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Inspector Morse: Service of All the Dead (1987)
Should show this as an example of bad tv directing
Plot issues aside (and this is one of the worst plots in the entire series - and, yeah, completely cringe -worthy "romance") - this is shot so terribly that it interferes with the very bad plot. The director only wanted to shoot through something else (windows, candles, bushes), or super up close shots done with a handheld camera to induce motion sickness and obscure what is going on, or off a mirror. I mean - it's like a film student gone wild with showy experimental shots that serve no purpose and directly impede storytelling. They should show this in film school as an example of what not to do.
I love Morse, and Lewis...and later - Endeavor. Watched all of these with my mum back then and have rewatched them all over the years. This one, however, is utterly dreadful!
David Letterman's Holiday Film Festival (1985)
One of the funniest things I ever saw...
I wish this was out on video because it was one of the most hilarious shows ever to be broadcast. My sister and I still quote from "PMS" - the Andrea Martin/Catherine O'Hara short. The weak points are David Letterman's short and Bette Midler's "Why Bother?". Of course, even the weak points are great. The musical number in the industrial parody is also great. A musical production number about "Farm Implements!" Brilliant! The 1986 special is available but NO ONE - and I mean, NOBODY - appears to have this rare 1985 bit of brilliance. I've looked in broadcasting museum collections. I've checked message boards and collectors on Ebay. No luck. If anyone ever knows how to get a copy - please post it here!