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Some people had to work harder in life.
20 May 2024
I usually do not like two aspects of this kind of shows...

First, real life events. Second, Colombian series. However, this show has so much to say. I loved this sbow. It was engaging from beggining to end.

The show follows Edilma, Barbara, the pilots and the hijackers. This show give us everything we need. The drama, the action, the tension. I have never felt so much tension like I did in episodes 2 and 3. Then after episode 4, it becomes a show about injustice. This show has so much to say, and of course it is dramatic. That's the whole latin essence.

I would recommend everyone to look for herself this show. It gives you a look into how hard it is the latin american culture. Some people jus have to work so much harder than other to survive.
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Doom Patrol: Done Patrol (2023)
Season 4, Episode 12
Finale Patrol
24 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This show is weird AF. Sometimes it was a spectacle of what strange idea had the writers next. But it was a show with a lot of heart. They gave us the most interesting group of weirdos who were trying to solve the messes they made.

The finale was perfect. Everyone had their finale, and I was crying throughout the whole episode. I feel like this is all it takes to make a great finale. Solve the issue of the season, kinda rushed, but it made sense, and then present a closure. Since this was an ensemble of main characters, they had to present us their end of the journey. And it was so amazing. The final scene is honestly incredible.
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Fair Play (2023)
"Men bad, women good" simplifies the premise
20 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I had no expectations watching this movie. I was actually going to left the movie 40 minutes in cause it is a slow burn drama/thriller who I thought was kind of pretentious.

However, I continue watching the movie cause Emily was engaging and the conflict was interesting enough. Yeah, there are some moments that make you facepalm and honestly I would rather a better final scene.

But all of that aside, the message and the main story is more than a gender problem. The movie depicts a heterosexual couple cause it is more common to see this reality of toxic masculinity but it is not just a men vs women issue.

I have seen this kind of story happens gender swap or LGBTQ. Some people don't deal well with power dynamics, insecurity and envy in their own relationships. Sometimes even I had some issues dealing with that kind of feelings towards friends. But it is something we need to work on. Be better people and try to celebrate our close friends success. It is a raw, hard to watch kind of movie but I liked it, I enjoyed it and I don't feel like it is a gender issue, however in relationships it is more common seeing the man feel threaten by a more successful woman.
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iCarly: i'M a USA Bae (2022)
Season 2, Episode 8
Back on track!
22 May 2022
ICupid and iDragged Him were terrible episodes. And that's weird because I loved drag queens and Rachel Bloom but for some reason those episodes were more campy than usual and they didn't focus on the iCarly plot.

This episode does focus on the main storyline and has some better writting and jokes.
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Almost a perfect episode... But it was Riga Morris
15 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The challenge was amazing. I need this challenge to be a new stamp for the show. We need more vulnerability from the Queens. No one did bad. This was an almost perfect episode

The winner should have been one of the winner team. Eureka or Trinity. Ginger did a bad job as a moderator. They should have judge in teams and put Ginger team in the bottom. Jan should have gone home or Pandora. Rajah and Scarlet did such a good job.
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Runway was the only thing worthy of this episode. Spoilers Ahead
12 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Oh good gurl gayly god. I am not a great fan of this season. It has been really bad since Snatch Game but holy.... This episode.

This is a Talent Show... So only Scarlett, Kita and Elektra gave us talent and really good decent performances.... Karen recieves a "That's all?" from Michelle Visage... And still they put Kita and Elektra on the bottom... I mean, we all know this season was rigged for Art, Karen and Scarlett to win. So Team Kita Mean for being the only fair choice.
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Moxie (I) (2021)
We need more teen movies like this
4 March 2021
I know. This movie isn't perfect. It's flawed like everything and it has it's issues like some writing choices.

But I genuinely think this was an amazing teen movie. The romance is there and it's fun and healthy. The comedy is there, sometimes work sometimes it doesn't.

