
20 Reviews
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Mike's Murder (1984)
Very Good, Underrated and Overlooked Noirish Film
8 December 2017
I hadn't seen this movie in about 30 years, but the title rang a bell and I got the DVD. The cast is excellent, and their performances were solid. I found myself remembering quite a bit of the film while viewing (I would know what was coming up before it came on screen), which made me realize this film had quite a profound impact on me and my memory. It was intense without being melodramatic.
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The Cure (1995)
Heartwarming and Touching Film
13 April 2015
I had never heard of this film, nor seen any press about it. I happened upon it in the cable TV menu and recorded it to view. It is one of the most touching and heartwarming stories I've ever seen. There is no indication that this was based on a true story, but if it isn't, it's one of the most amazing screenplays ever written, and the director and the cast have certainly delivered that type of vision to me. Erik (Brad Renfro) portrays the most rare of youngsters, in his friendship and care with his best friend, Dexter. Everyone (adults and kids) should see this film and take away the most profound feelings of love, friendship, and loyalty.
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Bride Wars (2009)
I will not apologize ...
10 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I refuse to apologize for liking this movie! It's sad to read so many scathing reviews, when this film is what it sets out to be, a whimsical, lighthearted look at lifelong best friends who end up with their weddings booked on the same day, by mistake. It might seem formulaic, but I found some of the twists and turns refreshing and unexpected. There are also some poignant (if not entirely deep) dramatic moments which lend strength to the characters and the storyline. Granted, I could see the aforementioned "love triangle" forming, but it wasn't a slap in the face. Anne Hathaway and Kate Hudson are, in my opinion, great in this film, and I also enjoyed seeing Steve Howey in something beyond "Reba," which I also enjoy. Steve's character was excellent and he portrayed him perfectly, with humor, sensitivity, and depth. Bryan Greenberg, as Kate Hudson's brother, was a delightful surprise.

This is a fun, tongue-in-cheek movie and I found it completely enjoyable ... well, with perhaps the exception of Kristen Johnson's "Deb," but her character was more annoying than truly disruptive. If you're jaded and cynical, you might not enjoy this film, but I enjoyed it just as much as "My Best Friend's Wedding." I hope you will, too.
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Arizona Sky (2008)
I love this film in spite of its quirks
15 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I bought this film without knowing anything other than the advertised description. It is a wonderful film and it evoked real emotions from me.

After my first viewing, admittedly, I felt that there were some missing storyline elements, and the way the scenes were cut together was somewhat annoying. The acting in this film, however, seems so much more realistic than others I've seen. I don't think that categorizing this film as a "Brokeback Mountain wannabe" is unfair, but taken for what it is, which is a love story between two unrequited lovers reuniting, it's very good.

Upon second viewing, it seemed to fit together better than the first time. The only scene that still seems unsettling to me is the confrontation between Kyle and his cousin, Heath, after he finds Jake and Kyle in bed together. It's the only scene that, to me, doesn't seem realistic. The pacing of the scene between Jake and Cora (Kyle's indigent friend) was also not great. It was well-acted, but the pace was too slow. I felt like I could have driven an 18-wheeler between their lines at times.

Jayme McCabe is sheer perfection as the closeted gay man who never left the little podunk town where he grew up. I've seen other work by Eric Dean, and he was much better in this film. His portrayal of a man who did leave the little podunk town, and forged a successful career in the film industry, but who still pines for his first love back home, to me seems very accurate. Just because someone lives in Hollywood doesn't mean they "become Hollywood," even if they work in the industry. I think Jeffery London has a clear stroke of genius in portraying Jake that way. Brent King, as Jake's best friend/housemate Steve, is a little different, admittedly, but having known men who act almost exactly like Steve, he was a pleasant surprise. Patricia Place, as Aunt Elaine, was absolutely wonderful. She's a very sweet, peaceful older woman, and when she gets up in Kyle's face and tells him he needs to own up to who he is and be happy, it is a great treat.

The fact that these two men, who have been separated for 15 years and a great distance, and dealt with everything life has thrown at them, can come together, admittedly awkwardly, and finally find a little happiness together, is absolutely wonderful. I would have given this film a "10" if I considered it flawless, but it isn't. However, the flaws merely make it quirky, and I still love it, and I will enjoy it again and again.
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Rainbow (1978 TV Movie)
Wonderful Film
6 May 2009
I saw this back in '78, and parts of the dialogue and music have stuck with me for the past 21 years. In fact, I had just quoted one of the songs at work the night before I discovered that this was running on my local cable "on demand" for free! The cast is excellent, and Andrea McArdle's voice is amazing.

