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Weirdly Underrated Film About a Very Specific Genre.
2 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Mild and vague Spoiler:

This film was the epitome of big-fish (can-you-top-it) stories. The only people who gave this less than an 8/10 are people that I imagine wanted something overly serious and cliche. Seriously, these musician biopics tend to be waaaaaay too predictable and similar (though beautiful in their own rights); so this was a breath of fresh air.

This movie was overly serious about being amazingly honest to the Weird Al brand in that it took itself seriously in the goofiest way. The way they built it from a little believable to by the end being completely over-the-top was genius.
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The Sandman (2022– )
5 August 2022
Watched the first episode. For me it just feels like another really high-budget sci-fi/fantasy lacking substance. With shows like this, I think it is important to still ground it in some way and I don't think they did that. It's like they want us to care about characters and a world that just feels too disconnected for me.

I am sure more people will enjoy it. And I am glad for that, but it just didn't stick for me.
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Succession: Retired Janitors of Idaho (2021)
Season 3, Episode 5
Brilliantly existential interpersonal Rich Family Brawling
17 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Nobody says anything. "Words are complicated airway." That's what Kendall explains. And that's the lifelong game the dad Plays with his kids. Everyone has a Game as Logan pronounces like a season King. And the kids are not yet sharpened as the dad has been puppeteering them into becoming. That is why intimacy is difficult for all of them. They Can't risk being too vulnerable with each other. So they dance around all the Gold and White Elephants in the Billionaire lounge rooms. And it is a struggle. And each character offers their Rich People's Jerry Spinger matches. It's saucy, salty, savory gossip, drama, backbiting, backpedaling, backstabbing, back counters, back when, move forward. Contrasts of deeply clashing fathers and sons. Like it was maybe told by the Bard, the original Homer. The Iliad, The Odyssey, Oedipus Rex Trilogy. These stories contain lessons and philosophy and wisdom for the millennia to come and that which has already passed. 2,000 years it took for Aristotle to have fallibilities in our exchange of philosophy and concepts. Because bias blinds us and so we never get to the vulnerable aspects of these characters except for when someone dies.

Be strong. Puppet the country with back alley presidential deals.
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Atlanta: Champagne Papi (2018)
Season 2, Episode 7
Underrated episode
28 June 2021
To those giving this a lower rating.... I feel like you maybe don't get the show. It is exploring the experiences of these characters and their place in society, right?? Ok, we're all on the same page then, yeah? Cool. This episode explores the concepts of meaningless "social climbing" parties through black women's perspectives...they did one where they explored it as a couple. This one being about the girls and Darius was a good one. It was character and world building.

The only thing that I could think is that there are some sexist people here who couldn't stand the episodes focus to be off the lead men in this series. They get soooo many episodes already. What's the harm in having an episode dedicated to the ladies??? The quality didn't drop at all. That's why I am left to assume that the people who didn't like this episode need to examine their sexism.
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Trese (2021)
LOVED learning more about Philippine Mythology and Folklore through this show
11 June 2021
Puti ako na marunong mag-Tagalog. I have long lived in the Philippines or being involved with Filipinos in the Diaspora. For me, this series was an AWESOME treat! I loved seeing the Tikbalang brought to life along with Duwendes, etc etc, I loved how watching that show seemed to be an allegory for actual concerns of Filipinos. The way they made the superstitions literal was awesome and revealed insights into Filipino belief and thought. It was very well executed. I watched the Tagalog, but will also watch the English dub later.

There are only two minor issues that I had with the show itself: the animation sometimes felt too blocky or choppy and revelations and expositions came a little too easy...perhaps this is because the first season is so short?? I do believe that it still has a ton to cover, so I am sure I can expect a lot more from the depth of the show and that there is plenty more to be revealed.

