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The title had more intriguing story than the actual movie
11 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
No disrespect, but I was more curious about what man was the story about because, the main character was his child, but it was pretty obvious. The actors played well, but the story was pretty common and predictable, easy solving, she could have skipped the drama and found him earlier, but that's the charm of it. It was good to see Turturro again, and not in a comedy movie, the others too, Johnny really looked like a gypsy. Peace & Love!

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Pinocchio (I) (2022)
A visual delight, thank you, Disney!
11 September 2022
I haven't read the original story, but I can tell that the visual effects, cast, voices were an A+ and more than 100% accurate. Very well done! Finally a good reboot! You have my full support in making more like this one! The story wasn't above the curve as many would have been expected, but it's a fantasy and a family movie! It made me a tearjerker, I admit, because it sent me there, in that period of time, where Mr. Walt created these beauties and amazed us with the drawings and magic. I never knew the lyrics from the Disney movies intro song. Thank you for that. It really touched me! A strong candidate to the visual and song department to the Oscar's, original song too, not to mention animated movie! Good luck taking on Lightyear! Can't wait for the next projects like this! Peace and Love!
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Not great not terrible once again
3 September 2022
I saw some of reviews and the ratings, trailers too. I knew what I was facing. I know what I would like and what not. For example the cast, the pets design, the ideas, the comedy were the good parts, but the JL members and the story.. not so good. Had some good quotes too snatched too. Unfortunately, not a solid, unpredictable story. Wouldn't say no to a sequel. Expected my love to show up there and watch it with her but nothing is perfect without her. Peace & Love.... utsitsidtdoydiydiggxigxiyyd.itsitdoydoydohdoydiyxdigdigxigxigxigdiyditd8tsotsotsogxogxogd.yriyidtidtidtidtiditdtidtiditditditdtidtiditdiydyidigdgidigdidggidigdigdkgxkzgkgzkgsgsigsjjgs.
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Harley Quinn (2019– )
Not even going to bother
26 August 2022
I barely watched the first season, can't say anything, too disappointing and too overrated. This is a blasphemy, a bad copy of all the other rivals, they took and made everything that I don't like. I won't say more because it took too much of my time already. At your own risk try it. Peace!
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Sleepy Hollow (1999)
Burtonverse meets R-Rated(a bit of The Shining)
19 August 2022
As always a pleasure to see his marks, designs, but the liquids didn't fit that well, maybe I'm not used with them in his films. Johnny as always was brilliant. I don't know the book story, probably that's why the adaptation didn't sang to me. I expected more detective work and a successful one. I hoped he could have saved more lives, but that's the story. It moved slow, a bit, enough to make me lose my curiosity and interest. Nevertheless, it was good to see Johnny and Tim working again, more please! Peace and Love!
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Luck (I) (2022)
Interesting idea, but this one didn't rose either above the trailer
18 August 2022
Beautiful colors, songs, even ending, but it wasn't enough for me. The story didn't had the deepness and the lessons, teachings that I was hoping for. I was really bothered about her bad luck from the beginning, annoying.. And even the lip sync of their dialogues, they were annoying to look at because they were incomplete. I liked the real life references and situational jokes that they were mentioning. I would think twice if they will announce a sequel. Peace and Love!
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Fantastic Mr. Fox? Nah. This is Mr. Fox's Three
17 August 2022
Liked the style, the heists, the plans, colours, the designs, the teachings, a beautiful Wes movie. It is definitely a groundbreaking one and a heartfelt and funny non Pixar/Disney movie. Well done everyone! It was a worthy nomination, a good contender to the winner, I expected the difference to be bigger, but it's actually a close call. That's how it should be, we deserve it! Definitely on board for a sequel! Peace and Love!
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Day Shift (2022)
Fun family movie, well done!
15 August 2022
It had many references, copied ideas, but for their style it was a good choice, I laughed, enjoyed the moves, really acrobatic and spectacular , although the action was pretty slow and not fluent for the sake of the natural laws of physics, but it didn't bother me much. Liked the music, liked the west coast vibes, the cast was on point. Definitely going to watch the sequel, if! Well done, Netflix! Keep up the good work! Peace and Love!