Perhaps a few of the performances were a little "stiff" or "wooden," but I think that speaks more to the direction of the film, and the fact that people back in those days WERE more stiff and wooden (read: "proper") than they are now.

It doesn't have the production quality of a theatrical release, but keep in mind, this was a made-for-TV movie. I thought the entire production was brilliant, and am so happy to have been able to see it again after all these years!
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Amazing Film
1 January 2007
I'd never heard of this film or seen any press on it, but picked it up in a used-movie bargain bin and thought it looked interesting. I was simply blown away by the ensemble acting and cinematography. The DVD version that I have runs about 3 hours long and it doesn't drag for one second. I remained drawn into the story from beginning to end. The level of realism in the drama that unfolds is eerie. The relationships that are displayed between the characters are impeccably played out. You get a real sense of family between the half-brothers and the cousin (the three "main" characters), and see it develop between Miklo and his prison "familia" as well. The "making of" featurette on the DVD really took me by surprise, and revealed with crystal clarity the depth of Taylor Hackford's vision and motivation to create this cinematic masterpiece. I echo the sentiments of comments I've seen expressing an interest in a full "director's cut" (4+ hours) and/or a disc with deleted scenes at the very least. There isn't anything predictable about this film (in my opinion), and it is truly a rare film experience that is full of surprises. For a work of fiction, it is obviously based in real experience, which Jimmy Santiago Baca was able to forge on paper and Taylor Hackford was able to bring to the screen, with no apologies needed or implied.
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So Cheesy It's Funny
26 October 2006
I liked this film in spite of it being a cheesy, low-budget "slasher." I adore Karen Black, no matter what she's in. I also enjoyed Jeff Conaway's cameo. Stephen Wastell is one of the best of the "unknown" actors in this film. Sean Hines also turns in a better-than-average performance for a film of this genre. The guys seemed to be taking it more seriously than the women. Alexandra Ford's laughable "southern" accent comes and goes with no warning. The plot is reasonably predictable, but offers a few surprises, so I'll leave it at that.

Continuity doesn't seem to exist in this film, so it's just as much fun to watch for the inconsistencies as anything else. Rent it or catch it on cable for a laugh, buy it if you're a hardcore fan of the genre. I caught it on the Sci-Fi channel, but now I'm going to order the DVD.
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Powerful Film
21 June 2006
I thought this was one of the most thought-provoking and powerful films I've ever seen based on this subject. When I read about this story awhile back, I was galled by what happened to her. J.D. Pardo and Mercedes Ruehl certainly shine in their performances. This should have been made as a major motion picture, and not relegated to being a made-for-TV movie. That being said, however, I salute Lifetime for being brave enough to produce it! It reminds me of another brave film, called "Soldier's Girl" from 2003, also a made-for-TV movie, which was also extremely well-done. A standing ovation for everyone involved in both of these productions!
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Footlight Frenzy (1984 TV Movie)
Fun from beginning to end!!
21 January 2006
I remember seeing this as a "Broadway on Showtime" feature, if I'm not mistaken. I taped it, too, but over the years I've misplaced the tape. I hope that it will be released on DVD someday soon! I haven't seen it for many years now but I still remember bits of it to this day. Diz White was my favorite actress in the show, but the cast was an incredible ensemble. I used to work in theatre and always wanted to work on this production, perhaps one day that might still happen. Anyone who has done live theatre will enjoy this thoroughly, and as an actor who actually did skip dialogue, and watched our director have to rethink the play "on the fly" during a performance, it brought back bittersweet memories. The writing, casting, acting, staging, and directing was absolutely brilliant. I hope I get to see this particular production again in my lifetime!
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The Pacifier (2005)
Completely Enjoyable
2 January 2006
This movie was pure fun and entertainment. Vin Diesel certainly sheds part of his seemingly indestructible "tough guy" image as the film progresses, and relationships develop with the children he's assigned to protect. While some would argue that the film is formulaic, and parts of it are, there are some real treats and surprises as the story unfolds. This film shows true Disney Magic, and it's a treat to see Mr. Diesel be a part of it. He demonstrates a really good (if not broad) range in his character, and he shows that he's definitely not a one-note actor. Given more variety in his future projects, he'll be a bigger force to be reckoned with in Hollywood.
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Good Intentions (Spoiler)
6 November 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler alert regarding the end of the film.

I just saw this film on cable for the first time. I'd seen it advertised and I'd been anxious to see it.