I really look forward to season 2! And I really hope that this catches on with other members of a global audience I will be recommending it to my family for sure.
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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
After the final season this show should be NOWHERE Near Breaking Bad
7 December 2020
As you can see in the title, I am of the opinion that more people ought to stop being nostalgic about the older seasons. They were between 9-10 for sure. But starting with the Beyond the Wall episode in Season 7, there is absolutely no way you could give it anything better than a 7. And given that the final season was almost predominantly a 3-4/10 rating quality of writing....yeah, this does not deserve an overall score of anything higher than 8.5 now. Don't disrespect shows that actually were good from start to finish by putting this one up there. It's such bs.
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Too Hot to Handle: When Harry Met Francesca (2020)
Season 1, Episode 2
It's soooo bad, it's good
28 April 2020
It's not high quality. But it is funny to see how petty and backstabbing people can be. It's an interesting social experiment... just a very superficially arranged one. There are a few contestants that make it at least slightly bearable. Anyway, yes, it's trash. But it's entertaining trash.
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Gone Girl (2014)
APPEARANCE vs REALITY: low raters missed the point
21 April 2020
Just saw this and it was powerful! Does it have some flaws?? Of course it does. And the points about the blood covered woman in a hospital with Feds not making sense are right-but, about those things...

The biggest points of this film have got to be about fake vs genuine, about a jury of popular opinion; people inability to humbly accept that relationship are complicated and should not be dictated by the media-but unfortunately they are. One other HUGE one to appreciating the message of the film is that our ideas about relationships are pretty messed up. This was an allegory for people who stick in toxic relationships. It is a timeless message and particularly needed. Like Affleck suggested: Why do people choose to stay in something where they hurt And control one another instead of just accept that they are not right for one another???? Pressures-mostly EXTERNAL pressures! Judgements of friends, family, media, etc! Equating a failed relationship or marriage to have a loser and a winner-when they could easily both be winners if they don't set it up as a contest.

This was the deeper underlying message. And I think it is silly that there are people underrating this film because of a few details. I think the message just hit a little too close for comfort for many.

If you are in a relationship that is not one of full compatibility and consent-start making a peaceful and honest exit strategy. It's a message not enough people consider.
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Better Call Saul: Something Unforgivable (2020)
Season 5, Episode 10
The Horrifying Transformation of Kim and the SetUp for S6
21 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Jimmy clearly is feeling unnerved by who Kimmy is becoming. The part where Kim did the quick draw scared the hell out of me. And I am sure it did for Jimmy as well. And it reminded me of the same type of emotional betrayal that Kim has felt from Jimmy at the finale of season 4 when he had fooled not only the committee but also Kim. She felt betrayed. And I believe Jimmy now feels that way, too.

Jimmy didn't think he could bring down Kim to his level, except that she is sinking even lower than Jimmy's level. He doesn't want to wreck Howard; he has moved on, but Kim has not. And will not. For a moment I thought Jimmy was gonna break things off with Kim because he was worried about bringing her into his mess. Now she has tragically transformed into something Jimmy doesn't recognize, a Machievellan person with maleficence. They set the next season up perfectly with this. And I have a better idea where this tragedy will go. I believe that this could lead to a lot of conflict that could end their companionship! Or, I could also see Lalo taking out Kim...after Nacho sells out Jimmy after in exchange for his father's safety. Season 6 will be epic
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Better Call Saul: Bad Choice Road (2020)
Season 5, Episode 9
Vince Gilligan's team are the Masters of Suspense
14 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
What else is there to say! At this point we really don't know the fate of Kim, Lalo, or Nacho. We can simply assume that Lalo dies based on a comment of Gus's to Hector Salamanca in season 4 of BB. But Even on that, we don't know the details.

Kim is fierce and loyal. A badass lawyer! And the way she protects Jimmy is insane. But I fear that this is just setting up the deeper tragedy of Saul's ultimate need to flee ABQ and assume the identity of Gene. I still theorize Kim is alive and Saul wants to contact her, but cannot because it would endanger her. I don't see her turning her back on Jimmy at all. What's gonna separate them is gonna be either death or Saul's ultimate need to flee ABQ. But based on comments in El Camino, Saul will either get caught, live in isolation, or die. But other than that there are tons of possible answers for our other characters. And the way the Gilligan team is handling it is the perfect suspense/set up for tragedy.
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Better Call Saul: Bagman (2020)
Season 5, Episode 8
We have now arrived at Breaking Bad/Kim, why!!!!
7 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
We finally got an episode that was layered and action packed all at once in a way very reminiscent of Breaking Bad.

