
14 Reviews
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The Hunt (II) (2020)
But it's all true!
15 July 2020
Not sure why, actually I do know why. It was canned and pushed under the rug. The problem is what this movie represents, is all true and I can prove it. Release a movie, doesn't pass Hollywood woke muster, gets canned and buried. Was that a marketing strategy? If it was, then the critics canned it and the movie theaters that pulled it are part of a massive marketing conspiracy, proof there is no independence among access establishment critics. If it wasn't then, it's because they are...access establishment critics that all think alike and this movie indirectly exposes that. Not just triggered but checkmated! Finally, watch the movie and you realize, it's all true. Woke corporate elites acting and behaving like insane fools over proper pronouns and identity politics, how far will they go? They look down on the rest and with broad stereotypes. That broad brush crossed over the middle ground of person that barely pays attention to it all; A not so average American, a bad ass one. With righteous vengeance brings justice and ultimately; A little bit of balance back into the world. Every American should watch this. It's a parody, but a parody works if it pulls directly out of what is observable in the woke corporate world today and specifically Hollywood and the power they yield. It's a simple concept, but there aren't many movies coming out of Hollywood inspired by real world immediately identifiable current events within our culture? In fact the complete opposite is occurring which is also parodied. Why? Because it just exposes the whole elite class and it's exactly how they think! You can just imagine Hollywood producers spending why too much of their time worried about "proper representation" and "diversity and inclusion"; The film be damned! Then this movie managed to be made, it's a shame and of such wasted opportunity there aren't more. No one likes these woke corporate people except their own woke corporate circles, actually not sure about that either. I think they also hate each other and themselves. 9/10
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Rambo? Yes! Triggered Woke Media? Bonus!
10 May 2020
Rambo is no hero. A great end to a great saga. This movie is nothing more and nothing less than a Rambo movie. We now have the full set. To watch and revel in this amazing saga. All complete, and nicely tied up in a bloody, vengeful and righteous ending to a sad tale of a troubled man, who lived a troubled life. But ultimately victorious. Thank you Stallone, thank you for the great memories!
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Uncut Gems (2019)
Watch the movie then read the 1 star reviews.
1 February 2020
I see a great movie; that completely blew me away. Wasn't predictable, but also wasn't deliberately "subverting expectations" which appears to be one of the many failed trends and ideas currently infecting Hollywood (Ricky summed it up nicely for us all).

I come to imdb; See what other people thought about. Wasn't going to give a review, then I see 1 star reviews. I'm like, eh it's probably an 7 or an 8, but what's a 10? Does such a movie exist? Then again, does a 1 star movie actually really even exist?

This is a roller coaster on all levels. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Was always a fan of Sandler and this role was made for him to excel with. Watch the movie, enjoy it, but don't forget to breathe.

