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Jason Lives!! Well, not exactly but those 80s kids grew up to make Johnny Lives instead
31 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
You had to have grown up during the 80s to fully appreciate what the filmmakers did here. Back during the slasher film craze where mistreated, deformed kids grew up to become hulking serial killers made for some great fun at the drive in. Every week a new slasher movie came out from Prom Night, Terror Train, Final Exam, and even the famous of them all, Friday the 13th which gave us Jason over and over again. There was always some warped back story to why the killer became a killer and the plays out here. The eery music added to thrills which made also made those movies intense.

Fast forward to this one and you've got the same formula reconditioned for today. The killer this time is a mistreated little boy named Johnny who gets resurrected when some dumb teens mess with a place they're not supposed to and take something that's not theirs. The massacre begins and the make up effects were inventive here including some vicious but creative kills. Tom Savini would be impressed. There's no real music score here though which can lead to some slow, dull moments in between. However, with a title like this one has, you'll get what you paid for.
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Three Ways (2022)
23 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So I'm supposed to like this because I'm a man of color. Sorry but I found this to be nothing but soft core pornography trash. Basically, there's a young woman who's the central character here. She's awkward romantically and sexually because the first relationship we see her in ends when the man calls her out for her inexperience. So along comes so high schools teacher and another woman. They talk about about a threesome and we see and hear the point of views of three central characters as they contemplate their sexual tryst. That's pretty much the whole movie. Some lame scenarios meant for cheap laughs. The third act where the three way actually happens was soft core pornography. For a movie hitting mainstream like the Hulu network there's nothing left to the imagination of what's shown. All parts of male and female anatomy are shown including body fluids. I get what the filmmakers were trying to do here but they traded in a good story for near hardcore scenes of oral and physical sex. There's lots of nudity here and nothing is held back so keep the kids out the room. I'm sorry but the message about love and relationships in today's world just got lost for cheap corny jokes and nudity.
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It's the same movie from 2008
20 May 2024
The first time I saw this movie I enjoyed it. The atmosphere was creepy and you didn't know the intentions of the three antagonists. They were creepy and played up to the suspense and torment effectively.

Fast forward to whatever this is and it's the exact same movie. Literally a remake that's inferior to the original movie. Personally, I found it dull and was expecting more with a director like Renny Harlin at the wheel.

When I saw if you saw the 2008 movie then you've seen this one. Since all the suspense was revealed 16 years ago then the only reason for this to exist is a cash grab. There's no new story and the same third act is there but no where near effective. This is one you can save money on and skip.
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I'll admit to a few chuckles but not worth the $11 ticket
12 May 2024
This movie is corny to the point of flat out silliness but that can be expected based on the title. If you're familiar with the Tyler Perry movies and the religious stuff he puts out there in context so to speak then these jokes will make sense. Even then the humor wore off for me after so many of the same slapstick movies that started with Airplane. Even the first Wayans brothers Scary Movie was funny. This one feels like it does try a little bit too hard for the same result. I'll admit though, adding Mickey Rourke to the mix was actually a good move. Although he'll probably look back and call this garbage, he does look like he's having fun. So just about every cliche sequence you've seen in a Tyler Perry movie is spoofed here. So if you have seen Tyler Perry's work then you'll get this one. If not, then skip it because some of the jokes are direct spoofs of past work of his. Otherwise, wait for streaming services unless you have $11 burning a hole in your pocket.
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Shot Caller (2017)
The slow deterioration of man
8 May 2024
I'd never heard of this movie before and decided to check it out. I worked as a correctional officer when I was 21 while I finished college. I can tell you this movie is pretty much an accurate representation of what it's like inside. Inmates have their own code and laws they live by. There's a "pod boss" or in this case as the movie's title says a shot caller.

