
16 Reviews
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I'm glad they didn't push wokism
13 October 2023
This show was amazing all on its own without even indirectly saying that women are better than men, which they probably would have lost anyway if it came down to including both sexes.

Great show!

I appreciate whoever did the subtitling since I know absolutely zero Korean. LOL

It's great the the women weren't trying to do or say anything in order to get us to like them more but instead were being genuine.

Plus the whole rules etc were wonderfully organized and interesting.

Yes, as a man there are a few women in it that I would love to date but that's unrealistic anyway due to this being the online world. Hehe

I don't know if the sequel can be better than the original.

Please prove me wrong!

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Heart of Stone (I) (2023)
The narrative is why I only gave it 30%
12 August 2023
If not for the wrong narrative I'd have given it a 95-100% due to how great it was put's like the hot woman version of Tom Cruise's Mission Impossible movie. Mind you, she also played Wonder Woman in the DC superhero movies.

That was also why I didn't give it only a 10%.

Why did I overall rate it so low?

As I said, the narrative.

They limit our options, like in politics, to only 2.

In this case, the end result is still the "uniparty", but specifically for this movie they limit us to having Artificial Intelligence (or any variation of it) be in control of humanity, whether from an unelected group with nefarious intensions or from an unelected group with good intentions.

It doesn't matter if the intentions are good or not when the overall result is terrible anyway!
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The Ark (2023– )
This series reminds me of the Stargate Universe series
28 June 2023
But with far more actors!

Despite the wokism in season 1, at least they didn't shove it down our throats (though at times it seemed close)...essentially, that was the only issue I had with the series but relative to its peers in this decade, it's thankfully tame in that regard.

Everything else?


Oh, the meal plan was not ridiculous. The 3/10 reviewer maybe doesn't know that this approach is typical of super expensive restaurants, where you get almost no food on a plate and the plate covers far more space than the food. I think this was done in the series to both mock that lifestyle and make it obvious how little food/portions they were initially allowed to eat.

So I give it a 9/10.

I'd add that I don't like the idea of leaving the fate of humanity in any power-hungry hands, but at least there were attempts to curtail/avoid that in this series. Whether they succeeded or not, I won't mention or else that'll spoil it.
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The Exodite (2022– )
As a TV series on its own, its lacking, but based on a game? Maybe it's not.
18 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A super short animated sci fi TV series (only about a total of a half hour, split into 3 episodes) has its moral/basis incorrect due to missing an important philosophical component.

They incorrectly state: "The tragedy of existence is that the only path to understanding is to suffer." Now, if they are including figurative suffering and not limiting to physical, then they are correct.

See, the full truth is that the only path to understanding is humility.

But to become humble, sadly, we created beings must almost always emotionally suffer due to being so proud/arrogant, and therefore resistant.

FYI: confidence is not pride/arrogance, and includes humility

My review {spoiler alert regarding their moral of their story): Their 3rd/last episode shares a valid point.

Essentially that good intentions don't equate to proper methods and/or proper results, due to (well, here they don't say, but it's implied it's due to creatures of any species not being 100% pure in motives 100% of the time).

This point is shared by the being that the group is trying to capture alive.

I will add that a later character added at the very end seems to be orchestrating all of this with macro management. And that this end of series character is an illuminati individual, with their infamous symbol. I didn't really hear his/its philosophy though. Would have to relisten to catch that. Was focused too much on the action wrapping up.

Oh, my suspicion initially was correct.

What was my suspicion?

That this TV series was made to indirectly advertise a sci fi role playing game.

I found out right after watching the 2nd episode, by searching online.

Yes, this series is about a group of some of the characters in a role playing game called Warhammer, and appears to have existed for decades.

Oh, I give this TV series a 70% rating, if it was as a standalone.

I don't know about the game its based on, so I can't rate according to that.
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The Flash (I) (2023)
Don't use CGI to represent real people next time, until we can't tell the difference.
18 June 2023
This Flash movie was about as good as any Flash movie will ever get, other than the special effects could use a lot more improvement so that things actually look real (or use old style detailed puppets to fill in if CGI still isn't realistic in appearance enough).

