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It Doesn't Suck!
8 December 2004
Blade Trinity most certainly doesn't Suck! Having seen all three, I would rate Trinity below the first, but ahead of Blade 2.

In my mind, the Blade movies are Action films first, horror movies second. Blade 2 strayed from the first films formula, and I think it suffered a bit because of it. Still a great film...but lacking something the original possessed. Trinity sets the balance right again! David Goyer the director keeps the action moving at a fast pace, and more importantly, he's able to write characters that are well fleshed out.

Wesley Snipes knows this character like the back of his hand, and hits all the right notes. He's mostly a silent, brooding vampire killer... but it works for him! Besides, he doesn't have to be that funny, the Ryan Reynolds new character Hannibal King picks up the slack all by himself! And Jessica Biel was even credible as an action hero. The Night Stalkers may be Goyer's best innovation since the first Blade!

There are certainly flaws in this film. But its a fun ride!
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Panic Room (2002)
Don't Panic -- it's not awful!
30 March 2002
David Fincher, the director of great films such as "Seven" and "Fight Club," knows how to create suspense. And with interesting camera movements; and great acting from the cast; he is able to do just that. "Panic Room" held my interest right until the end. But that is where they lost me.

"Panic Room" wrap's up all too conveniently, and rely's on too many co-incidences. It's as if the films writer made it to the final 5 pages of the script, and then ran out of original ideas. Still, on balance the movie was worth watching. But it won't cause a panic if you wait to see it on video. 3 AND A HALF STARS OUT OF 5.
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Zoolander (2001)
Light on Laughs
29 September 2001
Ben Stiller created the `Derek Zoolander' character for a five minute sketch on the VH1 Fashion Awards. The antics of the incredibly stupid male model was a big hit, and so they decided to greenlight a full length movie about the character. But the producer's overlooked one thing. Derek Zoolander is a one-joke character. And so its no surprise that the full length movie built around him falls flatter than a bad perm.

I was amazed by how few laughs this movie had. And the few jokes that were in `Zoolander,' have already been revealed in the trailer! Now `Zoolander' does have its moments, the celebrity cameos for example, are funny. But they are the exception. So if someone asks you to go see `Zoolander,' runway. I mean, run away! 2 stars out of 5.
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Broken Windows in the Glass House
25 September 2001
They say that people living in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

But since I haven't made any awful suspense thrillers in the last little while, I feel perfectly comfortable hurling insults at "The Glass House." Although if I was making a film in the same vein as "The Glass House," there are a million things I would have done Differently. Little things, such as including some genuine suspense!

Right from the beginning of the film, we know that Terry and Erin Glass are evil. Really, the only way they could have made them appear more sinister is by painting black handlebar moustaches on their faces!

This removes all of the film's suspense. For it to have had even a chance of success, the films producer's should have made everything appear to be normal, at first! Then halfway through the film, we discover the Glasses secret! And from there, thrills would follow! But sadly, this movie lacks both thrills and suspense as well. And it's all because of a plot as transparent as, well, glass! I wasn't just a step ahead of "The Glass House," I was five steps ahead. And don't even get me started on the unconvincing acting from Sobiesky,

and virtually every other lead in the film. Simply put, `The Glass House' is awful, and a complete waste of time. 1 STAR OUT OF 5.
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Like going on vacation to the same place 3 times
23 July 2001
`Jurassic Park 3' is pretty much what you would expect from what the rapidly expanding franchise, more of the same. The movie has more Dinosaurs, and more characters running for their lives. But no matter how fast the producer's have them run, they can't escape the fact that `Jurassic Park 3' has nothing new to offer us. The storyline is just as pre-historic as the dinosaurs are.