The main character starts off as clean cut, non threatening and very naive. He's accepted a plea deal that gives him 16 months in prison. However, he learns you either fight in prison or die in prison. In which case we see not only a deteriorating mental state of what he once was but he's slowly evolving into an emotionless monster. A lot of men in prison will isolate their humanity so that they appear strong in prison because the weak get victimized. There's also a yard called, administrative segregation, which is a mostly protective custody yard. Inmates don't like going this route because it means they could be labeled a snitch in prison or worse, be convicted of sex crimes, including those considered sensitive charges involving under age victims.

Very few movies get you involved with its main character and especially one where we see someone evolve into a monster right before our eyes. The third act reveals the film's title but the entire storyline is a powerful portrayal of someone trying to hold on to their identity. Whatever last bit of humanity a person has left can quickly fall away in prison no matter who you are.
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Insanely terrific!!
29 April 2024
I'll admit I walked into this not expecting much. The screening was surprisingly good and actually does what action movies do-deliver action. I know the German U boats were obliterating anything in the oceans that aided their enemies but I didn't know it was to the extreme that Winston Churchill would do something about it to keep England from starving.

The cast was terrific led by Henry Cavill and Allan Huston deserves to be above the posters of movies he's in. Hes got the makings of an action hero and is hilarious to watch here. TIL Shweiger is always terrific and here he made a formidable bad guy.

Now before people start tripping about what is and what isn't true, let me just say this is a movie and even the director mentioned going overboard on the action. This isn't a documentary but an entertaining, fast paced action movie about a real event in history.
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Vendetta (2015)
These are the B movies that used to play at drive ins in the 80s!! And I loved it!!
21 April 2024
First of all, don't walk in expecting citizen Kane or an Oscar worthy performance by its lead. This movie is a B movie action flick and that's all it's going to be. If you were a child in the 80s or just remember growing up during that period, you'll remember these were the type of action movies that flooded drive in movie screens everywhere. You didn't have to look far for those revenge thrillers complete with over the top acting and action.

Dean Cain Vs The Big Show appear in this made by the people who bring professional wrestling to your tv screens. An over the top revenge movie about a cop who seeks payback from the man who killed his family. Even I laughed at how the one time cop decides to infiltrate a prison in general population after it's made known he wore a badge once upon a time. Still, that kind of logic has no place in movies like this. Had this been made in the 80s it would have been screened theatrically nationwide instead of "limited releasing" it had allegedly had. Although I don't recall it playing in any theaters but at 90 minutes of run time you'll get a decent little time killer. Mindless, dumb action, B movie lovers, especially from the 80s, will get a kick out of this. Just check your brain at the door.
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Civil War (2024)
Best movie of 2024
11 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Everyone saying this was thought provoking and real.

I'm just saying it's a pretty damn good movie. The best performances on screen you might see this year. Reminds me of the old movie Day After, a what if fantasy about nuclear war. This is a what if movie about America breaking down and turning against each other. We don't need a foreign invasion because we destroy ourselves in the end.

California and Texas teaming together is pure fantasy but it makes for an interesting story line.

Warming: the easily triggered PC babies might find this movie offensive and may try to cancel the makers. Likewise the powerful one percent folks will do the same.

Then there's the crowd of folks like me who Just don't give a crap. This is just an excellent movie period.
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How did I miss this??
26 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The actor most known for playing Stormshadow in the GI Joe franchise is a big star in Korea. A friend recommended this one time but wanted to warn me of its brutality. This movie is nothing nice if anything a pretty disturbing yet accurate look of how far one person will go for revenge. The serial killer in the movie is remorseless and has no mercy whatsoever as you'll see in that opening scene. Picture the killer for Se7en up against a cop who's just as brutal and merciless as he is. Yet, where the killer has no consciousness whatsoever, our hero actually does. I've got to say the last scene where things have concluded and you see the hero cop just break down in tears got to me. That scene was an effective way of telling the audience the difference between good and evil is the humanity in good people. I'd say before Hollywood gets ahold of this and ruins it with some glamorous remake, see this original version first. This is an effective thriller of man's inhumanity against man.
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Well, it's definitely something different
17 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This magical satire still has me shaking my head as to what I just watched. So there's magical societies across the universe and one involves people of color. There job is to make white people happy and feel better. At first, I thought WTH?? Apparently, by keeping white films happy they're less likely to make life harder for black folks.