Adding in other famous superheroes, or alternate versions of them, helped the Flash a bit (since his powers are a little more boring than Aquaman's), especially the addition of Batman.

This last note is what helped saved this movie from only being a 3/10 rating.

So I gave it a 7/10 instead.

If not for the noticeably imperfect CGI I'd have given it a 9/10.
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Far too inaccurate
5 June 2023
It's good that they disclaimer it in advance that this movie will be taking a creative approach and that it won't be historically accurate, but in the process they ended up adding in extra scenes that detract from what the Bible says about his later fight against Goliath, about why and how it was basically a miracle in his winning that battle. How so? They have him fighting 2 humans long before then. The Bible has it that he never fought any humans until against Goliath, but rather against animals attacking the sheep he was guarding. And the Bible mentions which specific types of animals those were.

There was no point in watching the rest...
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Lebron the person is unfairly maligned by movie reviewers
5 June 2023
1- I was not a Lebron James fan 2- he still is not as great of a basketball as Michael Air Jordan 3- but he may be a better person than MJ, especially with his harder beginnings

4- but my rating isn't based on any of the above, which it shouldn't be, but unfortunately those who hate him regarding his basketball life rated him instead of the movie...this was an excellently orchestrated movie etc!

(I hope all the best for him in his personal life, despite the fame challenges)

To fill in the required characters: I now realize why he keeps going to new teams...he's trying to relive his childhood bonding experiences and keeps finding his new teammates fall into fame pits.
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Black Knight (2023– )
It promotes communism over fascism, both are totalitarianism
2 June 2023
It was excellently done in not making it obvious that it is a propaganda film.

Yes, they are correct about all the wrongs of fascism, including vaccines being made to make people more unhealthy/dead instead of the opposite, etc but in the process their solution is to promote the wrongs of communism.

Both communism and fascism are unfair forms of government. They both are totalitarianism.

Folk_egm was only correct about giving it a low score (which to me is still too high, 50%) but their listed reasons are complete lies.

In addition, comedy is a cultural thing for Koreans to help them cope. We could learn from that.
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Duty After School (2023– )
This show was, shockingly, almost perfect!
30 May 2023
Why do I say almost perfect but still gave it a perfect score?

Because 9.8 out of 10 isn't an option.

The acting was almost always amazing!

The suspense was too.

The plotline was superb! (and for the reviewers complaining about the fun the kids were temporarily having, frig, they're still kids, and also, there are different ways to cope with trauma, which this series did an excellent job of exemplifying, including the great acting in doing so) Thankfully no wokism was pushed on us, since it showed the good and bad for both sexes, nor pushed alternative sexes onto us viewers.

Also, thankfully no political ideology of any persuasion was either.
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A spin on a previously original movie idea
27 May 2023
I'll mention the positive first:
  • better than B level acting (but not better than A level)
  • very good plotline (except for CCP typical 1 person sacrifices self for everyone alive)

Now some of the negatives:
  • terrible script/lines
  • terrible camera work
  • even worse CGI.

Now, regarding my subject/head line: The idea of plants attacking humans (including the design of the plants' cannibalistic "heads") comes from the book/movie The Day Of The Triffids".

That old movie wasn't too bad.

This movie is slightly better than that black & white one.

But the book is better than both.

So the current "Featured Review" is wrong.

Mind you, they probably didn't know about that old book/movie.
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Wolf Warrior (2015)
Yes, I didn't give it a 10 because it promotes the CCP, but
20 May 2023
Yes, I didn't give it a 10 because it promotes the CCP (the Chinese Communist Party) ideology, but everything else about the movie is great, which is why I gave it a 9.

The main character is an extremely honourable man, who does the proper thing no matter the consequences, whether it'll help his nation's corrupt enemies or his nation's corrupt leadership.

He does try to promote nationalism over globalism, which I admire, since I am not a hypocrite and am therefore every country's citizens to have sovereignty, even when I disagree with their politics, as long as they don't try to interfere with other countries'. (unless becoming citizens of a different country, where then they are supposed to switch allegiance anyway)

Yeah yeah, the acting, camera work, plotline, etc were all great, but I'm focusing instead on the NARRATIVE of the movies I review.