Now this isn't to say that the film has absolutely nothing to offer. It is a `Jurassic Park' movie after all. It is still a thrill to see Dinosaurs come alive on the big screen. More importantly, director Joe Johnson wisely keeps the action coming at a frantic pace. And even if we're not sitting on the edge's of our seats -- we're still entertained. Just not as much as the first time around. 3 stars out of 5.
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Cats & Dogs (2001)
Stinks like an unchanged kitty litter box!
11 July 2001
What do you get when you have a movie that isn't funny enough to be called a comedy, and too boring to be called an action movie? The answer of course, is `Cats and Dogs' the movie. For a film with a very humorous premise; and a trailer promising plenty of action; the film was curiously lacking in both. I kept waiting for something funny to happen! But aside from a few bones that producers threw our way the audience is kept waiting in vain.

Watching `Cats and Dogs' was an excruciating process for me. I can't stress enough how utterly pedestrian and tired this script is. In fact, I can only assume it was later used to line a box of kitty litter. Unless this is the first movie you've ever seen -- you'd find more entertainment value chewing an old dog bone than you would from watching this coughed up furball they laughingly call a comedy. 2 STARS OUT OF 5.
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Scary Movie 2 (2001)
A Scary Movie Indeed!
8 July 2001
The script for "Scary Movie 2" just wasn't ready to go. This is a problem with the film that is blatantly evident, to the actors and the audience alike. Director Keenan Ivory Wayans, and many of the actors are funny people; and so the movie isn't completely humorless. To their credit, the film has several funny moments. But as a whole, "Scary Movie 2" is not even close to being as clever and amusing as the original.

The first "Scary Movie" was a laugh a minute film. It turned the smallest subtleties of the slasher film genre into comedic gold. The humor in "Scary Movie 2" is as heavy handed as it is un-original. They even miss obvious opportunities for parody. Two of the movies stars are former cast members of "Beverly Hills 90210," and this was a show that was begging to be parodied! In the final analysis, "Scary Movie 2" is like a fine bottle of wine that was opened far too soon. The script needed a lot more time to age. 2 stars out of 5.
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The Animal (2001)
Not a Complete Dog
8 July 2001
Well Rob Schneider has done it again! Much like his previous movie "Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigalow," "The Animal" has little artistic merit. It bears little or no relation to anything resembling reality. It is often stupid, and the dialogue is painful at times. And not only that, "The Animal" is also fairly funny. Unlike Tom Green and David Spade, Schneider has an easygoing likeable quality that translates well onto the big screen. This masks many of the deficiencies in the script, and makes us appreciate the good parts even more. Unfortunately the same can't be said for co-star Colleen Haskell. Colleen, the tribe has spoken; you are not a good actor! As far as I can tell, Haskell has only three different facial expressions. None of which are appealing. The person who hired her needs to extinguish her torch, and ask her to leave the acting business immediately. So what kind of grade do we give "The Animal?" The movie isn't a complete dog, and it does have a certain amount of animal magnetism.

3 stars and a leg of lamb out of 5.
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A Dingo Ate the Script!
8 July 2001
Maybe a dingo ate this movies real script, and producers were forced to go with this one instead. Or perhaps star and Producer Paul Hogan believed the audience would drink so much "Foster's" beer they wouldn't realize how awful this movie is! "Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles" is a lazy copy of the original movie's fish out of water story line. But that fish has been out of water for 15 years now, and its stinking up the theatre!

And really, the original "Crocodile Dundee" was a one joke movie as well. "Watch what happens to this wacky Australian guy who doesn't know a thing about our modern society!" While this formula charmed us back in 1986 -- it now only makes you want to throw Paul Hogan, and a few shrimp on the barbee for inflicting this boring and derivative flop on us! If you go see "Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles" you won't have a G'day Mate! 1 and a half stars out of 5
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Nothing Artificial about the story
2 July 2001
Steven Spielberg is a well-regarded director, with a singular style. Stanley Kubrick was also a well-regarded director with a unique and singular style. The question is, can the two styles co-exist successfully in a single movie? In `A.I.' the answer is yes, for the most part. `A.I.' is certainly darker than one might normally expect to see in a Spielberg movie. But I think that in this case, it works. The special effects are fantastic, and the acting is superb. However, it is a flawed film.