David Alan Grier is strictly playing for satire here as believe it or not, the formula actually works. However, the new young man in the audience begins to question why make others happy before ourselves? Plus, his new found romance gives him the confidence he needs to pursue success in his own life. To say there's multiple magical societies is saying there's multiple agendas out there, including one involving girlfriends and wives.

While the movie is fair and plays on sarcasm, it doesn't have much to offer after that. In an election season, this one feels like it's trying too hard to be a good movie.
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The Reading (I) (2023)
Everyone forgot Monique can act!!
16 March 2024
The movie looked cheap and generic from the advertising but a coworker recommended it. I decided to check it out and was really surprised at how good it is!! Monique is a comediane but folks forget she's also won an Oscar.

This is sorta like a horror/mystery/supernatural movie which honestly I hadn't figured out. In fact the ending was something else and caught me off guard.

This is a mystery thriller in the sense of trying to figure the character out. What happened? Is there a possession going on here? No spoilers but that's where the title "The Reading" comes from. That's all I'm going to say, oh and you won't be disappointed in checking this one out.
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Damsel (2024)
I'm not sure what everyone else watched but this is one of the better action movies this year
12 March 2024
Not sure why the bad reviews this movie actually has some heart to it. In fact, I'd say Netflix is stepping up their game on quality. Compared to what's showing in theaters at the time of this writing(3/11/24). You're better off staying in with some popcorn and relaxing on the couch in your own home because this is actually entertaining.

No spoilers but the trailer pretty much sets up the story. However the third act reveals a pretty satisfying conclusion and I found myself rooting for the dragon. All is not what it seems in the land of Damsel but you'll enjoy a pretty decent ride finding out.
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Why the hate?? It's pretty decent
9 March 2024
Jeffrey Dean Morgan is underrated in my opinion but in the last ten years his star has climbed. Thanks to his role as Neegan on Walking Dead, I was curious because I read the book it's based on. I could actually picture Jeffrey Dean Morgan as the main character in the novel and he's not bad in the film. This is a solid detective story where an American cop goes to England to investigate the murder of his daughter on her honeymoon. There is solid character development but I do think the big reveal was given way too early. The third act was satisfying but could have been a little better. Still, I rate this 9/10 because not a lot of crime thrillers offer much mystery anymore. I'd like to see more of this character in future movies but due to the poor box office that might not happen.
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26 February 2024
At first I thought this could be one of those throwback revenge flicks like Gator Bait and I spit on your grave. Then I thought maybe it's just made to look like a throwback movie and is like a Tarrantino/Robert Rodriguez flick. Nope Instead this trash is about nothing except an excuse for bad acting and nude shots of amatuer actresses trying to break out in the movies.

For those looking for nudity, this has plenty of male and female nudity but it's full of stupidity. I'm not even sure the revenge story is really there because it looks like it was shot with a homemade video camera. Don't be fooled by the cover of the movie poster, this is not a throwback flick of movie that Robert Rodriguez might be involved in. This is just garbage.
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No Way Up (2024)
Decent little Netflix thriller
25 February 2024
For once, Netflix is starting to put out some decent movies and count this as one of them. The story is pretty simple, it's a disaster movie put out there like a horror movie. Except disasters really can be scary and what makes this work is that plane crashes do happen.

So the movie plays more as your standard, run of the mill, everybody from all places that can fit into an airplane are thrown together. You know the plane is about to go down because, well duh, that's in the advertisement. What I expected was cheesy, melodrama and instead I got a decent little thriller. Once the sharks showed up I actually found myself on the edge of my seat. While it won't win any Oscars, it's a nice little piece of decent entertainment.
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Lady Ballers (2023)
A hilarious story this side of the Farrelly brothers!!
17 February 2024
Back in the day movies like Shallow Hal and Stuck on You came out where folks just wanted a good laugh. This one is reminiscent of what comedy was before the sissies took over. Curiosity made me want to watch this after all these sensitive sissy la la folk went online complaining about how offended they were this movie got made.