I am very scared for Kim! Going to Lalo, while understandable, will prove to be her tragic mistake; which, I believe will be the why of her not being in Jimmy's life come Breaking Bad timeline...but it was not only her tragic mistake-it was in response to Saul's/Jimmy's even MORE tragic Mistake! He called Saul instead of stayed Jimmy with Kim...of course, as he pushed through this as Saul Goodman, he will surely exalt/and proudly own his Saul persona....but at what cost? $100,000. Was it worth it? Hubris was Walt's tragic downfall; Greed will be Jimmy's. GREAT TRAGEDY!! 10/10.
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How I Met Your Mother: Last Forever: Part Two (2014)
Season 9, Episode 24
The Problem wasn't the Outcome
31 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The problem was not the outcome. It was how they arrived at it. I personally did not EVER like Robin, but I could see how Ted's character was about her. And that's how life goes...BUT! The major flaw of the creators of this show is that they compressed way too much after having soooooo many Low quality filler episodes in this season.

They built up the mom so much! And she ended up being really cool. (Infinitely cooler than Robin, in my opinion). Anyway, they should have given the audience time to grieve the passing of the mother. It would have been ok for them to not have maintained comedy throughout the whole series. They could have had the last episodes have a comedic but very serious tone. The mom could have died two or three episodes before the finale. That Would give the audience a catharsis. That was the missing element. That and the way they destroyed the character development of everyone else.
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How I Met Your Mother: The Playbook (2009)
Season 5, Episode 8
Barney the Sociopath
29 March 2020
He manipulated his friends. He continuously lied to is an episode all about how he manipulates everyone and doesn't consider his friends' feelings....the Scuba Diver was complex and interesting writing-but ultimately, I am perplexed at how none of the friends thought to cut Barney out of their lives at this point (other than crappy dishonest writing) or how this is one of the top rated episodes of the series? Anyhow...Barney is a sociopath.
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Better Call Saul: Wexler v. Goodman (2020)
Season 5, Episode 6
Theory about Gene in Omaha
24 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I think most of us had a sense that Kim and Jimmy would end up married at least temporarily. I have a few possible theories, but the one that I think would be most interesting is this: What if Jimmy and Kim are still married during Breaking Bad time? Ok, if not that, let's say they split. And Saul really did have a third wife who ends up screwing his stepdad or whatever colorful story Saul told Walt during the course of BB. What if Jimmy and Kim were still together, or at least on good terms. And Saul transforming into Jimmy was a really tough thing not for any other reason but Kim.

Kim can't uproot here practice or that will draw even more attention to Saul's escape...or it is just simply impractical for Kim to join. Gene is so frustrated with hiding, he misses his days as Saul....but, most of all, he misses Kim. Then he goes after her. And that is what leads to Ed the Disappearer's comment about Saul having had chosen his fate. In an attempt to get back to Kim-he gets intercepted by either Jack's men to question about things-then they kill him-OR, he gets caught by the police.

Just one of three theories I am having.
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Better Call Saul: The Guy for This (2020)
Season 5, Episode 3
Slippin' Kimmy
4 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
These are really interesting twists for Kim's character. We see how she is starting to empathize more with and even join Saul Goodman, because she is seeing how the system is flawed. For those who rated this episode low...I am positive you didn't understand this point.

Everything from the pro bono cases to the trying to help the guy a new place has to do with her realizing that the justice system benefits those in power; those with money. QUITE LITERALLY A BANK is displacing a guy from his home! Quite literally the justice system is prying a little too much into a family dispute. Kim gets taken away from what she finds to be meaningful work all just to further the interests of a BANK! An obvious symbol for what Kim doesn't want to be doing. Remember, she wants to be Atticus Finch. She wants true justice. So, when Saul was playing that daring game of dropping the beer but catching and then Kim went ahead and just threw it, that was an insanely clever unspoken dialogue. As if Jimmy was asking, "What are your thoughts? We gonna break some rules for some fun?" And Kim answer is a deliberate one-not for fun, but because the justice system is actually flawed. So, she is now willing to break the rules, no questions. She realizes exactly what the issue in the justice system is. I just find it very interesting that we have an episode coming up called Wexler vs McGill. Something is gonna go terribly wrong in the next few episodes. This is why this twist really surprised me. Kim is the guy for the job...not just Saul. And Mike apparently is not at all the guy for the job right now. I wonder if Nacho might be who Mike ends up replacing. Like, if Nacho ends up filling the Mike role. Think of the parallels. They both are looking out for the innocents. They both are in it. They both tried to get the Salamancas. They both have played sort of intelligence gathering roles to assist Gus in their endeavors. I am afraid Nacho is gonna do something messed up.