I don't think it will spoil the film by telling you that `A.I.' has two endings. The first, I believe, was clearly intended to be `the' ending by Stanley Kubrick. But then the movie just sort of starts up again, and we get the Spielberg `ET' type ending where we find out if someone can go home again. It's a good way to send the audience home; but its also distracting evidence that the movie is not one seamless whole, but instead the sum of its two parts. Still -- all in all, `A.I.' is a fascinating movie I recommend you go see. 4 stars out of 5.
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Quickly Runs out of Gas
27 June 2001
Do you like car chases? I mean, do you REALLY love car chases? You had better if you plan on watching "The Fast and the Furious," because that is all it has to offer. The movie starts off promisingly enough, but quickly degenerates into a poor copy of 1991's "Point Break." All they did was substitute cars for surf boards! Of course, "Point Break" actually went through the bother of explaining Keanu Reeves motivation. Without giving away a small surprise, "The Fast and the Furious" never adequately explains why Paul Walker's character wanted to enter the world of racing. Was he trying to advance his career? Did he simply love the smell of new cars, and who doesn't!?! In any event, his motivation, and several other things are left to the audiences imagination.

So is this a terrible movie? No, not really. Plot deficiencies aside, the racing scenes are really quite well done. On many occasions the camera moves inside the engine, and we are able to see and hear the pistons roar! The movie plays like a two hour music video, with a soundtrack that rarely screeches to a halt. With a deft touch, this movie could have amounted to something. That's why the films lousy script will make you furious! 2 and a half stars out of 5.
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Swordfish (2001)
Reel it In!
24 June 2001
Following the disaster that was "Battlefield Earth," and the train wreck that was "Lucky Numbers," I had very low expectations from this movie. But to my great surprise, Travolta hit this one out of the park! Simply put, he was fantastic, and restored my faith in his ability to act! But he didn't do it alone. The rest of the cast was outstanding as well. And perhaps more importantly, the script was inventive and exciting.

Now this is not to say that "Swordfish" is the innovative and artistic film that "Pulp Fiction" was. But it doesn't aim to be. Instead it's patterned after films such as "Face/Off" and "The Rock." Both adrenalin rush movies, possessing a dynamic and exciting visual style, that is found here in "Swordfish." Don't throw this fish back! If you're a fan of action movies, I recommend it wholeheartedly! 4 STARS OUT OF 5.
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Just barely worth taking out of the Tomb
16 June 2001
Video games are now a multi-billion dollar industry, with a fan base Numbering in the millions. So its no surprise that Hollywood has tried to tap into this audience. However with the exception of 1995's "Mortal Kombat," their attempts have mostly been met with dismal failure. Remember "Street Fighter," "Wing Commander" or the embarrassment that was the "Super Mario brother's" movie? I didn't think so. Audiences stayed away in droves from these bottom feeding movies. And this really shouldn't be a surprise. Most of the games in question have exceedingly thin storylines. However, this is not a problem with the `Tomb Raider' series.

Lara croft is a wealthy, globe-trotting archeologist in the vein of Indiana Jones. Plenty of opportunity for intriguing storylines here.

And indeed the movie's plot is fairly interesting. But its not riveting either. And this is a problem that plagues the entire movie.

I was strangely ambivalent throughout the entire film. While I enjoyed Angelina Jolie's performance -- the rest of the cast's was nothing to write home about. The action scene's were well done -- but too few and far between. In the final analysis -- director Simon west should have taken a cue from the video game -- and pumped up the pacing of the movie. As it plays now -- "Tomb Raider" the movie isn't the most exciting game in town. 3 STARS OUT OF 5.
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Evolution (2001)
Not Bad but never Evolves into a Classic
10 June 2001
`Evolution' is brought to us by Ivan Reitman; the director of 1984's comedy classic, `Ghostbusters.' It is immediately obvious that he is attempting to recreate that magic with `Evolution.' Slightly wacky college prof's thrust into bizarre circumstances? Check. Finding ways for the character's to laugh in the face of danger? Check. Presence of Dan Ackroyd? Double check! Reitman had all the ingredients for another classic. But the movie never evolved into one.

