
21 Reviews
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The Gray Man (2022)
So close to a 10 but....
13 August 2022
First off, Gosling should be the next 007 as long as the enterprise stops doing those ridiculously overblown and so boringly cliche chase seems - which is what happens in this movie.

Gosling is amazing! Smooth, collected, precise! That's him as an actor in this movie and in the character. Kudos to the writer(s). Evans is the same. So smug, cocky, and deliberate - again as an actor playing the part and the written part. It would have been cool to see those two in a Grayman series.

The tempo of the movie is lifelike. Measured and reasonable. Not slow, but not stupid Mission Impossible or (new) Bond tempo.....well, until that 20 minutes of cliché car chasing and gun shooting that could literally never happen in any city in the world. Just dumb and unnecessary.

That said, still a solid 6 and maybe even a 7 if you don't mind the snore chase.
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Spiderhead (2022)
The ratings are pretty spot on
13 August 2022
The actors are great and it's good to see Hemsworth do something different. Teller is hitting his stride in the business and he'll keep you interested. The writing is unfortunately middle of the road and the ending was just very anti-climactic. It's worth a watch.
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One of the better movies you haven't seen.
20 February 2022
Absolutely worth the watch. Think crime-drama meets sci-Fi. Just the right pace and just the right amount of intrigue to keep you glued to your seat.

Boyd Holbrook is spot on again and is definitely an actor you can count on to be good no matter what roll.
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Want to save time and money - watch the original!
4 February 2022
Soooo they lazily took the original movie with the same action scenes, took out two of the most important characters (Morpheus and Mr. Smith), then added more confusing mind twists,. They added a ton of flashbacks, then made countless efforts at explaining why there's a digital Morpheus running around. Add to that mess, apparently Agent Smith broke the matrix then got himself a younger face.

Seriously, if you have 2 hours to kill just re-watch the original.
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Thank gawd he's dead!
3 February 2022
Tried to watch it on an airplane because what else did I have to do for 10 hours? Made it 24 minutes and couldn't handle another snoooooring-boring car chase and the zero chemistry between Craig and Seydoux. Let's also mention she is just excruciatingly bland.

I woke up and tried again only to be reminded that 007 went from pre-Craig cool, man with a coordinated plan (with the support team) to Jason Bourne in his 40's with gadgets.

Let's not forget to mention that Hollywoke tried to hand jam a new 007 in for woke sake and just failed miserably....again!!! Lynch is a badass actor but she should have passed on this miserably shallow role.
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Young Rock (2021–2023)
3 February 2022
What a great show and one the whole family can enjoy. Heck, for that matter, there's literally no one that wouldn't like this show. It's funny, real, honest, and every actor is spot on awesome! The casting director gets a 10 for this!!!
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Disjointed mess with useless characters
26 December 2021
Total coincidence turns into completely unbelievable relationship with Cirk followed by another useless, nonsensical relationship with La. Literally no reason to have any of the card playing; Tel could have just gone and done the deed without any of it.
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Superstore (2015–2021)
A writer from The Office writes a Woke Office
23 November 2021
The top 3 billed actors are so good they can push the this contrived want-to-be The Office cliche and enable you to watch three episodes before shutting it off forever. The rest of the characters are woke-filler trying to cater to the .0001% of viewers that probably won't understand anyway because wry humor is a finely tuned cerebral craft that's culturally specific.
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The Chestnut Man (2021– )
Solid 7 - Could have been 10
23 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Fantastic actors and well written* sequences that make this binge-worthy. The story is believable and really caters to the development of the characters as the story moves forward. You won't be disappointed.

