
2 Reviews
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In the Fire (2023)
Good visuals, slow plot
16 February 2024
'Into the fire' had an interesing premis, was very visually engaging, and the acting was good. The plot moved a little slowly, but it became more enjoyable as the film went on. I think some aspects of the plot could have been explored a little more effectively within the run time. The 3 main characters were all fairly well developed, though I do feel that they lacked unique character traits, and there were interesting aspects of each character that were never addressed, especially with the doctor. I think more character work would have really improved the film overall, as I sometimes struggled to follow what each character was actually motivated by.
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Black Mirror: Beyond the Sea (2023)
Season 6, Episode 3
Very good but longer than necessary
17 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed the story, but it easily could have been 20 minutes shorter without losing anything that added value to the episode. I don't mind longer episodes, but the extra run time did impact the pacing which made the story feel frustrating at times. I'd also expect that with such a long run time, the writers would have been able to develop the characters a bit more. Amazing performances from all of the actors though, especially Aaron Paul. As well as an interesting premise and setting, the acting in this is what stood out to me. It's genuinely amazing how good this episode was considering I don't think the writing and pacing was particularly good, and I think a lot of that has to do with how well cast this episode was. It's honestly a shame about the pacing issue, because I would have given it full marks otherwise.
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