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The Butterfly Effect (2017 Podcast Series)
Really? A lot of information left out, plain wrong!
23 September 2020
As a history buff, I usually love watching any shows that center on history, so I was sorely disappointed at the misinformation in this show. The premise of GREAT! Looking at those pivotal moments when all of what we know could have played out entirely differently is smart.

But what information was given is worse than a U.S public grade school textbook, which provides so much half truths that my college students often feel they've been completely lied to their entire lives! There's also the brevity of each episode, which perhaps prevents them from giving a full, detailed account of what happened and also prevents but a couple of brief minutes of what would have happened if events had gone another way.

Examples: so much left out of episode I on Alexander the Great. The events leading to the pivotal moment are not nearly enough to understand how his death (murder) played out. In episode III depicts two "terrorist" organizations (Black Panthers and Nation of Islam) as violent groups (not true, but J.Edgar Hoover propaganda), and depicts Rosa Parks as deciding to stay seated (again, not true, she was chosen by civil rights groups as least threatening to begin a bus strike). Episode V ignores the reality of what would have occurred if Germany and Japan (as Axis partners), obtained nuclear weapons first....Phillip K. Dick did a better job In His novel, "Man in the High Castle!"

Overall a great concept that would be better served with true historical facts and a lot more (perhaps even five whole minutes! Lol!) on what would've potentially changed in the world.
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