
4 Reviews
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Goodbye Solo (2008)
must see
23 October 2008
I was trying all week to get these tickets for GOODBYE SOLO at the London Film Fest because I've seen both the directors previous works which had also played there- Man Push Cart and Chop Shop. As soon as the film began i became mesmerized by the seamless blend of the story and photography. Solo is a good natured cabbie from senegal, trying to balance happiness for himself as well as the responsibilities he has for his wife and daughter alex. As Solo develops a relationship with an old man, William - it hits him, he realizes this old man is going to jump off a mountain and he must save him- and his day to day responsibilities shift dramatically, creating a new world for Solo. He even brings in Alex to help him- the three make a new, simply warm friendship. I really felt for Solo and his desire to save the old man who wouldn't bend from his own path. the evolution of their relationship to the very end- made this a truly captivating and real experience you just don't get from the theaters nowadays. not only i really wanted to know what would happen next, but the first half was really funny. i mean, people were laughing out loud, which is different from ramin bahrani's other films. i absolutely recommend this film because it digs deep into you and doesn't let go for days after. I was also lucky enough that the director and the actor (whose name is also Solo) were there and i was able to personally congratulate them on their creation. that guy solo is really good. everyone was commenting on him. check this out if you get a chance.
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first part better than second part
21 October 2008
I saw this movie in ny- overall it kept my attention- The kid was really great- he was spunky and had a strong heart and his rise in the gang was captivating. There were some things I didn't like here though- I felt the director directing- there were a few poetic shots that I felt detracted from the overall focus of the film which was this kid's coming of age/responsibility.. The bad guy was standard skinhead bad guy and reminiscent of American history x and other racially didactic films but that didn't bother me as much as some of the shots the director would interject, drawing away from the root of the story and reminding us this is a movie. The kid went through trauma and his blue collar pride- which gave him rise in the gang, is what made me root for him. I wish the end was better though- the film as a whole was engaging but statement at the end, or lack thereof, didn't finish the story for me and was nothing new. overall entertaining but not brilliant- as it started out to be.
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never caught my interest
13 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The narrative was clear and concise but overall the film never caught my interest- scenes felt flat and uninspired.. Ghengis khan, historically speaking, had a very interesting/epic life but the film failed to capture that- instead focused on small skirmishes as a youth and a love story I think I've seen disguised in a slew of other films. I never felt sympathy nor empathy for the lead- yes he had to overcome slavery but then seemed to have an easy ride to khan- pillaging, killing and double crossing his way to the top. The one redeeming quality was the photography- the landscapes certainly helped the bleak atmosphere of the film, unfortunately combined with the bleakness of the story- I left unmoved, and disappointed..
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good, different type of superhero flick
8 October 2008
Overall this was the best batman movie yet but a lot of it had to do with ledger- wish he was in more scenes and his character- the joker- who came out of nowhere, had more explanation. It had deeper themes than your general superhero movie (e.g. xmen) but i got somewhat confused by the twists and turns of the plot- but that might just be me!! Also I never felt the situation was out of hand for batman, he showed up and did his job every time, was never really challenged or distressed. Maybe there should've been more scenes between the batman and joker- the two main opposing forces in this film. In the end I feel like this film was a good break from its genre because it didn't shy away from the darker side of things.
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