The normally dour David Duchovny is actually quite funny here, and the rest of the cast does a fine job. The direction seems fine. But the script never evolves beyond the now ancient Hollywood formula for films of this nature. Even worse, `Evolution,' though frequently funny, is never hilarious. And this is a problem that `Ghostbusters' never had. Still, its not a bad movie, for a cheap Tuesday viewing. 3 STARS OUT OF 5.
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Moulin Rouge! (2001)
A Unique and Enjoyable Musical
6 June 2001
`Moulin Rouge' seems headed for certain disaster in the first 20 minutes or so. Its hard to keep a straight face when characters suddenly burst out into song, or do not even seem to obey the laws of physics! These problems overwhelm the picture, at first. But then once you become accustomed to the pictures style you can appreciate the movie for what it is. An age old story of love, loss, and betrayal. All told in a unique and interesting way.

I really enjoyed this movie. The story was faced paced, and often very funny. And surprisingly, both Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor have pleasant singing voices. If you think you can handle a musical, `Moulin Rouge' is definitely worth a look. 4 STARS OUT OF 5.
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Se7en (1995)
Simply the Best
31 May 2001
It's rare when all the pieces of a movie fit together perfectly. But that is exactly what we get with "Seven." Everything contributes to the dark mood of the picture. It's always raining, the music is sombre, and the script always keeps you guessing and jumping at shadows. But what sets "Seven" apart from all the rest is its acting. Morgan Freeman can do more with a simple sigh than many actors can achieve with a paragraph of dialogue. And while I always viewed Brad Pitt as a himbo, he proves in this movie, that he can act. But many movies have great acting. Where "Seven" stands head and shoulders above others is in its script and direction. There are virtually no flaws in this movie. 5 stars out of 5 !
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Shrek (2001)
You'll Shriek with Delight
19 May 2001
Simply put, `Shrek' is a masterpiece. The story is engaging and very funny. It features frequent jabs at movies such as the matrix -- but saves its most biting satire for parodies of `Walt Disney' movies. There are jokes about long line ups at the Magic Kingdom -- and the unusual living arrangement between Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.

`Don't worry -- she's not easy,' claims the magic mirror. This wonderful script is brought to life by the fantastic vocal talents of Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, Cameron Diaz and John Lithgow.

But what sets "Shrek" apart from all other films before it, is the ground breaking computer technology that brought it to life. "Shrek" is a quantum leap forward, with photo realistic 3-d backgrounds, and characters that seem like living cartoons. If there are flaws in this movie, I can't find them! `Shrek' is a great film for adults and children alike, and it's certainly worth checking out.
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Driven (2001)
A Fun Ride
29 April 2001
In many way's `Driven' is uncharted territory for Sylvester Stallone.

As few as five years ago, he might have played the hero of this picture. The driver who must overcome all odds to pull out another win!!! But not this time. Instead the script, written by Stallone, allows him to take a half step out of the spotlight, and instead, take on the role of the wise veteran who's driven down this road before - and lived to tell the tale. And what a tale it is.

`Driven' contains some of the best racing scenes ever caught on film.

The audience is carried right along with the cars -- all the way to the finish line. As for the script... well, it's kind of a cross between `Days of Thunder' and `Top Gun.' Cliché's are everywhere. But there's a reason people use cliché's. If done well, they can be quite satisfying and enjoyable. And `Driven' is certainly both of those things.
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Someone Like You might like this movie
1 April 2001
Romantic comedies are all hampered by the same thing, predictability.

We know the female lead will have her heart broken, and then through a series of madcap adventures, find out her one true love was there all along. "Someone Like You" is no different in this regard. So the only way for such a film to win us over, is with great acting from the stars, and more importantly, an entertaining and well thought out script. "Someone Like You" meets both criteria.

Ashley Judd and Hugh Jackman have great chemistry together, and give fine performances. Greg Kinnear is, well, Greg Kinnear. But the script is what brings this movie home. It passes over some of the more obvious plot points, in favor of predictable, yet satisfying outcomes.

Not a bad date for women, and us cows alike!
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