
12 Reviews
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Purely Historical
27 August 2023
It is so hard to decide for something that may affect everyone lives as we can see on this movie, one decision can really affect the lives of innocent people, the movie depicted conditions of people during world war 2.

The movie itself is slow paced one, there is some fillers in it, some dialogues are fillers, wish the movie was a shorter one, but still the actors really put their efforts in portraying real persons, now we can see a glimpse on what's happening during ww2 in their own perspective, rather than only seeing the american perspective, the movie is great for a casual movie viewers out there.
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Naked Among Wolves (2015 TV Movie)
a very emotional movie for everyone to enjoy and learn from WW2
26 August 2023
The tv movie that doesn't feel like its made for TV, you can see the efforts while making this feel it is a cinematic masterpiece for everyone to enjoy, a person can learn a lot or have an idea on what is going on unto the German Jewish camps back in world war 2, the movie is so emotional in a good way the feelings is so real that you can understand the way they projected the characters.

The movie has a lot of symbolism like the child in the movie symbolizes hope that even thou they are suppressed back then they still have hope for the future generation.

The movie is actually really great recommend for everyone to watch so you can feel the emotions that i felt watching this film.
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Land of Mine (2015)
Emotional Roller-coaster Ride
25 August 2023
I enjoyed the movie a lot, its an emotional roller-coaster ride, less fillers are in this movie, the acting is super great the cinematography is nice, and you can see the realism on every scenes on this film, its really a wake up call for all of us to avoid having another war as it can affect a huge part of population as war caters suffering from both parties, we also have a glimpse of what is happening during the post war as the movie caters it, really recommend this film for people want to learn a glimpse of what's happening in the post war era.

Overall the movie is super great, they deserve all the awards that has been given to them. Really Great film and recommended.
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Different Perspective of Society During the war
23 August 2023
The film narvic is quite an interesting way of telling story from world war 2, the film tells the situation from that era in more dramatic way witch upholds the feelings of the people who watch it, the film provides different perspective of individual during that tine the one who faces the war and the society in which the war is set in, this provides unique way of telling the story which make it quite intersting for me as well,. But still if a person wants to learn history from this event not recommend this as your primary source of happening during the war.

Overall the script and acting is super great, and this make the film quite entertaining for everyone who wants to just watch something different.
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Sleeping Dog (2023– )
Quite Interesting Show
19 August 2023
The show is quite interesting it has mysteries right fron the start, the cast put a great effort in making this characters unique from one another, throughout the series you gonna ask yourself who is really the one that doing this that, upon watching the series in continuation answers from the mysteries will unveil, but there is some unpredictable scenes that really shocked me, and its really great for this kind of series. It is shorter than expected and i wish they extended the episodes so we can hear the stories beyond the main cast.

Still, overall the show is great max riemelt and the other cast really put their effort throughout this series and we appreciated it.

Wish it will become available in more countries c'mon netflix..
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Nah... Its way too confusing
13 August 2023
This film has too many mini flashbacks and closeups not very fond of this technique its has too much of this elements that using it makes no sense, there is also too many whispering can't even understand what is it for, in making a film does over using an elements make the movie cringy, there are also a lot of fillers on this film that even thou it will cut off you can still understand the storyline of the film, and some scenes are just unrealistic that even a younger audiences can differentiate it. Overall the storyline has its own potential to shine, that's why its important to choose what elements should a film creator use to avoid over usage of one element.
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Another Perspective Of WW2 you shouldn't wanna miss
8 August 2023
This mini series has its potential to be a great war mini series produced outside the Hollywood. Sometimes watching war films from different countries can make someone understand the perspective of the other countries during the second world war in which the mini series has in it, the mini series brought us something to be learned for we see the glimpse of soldiers from different countries participating in world war 2 (USSR), We can also see the involvement of the normal village during the war effort, and we can also see the managing capabilites of each highest ranking official back then. Overall the acting was great, the set was great for a tight budget series, has a CGI flaws in the end but doesn't affect the overall greatness of the series.

Glad some countries produce great shows that needes to be spotlight for the rest of the world.
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Great Storyline and Worth Watching
4 August 2023
The movie is great and i can really understand what's going on, as a person who was a lesser knowledge about ww1 this movie tends to teach something about political and war affairs of each country involve in ww1, this movie is interesting enough as we can see the movie itself in a first person perspective we can see the suffering that he had during this war, we can also see the stress from the soldier who has taken their first battle and to the minors that went to war to protect the freedom of their fatherland. Very recommended to watch it in the sub version not the english dubbed because it will feel like the actors is very immature because of the dubbed and some words and jokes that doesn't feel right in the english dubbed version.
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Great Storyline But...
31 July 2023
I think the movie has its own potential, Storyline alone is great but it is mostly touched by persons outside of its own country of origin thus making the film lesser accurate, let the people from their own country of origin create a biopic for their own country, either way the acting is great just a little bit more german language should been showed whenever thet will talk to a nazi soldier thus making it more believable, sometimes i felt confused for the flow of situation maybe im not familiar with the history or its just over mixed with romatic fillers throughout the movie, still the movie is great and enjoyable..
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Barbie (I) (2023)
Barbie with a life lesson
27 July 2023
I was not expecting this movie to be great; I'm not into this kind of stuff, but still, I watched it, and man, it was great; some scenes are relatable to how people react to something nowadays, like, come on, everything and everyone can be cancelled, the overall acting of the cast is super great. I love it; almost all the song are catchy and complements the movie (like this song, by the way (Im just Ken)); the production set for this film is majestic, and parts of the movie are touching and somewhat relatable to our everyday life, and there can be something to learn from, very recommended to watch this with your whole family and friends.
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Frontier (2018)
One of the most Enjoyable way of re-telling War Stories
4 January 2023
When i watch the trailer on amazon prime, this is somewhat interesting way of re-telling war stories so i watched it immediately, and when i watched i was the amazed CGI was impressive even thou it was made in russia, the story of USSR soldier was really written well, you can see their emotion kudos to the artist here they make every scene remarkable, the present day story was a little bit weak but still impressive, overall this is a pretty watchable russian war film, and i really recommend it, for everyone to see. And you can see it for free, at some of the free movie site out there, just go and search it out.
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Soldier Boy (2019)
One of the best war film of modern Russia
2 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is indeed one of the best Russian war films. It is about the life of Seryozha during world war two. He is the youngest soldier of the USSR; this film will touch the hearts of everyone; the innocence and adventure of a child during the wars will genuinely make you feel emotion; the acting of the child here in the film is genuinely oscar worthy, my favorite scene here is when Seryozha sang in the hospital camp the scene is remarkable, I also loved when he appointed to deliver emails for his fellow soldier, and he gave it with joyful in his eyes, this film is impressive in many ways, and I recommend it for everyone to watch, I know that the film itself is low-budget, but that doesn't mean that it's not enjoyable to watch, the movie is also on the point of view of the child.
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