I highly respect this version of a CCP'er.

Still disagree with the ideology itself, but honour is transferrable, just like talents and skills.
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Almost as good as its previous movie.
20 May 2023
Yes, I didn't give it a 10 because it promotes the CCP (the Chinese Communist Party) ideology, but everything else about the movie is great, which is why I gave it an 8.

The main character is an extremely honourable man, who does the proper thing no matter the consequences, whether it'll help his nation's corrupt enemies or his nation's corrupt leadership.

He does try to promote nationalism over globalism, which I admire, since I am not a hypocrite and am therefore every country's citizens to have sovereignty, even when I disagree with their politics, as long as they don't try to interfere with other countries'. (unless becoming citizens of a different country, where then they are supposed to switch allegiance anyway)

Yeah yeah, the acting, camera work, plotline, etc were all great, but I'm focusing instead on the NARRATIVE of the movies I review.

I highly respect this version of a CCP'er.

Still disagree with the ideology itself, but honour is transferrable, just like talents and skills.
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It was better than expected, except
20 May 2023
It was better than expected, except for a childhood scene of a camp counsellor's comments around a campfire.

That brief scene ruined an otherwise great movie.

How so?

The movie, and be extension, his personal life, was a great example (actually more than 1 example, including his interactions with others) of the Biblical approach to forgiveness. The brief camp scene is anti Biblical.

Confront the wrongdoer and when they humbly admit their wrong forgive/pardon them.

Also, when doing wrong to others, humbly admit that to those you've wronged, and even if they don't forgive/pardon you, at least God will and in addition at least you obeyed His standards., offering ways to earn your victim(s) forgiveness is Biblical. It's called restitution. Now, if they choose to forgive/pardon you without doing that, first make certain they 100% mean that or else it'll eat away at them over time inside them.
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Praise This (2023)
This is what's wrong with churches
8 April 2023
First, I compliment the actors are outstanding performances based on what their director expected!

And really good camera work etc.

This movie wisely goes the old Fake Law Movement BUT foolishly does so with the Fake Grace Movement!

But, this this is supposed to represent Biblical Christianity this movie instead promotes superficiality...yes, some of the other characters their characters were competing against were hypocrites but to indirectly strongly promote unChristlike behaviour, especially from supposedly Christian leaders, is also a problem.

...apparently my review was too short. Here.
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Amazing documentary
25 October 2022
I'm not a Candace fan but I give credit to where it is due.

This was an amazing investigative documentary that ended up exposing lies and revealing truths!

The only issue I have is not enough closeups on the faces being interviewed so that we can analyze the facial contortions and eye movements for signs of lies and truths. I mention that because when someone doesn't know what to say and is trying to remember a truth their eyeballs roll to their right side, whereas when trying to be creative through an upcoming lie their eyeballs roll to their left. And when actually telling the lie? Their eyelids flap far more often than otherwise, or if they're professional liars their eyelids don't flap at all during the telling of their lie.
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Actually worth 8 stars.
14 May 2022
Why'd I give it 10?

Because it's currently being grossly unfairly treated at only 4.8 stars.

Generally speaking everything is excellent with it except 2 major things (which is probably why there are such terrible ratings):

  • lack of helping the viewers to understand the reasoning behind the basic story line (called "fleshing out"), unless already aware due to having been familiar with this fictional world before watching the film
  • almost no character development for anyone, though Marvel Comics has spoiled us in that aspect (not including their wokeness propaganda, lol).

  • the bonus reason I don't hold against it but I wrote my review only when the main character ended up on a beach, so I didn't see the rest of the movie yet. Based on the rest of the movie I think another reason why it received such terrible reviews is because the story later seemed to resemble a futuristic version of the Bible's Garden Of Eden story and since the movie went through that quickly the viewers may not have noticed if it was for or against the Bible.

So instead it's quite similar to the typical DC Comics movies where the visual effects and acting are excellent but the character and plotline development are sorely lacking. But they still did a better job in all those areas than DC typically does.
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