Naturally, this makes you curious why the hate when the trailer is actually funny. A group of dudes past their youth decide to take advantage of the current PC climate in sports. They use the loop hole of men identifying as women to compete in women's sports because after all, society says so right now. Through it all is one of the best comedy movies in years!! Reminiscing about those Farrelly brothers movies from back in the day this one ranks up their in the laugh category. I say see this one if you're a comedy fan and forget about the triggered sissies.
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The Super (1991)
What movie did others watch??
31 January 2024
I first saw this in theaters back when it opened and lmbo. I found it again on Tubi and still enjoyed it very much. Why the low ratings?? The movie was actually very entertaining then and now. It's a lot better than some of these so called politically correct movies out today. In fact, the third act was actually a feel good moment done a lot better than the crap out today. Joe Pesci has comedic timing and big personality that's funny and quite moving.

Unsure why people said this isn't funny?? I know everyone has their own opinions but this is a comedy that actually makes you laugh. The corvette on bricks moment was hilarious. If you got 90 minutes to kill and want a decent funny movie with one of the better actors in the world check this one out.
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Once upon a Christmas time
28 January 2024
A Manson style group of killers are terrorizing different towns during Christmas and make their way to an all girls school. The school has shut down for the holiday break and two girls with their teacher stay behind. That kid from Aladdin is the leader of the killers and vicious. Make you wonder where Cliff and his pit bull dog are when you need them.

Okay if you got the Tarrantino reference then right on. This isn't a bad little slasher movie and the Christmas setting makes it unsettling. With a pretty much abandoned school the killers easily pick their prey. Theres a decent amount of terror and suspense here and conclusion I found satisfactory.
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I.S.S. (2023)
Idk what some of these folks who gave it a bad review saw??!!
20 January 2024
Lots of folks downing this movie must have some sort of bias when they see an actual story resembling some sort of originality.

The story line was actually pretty realistic and accurately displayed a "what if" situation.

What if the US and Russia were to suddenly engage in war with each other? What if the only hope for American folks lies in a man made structure somewhere in outer space? I found the movie be claustrophobic at times and kept me on the edge of my seat. This is not a sequel or some sort of over played comic book flick but an actual scary situation that could happen. This reminded me of an older movie called Day after Tomorrow from decades ago. What made it scary was the state of the world at that time. Similar to that movie and even a hint of the original Alien movie. It's like you're caught up in the action on screen while wondering if this whole thing will even end well for either side. I'd say if you go into this one, go into it expecting an original storyline and not some hyper fantasy comic book movie. This is not that kind of movie.
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The song by Mary Mary brought me here
15 January 2024
This movie came out in 2003 and I remember not seeing a lot of interest in it even with the MTV promo. What turned me off is that when it was announced to go into production P Diddy or puff daddy or whatever he calls himself now was supposed to be in the lead. Not a fan and had no interest in it. Then when Cuba gooding came on board I thought maybe a cable viewing but wasn't about to drop cash to see this.

Anyhow, the song by Mary Mary came on the radio one day and I thought it was great. Where could I buy it? I googled the song and it somehow ended up here. The movie is fairly decent, a lot of fish out of water cliches, plus the wonderful acting of Beyoncé. Lol!

There's a few laughs, but the music is terrific and overshadows the entire movie. The Ojays are terrific as well as Lil Zane and T Bone. Even Montel Jordan had me tapping my finger. Cuba gooding does his best for an over done story with no one to help him carry the show. The real show is the gospel singing at the end with all the talent they managed to secure for this but otherwise buy the soundtrack and save some money and time.
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I loved it!!
15 January 2024
Again, what's up with all these negative reviews?? Seriously, saying this is a bad movie, compared to what?? It's a slasher movie so you'd compare it to others unless you're just not a fan of horror or slasher flicks. What annoys me the most is these amatuer movie critics who post their opinions on some wannabe siskel and ebert way. Everyone has an opinion and here goes mine.