I know it is easy to hate this movie for his feminism content. But hey, I as a man, think it was pretty enjoyable. Please don't rate this bad just cause it's a feminist movie. It shows some problems and microaggressions women get to suffer and I think the target public will be benefit from knowing what this micro and macroaggression are. Overall a very enjoyable movie to watch anytime you want.
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Best Netflix movie of 2020? May be
21 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This was one of the most amazing movies Netflix had ever produce. The acting is excellent, and even though I'm not a fan of slow-burn movies, this felt worthy. I totally recommend it and left this movie with one thing in mi mind. Even though sometimes we think we are doing something led by god... It was the Devil all the time. Loved it
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Solar Opposites (2020– )
3 July 2020
Let's address the elephant in the room first... This show has nothing to do with Rick and Morty... Okay, yeah, they have the same writer, kind of humor and animation. It's quintessential Justin Roland. Solar Opposites isn't trying to be Rick and Morty, they just share the same genre.

I was going to compare what makes Solar Opposites different than Rick and Morty but I will try not to do that in this review.

What is Solar Opposites about? Is about four aliens who recently land on earth but they shouldn't be here, yet, they try to learn about the human kind at their sci-fi style but it always goes wrong.

Is it good? It is, I mean, it starts kind of slow. The first three episodes are some buildup of the characters and their uniqueness style of life. Then the fourth episode is where things start to became interesting. The characters became familiar and if you are paying enough attention, you will discover their relationship between each other and their unique personalities.

The humor is basically the same as Rick and Morty but with a different kind of changes. Every character has their own storyline and their own way to react to human kind. Also, yeah they give a lot of promotion to Hulu but they do that with jokes, it's almost satirical and dumb the way they do that and they know it

And of course, the Wall storyline is amazing. Is like their unique plot in the show and I'm hoping gets more developed for the second season.

Give this show an opportunity, it's just simple fun.
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Rick and Morty: The Vat of Acid Episode (2020)
Season 4, Episode 8
Saving the season
22 May 2020
I mean, best episode so far of the entire season. I wasn't sure if it was going to be good after so many bad episodes but this episode is the best of the entire show since a long time.
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Into the Dark: My Valentine (2020)
Season 2, Episode 5
Is there a hate campaign againts this show or what?
15 February 2020
I'll be the first to admit it. Into The Dark is not a work of art, sometimes it has the most boring or dumb storylines like treehouse or midnight kiss. But sometimes it came out with episodes like this.

This episode is about toxic relationships and the pop industry. It's really extraordinary in every aspect, from storywise to bloodwise. I mean, even the editing, effects and music are great. This is one of the few episodes of this season with the christmas episode that I absolutely enjoyed. I will totally recommend this episode to everyone.

So please, stop giving it mediocre rating to this show when it doesn't deserve it. Or please someone explain to me why is this show so hated when it delivers his decent movies like any other anthology show out there.
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Supergirl: Back from the Future - Part One (2020)
Season 5, Episode 11
WTF is going on this day?
28 January 2020
C'mon, are you gonna tell me that you didn't see this coming?

William is obviously Kara's love interest, he's hot. a reporter, he wants to uncover the truth about some weird things and he's likely to discover Kara's identity pretty quick. So this was very obvious, but a couple of romantic scenes are not enough to rate this episode so poorly, it was kinda good.
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You: Love, Actually (2019)
Season 2, Episode 10
9 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers

It was very different than the first season but with the same structure. I would love to see Ellie again in S3. I love her.

I think this season show us how damaged is Joe and make us realize even more than the previous season how damaged we are. Because Joe is the bad guy, Love is the bad girl. Candace and Forty were the good guys after all this time, I mean, Yeah, Joe does some good things like stopping a predator like Henderson or killing an abuser like paco's stepdad. But he does all of this in a lot of bad ways and for the worst reasons. Meanwhile, Candace and Forty does bad things like drugs and cheating but they do it for a good reason, stop the real threat that is Joe.

BTW the last scene it was something that has to happen because 1. We need a third season 2. Joe isn't a good person, he doesn't love Love, he loves the idea of the baby and the family he could make with her. But he wants a perfect girl and his neighbor seems like the maniac pixie girl that Joe has been looking for. 3. This show can't end with a happy ending for Joe, he is the bad guy and he has to be punish for what he has done. I hope the next season to be the last because they can't do this kind of premise of Joe falling in love for a new girl every season.