10/10 - But really a "whatever who cares about ratings anymore" 7/10
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The Witcher (2019– )
Don't listen to the critics, I'm talking to you Netflix.
21 December 2019
Apart a few casting choices that appear, well just are; Forced. If you are going to insist on "quotas" for roles, fine. But get the best actress or actor that fits that overly obsessive unnecessary criteria, but if you fall short...just GET THE BEST ACTOR OR ACTRESS THAT BEST FITS THE ROLE? Get my hint? Probably not. Anyhow, I hope Netflix wises up to the "critics" and the power they pretend to yield. They will never be pleased. You see ticking off every one of their forever changing required check boxes to satisfy these "critics" and whatever lever on the political equalizer they adjust on the day, will do nothing more than bog down production, produce nothing of value, guarantee a ruined great idea and a series (or movie) that is dead before it started, plagued with rewrites, wasting time injecting irrelevant "agenda's" into the scripts at every opportunity, and finally blaming fans for the failure. So I'm glad Netflix only checked off only a few. Admittedly I did got worried a few times though, succumbing to temptation perhaps at times? But it's not important enough right? The story is more important right? Why do I get the feeling I'm talking to a child? So I'm actually flexible! You want to appeal to a global audience and inject a global representation into series? Fine. But get the script right, do your best to adhere to the original material, great visuals, direction and camera work and how can you go wrong? Because apparently you do go wrong, along with everyone else in Hollywood. But good job! You get a deplorable person like me giving it 8/10! See it's not hard is it? Great acting, interesting subplots that all correlated with the main plot line. All done well enough considering. Just pay attention to my unpaid non-shill advice and don't screw it up. Look forward to Season 2.
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Z Nation: Welcome to the Newpocalypse (2018)
Season 5, Episode 1
Woke Nation was inevitable.
4 December 2019
Political analogies. Zombies are "Talkers" and instead of getting bullets in the head. Lets make them an icon for political commentary? How dare you discriminate against zombies! If this was a joke, it would be funny. It's not, they are damn serious about this, trying some emotional attachment to "Zombies" care factor and their fight for equal rights is a 100% FAIL. Instead of smart story telling and basic "How can you go wrong!" fundamentals that the last 4 episodes didn't seem to have trouble with, let's just frame every plot line with real world analogies! Don't lock up Zombies! Give them voting rights! Don't put them in cages that's just bigoted. Unbelievable overrated trash, how can it be so hard to steer away from a great show that did it's own comical, unserious and clever take on zombie? So well done giving the last season to terrible woke writers. But if the intention was kill of the show, well done. If not, well. Good job anyway. 1/10
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Wounds (2019)
Watched this before it was rated here.
19 October 2019
This movie fine. Could've it been done better? Sure. Does retribution matter to alot of viewers? Seems so. One of the movies I never liked was "Drag Me To Hell". I'm not a big fan of horrors that subvert expectations but serving the viewer no retribution for the antagonist can be frustrating. It's a style of movie I'm not a fan of, however this movie is somewhere in the middle. Well acted, crazy plot and frustrating dialog. But did I enjoy it? Yes, I had no idea where it was heading. It doesn't seem to be set up to subvert expectations. It has a start and an ending, it is what it is and that execution, while not perfect, was just fine. I watched this the other night before it was rated here, I come back and it's a 4.4/10. Really? It's a freaky movie, it is what it is. But a 4.4? People that hate things are more likely to review something, just to give a bad rating. The rest of us? We enjoy a movie and then go on about our day. This is where "authenticated" critics are suppose to step in with some balance, but they hate everything too now, or give great reviews because it ticks some irrelevant "inclusion & diversity" check list. What a mess! Watch this movie, it's fun. 7/10 for the genre and what it set out to do. Screw with your head. Take it easy.
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Eli (I) (2019)
Very Impressed.
19 October 2019
Impressed with this. Keeps you guessing and the ending isn't exactly expected but perfect. I won't reference a particular movie, because that would reveal a spoiler and to pretty awesome ending to the movie. Netflix seems to be releasing some pretty good movies lately, but they have alot of catching up to do. They produce way too much rubbish.

Highly recommend, especially if you are into this genre and great timing for Halloween.

I would give this a 9/10. I give it an 8/10 because its a deserved score overall. But if any cry babies give it a ridiculous score. I'll come back and give it a 10/10.
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Atheists run but they can't hide. But do you have to be an Atheist to be a Scientist?
15 October 2019
What theory is more plausible to an Atheist to explain the fundamental pitfalls to the evolution model?

1) The multiverse 2) Aliens! 3) Intelligent Design.

The answer is simple, it's anything other than #3.