If you're a fan of horror comedy movies like Happy Death Day and Freaky then you're likely going to enjoy this one. As a person who grew up in the hey day of slasher movies of the eighties and nineties I really enjoyed to twist to this one incorporating a classic Christmas movie.

Justin Long is the type of creep we dislike but I've got to admit even I didn't know where this one was going until the very end. The horror comedy works good here especially at 90 minutes making this the perfect running time for a Christmas themed horror show.

For those elf us who enjoy horror movies and particularly those with a theme, albeit slasher or holiday, this one works well and is pretty decent.
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The Beekeeper (2024)
Action movie lovers rejoice
14 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
If you're one of those wannabe social media, siskel and ebert fake critics, then you'll probably dislike this movie because it's not artsy fartsy or cinematic for you. For those of us who like action movies on the other hand know what we get with a Jason Statham movie. This one will not disappoint as it's a fast moving, exciting, piece of action that's worthy of the $11 ticket price.

Some of the best action sequences on film are here with a pretty decent little revenge story. I found myself rooting for Statham as he kicks apart the greedy corporate culture that preys on unsuspecting people.

Turns out his character is one you don't want to mess with or piss off especially when it comes to his friends. I found myself comparing the current presidential administration and tried to figure out was this the useless child of our current commander in chief or that person who lost in 2016. Anyhow, grab some popcorn and prop your feet up. Sit back and enjoy one of the best action movies to come out in a long time.
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10 January 2024
Let me just say very rare does a movie like this comes along that examines the outer story to get your butt into a seat but at the same time have a meaning of human emotion. Movies like Shawshank Redemption and Saving Private Ryan examine show an outer story to grab your attention but manage to introduce you to characters that stay with you after the movie ends. This is the same type of storytelling that in my mind couldn't be more perfect.

The story is one of hope and not giving up no matter that life throws at you. This movie should have been advertised more because I think an opportunity was there to get a message to world where everyone is self centered right now and could use a little bit of inspiration. This one is destined to be a classic but mange to see it in a theater if you're able to.
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Night Swim (2024)
Plays better as a tv movie of the week
6 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
A tame, some what boring horror movie with Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn's kid. I wanted to like it and in fact was anticipating it after the new years.

Basically, this is a tv movie of the week that could air on the lifetime network except it has some cussing and adult themes to it. There's like two jump scares which I admit did catch me off guard but after the end I'm like, WTH?? Seriously? That's it??

Let me sum it up for you so you can save your money. A kid died in 1992 and a family moves in unaware until they realize something is happening with the pool. Turns out is self sustains itself-which I didn't know wasn't possible because of a natural water source nearby. The pool is a key plot point because it has the ability to heal a sick person but in exchange it requires a sacrifice.

This is where the story started to get hokey for me. Not gonna reveal much more after that as to what is the driving force behind everything but let's just say there was some potential there for a really scary antagonist. Still, at PG-13, it's a tame version of what could have been a potentially dark and disturbing horror film. Instead you get 98 minutes-about 90 more than needed to wrap up a slow moving flick.
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Three hours and 29 minutes later not counting previews made for a long night
1 January 2024
This is something I could have seen at home instead of dropping $11 to see. The movie is flat out too long and has no real conclusion other than words telling us the aftermath. I mean, I wasted 3 and half hours for you to show me cue cards explaining the aftermath?? You could have made this a compact 2 hour show or actually filmed the aftermath instead of sit through this snore fest. I'm sure the marquee names attached are to draw you in but man, after sitting in the theater for this amount of time??? I normally say don't waste your money on bad movies but in this case I say don't waste your time either. Snooze fest.
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