
8 Reviews
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Till Death (I) (2021)
Had me shouting at the screen for various reasons.
5 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A lot of the downvotes here seem to simply be hating on Megan Fox for simply being in this movie. Having an issue with the actress is one thing but it in no way reviews the story.

This movie had me shouting at the screen for numerous reasons. From the get go the main character is clearly is in an emotionally abusive relationship and I was screaming "get out". But we all know it's not that simple.

The twists and turns had me screaming "WTF?!" The generic tense moments where the heroine hits the bad guy once and assumes she's safe had me screaming "THATS NOT ENOUGH SMASH HIS HEAD IN WITH THE GOLF CLUB".

And the ending had me screaming "STAB THROUGH THE ICE PLEASE TELL ME SHE SURVIVES" Sure it wasn't Oscar worthy. But the emotion that this movie made me scream at the screen is worth the 8/10. The story kept me entertained, it kept me on edge and I wanted to keep on watching.

It's definitely a movie worth a watch. Regardless of how you feel about Megan. I happen to love her but I genuinely believe anyone else could have played her role and I would have still enjoyed this story.
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Wrong Turn (2021)
Should have been a stand alone movie
11 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I feel like this movie doomed itself by marketing it as a "Wrong Turn" reboot. The wrong turn franchise, whilst cheesy and over the top, has a pretty strong cult following so fans of the original franchise will have an instant dislike for this movie as it is in no way related to the originals. The only thing similar is the main characters being stalked through the woods.

If you look passed the fact this isn't a "Wrong Turn" movie, as a stand alone movie it isn't that bad. None of the main characters are all that likeable so you tend not to care if they live or die. There are some glaring plot holes like if everyone knows this cult exists and is killing people, why is everyone so nonchalant about it? Why has no one ever attempted to take them down? How did the Jen suddenly become a survivalist expert with combat skills? Why did she never go back for her boyfriend who seemed to be brainwashed extremely quickly?

For cheap horror thrills it's a good mindless watch but it was marketed terribly and left far too many unanswered questions.
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Aftermath (IV) (2021)
Lower your expectations.
7 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A lot of reviews seem to be slating this like they were expecting a cinematic masterpiece and not your standard low budget netflix horror.

If you go into it fully aware that is will not be a cinematic masterpiece, you might enjoy it.

Some good scares and tension building scenes and worth a watch for a mindless movie in the evening.

My main issue with it seems to be the same as a lot of other people. So many things were left unanswered. Why did no one notice the sister had disappeared? The previous woman that lived in the house had an affair and asked her lover to live in the walls of the house... why did he agree to this? The length of time that seems to have gone by from him living in the walls to the final fight wouldn't have been long enough for him to have turned feral either. And once he had killed the first family, why did he continue to live in the walls and terrorise the next family? The original owners built the house, why did the husband not question why his wife wanted hidden rooms in the walls when they were building it? The police said they had reason to believe the brother in law had something to do with the family's death but it was never elaborated on.

A lot of plot points could have also been cut to make it shorter. The dinner scene with the mother, the parts about the husband going back to college and his friendship with his classmate, the wife's job deal and all her meetings are just some of the things that were irrelevant to the progression of the story and seemed to be thrown in to extend the screen time.

Overall if you're looking for a netflix horror with some cheap scares it's worth a watch but don't expect movie magic.
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Panic (2021)
A worthwhile watch for some mindless fun and excitement
6 June 2021
The trailer sparked my interest so I decided to give this a watch.

I don't fully understand all the negative reviews. I've watched a lot of new series that have been released that are a lot worse than this.

There are enough twists and turns and tension building scenes to keep it interesting. I found the story refreshing and I enjoyed watching the character progression.

A lot of the negative reviews seem to be nitpicking about the fact the people playing teenagers are clearly not teenagers but come on, that's nothing new in terms of movie and tv. And another stating the prize money of $50,000 isn't that much?? When you're a penniless teen, $50,000 is a LOT of money.