ALSO! To the dude who said Hank had never met Saul until the Breaking Bad timeline, I don't think they ever specified that in any, yeah.
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Rocketman (I) (2019)
Astoundingly beautiful cinematography
31 May 2019
There were two or three moments that were very moving and powerful in terms of cinematography in combination with the music and plot! The movie brought to life the more in-depth meaning to the lyrics. It was very beautiful! Definitely recommended. It was a painful redemption story/pain that came from a broken home life.
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Easy: Swipe Right (2019)
Season 3, Episode 1
Really underrated
23 May 2019
It is addressing some interesting facets of life that many do not get a chance to explore, all whilst being realistic in its approach. The dude who reviewed and said they overuse the word "like"- it's obvious why they were using the word so much. It is a sort of defense mechanism guarding against awkwardness for awkward topics. They are vulnerable. That is why word such as that are coming up so frequently. It's realistic.
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Game of Thrones: The Bells (2019)
Season 8, Episode 5
Forced Script: Simple guide for those who don't get what was wrong with this episode
13 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
1) The issue was NOT that Daenerys became the mad Queen. They have been hinting at it from season one. They just took waaaaaaay too huge of a leap. Her motive for destroying King's landing was nearly non-existent-since when did she ever take joy in killing innocent women and children?? It did not happen for any other reason than the writers trying to manipulate us to being against Daenerys....they didn't need to make it obvious that we should be against Daenerys. They didn't need to make it that obvious to Jon either. They could have been way more intelligent and trusted the audience to get it. What could have saved this is if Dany still had her second dragon and then the bells ring...THEN CERSEI KILLS A DRAGON. THAT would have made sense for Dany to have acted out of passion against Cersei. Or they could have at least had them attempt to kill Daenerys and her dragon after the bells! They very clearly surrendered. So it just looked completely unmotivated and they completely undid everything they had been building to. They destroyed their credibility as writers.

2) The previous episode showed that Cersei and Dany were on even playing fields. BECAUSE THE CONTRIVED STORY OF THE LONG NIGHT WIPED OUT MORE THAN HALF OF DANY'S ARMY (that deserves a whole other critique) and then Dany's Second Dragon was killed easily with 1/10 of the amount of harpoons as they had in this episode. And you're telling me nothing can hit the dragon?? Come on! Don't insult our intelligence. In short, the Dragon was way overpowered.

3) Euron happening to appear where Jamie was and to challenge to a fight to the death was stupid. They didn't establish enough of a relationship between the two characters for us to care about that.

4) Dothraki are going through the streets, indiscriminately killing people...except the featured extra (the mother and the daughter) and Arya???? Stupid.

I could list more reasons-ultimately-they're execution was terrible. It is not a big deal that Daenerys became the Mad Queen. It is the way they went about it. They did a terrible job showing motive and tried too hard to make it obvious that she isn't good.
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Flinch (2019)
"Cringeworthy Challenges" but did the editing/music have to be cringey
10 May 2019
I feel bad for anyone and everyone who participated in this. The actual was....alright....I guess...but the MUSIC and the editing made it SUUUUUPERR awkward and cringey.
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Game of Thrones: The Last of the Starks (2019)
Season 8, Episode 4
The Masterpiece storytelling is back!
6 May 2019
Two things I will say regarding episode 4:

1) My observations about philosophy and power are being supported thematically and in the true direction that I have been predicting-which leads me to the second thing. Which is WHY DAENERYS IS NOT FIT! She seeks power! She defends her power! She has all the makings of a tyrant! THAT is what the people who rated less than 10/10 are FAILING to notice and have failed to notice from what I understand. Look at the signs people!