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Dead of summer: The ending is WOW.
4 January 2020

-THE ENDING. The last three episodes are television golden in his most pure representation. It´s full of twists, unexpected revelations and a satisfying resolution.

-A good story overall, with decent performances.

-It was cancelled. I know it sounds wrong but this show it's better in just one season. I don't think a second season would have been good, after all this season has a good conclusion.


-Really slow and some things are a little bit predictable at the first episodes. Overall the part of being slow it's because making a horror show focusing on a camp with 10 episodes feels like a lot. This show should last maximum 8 episodes.

-The acting was just decent. Must of the cast is forgettable.
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Deception (2018)
Deception: It was good but repetitive.
4 January 2020

-When his focus is the main plot, the show makes really good episodes like the episodes 1x07 & 1x08, these two episodes are golden.

-A great cast. It's amazing how good Jack Cutmore-Scott plays his character; the supporting characters are really good too.

-It has an interesting concept. A magician helping the FBI with cases of crimes filled with illusion. I mean, come on, that's great.


-We already have many episodic police shows with a special partner. Lucifer, for example, is one of them, the flash I would say is kinda the same because he has a team like this show. The idea is not so original even though the way they developed is.

-The never-ending story about two partners who resolved crimes and they fall in love with each other. I mean, it's the most obvious cliché in the world and this show has this boring cliché. This show is kinda predictable.

-It was cancelled. And now we will never knew what happened next. And that's such bone killer.
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Now Apocalypse: Sex trash.
4 January 2020

-Young sexy cast.

-An interesting premise at first glance.


-It just focuses on sex. I mean, I know it was going to be many sex scenes but I didn't want it to believe it was just a lot of sex scenes and people only caring about whom are they doing with. And the sex scenes are not even that explicit. They were very soft.

-It doesn't have anything to say about anything. There's not plot really, just sex and conspirators but at first it's just boring. The plot never feels like it's moving.

-The acting and jokes are blank. It doesn't feel like they put much effort into it.
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Mrs. Fletcher (2019)
Mrs. Fletcher: It feels unfinished.
4 January 2020

-Short entertaining episodes with a good pacing.

-The actors fit right with their characters and they do a good job in the acting department, giving every character a unique personality.

-Good plots about self-discovery in a new environment. Mrs. Fletcher is trying to find out who she is when she's not just a mother and his son is trying to discover who he is when he's not the popular guy. There's a lot of sex discovery too. It's a very sexual show.

-Inclusive. They have transgender, lesbian, gay, bisexual, fat, black, white, straight, old and more representation and it doesn't feel forced or trying to make an statement about today's world.


-It feels unfinished. Like, I know they want us to believe that is a limited miniseries but I don't felt like that was it. I feel like, yeah, they really close many plots of the season but I feel like they open many plots for a second season with that ending. It feels like they were cancelled and give it the excuse of a miniseries.

-Sometimes the sexual aspect is like too much that I just couldn't focus much on the plot.

-The son's a jerk. I didn't empathize so much with him so I didn't care about what happen to him. It feels like he didn't fulfill his character arc.
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Alexa & Katie (2018–2020)
ALEXA & KATIE: How teen shows should be.
3 January 2020

-A really mature premise. The story focuses on Alexa. She has cancer, and we will be watching how this affects to this girl and her family.

-The emotional moments are golden. I found myself crying into half of the episodes of each season. It's simply amazing, and it really opens a conversation.

-It's entertaining and short. Every episode it feels like the plot is moving forward. I mean, every season take place a year on the girls lives.


-Sitcom laughs that makes you feel like the show is forcing you to laugh to jokes that aren't that funny. It's essentially a Disney show with a mature thematic.

-May not appeal to boys.

-Some jokes aren't really funny and sometimes it's very corny.
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The Two Popes (2019)
The Two Popes: Boring.
3 January 2020

-Extraordinary actors

-Thought provoking dialogues

-Good message.


-It's so freaking slow that I got bore in the first 10 minutes and after 40 minutes, I almost got sleep.

-It doesn't live up to the hype. It isn't as good as many people make them look.

