106 Reviews
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avg movie very avg in everyway
28 May 2024
This movie I go back and forth with there are things that I really enjoyed about this movie I thought the whole concept of the movie could have been pretty interesting, but Unfortunately I think the casting of the children just didnt work for me they just were not right for the roles being played! I did how ever enjoy how the movie kept you guessing! I also liked the location but its a pretty typical location for a horror movie lol. I would have a hard time recomending this movie to anyone, i feel like thier are too many other better movies to recomend! This style of movie has been done much better!
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Idiocracy (2006)
this movie should be a documentry lol
28 May 2024
Sadly this movie is becoming a true story! This movie may go overbord on the how stupid ppl are but its not far off, and its spot on how corprations are the ones who really have the power in America! I laughed so much when you see all the ads on tv, that pretty much how it is today lol 20 ads for one half hour show. The comedy may be low ball most of the time but thats the point showing how ppl cant or dont have the attention span to understand anything that takes any kind of thinking! If you have never watched this movie its a must watch ! Sadly this is our future with an other Trump Presidency but i think President Mt Dew has more of a brain then any of the trumps !
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The Beekeeper (2024)
very entertaning action movie
15 May 2024
I enjoyed watching this movie its nice to see the bad guy get his! I thought that the characters were cast well and well acted! Sadly the problem with scams on the internet and data mining are serious problems that effect way too many people! I loved the action and the fight scenes were over the top and very entertaining! If your looking for an action movie thats new and need to kill a hr or so you cant go wrong picking this movie! Jason Staham (sorry cant spell ) is perfect in this role i can not see anyone else playing this part as well as he does, There is no shortage of fire, fighting, shooting, explsions ect to keep your heart pounding!!
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not good and not bad
15 January 2024
This movie is right in the middle i would't go as far as to say its a good movie its just there not good or bad! Everything about this movie is just plain avg the acting at times isnt bad yet its not good either its stuck in the middle. The english dub is a bit off to the point it can be distracting like the old hong kong movies were there lips move but not to the words your hearing, so if thats something you cant deal with dont bother watching this movie. There are a few pretty good kills in the movie which was a suprise i figured being a netfliex movie i thought it would be super toned down to be able to show it to as many ppl as possible so when i say a little bit of gore i was suprised in a good way lol! This story has been done before and done much better !
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Had a good time watching this movie
18 August 2023
So I took my nephew to our Regal theater on the second week of this movies release, after seeing the trailer I was really excited! Me being an 80 child I love The Teenage Mutant Ninga Turtles 🐢 in fact I seen all three of the original Turtles live action movies in theaters as a kid! The art style really caught my eye it was different but not in a bad way! I also enjoyed the humor and the voice actor's did a great job I was really impressed I was really happy I took my nephew even if it cost me almost 60$! I think the route they took with the bad guys was a good choice When they could have just went the tried and tested route 😀!
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Renfield (2023)
pretty good comedy
12 June 2023
I often find my self starting watching a comedy and never finishing it but for once i found a movie that i finished! I think the casting of Nick Cage was the perfect choice for this verison of Dracula, in fact i thought he was even toned down a lil i thought he was going to be way over the top but it works well. I loved the character Renfield he was pretty relatable and i enjoyed his story ark. The comedy was funny with out being low ball gross out humor that a lot of comedies fall back on. This is definitely one if not the best movie i have seen Nick Cage staring in that is good in a very long time, its good to see him fit in a movie.
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great doc for a great time in Horror movie time line !!!
8 March 2023
I have to admit i might be very biasd seeing as I am a huge fan of both Documenterys and Horror movies so i am the target audiance lol! (sorry about the spelling between my bad spelling and mis typing it may be sloppy so if bad grammer bothers you you"ll want to stop reading ) I have enjoyed every one of this series of documentrys im hoping they make more three isnt enough for me, there is so many more themes they could touch on. The actors and talking heads they got to do the interviews are great and too get a inside stroy on some of my favorite Horror movies, and most gresome kills, it definitly gives you a different view and tons of really interesting facts!!
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Motherly (2021)
pretty decent movie
2 December 2022
First this movie is pretty good, the acting tho not the best is passable ,i enjoyed the few characters we do get are pretty interesting you can see why everyone does what they do in this movie thier reasons are made very clear. The movie def wraps its self up in a very different way, i watch a ton of these kinds of movies so i spoted the twist a mile away but i still enjoyed it! Its kinda funny it seems like evey single young child is wrote as the same trope, disrespectful, mean, spoiled, ect you know the trope lol maybe i just started paying attension but that spoiled kid is in just about every single movie i watch lol!! Overall tho id give this movie a 6 out of 10 it kept me entertained the whole time!
