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Beast King GoLion (1981–1982)
the original version of Lion Voltron
24 November 2001
Hyakuju O Go-Lion is the original anime series that Lion Voltron was dubbed from. In Voltron, there were quite a few changes from Golion though, such as violent scenes removed, character names changed, different voice actors, etc.

Golion is certainly quite violent at times, but it's an enjoyable series, even if I couldn't understand what was being said, lol.

Finding Golion episodes are hard to find, so if you do come across some, don't hesitate to pick it up.
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An improvement over Superman 3
9 August 2001
"Superman IV: The Quest For Peace" is a definite improvement over the embarassing "Superman 3".

The cast give sincere performances despite the film's flaws with Christopher Reeve handing in another great performance as Clark Kent/Superman.

"Superman 4" is a flawed film, most notably the special effects and the bad editing, as well as the cut scenes, but I like the film.

Alexander Courage's adaptation of John Williams' music is lovely and is certainly much better than Ken Thorne's version in "Superman 2". It's a shame there's no Superman 4 soundtrack available to purchase.

"Superman 4: The Quest For Peace" is a decent film, and one I certainly don't mind watching.
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Supergirl (1984)
An enjoyable film
9 August 2001
While not an epic like "Superman: The Movie", "Supergirl" is an enjoyable movie and it has a special place in my heart just like the first Superman movie.

The beautiful Helen Slater is fantastic in the title role of Supergirl and she easily carries the film. Like Reeve, Slater looks like she just popped out of the comic books and she gives a great performance as both Linda Lee and Supergirl. It's a shame she doesn't have a bigger career than the one she does now.

Faye Dunaway is miscast as Selena and is too campy in the role. The rest of the cast are fine in the movie, and I enjoyed Peter O'Toole's performance as Zaltar. Also, it was nice to see Marc McLure as Jimmy Olsen. However, my biggest disappointment with the film was that Christopher Reeve was not in it. It would have been fantastic to see Superman and Supergirl together.

The script, while good, should have been better and the campiness of Selena thrown out. I've read the original script and that one should have been used as it was slightly better and had some more characterisation in it.

The special effects are fantastic, especially in the flying scenes. I enjoy the Flying Ballet sequence a great deal, it's my favourite flying scene out of all the 'Super' films. This scene has always made me wish I could fly, a desire that was created when I saw the original Superman movie.

The music, which was composed and conducted by the great Jerry Goldsmith, is also one of the film's best aspects and I love it very much. The music is beautiful to listen to and are easy on the ears -- it's very poetic and lyrical which suits the film well.

Anchor Bay released "Supergirl" on DVD last year and they did a magnificent job, doing the film justice. The Director's Cut is the best version of the movie as it provides better characterisation and some explanations for plot holes that are present in the US theatrical and domestic cuts.

"Supergirl" is one of my favourite movies despite it's flaws and I find it to be a much better film than "Superman 3" and "Superman 4: The Quest For Peace".
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Superman III (1983)
An awful movie
9 August 2001
"Superman 3" is without a doubt an awful movie. It's the worst movie in the Superman series, although there are people who will disagree with me on that.

Christopher Reeve is the film's main saving grace, but it's a shame he plays second fiddle to Richard Pryor as Gus Gorman. Reeve is the only star who truly shines in this movie.

"Superman 3" does have some good bits about it, such as the special effects; the junkyard battle between Clark and the Evil Superman; and Reeve's performance, most especially in the junkyard battle.

The film's main problem is the script, written by the talentless David and Leslie Newman, which is just truly awful and an embarassment to the Superman legend. Richard Lester is another problem with the movie as he doesn't care for the Superman character and only wanted to provide cheap laughs.

Being a Superman fan, I do watch the movie but only once a year. I have this strange habit where I watch the movie on Christmas Eve before I go to bed, and I've been doing this for 5 to 6 years now.

"Superman 3" is an embarassment to the Superman legend and it's certainly a film I'd never recommend anyone to watch.
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Superman II (1980)
An entertaining movie
9 August 2001
"Superman 2" is a great sequel, but it isn't as good as the first movie because many scenes that were filmed weren't used, however they appeared in extended cuts on TV several times. Had these extra scenes appeared in the theatrical cut, the movie would have been even greater than it is as the extra footage really adds depth and emotion to the film.

Christopher Reeve is once again fantastic in the dual role of Clark Kent/Superman; Gene Hackman is delightful as the villainous Lex Luthor; Terence Stamp is wonderful as the evil and menacing General Zod; and Ned Beatty, while only in the film for a short time, is once again a hoot as Otis.

"Superman 2" does entertain me, although it does have some flaws. For starters, director Richard Lester inserted some 'comedic scenes' that weren't needed such as the man on the phone who continues laughing after the phone box is blown over. Scenes like this do not belong in a Superman film.

The special effects are great in this film as well, however it's not as good as the first film's because of time constraints. The effects artists had literally only weeks to complete hundreds of effect shots which explains why they aren't up to the standards of the first film's. However, you'll still believe a man can fly.

John Williams' superb music from the first film is very much missed in "Superman 2". Instead we have music that was conducted by Ken Thorne and orchestrated by a smaller orchestra using John Williams' original material. The music is good, but it's not up to the sheer greatness of the first movie's music.

"Superman 2" is popcorn entertainment and an enjoyable film to watch thanks to the performances and the action. I only watch the extended version though as it's better than the theatrical cut. If you do find a copy of the extended version, don't hesitate to get it as it is well worth getting.

Had Richard Donner been allowed to film the rest of "Superman 2" I have no doubt that it would have been even greater than the original film.
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Superman (1978)
Superman: The Movie is my all-time favourite film
9 August 2001
"Superman: The Movie" is my favourite movie of all time. I grew up watching this film and it continues to entertain me no matter how many times I watch it.

The performances are excellent and Christopher Reeve is the true star of the movie, he IS Superman. Marlon Brando is fantastic, as is Gene Hackman as the villainous Lex Luthor. Ned Beatty is also a hoot as the bumbling Otis; Margot Kidder is great as Lois Lane; Glenn Ford is wonderful as Pa Kent; heck, the whole cast is fantastic.

Richard Donner did a wonderful job with this movie, it was his heart and soul: it was his 'baby'. No-one else could have made this movie as fantastic as he did. It's a shame he was fired before he could finish making "Superman 2" as both movies were filmed simultaneously.

One of my favourite bits about the film is the magnificent score by the legendary John Williams. The music is absolutely astounding, one of the most recognisable pieces of music to this day. Williams should have won an Oscar for the score, it's truly superb. Get the Rhino 2-disc CD if you ever see it, it's a fantastic soundtrack.

The special effects are also fantastic and many of the flying scenes are great. It is this film, and Christopher Reeve, who gave me the desire to be able to fly. You'll certainly believe a man can fly in this movie.

I have the DVD to this movie, which has been signed by Donner and Creative Consultant Tom Mankiewicz, and it's a great disc although I feel there should have been more material on it. The only way to truly watch "Superman: The Movie" is with the DVD, it does the film justice.

"Superman: The Movie" is a true classic and will always have a special place in my heart.
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