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All that trouble.. for nothing
14 August 2022
It wanted to be mysterious, getting you interested, but it was very much obvious. Literally all the scenarios you could have predicted. Only the puzzles could kept you curious to the end to see what lies behind, but you end up being meh, not impressed. A pity, it was a good cast. A few good quotes and music, but that's about it. Peace and Love!
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Futurama (1999– )
I think it's a nostalgia rating
13 August 2022
I mean, only that can explain why it is so overrated. Yes, I evaluated only the first season, but I'm not going to continue if at least one or two episodes impress me. I expected something more, better jokes, lively atmosphere, some deepness, quotes, something like Bojack had. Bender, obviously is the carry of the series, but, I'm sorry, this is not enough for me. Moving on to the next one. Peace and Love!
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Expected more depth , ironic isn't it?
12 August 2022
Heavy story, hard to imagine what all of them had felt. It needed a different approach, felt too detailed for a movie, almost a documentary, and it was too rushed and problem solving, dry, monotone, without any sound or music that made you feel the rush, emotions, the climax of the movie in order to feel like you're watching a artistic movie. As a conclusion, here for the cast and a bit for the rating, stayed for the cast, but that's it. Admirable efforts, it's a pity some of us only on this day found out about that event. There is still hope for humanity though. We need more stories like these, better told. Thank you! Peace and Love!
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Nine (2009)
The weight of fame
9 August 2022
Another not understood artist that I couldn't empathize with, maybe because I couldn't be objective, or it really didn't reached to me. One thing is for sure, it was pretty disorganized and not going anywhere and that must be the reason why I was losing interest quickly. DDL was great as always, but the story did not reached his level. The ladies were decent, but too many, they didn't get to be that significant as characters or acting contributions. As for the Oscar nominations : the songs were pretty good, but not good enough, they weren't that special, you can meet them in any seduction movie, or romantic latino ones; for the supporting role I can understand why the Academy chose Penelope, but she had too little screen time and impact on the character, yes she was impressive in her musical moment, but it wasn't worthy enough to consider her even as a nominee,but that's me. Peace and Love!
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Disaster movie again
8 August 2022
Too bad it had such a good cast and music. I don't know what this movie tried to show us, besides the obvious lessons. Maybe that you can be surprised again how bad and hard to watch can a 7+ imdb rate movie can be, when a 5 or 6 can be better. Life, tastes. Nothing more to add besides that this also was almost like a soup with everything thrown, more like a puke, sorry, I was inspired of what I've seen too many times here and it's not just the physical form, but the chaos and disorganization. Peace and love!
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Archive 81 (2022)
Big potential, unfortunately another bigger trailer case
7 August 2022
It kept me curious, but it wasn't enough to impress me or even reach my expectations. The little glimpse of horror moment from the face damage gave me a little bit of hope, but it faded quickly. A pity. Sinister should have taught them better. Wan, please do something, better! Peace and Love!
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Primal (2019– )
Overpowered and made like a super(pri)ma(l)n
7 August 2022
I didn't understand why this "silent" cartoon was more appreciated than Samurai Jack for example, who is made by the same creator. It didn't had any ounce of teaching moments, quotes or intersting episodes that SJ had. The violence, rage and mindless actions didn't reached to me. I know I shouldn't compare them, but I can't help it when I see this big rate that is not worth it. Moving on, definitely won't continue watching the next season or the movie. Peace!
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The Outfit (2022)
Didn't expect to be this almost good
31 July 2022
Well done! It really had potential to be better. It needed just a faster fluency in speech and action, it would be a top movie for this year. Nevertheless, I liked the elegance, details and the attention you needed to pay like the Boyle father scene. Really disappointed at myself that I missed that out. Guess I lowered the standards, my bad. Well done again to all the crew that made this project happen. You have my full support and making more, why not sequels, prequels. Anything like this. We missed them! Peace & Love!