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Silent Night (I) (2012)
good not great,bad but not terrible
1 December 2022
Okay 1st off i have to say the kills in this movie are done pretty well but may be a bit much for some who are not into overly grosome kills ex like the kills from old school slashers like Friday the 13th or Fredy! This movie follows alot of the horror movie tropes like ppl making the stupidest decions ever that no real person would ever make but if you can over look that and some of the B movie plot holes there can be some fun! I love christmas horror movies to turn a holiday about love giving and family and turning it into a nightmare is always fun to see how the world they build for the characters is always interesting to me. Malcom Mcdowell is way over the top not to the point of Nic cage but sometimes he had me laughing thinking there is no way the was the best take lol the way the characters act and talk to each other sometimes is way too fake and even pulls you out of the movie cause its just not how a real person would act lol. When it does happen i just had to remind my self its a B movie! Over all i think this could have been a really fun movie but as is id say its just your avg scary movie not good but not bad either.
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V/H/S/99 (2022)
some good some bad
4 November 2022
Ok so just like every single anthogy movie ever made i loved some ot the storys and some i hated. To me i thought it started off pretty bad but by the end of the movie i liked more of the storys then i did not like! I do have to say that most of the actors did a pretty decent job which was nice because some of these style movies can go super cheap when it comes to hiring actors, I thought that most the actors held up atleast were believeable so that is a plus!! I was kinda worried when i found it was not a large release but i think it fits great on shudder being a horror fan i use the shudder app a ton and finding this on there was a good watch atleast avg not terrible but not great either just a 5.
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Prey (I) (2022)
love this movie
29 October 2022
This is how Predator movies should be made thats what makes the comics so great different storys, differt time periods its always great to see how they go about trying to kill the predator it gets boring seeing every one always use a gun and to have it set it such a different time then now really works ! I love how they had a few easter eggs but not like it ruins the story if you dont get them, just a nood to the long time fans ! Im possitive not all long time fans will enjoy the Predator design as i did too me i enjoy seeing differnt styles of Predator and the weapons they choose to take to the hunt!
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worest comedy show ever!!!
24 October 2022
First off i am writing this review to warn ppl please please dont waste tims e im seriously trying to save you from throwing away your time doing almost anything else is a better use of time then watching this trash!! Im not going to lie i didnt make it through the whole thing but i know i watched enough to get the point !! Ive seen open mic nights with better comedy then what Brendan Schaub brought to his special LOL!! Joe may have saved him from being beat up he should have told him his so called jokes are not even jokes its alot of dumb some racist storys that are 99% lies dude is a known lying p.o.s.
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Deadstream (2022)
i Hate hunted house movies but this is good
6 October 2022
Like i said in the title im not a fan of hunted house moives the whole paranormal activity style movies have never been at the top of movies i enjoy. I liked the main guy which is really important seeing as theyre are not many other ppl in the movie lol!! I liked how they sprinkled in humor without overdoing it enough to make you laugh. The way they shot the movie with go Pro looking cams has been done a million times but i think that it helped this movie at times it helped build tension!! The back story was kidda over done but at this point its rare to see unique story part of a movie is bound to be a rehash haha!! The Ending isnt my favorite part of the movie but i see were they were going with it!! This movie is better then most the crap they try to put out there !!
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a watchable silly low buget horror film not good or bad just avg
4 July 2022
This movie to me isn't terrible or great its just you avg low buget horror film. The acting in this movie is by far not the best but its also not the worst either. The plot of the movie is kinda interesting even tho its been done a thousand times. I wouldn't ever recommend this movie its not that good im my opinion but it wasnt a complete waste of time there are a few good scenes and it even makes some good social commentary!!! I gave this movie a 4 because i didnt have to turn it off i could sit threw the movie atleast lol.
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Tragedy Girls (2017)
fun and good movie to watch to pass time
20 March 2022
I liked this movie and the way it show's how being obsessed with social media is not healthy at all for teens or adults.!!

I loved how clueless the parents are but sadly thats the way a lot of parent and child relationships are parents have no clue what kind of person there child is, all too often parents think there kids are little angels, when in reality there lil demons lol!! This movie isnt the most realistic movie out there so dont go in thinking that but if you can get over some of the logic i think you will enjoy this movie.
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well shot
21 February 2022
Wow really glad this documentary was made; I really wish people were more aware of that these types of people are everywhere, and this is their job, and they are taking millions and millions of dollars from people who are not rich, and these con men and woman are ruining people's Lives!! It's crazy how just looking like you belong and having the right cloths and a few pictures can trick someone into giving money they really don't have to help someone they think they know!! It's like the men who do this pray on the fact some women want that prince charming who can give them everything they ever wanted and it's like their scared to say no cause then maybe he will leave and there goes their fairy tale.
