the reality of the Brooklyn scenes? I would think someone coming to Brooklyn from the burbs would expect to see all their movies shot in Brooklyn to have a distorted effect in their local theatres. me stupid!!!
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Six Weeks (1982)
I really adored this movie!
10 June 2009
I also find that people that make stupid comments like "it's a chick flick" are really insulting to women, to the movie and all the work that went into making this film. I can appreciate Canonball Run but wouldn't call it a "red neck afternoon beer chugging" flick!

I have found, over the years, that people who use terms like this when trying to make a useful commentary presentation, do it out of their own insecurity of their feelings that by having these feelings..make them "un-manley". What these ignoramuses don't that most of the educated civilized people in this world...reject that kind of thinking and tend to be "over" that era in their lives. (usually after they turn 16) Some people never grow up.

I would tend to agree with a lot of the "educated" commenter's. You do have it see this film a few times to appreciate the nuances! Also, the acting is superb! The girl is an amazing actor and dancer! The relationships are complex due to the subject matter of the child's viewpoint and circumstances!

If you can remember what it was like being a child and if you were in a single parent home..the desire to be in a "full family" is a great wish in your heart! The uncomfortableness she makes upon them is simply her wish..I think they "as adults" handle it well for the situation. Also, these actors are not "georgeous" just dropped off the "model" bus. These people could be anybody. It has a real feel to it which is something I missed living in this 'twiggy body air-brushed materialistic' era! (yes..M. Tyler Moore is practically anorexic) but she was always thin and I know someone who is very much like that in a Audrey Hepburn way.

If you are open to "dramatic" stories about people and their experiences and are mature about your will enjoy this very much!
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The Invasion (I) (2007)
REVIEWS on IMDb are better than AMAZON
7 June 2009
I can't believe all the bad negative comments on AMAZON . com on this film. Yes..I've seen all the previous "Invasions". Even both "War of the Worlds"..and even "Plan 9 from Outer Space" and how can we forget "The Shining".

Is it because it doesn't have an open ending like the other ones as this one has more closure on the storyline of the "Invasion" films in the past I can appreciate also the slower "thought" process of this version. The creepiness of these people once transformed and how well they hide their alien-selves. This storyline allows for the audience to learn more insightful thoughts of the "aliens" and their viewpoints than in previous versions.

The intro dinner scene of the Doctors thoughts on "progressive thinking" is's an insightful poignant conversation eluding to a way of thinking most humans are blinded of based on "their" current living era and of cultures.

I don't think this movie could've been played by younger actors. Seasoned actors and Nicole Kidman was a good choice.

I have also noticed, in the past 20 years..a lack of appreciation for slower developing plots in films. Or is it lack of "attention span" when someone isn't always getting "whacked" on the screen or cars getting smashed.

I think what one has to ask when viewing sci-fi "Is this what I would do if I was her/him?" AND How much fact is going to validate the storyline in this created world.

I think very few sci-fi films allow for full believability. This is of them that satisfies.

I'm finding so many flaws in the new Star Trek and Terminator story lines.

Such as in Star Trek..I don't find it realistic that a Starfleet Officer would eject and "chuck" a student (in a pod) to a death planet where he would be eaten by huge powerful ferocious creatures! Spoiler (for Terminator and Star Trek) Terminator: I can't see "anti-rejection" drugs being available to organ donors in a post nuke setting! Which invalidated the WHOLE movie right at the end!.

I felt this this version of "Invasions" satisfies completely on this level.

I didn't feel like I was being treated as a complete retard while watching it! I enjoyed it.
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