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Too overrated
30 July 2022
I understand why it is where it is on the top, but it wasn't enough for me. Too childish, dull and inconsistent. It didn't impress me, the song and animation were pretty good and cute, but that was it. Another big rate giant crossed out the list. Primal next, let's go! Peace and Love!
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Very detailed, suspenseful, everything a movie about covert operations should have
29 July 2022
I liked it more than The Courier, Bridge of Spies or Allied which were on my top list of spy movies. This one had more to show "behind the scenes" and what the people that were engaged in this how the pressure had effects on their lives and what it had been going on with their lives and contributions to the operation. I loved the era and the atmosphere, the music, style, but I managed to be objective. So, well done to everyone! Waiting and supporting for more projects like this!
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Everything Everywhere.. thrown in one big bowl and try to eat that soup
28 July 2022
Too much of everything. I couldn't take this movie not even as an improvise, parody, rehearsal, nothing. It had too many ideas and chaos that weren't really making sense. Too overrated for me. I liked some of the moves, but it wasn't enough. This seemed like a big budget Netflix movie, put them in one place and see what happens. I'm sorry, but this is a no for me.
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Spiderhead (2022)
Another trailer better than the whole movie
27 July 2022
Not surprised. I expected this after I read some of the reviews, but it's okay, nothing more to add. I liked the music and the quotes I was able to get. I'm grateful. Could be a lot worse. Moving on. Poor Chris, not his year huh? Jk. Peace & Love!
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Simple, mediocre, a assumed "risk" but I could enjoy it
26 July 2022
So thank you! I had a few laughs. I liked the dry and sometimes dad jokes. Well use of the stereotypes and applying real life similarities that the world now can relate to. Good quote material too, didn't expect that many. The plot was pretty predictable, but it was straight point so for its runtime it was pretty decent. I wouldn't say no to a sequel. Well done to everyone! Peace & Love!
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A different origin story
26 July 2022
It was going somewhere, predictable, though flatlined and a bit boring til' the middle of the movie, but the changes from all the stories that were before didn't quite sang to me. It had some SW The Force Awakens ideas that also were a bit exaggerated, but at least it wasn't that disturbing, still not okay. I liked the drawing, designs, besides Sinestro's. I hope this new saga or storyline goes in a good direction. Hope is never lost! Peace & Love!
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Elvis (2022)
Beautiful, but too long
25 July 2022
It was a musical and visual delight. The casting and the make-ups were very well made, but it lacked something. Felt like it wanted to check all the important scenes of his life very fast, almost in a rushed/superficial way. I thought it would go deeper in his feelings, experiences, like the bulimia from the ending. I thought I would learn more about him from this, but if I zoomed out, I wouldn't get a different image/idea that other biopics didn't show. I enjoyed it, don't get me wrong, but I expected to be much better as a whole movie to see not to hear. As for the sound department, atmosphere and songs: extraordinary! An Oscar, at least they will win for that. As for the actors performances.. not so much, Tom and Austin were great, but the story/script held them back. From experience, I wouldn't be surprised if it would be another Bohemian sympathy from The Academy. We will see! It was good to hear from The King again, would like to see more stories from him. Peace & Love!
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Not as wow as the first one, but
23 July 2022
It was good enough to get close. I didn't expected. Well done to all! Especially John. He nailed that role, a perfect fit! Again, the visuals were a delight and yes the story had some flaws, improvisations, superficial easy solving problems and some time off without action but that's were the building of the suspense was kicking in and went well, the characters helped a lot. I liked the idea, "evil is what you making" - Kid Cudi. Really looking forward for the next one, this franchise is too underrated and looked over. You have my full support! Go Jaegers! Peace & Love!
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Archer (2009–2023)
Not for me
23 July 2022
I only watched the first season because ai didn't want to give up after the first episode, but it was the same. I couldn't enjoy it even as a pamphlet, parody. Nothing that this Tv Series brought didn't made me stay or keep me interested. The design was okay-ish, but not enough, at all to even make me think about continuing. Not going to continue it, ever! Sorry not sorry! Peace!
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