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Cherry Falls (1999)
Average Horror movie for the time period
21 February 2022
Let me start off by saying this I know there are a ton of Brittney Murphy fans and after her terribly tragic death she's become even more popular, But I'm sorry her acting is just not good in my opinion, she's very bubbly, valley girlish, ditzy, bipolar, manic and it's the same in every single part she plays!! She can only play one type of roll and it just don't work for me and i understand others may think I'm crazy!! The worst part of this movie is the killer they lay the whole back story on you in one scene and the way its done is terrible i don't want to spoil it but if you watch it you'll see what i mean it just don't make sense its like the writer made them the killer just to have a twist ending and so they can have a red herring lol But over all this move isn't the worsts even Tho you can't tell by my review this was just a bad era for horror and this was one of the Average movies that came out of that era.
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such a sad story and being based on true events makes it so heartbreaking
17 February 2022
This movie gets to me knowing that this is based on true events and not like Texas chainsaw massacre based on true facts lol, this changes the names and some of the facts but is very close to what that poor girl had to go through! I just don't understand how someone could hurt an other human no forget that a living being like that it makes me sick!!!! There were so many different kids who ended up being a part in it how did those kids stay quiet teens love to tell on each other but seems like when they need to talk they don"t and when you wish they"d shut up and keep it to them self's they tell everyone lol This movie is so heart breaking sometimes i hate ppl lol.
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amazing movie
5 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie really shows how lucky some people are that are born in stable country's!! Watching this i could not even dream of having to do the things these young boys sometimes 6 or 7 years old had to do and if they didnt they were killed right along with the person they were told to kill its so sad and heart breaking every child should have a childhood a time to grow and learn not to be taught to be a killer.
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Creep (I) (2014)
really good movie
29 January 2022
I really enjoyed the movie; this is about the only time in the last few yrs i thought the found footage/low budget style works really great. The title really fits this movie well so well in fact if it was me id have been gone, but its a movie sooo you can understand at least why he continues its not like some movies were every action a person makes it unreal and like they did it only to keep the plot of the story going. I even liked the ending which is rare now a days lol.
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Horror Noire (2021)
great look at the messed up relationship of black ppl and horror movies
21 January 2022
This movie is soooo full of information that I sadly didn't know and being huge horror fan, I want to know every single fact I can. Wow it just blows my mind how terribly racist alot of the subtext of these movies are. Really makes you think, there should be so many more of these kind of documentary's ! One of the facts i did know was how important it was to have Duane Jones as the lead of Night of the living dead, and the way the group of whites just shoot him on sight with out finding out if he was a zombie or not! That scene was so powerful and sadly was and is how a lot of Americans still think!!
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Better Watch Out (II) (2016)
pretty good movie better then avg
21 January 2022
I have held off watching this movie for a long time i figured it was just your avg horror comedy but after watching it theres a bit more to it maybe not a whole lot more but still better then most new movies that have came out in the last few yrs! The kid who plays the main role does a great job of acting like a total sociopath! I really enjoyed the bit of a twist ending too adds a last bit of got ya lol!!
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one of the best war movies ever made
20 January 2022
I love this movie it really feels like it was shot during the war! The drill instructor is played perfectly by Lee Ermey who was a real drill instructor (sorry can't spell) and the insults he yells at the recruits is some of the best and funniest lines ever uttered by an actor ever!!! There are so many great scenes too many to list well and I don't want to spoil any of it for ppl who haven't seen this movie yet!! This is by far one of the top 3 movies by one of the greatest directors of our time!!! You can tell by watching this movie Stanly really cared about how the movie was shot, the message ect.
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Goodfellas (1990)
one of the best Ganster movies made
18 January 2022
I love this movie to me it has every great gangster actor of its time and its directed by none other then Martin Scorsese! Robert DeNiro is perfect as Jimmy you really believe these guys are gangsters!!! I dont think there is a more popular movie quote the the great Joe Pescis line "do i amuse you" you can see the fear in every one of the eyes of those guys that one scene showed you how crazy every one thinks Joe Pesci is. This movies opening is probably the best ever its like it transports you to the time and your there lol.
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one of the hardest movies to watch yet one of the most important moves made
18 January 2022
There are not many movies as hard to watch as Schindlers list and im a fan of horror even what ppl call torure porn ive know to like a hostel or even a cannibal holocaust but watching the real Holocaust is so much worse then some really well shot effect and knowing that a whole country turned there backs while a group who felt they were superior so that gave them the right to kill them 6 million men, woman, and children, murdered for no reason then there race and when you learn Hitler got alot of his ideas from the USA and how we treated Black men and women its just so wrong yet this kind of hate is still around all you have to do is turn on the news and there it is!! We have advanced in so many ways yet still are stuck with petty hate over skin color or what we call our God and which one is the true God ect ect !!!!!! Anyways movies like this show how disgusting and wrong those kind of actions are and its important to never forget this kind of hate.
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