The review for this title is a disgrace. So I'm giving it a 10/10. To assume that just because Darwin's theory of Evolution, written well before even Darwin understood molecular structures let alone DNA, became the new Gospel of the Scientific community, that other scientist would forever be silent? In 2019, what's even more compelling evidence that gives credence to 2 only alternative explanations as they scatter to find an answer to the mathematical probabilities that support random mutations for unique classes and families of species. What is utterly absurd, is that only the theories surrounding the multiverse and aliens or off world "sparks" that started the improbable chance of Darwin's theory actually being successful. Which just pushes the same question off to another planet or some "magic" of the multiverse model. So desperate to shut down any discussion that might re-ignite some new uprising to the Church is an insult to intelligent people having the ability to decide that for themselves. Darwin's theory is finished, it never had a compelling mathematical model to begin with, and that is a fact that's undisputed. Darwin's theory has always been so weak, which is why always the counter argument to any questions about it, was ridicule, scorn and replaced with dogmatic arrogance to hammer into the public and students alike. Again, those that fear the Intelligent Design argument, as compelling that it is, and arguably more plausible. Would instead rather shut down that argument, tell the public there is nothing to see here, all the while pursuing even more fantastical ideas of multiverse or "off world" influence, because only they of the Scientific ivory towers are authorised to tell you what the answer is. Only they haven't got an answer and have run out of time to find one. The irony and hypocrisy and betray of what true Scientific inquiry and investigation is all about. Asking questions where an answer is lacking.
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Fractured (I) (2019)
Take the Good with the Bad on Netflix. This is the Good.
12 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is not a movie if you want a happy ending. But you'll get the drift in the first 10 minutes.I caught a references to Outer Limits or Twilight Zone somewhere, see if you catch it. Well written and acted by all the cast. This movie doesn't pretend to be anything other than what it set out to be and in my opinion it hit the mark. If you like psychological and macabre thrillers and know what you are going to expect you will enjoy this. You may hope for the ending you want, but deep down, you know what you're going to get.
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Close (I) (2019)
OK, this was unexpected.
11 October 2019
Bad script, unbelievably frustrating plot, ok acting. Wasn't sure who was the hero. The plot well, if you're into contradictions and really bad subversion of expectations. Then this is the movie for you. This is a 3/10 and you'll know why when you watch it.
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Darc (2018)
Great Martial Arts Action Flick
2 October 2019
Great movie for the genre. DARC is an interesting character, I wish they evolved it a bit better. But overall the action scenes where amazingly shot. Warning, this is not a movie with a happy ending. True rating is a 6/10 for the genre, then again, what's a 7 or 8 or 9 or even a 10 anymore these days? If you like Martial Arts, sword play, Yakuza, then you should enjoy this.
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Outlawed (I) (2018)
I gave this 10/10 Because I'm not a bot...or easily triggered.
1 October 2019
Just a B grade NON PC action flick. With bits worth pausing and replaying. Just enjoy it for what it is. A bad B-Grade action flick!
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Iron Fist (2017–2018)
3 stars because it had me fooled.
20 May 2019
I can't believe I wasted my time with the 2nd season. I actually liked the 1st Season. The 2nd season Danny Rand does more emotional soul searching than actual fighting. But I actually started to get worried towards the end. Colleen takes the fist, has more fight time that Danny so yeah I guess what's this show about? Fine I'll skip through the next 2 episodes in fast mode. The writers or some miraculous intervention gives Danny the fists back in the last 10secs of the last episode before, mind you, he actually he's even started on his "journey" to figure out why he doesn't deserve it. Obviously forced, to bad, too late and why bother. There's no way back from this and that's why netflix cancelled. To allow such wayward script writing to begin with. Danny gets no retribution, is weak, simple minded and really it would be better if he just died and Davo's kept the fists and the show can end on more logical trajectory. Great actors, Finn Jones is fine as the Iron Fist/Danny Rand. Who are these script writers? Because Netflix, they do a damn fine job of ruining everything and what is sad Netflix pays them. Get a grip.
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I'm sorry I'm just sorry!
1 April 2018
This movie is a 4/10 AS I FINISHED WATCHING IT! Take this score IMDB! It will lower over time as I think about it more! So take it now! Example: I saw the TFA yeah it felt good and walking out this felt like a 7/10. As I drove away we began to discuss it in the car. It then became a 6/10. I then saw it again and it ended up being a 5. So take this 4/10 for TLJ while you still can! Don't make me watch it again. It will be a 1 for SURE! Terrible! And that Rian Johnson guy? He is for real? What drugs are you all doing at Disney?
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