2) Amazing, philosophical thought-provoking storytelling that I feared was disappearing from the show is back-and in better ways than it has ever been done in the entire series. I was really starting to wonder with all the annoying errors in execution from The Long Night and Beyond the Wall. Finally, GoT is BACK!

Amazing episode! I even paused it before it is finished to write this. I sensed it within the first 2 minutes that this episode would be a masterpiece. Worthy of the highest rated episode! So many little payoffs as well as getting to the real meat!
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Fanboy much, 10/10 raters???
30 April 2019
By no stretch of the imagination does this movie deserve a spot next to Dark Knight, Godfather, Lord of the Rings, Inception, Shawshank Redemption or any where within the top 100 movies. It was alright. Not revelatory. The best thing that happened in the movie was the heroic sacrifice. That was awesome. They captured the emotion perfectly, it was sad, but appropriate. This had some feel-good moments with massive collaboration from most of the entire universe. Also, this movie could possibly have elevated to an 8 if they put Deadpool in...that would have been awesome and hilarious. It was not overly thought-provoking. It was just a little above the average popcorn Marvel movie-nothing truly profound, just fun verbal quips and too much fighting and too many missions that somehow ends alright (not amazingly though).
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The last 15 minutes were very poignant
22 February 2019
Somehow this movie with beautiful CGI, but poorly woven main plot managed to give a powerful ending to the trilogy. The 5/6 of the movie definitely felt like it was intended for 9-year olds...which, why ought I complain-after all, I am subscribed to PewDiePie. Anyway, the last 15 minutes of the movie had the power of the first. I am not sure how it happened that everything leading up to it was barely subpar, but hey-if they can get someone in the last 15 minutes to change their mind about the movie, then good on 'em. If the whole movie had been like the quality of the end it would've been earned a 8.5/10. But given the obvious lack of depth in the main plot it would have been a 4/10. Hence a 6.3/10.
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Bird Box (2018)
Underrated Thriller about the ability to connect
19 January 2019
This was an excellent movie. Excellently executed, sequenced well. It built upon itself, unveiling bits of information so well. This provided the suspense and intrigue. It is not a perfect movie, but as far as thrillers/horror movies are concerned this belongs with those of superior quality. There is some clunky exposition here and there. But overall entertaining, thought-provoking and metaphorical. Watch it for yourself. I would say that a rating between 6.8-9.1 is a fair rating that I could see people giving it. Anything less and I would feel they have lost their credibility as a reviewer. Yes, there are quiet moments, but they were essential, building moments.
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Plot and art-wise, ambitious; representation wise well-rounded
14 December 2018
Very ambitious art project with a few solid philosophical underpinnings such as: the importance of respecting boundaries and choices while still loving; self-belief to carry you through what seems impossible; and these filmmakers understood that there are waaaaaaay more people of different backgrounds to represent then one or two groups of people. The art references were impressive! The editing on it must have taken forever to get down! I won't go into plot-points, it wasn't perfect, but the message outweighs it all. Definitely a positive film to take kids 7 years old or older to.
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Slightly conflicted about potential plot holes and a couple forced lines, otherwise-well done
17 November 2018
This movie was definitely more in line with the spirit of where the series is heading-the first Fantastic Beasts was a little fluffy. I liked the tone, I liked the pacing and the backstories. I liked the expositions of new characters. I am super interested to learn more about how Nagini's story will her to being the right hand man of Voldemort. I felt like a couple lines were forced, such as "Grindelwald doesn't value that which is simple." I get that it was a recall to what Dumbledore says about Voldemort to Harry, but I felt like there was no motivation for that line since Newt would've had no reason to say this based on Newt's experiences with Grindelwald. There were some interesting things that could potentially set up some plot holes in the Potterverse. And I would say that I am not worried at all, but Cursed Child made plenty of mistakes in terms of plot direction that cheapened or poked holes in the Potterverse.

I actually like Grindelwald movie version more than Voldemort movie version (book version is a different story), he seems more sophisticated and his motives more reasonable.

Overall, I liked the tone. And felt encouraged by this installment. It seems to be following the Potter series in that it improves with each installment. I just really hope she does not poke holes in timelines, or plot points.
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