-I don't know a lot about camera work but this movie is looking like it was a found footage movie, like a mockumentary, I didn't like it.
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Parasite (2019)
3 January 2020


The acting is great. The pacing is amazing, it always feels like something is happening and you won't get bored. The message isn't scream out at the audience, you need to read between the lines. The characters are well developed, there's no hero or villain. You can empathize with every character and understand why they do what they do. There are violence, comedy, action, suspense and romance. Honestly, I wasn't expecting much, and I find myself really.


Not for me, but some people may find the ending really weird and unsatisfying. But read some reviews and probably you would understand what's the message behind the ending.
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JUMANJI WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE: Comedy action cliché.
1 January 2020

-The cast and the acting are great, every character is entertaining and they have their storyline. It's an entertaining movie even though it has lots of clichés. The pacing keeps you interested in what's happening. The story is simple. Strong female characters and The Rock is an fearful teenager in this movie.


-It's completely predictable. You already know what's going to happen most of the time. Some jokes are very immature. It's so simple it's just generic. If your one of those people who likes to be surprised by something. This is not your movie; if you watch the trailer, you already know what this movie is about.
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The Addams Family: Something scarier than this family is the sketch humor of the movie.
1 January 2020
Let's be simple with this movie

Pros: -Some funny jokes. I feel like the animation was decent. The dark and weird lifestyle of the family is really interesting and well developed. I think for kids would be a good comedy


-It lacks of direction and most of the time the plot doesn't seem to move forward. The story has a sketch format of an Adam Sandler animated movie like the second movie of Hotel Transylvania. The message of the story is scream to the audience several times.
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Jexi (2019)
JEXI: Weird but funny.
1 January 2020
Phil (Adam Levine) is really obsess with his cellphone but the new A.I. of his new phone is about to change his life by making it take risk choices to change his daily routine.

This is a weird movie. It's unrealistic from beginning to end. The humor is all over the top and some things don't make sense. I think that Adam Levine saves a little bit the whole movie because he has charisma and he can deliver a joke. He's a good actor for this kind of movies.

It's pretty weird; I would say that you could watch this movie if you're into unrealistic comedy based on how humans are addicted to their phone.

But I also would like to say that it has a good reason why phil is so addicted to his phone. I think I'm almost like him in some way, maybe that's the reason why I liked the movie even with his unrealistic story.
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You're Next (2011)
You're Next: A very serious dark comedy.
1 January 2020
Erin (Sharni Vinson ) will have the weirdest family reunion when the family of his boyfriend is attacked by three masked killers who are ready to kill every single person in the house. There's no scape and you're next.

I finally know why people compare "Ready or not" with "You're next", they both make the same mistake. They take it everything so seriously and they try to be horror when they shouldn't.

I mean, you're next has his horror moments like the first deaths but when almost half of the cast is dead, there's not horror left. Everything became a little bit more thriller and they throw a lot of dark humor. Sometimes the comedy mess a little bit with the pacing of the horror but I really enjoyed that humorous moments.

I would like this movie to be funnier because that was the only thing that it's left to be really great. I love the fact that the final girl of this movie is really active and really tries to stay alive by fighting against the villains combining brain with strength.
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Into the Dark: Midnight Kiss (2019)
Season 2, Episode 4
ITD-Midnight Kiss: Gay shouldn't be your only asset.
1 January 2020
A group of gay friends go to a house to celebrate the happy New Year with their game "Midnight Kiss" but everything goes wrong because a masked killer is in the haunt.

I love gays as much as everyone in the LGBT community does. I'm gay, and the fact that this movie is a slasher with every character being gay was something interesting. It seems that queer is the only thing this movie has to offer.

The characters being gay are okay, but they don't seem to have more personality than who they like and who they makeout with. The only character you really care about by the end of the movie is the girl, because she seems to have real problems that don't involve sex.

This movie only has four deaths, and just one of them is really explicit and scary and it's the first death. This alone is a slasher sin. But there's a major slasher sin.

THE KILLER AND HIS MOTIVATIONS ARE QUITE PREDICTABLE AND PRETTY STUPID. I was hoping so much better from this episode but I honestly didn't like it. If this movie were full of straight people, it would be pretty much the same garbage movie but it would be so much worse because the only thing that this movie really brings to the slasher genre is the gay characters.
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