
11 Reviews
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5 Years After the Fall (2016 Video)
Not a zombie movie.
5 November 2023
Movie cover shows zombies but there are absolutely no undead in this film. More of an Escape from New York environment where resources is scarce and gangs run wild in the streets.

A decent low budget B flick. The music is pumped a bit too high during action sequences. The main story mostly takes place inside a shack. A resemblance to the movie Trespass came into mind while watching this film with a little bit of home alone thrown in at the end. There's a nice little twist thrown in at the end with a path to a sequel paved in.

No sex or nudity, light gore and just good ole humans killing humans the best way they can.

Not sure if I'd rewatch but would be up for watching the sequel.
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Fast zombies are back
17 October 2023
The sequel holds just as much terror as the virus returns. All security and safety protocols prove useless as the rage virus infects humans at an alarming fast rate.

Outstanding performances by well known actors and a helicopter scene that is second to none. First rate entertainment and if you get bored it shouldn't be for to long.

A 10/10 for some to be sure. I give it an 8 because it stands in the shadow of its predecessor and they just overplayed the role with the father a bit too much for me.

Kid friendly, good ole zombie gore flick.

They left room for a sequel but so far no 28 months later.

Will watch again most likely.
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A decent dark humor film
16 October 2023
A story about grave robbers is naturally going to be dark and grim but this movie spins it with light hearted tales told by a prisoner on the eve of his execution.

I found it enjoyable enough to watch but can't say I'd ever watch again. There really were only a couple memorable scenes and the rest was just filler material or could have been edited out.

Body parts and a blood splatter here or there but nothing too gory in this movie. Kid enough friendly to watch.

They even left room for a sequel but wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't go anywhere. Not sure how much interest is out there for this type of movie but I have seen worse.
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The Clearing (2020)
A boring zombie movie
16 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A zombie apocalypse takes place at a small campground and you get the view point from a dad and his daughter. The daughter is missing through the majority of the movie and the fathers concern and urgency seems a bit on the late side if you ask me.

We only see the same 20 or so zombies throughout the film. Worms seem to be the source of the takeover of humans which was a cool twist. Worms protruding out of people's faces and limbs was a neat take but the behavior was odd. Instead of clawing and biting zombies, they were grabbing and petting; not nearly as scary. They brought back the fast zombies but didn't do much with them. They mostly surrounded a camper throughout the film and you forget their uniqness.

The dad causes an explosion at the end, killing everyone except him; Rambo style.

Pretty boring overall, would not recommend or watch again.
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A masterpiece film for Nicholas Cage
15 October 2023
This will surely become a cult classic one day.

A fun spin off on the five nights at Freddie's franchise. Nicholas Cage is the main star and he doesn't have one word of dialouge. Challenging for some actors but not Nicholas Cage who pulls it off masterly.

There is some sexual content which can be a bit uncomfortable for a minute or two but no more than most horror films involving teen agers.

My kids enjoy watching this movie and we have viewed it several times so far. It will simply have to do until Five nights at Freddie's movie becomes available.

I would gladly add to this to my movie collection.
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5G Zombies (2020)
Zombie reaction videos w/o zombies
15 October 2023
I was all set to watch some zombies but there was really none to be had. People walking with their phones held up in front of them didn't quite cut it.

Movie consists of multiple 'survivors' uploading videos of themselves after their neighborhoods have taken a turn for the worse.

Some of the actors do a good enough job but others are pretty horrible. It's mostly about how people react to the crisis around them.

People acting "weird" are always off screen and I guess up to the viewer's imagination.

Extremely low budget film and you in no way should ever pay money to see this movie.

Nothing bad for kids but nothing I'd ever recommend either. Just another film capitalizing on the covid-19, coronavirus name.
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Overlord (2018)
War movie done horror style
13 October 2023
I absolutely love this movie and watch it every few months. The action mounts quickly and you feel invested within the first five minutes.

Starts off as war movie and quickly turns into a horror movie is the best way to describe it.

The acting and special effects are superb and this movie will become a cult classic for sure.

The ending leaves room for a sequel but no way could they copy the freshness this movie conveyed. Not your average war story.

My kids paid little attention in the beginning but by the middle they couldn't take their eyes off the screen. Great storytelling and overall a very well done movie.
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First rate horror movie
11 October 2023
I did not go into this expecting much but was pleasantly surprised with an actual plot and good story telling.

I can only assume the bad reviews are based on costume design. The actors all played their parts well and the flow of the movie was at just the right pace.

I would not recommend for kids as the killing is extremely brutal with little to no hesitation on the killers part. I told my own children this movie will give them nightmares.

Overall I think it was really well done and may watch again in the future. The brutality alone should put goosebumps on your arm or be the reason somebody holds onto you more tightly.
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Renfield (2023)
The greatest Dracula movie ever made.
11 October 2023
Between this movie and Willys Wonderland I have a new found respect for Nicholas Cage.

I absolutely enjoyed his performance and believe he executed the role perfectly.

Renfield is my new go to movie when you need a good time. The gore is excessive and certainly could use an edit or two, but looking past that; it comes together well.

Comedy and tragedy mix together in a perfect blend, carried out by a great cast. The intro quickly catches you up to the present so the audience is informed immediately of the situation.

If you let your kids watch Cocaine Bear then you'll be fine with Renfield. Drugs and gore.
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Too long, too boring.
11 October 2023
The flashing lights alone made me instantly regret picking this movie. If you ever pick this for a movie night, your credibility may be in jeopardy. People will not look upon you fondly.

Definitely not a kids movie, a Debbie does Dallas - Tokyo style, with a West Virginia vibe kind of movie.

A glimpse into a drug dealers life. I wasn't so impressed with the camera angles as the back of his head is present during the shot or the ceiling view that gets tiring.

The camera will take you on unnecessary journeys and linger too long on flashy lights and spirally scenes in an attempt to give you vertigo.

So much to edit. They tried throwing in trippy effects towards the end but it's just too little too late.

A movie I can 100% say, I will never watch again.
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Ravage Nation (2022)
Don't waste your time
29 September 2023
Seemed like an even lower budget John Waters film. Not sure what I hated most: The loud music over dialouge, the black and white to all red scenes, the face petting or the fact half the movie is just a man with a mental illness talking to himself.

I wanted to turn it off twenty one minutes into the movie, but powered through it to give a proper review. I have wasted precious time so you don't have to. B movies are better than this and seemed like such a complete waste of time.

There really was no context given for the movie and all actions are in an outdoor environment. The most information is given at the end but still doesn't answer any questions.

Would never watch again or recommend to anyone.
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