My feelings after viewing are mixed. This film is full of good intentions and misguided humor. I wanted to enjoy it more than I actually did.

The casting was a mix of good and mediocre. Stereotypes abound, but that doesn't necessarily create good chemistry, OR laughs. While Peter Miller and Luke Kirby make a visually appealing couple, that's essentially where the appeal ends. I could see these actors making an "effort" to be believable together, but their performances just don't come across as genuine. Too much of a struggle, or a stretch, or perhaps both, for these young men? Even the "family" scenes came across as a bit cardboard.

I was disappointed in the Nino/Angelo storyline ending. It could have gone two ways, and either one could be considered cliché, of course, but I'm sick and tired of seeing endings where the closeted hunk can't deal with coming out and goes deeper into the closet and leaves his devoted loving partner in the lurch. Even a double-switchback would have been more intriguing (and possibly "believable") than that.

The pacing of the film was sporadic. Perhaps that was intentional, but it didn't lend itself to the genre of romantic comedy in this instance.

There's enough about the film that I enjoyed to like it, but I can't say that I love it. There's almost enough eye candy to justify watching it again, though.
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He's Fired, She's Hired (1984 TV Movie)
Quite Original and Entertaining
3 September 2004
I hope this film comes out on DVD or at least VHS! It was completely enjoyable and entertaining. Karen Valentine's performance was brilliant and driven ... truly top-notch. It was the first film I saw with Elizabeth Ashley, and I was fascinated by her performance as well. Excellent casting, a wonderful script and great direction.

This is feature-film quality. I didn't realize it was made-for-TV. I thought the story was quite fresh and original for the time it was produced. All the performances were spirited and riveting. It's been 20 years, and there are still scenes and pieces of dialogue vividly emblazoned in my memory! It is a remarkable film, and I'd give anything to see it again!
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Powerful, Intense, and Profound
29 February 2004
I wouldn't call The Passion of the Christ a film. I would call it an experience, and one that can't be easily described. It will also be different for every individual that experiences it.

Before I heard Mel Gibson talk about this film, I couldn't help thinking it was like watching a moving Caravaggio, so I was surprised to hear him say almost those exact words to describe the cinematographic quality of the film.

It is fluid in its movement. I felt as though I was there, "in the moment." It also seemed to be not unlike a documentary.

The performances in this film are spectacular. Although the dialogue is spoken in "dead languages," one does not need to understand them, nor does one necessarily need to pay close attention to the subtitles, to understand what is occurring, or to know what each character is feeling. The most stellar example of this is Mary, portrayed by Maia Morgenstern. With a scant few lines, her performance is 90% visual, and profoundly executed.

James Caviezel, as the Christ, simply blew me away. It takes no imagination to believe him as "Him." As Mr. Gibson so aptly stated, "Jim 'became' Jesus." He WAS Jesus. There is an undeniable truth in his portrayal.

The Passion of the Christ is an in-your-face, no-holds-barred depiction of one of the most gruesome, inspiring, and loving acts in history. I know it strengthened my personal faith and conviction and made me reevaluate some of my own perceptions. I know it has changed lives already. No one can experience this film without being touched in some way. Some will find it has a deep, profound impact, and others will simply gain new perspectives.

I've never before attended a film in a theatre and experienced a silent audience from start to finish. Every seat was filled, yet there was not a sound. A silent ovation, to Mr. Gibson, the cast, and crew of The Passion of the Christ!
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Well done but a bit disappointing
6 December 2003
Warning: Spoilers
*Potential Spoilers*

While this film is very well cast and filmed, the seemingly sudden turnaround in the father's behavior toward Cameron (Jason Behr's character) was unrealistic. Having been raised by an eerily similar father, I know this from personal experience.

There were elements missing in the film that would justify the father's turnabout, even in such dire circumstances.

This is not a predictable plot. You don't necessarily see where the storyline is headed. Jason Behr gives an outstanding performance in an unexpected role choice. I greatly enjoyed his performances in "Roswell," and he should be given more opportunity to spread his wings, and demonstrate his range as a lead in more feature films. He will be a prominent actor to be reckoned with if that happens.

I am a great admirer of the film "Powder," and had this script been written on that par, I believe it would have been exceptional. It certainly had the right director!

Overall I would certainly recommend this film, because it has depth and a true edge of realism (in spite of the previously mentioned unrealistic actions of the father).
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I love this film!
27 August 2003
I first saw this film on cable in the late 1970's, and was mesmerized by the story and the music. Certainly, as many people comment, it is propagandistic, but it is also a masterpiece, showcasing an almost-forgotten time. Irving Berlin is one of this country's most prolific and best-loved songwriters, and this musical extravaganza is an homage to his talent and genius.

