
4 Reviews
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Miss Sloane (2016)
A Truly Outstanding Movie for Our Times
17 May 2017
I attended this Movie not fully appreciating what I was going to be presented with. "WOW", this is by far the best Movie I have seen in an age. It is "AWESOME" and I cannot believe it has been taken off screens after only a week.

What does this say about the "Distributors" and the "Movie going Public"? Today we play to the Money only and to the lowest common denominator in terms of entertainment. It's such a shame that so many potential customers have not been given a chance to see "Miss Sloane" in the Cinema.

I rate this as perhaps Jessica Chastain's greatest performance. "Miss Sloane" is a great movie. I found it; Fast, Slick, Intelligent, Current and myself completely unable to predict the Plot twists and turns. Great performances by everyone involved, both in front and behind the camera.

I totally recommend this brilliant movie.
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The Way (I) (2010)
It's not "The Way", it's "Our Own Way"
19 May 2011
This is surely Emilio Estevez's Masterwork, in the same way as was Costner's "Dances with Wolves". It is "The Quiet Epic"! The movie didn't require; Noise, CGI, Foul Language or Special Effects - all that it needed and got were; Across the Board Top Class Acting Performances and Brilliant Cinematography.

Although, no longer a spring chicken, I spent over 2 hours completely engrossed in this film, alternating between tears and laughter. I found it was a movie made with such loving care that it encouraged, and enabled me, to share their experience and make my own life journey with them. My own emotions and life history became intermingled with theirs. I feel it was Emilio's intention for us all to take "Our Own Way".

My main sadness is that so many people will be unable to see it at cinemas, as it has only been given a single weeks run to facilitate the usual glut of "So called Blockbusters". Movies like The Way need time to breathe, as "Word of Mouth" is the key to expanding Audience figures and the wider appreciation such a work deserves..
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Australia (2008)
A Brilliant Epic brought down by todays "Ignorant and the Arrogant".
7 January 2009
Baz Luhrmann has produced a brilliant, "Romantic Drama" Blockbuster Epic in "Australia". Those who conceived it, made it, & starred in it can be justifiably proud. However, globally, it will very likely be deemed a financial flop. The question is why?

Great Epics from the past like; "Gone with the Wind", which used the Amercian Civil War & Slavery as its backdrop, and "Dr. Zhivago", which used the 1st World War & the Russian Revolution as its backdrop never delved far into any form of social commentary. They simply hung their sweeping romantic sagas against factual historical backgrounds to heighten the impact of the romance & drama.

"Australia" does exactly the same, using the 2nd World War & the treatment of Aboriginal Australians as the historical background for it's epic romance. How then, can so called critics, professional & otherwise, pan the movie for not making more social commentary and trying to cover too much historical ground.

We all know Americans in general have difficulty in getting past themselves, and of course as the Movie is not American made, doesn't use American Money, doesn't carry American Stars, and is not set in America it attracts the near maximum number of strikeouts, and as with Mamma Mia, which had 2.5 Strikes against it, financial failure in the USA is almost assured.

It seems to me, that thanks to "Progress", today produces vast quantities of; Bored, Ignorant and Arrogant people, many of them young and unable to concentrate on one thing more than a few minutes. Unless we have a CGI ridden, unrelenting action, blood & gore movie or, a trivial, meaningless, base, humourless, horror/comedy movie then, it will be destined for failure. Unfortunately, this appears to be the fate awaiting "Australia" - one of the Great Movies.
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The Closer (2005–2012)
First Rate Show coupled with, poor past Studio Policy
19 August 2006
Our family enjoy this Show immensely. the story lines and acting performances are second to none, and require a thoughtful approach to fully appreciate. This is an all to rare commodity in current USA TV Series. However, we have never been able to understand why "Top Notch" series in the USA, such as this show, live under constant threat of the axe by Studio Executives, who appear to be totally uninterested in good quality long term returns, and only interested in the immediate dollar return on low quality short lived shows!! We sincerely hope, now the second Season is well under way, that 'The Closer' will enjoy a prolonged life with its regular cast.
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