I dropped two points solely for the fact that I felt there were some plot holes. Like how the police seemed to be so determined to stop the game but never seemed to know when a round was taking place. In a small town where they state repeatedly not much happens it seems pretty far fetched to claim the police would find them hard to track. And like other reviews here I will say the whole thing with the tiger was a little ridiculous. I also felt the finale could have been extended over two episodes to answer more of the viewers questions.

But the actors did a good job and the storyline flowed enough to keep me entertained to the end. It's definitely worth a watch.
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As good, if not better, than the first.
30 May 2021
As much as I love The Conjuring movies, I was skeptical going into this. The first two followed the same kind of format which involved a possession of a family member and an exorcism. I was questionable about how well a third movie with the same kind of story line might play out but I couldn't have been more wrong.

The Conjuring 3: The Devil Made Me Do It flips the original format on its head and keeps it fresh. It takes place in various locations with various victims and villains and the addition of the court case really kept it interesting.

As a horror movie fanatic I give a lot of credit to the first The Conjuring movie as one of the best modern day horrors and this one has matched if not surpassed it.

The filming is beautiful with amazing shots and although there are some jump scares, it doesn't rely on them to make the movie unsettling and scary.

The Conjuring remains one of the best modern horror franchises out there.
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Paradise City (2021– )
Didn't seem to know which direction it was going..
15 April 2021
I am a big rock and metal fan and a huge fan of the SOA cast and Fairuza Balk so when I heard about this series I was very excited but sadly it seemed the writers had no idea which direction they wanted to take it in.

Rather than focus on one main important storyline, they had far too many different characters with minor storylines that were portrayed as though they were important, but failed to elaborate on, leaving me wondering why they focused on them or brought my attention to them in the first place.

A lot of the acting and the script is very questionable, attempting to be poetic with metaphors and monologues but a lot of it felt so out of place and really just ended up coming off as the characters speaking gibberish.

Out of the main band members, Bella Thornes character was the only one in the band I felt was believable as a character and actor. The rest left me cringing at their failed attempts to deliver their lines.

I would really like to see a spin off focusing on the characters played by Drea De Matteo, Ryan Hurst and Mark Boone as they were the best acting in the series and their storylines and characters were the most interesting.

Whilst I think it was a good concept for a tv show and they clearly had a lot of storyline ideas, I think it would have worked much better had they focused on one storyline at a time and saved the other storylines for future seasons to give them the screen time they deserved.
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A great insight to the detectives perspective.
14 January 2021
There seems to be low rated reviews on here as it didn't contain enough information about Ramirez himself. What needs to be realised is that that is not what this documentary is. It is not a biography of Ramirez himself but a narration of how the detectives caught him. If you want a documentary on Ramirez there are plenty out there. There are books and movies as well. As someone who has seen a lot of them I wasn't interested in another retelling of his life. I personally found it refreshing to see how the detectives went about piecing it all together and eventually catching him. Well worth a watch.
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Ring Ring (I) (2019)
I don't think the writers knew where they were going...
12 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie begins setting up what seems is going to be an important plot line to the movie. A bunch of employees are being let go so they steal their bosses client list in an attempt to make money on their own. The reason you think this is important is cause it goes on for quite some time only for it to eventually have nothing to do with the movie at all. One of the employees loses his phone and when he, along with another one of the employees uses a tracking app to find it at a house that is inhabited by a junkie who locks them in the basement for fear of them reporting him for taking the guys phone. The junkie also dresses up as his dead mother so no one knows she is dead and actually stored in his freezer (another plot line that seems completely irrelevant and is never fully explained). Then it becomes a simple hostage scenario and a fight for survival. The first part of the movie is completely pointless as regardless of whether they had stolen this client list or not, the guy that lost his phone probably would have followed the same steps to get his phone back leading him to the house. It felt like filler to make the movie, which is only over an hour long, even longer because they didn't have much else of a storyline to pad it out. It feels like the writers started writing the original "client list" story line and then just forgot about it after 30 minutes in and completely changed direction. Whilst there is some good indie acting in this, the story has little to no flow and is certainly not a horror movie as advertised.
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