The cast is unique and wonderful. The main characters are played solidly by "name" stars, but the musical ensemble cast (real U.S. soldiers at the time) are what set this film apart.

A reviewer complaining that it isn't "realistic" overstates the point. So what if you think an "average" army base couldn't produce a cast for a show like this. Film is a medium that attempts to suspend reality and let you enter a place, situation, relationship, time period, etc. that you might not otherwise get to experience. It's sometimes the view of one person's "reality," a manifestation of their own "vision."

My copy of this film is on a very old (early 80's) VHS copy, a low-end bargain release which is of marginal quality, but I love every minute of it. I certainly hope someone reviews some of the specific DVD choices out there, I'd like to get the DVD before I wear out the VHS!

If you enjoy a good flag-waving, patriotic musical, this is a film you will enjoy. If you enjoy Irving Berlin's music, it's a soundtrack you will enjoy. Personally I'd put this on a par with the 1942 film, "Yankee Doodle Dandy," and both films share a few cast members!
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Dahmer (2002)
This film accomplishes its goal in a grand fashion
30 November 2002
I just finished watching the DVD of this film. It is riveting and intense. The casting is perfect, the cinematography is outstanding, and the story doesn't go for the jugular (so to speak). It is a character study that takes the viewer to places one would never expect. You cannot walk away from this film untouched, if you truly view it, and give it your full attention. The featurette gives you more insight into the film, particularly, the goals of the writer/director. To paraphrase the cinematographer, the mundane becomes frightening, and the frightening becomes mundane. That's a feat not easily accomplished, but it is perfectly presented here.

Standing ovation to the cast & crew ... bravo!
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Big Eden (2000)
This film is a true gem
1 September 2002
Only in a fictional town ... sigh! This film is very well-written and has a superb cast. It's so warm, in a realistic, homespun kind of way. The true joy in viewing this film is that it is not stereotypical or predictable, and it doesn't trivialize. It speaks to the heart.

This film also flows very well, with no weak or flat spots in the storyline. It draws the viewer in more as a participant. Bravo!
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The Wonderful World of Disney: Annie (1999)
Season 3, Episode 5
Visually stunning and a pleasant surprise
4 August 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this film at a friend's house on DVD, thinking it was the original 80's version. What a pleasant surprise. It is delightfully cast and visually stunning. I liked the 80's version, as well as the stage production, don't get me wrong, but this version stands on its own merits, in my opinion.

There were a few moments that seemed choppy like something was missing, mainly after Annie arrives at the Warbucks mansion and before they go out on the town. Otherwise, it flows very well.

This might be considered a spoiler, so skip this paragraph if you wish. I got a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes when the "star-to-be" came out onstage during the song "NYC" and on the second note ("N-Y...") I realized I was watching and listening to Andrea McArdle. She's grown into a beautiful young woman and her voice is as pure, strong, and dynamic as the first time I heard her sing (in the film "Rainbow," a TV movie about the early years of Judy Garland). I had to replay the NYC scene over and over again!

Remakes can often be disappointing, but this one surely is not. It is a treasure, a delight, and I can't wait to watch it again and again.
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22 June 2002
I first saw this film on television at age 12 or 13, in black-and-white (we didn't have a color television at the time). I recall it being shown in two parts, but even in black and white and at a young age I could see it was a rather lavish production. The cast is excellent. I found the entire story fascinating and I was mesmerized by it. As with most television films of that era (prior to home video recording technology) I was afraid I'd never see it again. I was oh-so-pleasantly surprised when it was run on a premium cable network in 1997 while I was living in California! Watching it in color made it even more fascinating than before. It is certainly a departure from more "traditional" treatments of this story, which makes it even more of a true gem captured on film! The viewer receives a more graceful, romantic treatment of a fascinating story.
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It's My Party (1996)
This film speaks to the heart
2 December 2001
The first time I saw this film I was drawn in as though I were a member of the "party" ... and was glad to be there. It is happy, sad, and poignant. It pushes ALL the emotional buttons.

The casting is occasionally surprising, always perfect. The characters are diverse and memorable. The most outstanding thing about the film is that the characters are more like real people and less like film stereotypes, which makes the film that much more viewable and enjoyable.

The story is well-told and interwoven with flashbacks that pull it all together. I can't say enough good things about this film ... enjoy it!
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