*Could have been a 10 if it was a 5 part series, but don't let these dissuade you from watching, it's a fantastic series: Couple of just duuuumb and unnecessary sequences: Dumb cops going into obviously "call for back-up" situations (one cop did this twice); The son getting kidnapped (seriously things would have just stopped if a second kid of a prominent politician got snatched); For the last episode, apparently the writers couldn't figure out a way to end it so they made us watch four different endings then finally got there.
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Invasion (2021–2024)
Terrible....wait that's giving it too much credit!
9 November 2021
It took me 3 days to get through Episode 1. Excruciatingly boring and literally all over the place. I was seriously hoping for any of the characters to die just to give some expectation (good or bad) of things to come. FINALLY one got killed in literally the most insignificantly boring manner that I started laughing my arse off.

Could-careless-characters written so everybody is included - well guess what woke-world that formula doesn't work. There's zero cohesiveness.

Please do NOT watch this trash you will thank me.
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The only thing Hollywood responds to is
6 October 2021
People writing honest reviews about the trash they're putting out while trying to cater to the 1%
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Nemesis (I) (2021)
What in the plastic surgery gone wrong was that?!?
1 August 2021
Seriously, thought this was a movie version of Botched. I feel so sorry for Janine Nerissa Sothcott and for you if you watch this disaster!
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Without Remorse (II) (2021)
1 August 2021
Had a LOT of potential, but MBJ just completely miscast. MBJ is a solid actor and one of my faves, but at some point, Hollyweird is going to have to stop bending over and catering to the 1% cancel-culture-babies and cast actors to fit the role not to fit some off-handed agenda. Only way to do this is be honest with one another.
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Till Death (I) (2021)
-50 Shades of Grey
16 July 2021
It wanted to be 50 SoG, but when the writers were plagiarizing the script they realized they only stole the even pages and completely forgot the ending so they had to have a bored 14 year old write it in between games of Minecraft. Even more unfortunate, Megan 'Only Has A Job Because of A Pretty Face (15 years ago)' is in it and actually has to act this time. She can't!!!
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That was fun
5 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously didn't know anything about this film, but part of the way through things seemed a liiiiiiittle off for a documentary, but I went with it. As soon as it ended, I was completely mixed: was I shocked, pissed, elated, confused or completely in awe that I didn't know it wasn't real? The answer - all the above. Totally worth watching; if for nothing else the acting is actually quite good and the loophole and fracking storylines are thought provoking.
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What a mess of a movie
4 July 2021
This disaster of a movie doesn't deserve a review. Do not watch it - EVER!
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Perfectly average...
28 May 2021
Denzel is just bored and it shows. He hasn't played an inspired role since "Remember the Titans." Leto, on the other hand, is masterfully extraordinary once again. The best method actor of our time just this side of DiCaprio. Rami Malek is fantastic, but way way miscast in this movie.
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Triple 9 (2016)
That was cool and fun!
28 May 2021
Like a way shorter and far more likable version of "The Departed." Casey Affleck, who is usually just a wasted extra character because of his last name, really emerged as a decent actor in this one. Anthony Mackie, who is always awesome, was a little muted because of the scripted-character, but he was still cool to watch. Kate Winslet was a total bad@ss! I actually didn't know it was her until the end of the movie. Brilliance!!! Woodie was always fun to watch Woodie and Michelle Ang came out of nowhere to make herself known with such a tiny part to play.
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STOP!!! Don't waste your time seriously STOP!
28 May 2021
I can't decide what made this more terrible; an unbelievable script with obviously no technical advisors or a wildly mis-cast ensemble of actors. To write anymore on this would simply just waste more of my life-force...
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Halston (2021)
Wow, did not think this was my type of show, but was excellent!
28 May 2021
I didn't care to watch this, but my flat-mate was and I kept finding myself staring at the TV finally just going all in!!! The acting was amazing!!! Literally every single actor was perfectly cast for their respective roles.
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Noting is perfect but this is very close
28 May 2021
Benedict Cumberpatch for the win!!! He made an obscure, off-putting real-life character understandable and likable. The rest of the cast was perfectly suited for their respective roles, bringing them to life and carrying the movie along at a pleasant tempo. The dialogue between characters was well written and perfectly executed.
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