
20 Reviews
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Not so good
23 March 2020
This feels cheap... The magic of the original show is not felt here...not in the first 3 episodes anyhow... I hope they change my mind. The production feels cheap too. I get the same feeling out of this which I got from the Twilight Zone remake they made recently...which was lame too. I repeat: I hope they prove me wrong with future episodes... Peace/Stay safe
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Ignore the negative reviews
13 May 2017
I went in a few hours after reading horrendous reviews on rottentomatoes and other places... My expectations were low. I've watched several others works of film and TV about King Arthur and Excalibur so didn't expect much. ... This movie was awesome. ... I loved it. I want to see it again and I really hope it makes enough money to warrant a few sequels. The characters are well cast. Hunnam finally gets his 'leading hero role' which hopefully can turn into a proper franchise. The music was amazing. The effects are a bit video game-ish but frankly I didn't mind cause they served their purpose. Lots of epic moments... Overall tons of fun.. Great movie... Please go see this so we can have a sequel
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This sucked
25 November 2012
I wanted to like this movie from what i saw in the trailers... the trailer looked awesome... and I ran to the cinema to see this. Even took my girl to see it hoping we'll have a good time...

guys... this sucked... it REALLY REALLY sucked... my God it was terrible...

bad acting, bad fighting scenes (let's be honest), stupid story, crappy lines, lame characters... over-hyped soundtrack...(besides maybe 1 tune) it was terrible... if you can see it as a JOKE, it could be a fun little turd to watch on cable... but as far as movies and a cinema was BAD. they could have done so much more with this... but.. no... CRAP

for those comparing this to KILL BILL: you are retards... Kill Bill was a good film.. it had style, good action scenes, good dialogue, carefully set up, stylistic, cool, good lines, good actors, great soundtrack (RZA did a great job there)... but this film... oh God... BAD

don't waste your time, don't buy into the hype.

RZA has talent no doubt, but this movie sucked... maybe his next film will be better... or maybe this was intended to be a BAD movie.. who knows. For 15 million USD i'm sure it will sell tickets and make it's money's worth from all the unfortunates like myself who will be lured in from the fantastic trailer... anyway..

I'm out- Peace
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2 June 2009
I liked this movie. It had several plot holes But I liked it. For some reason people prefer stupid comedies over these kind of movies lately. The only thing I hope to achieve with writing this comment, is that people in the rest of the world where the movie is about to or just got released will give it a shot as THIS is the kind of movie you want to see on the big screen.. T4 needs to make a profit for the studio otherwise we might not see more of these and it would be a shame cause director McG took the franchise to a new direction that I want to see more of. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE people GO SEE THIS MOVIE! I liked this movie. It had several plot holes But I liked it. For some reason people prefer stupid comedies over these kind of movies lately. The only thing I hope to achieve with writing this comment, is that people in the rest of the world where the movie is about to or just got released will give it a shot as THIS is the kind of movie you want to see on the big screen.. T4 needs to make a profit for the studio otherwise we might not see more of these and it would be a shame cause director McG took the franchise to a new direction that I want to see more of. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE people GO SEE THIS MOVIE! I liked this movie. It had several plot holes But I liked it. For some reason people prefer stupid comedies over these kind of movies lately. The only thing I hope to achieve with writing this comment, is that people in the rest of the world where the movie is about to or just got released will give it a shot as THIS is the kind of movie you want to see on the big screen.. T4 needs to make a profit for the studio otherwise we might not see more of these and it would be a shame cause director McG took the franchise to a new direction that I want to see more of. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE people GO SEE THIS MOVIE! I liked this movie. It had several plot holes But I liked it. For some reason people prefer stupid comedies over these kind of movies lately. The only thing I hope to achieve with writing this comment, is that people in the rest of the world where the movie is about to or just got released will give it a shot as THIS is the kind of movie you want to see on the big screen.. T4 needs to make a profit for the studio otherwise we might not see more of these and it would be a shame cause director McG took the franchise to a new direction that I want to see more of. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE people GO SEE THIS MOVIE!
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a movie for many generations to worship
20 December 2001
Ok, This film had it all. The actors were the actual characters they were portraying. The soundtrack gave you that feeling in your gut that kept you awake and wishing you were the heroic figures in the film. The accents of all the characters were so real. The fight scenes were fantastic. Liv Tyler was a babe. Viggo was your classic hero with a dark edge. The ringraiths were scary and PERFECTLY made. The effects in general were sooo damn good that you could honestly not tell that they were CGI. Especially the Gollum character. I thought this guy was claymation or something because he actually looked like he was really there. The effects in this film made the effects from star wars look like amateur stuff.not that star wars ain't good, but here the effects are part of the story, not ADDED to the story. Anyway, GANDALF I have nothing to say, Ian WAS GANDALF no question about it, even though in some scenes, the nose looked a bit darker than the rest of his face (hhahah). The hobbits being shorter than the rest of the the hell did they do that? At first I had a feeling that Elijah Wood was a bad choice for Frodo, but after the first 40 minutes I knew they had done a GREAT choice.

Wow.I could go on and on for hours. The thing I liked most about the film, was that I already knew the story and was like 'ok, so I'm going to see a book I've read.but NO..the film was so damn good, I felt like I was enjoying the tale for the first time. The Moria scenes were I can go on forever! The dwarf rocked! And LEGOLAS!!! MY GOD HE WAS SOOOOO DAMN COOL!!! Didn't do much talkin..but his eyes and movements especially in combat made you wish you were him! Anyway.the only flaw in the film, was the fact that in the end, you wanted to sit through for another six hours and see the whole thing to the end. This movie was amazing. The story of the rings is amazing. I just wish Peter Jackson could continue making big movies like this after the trilogy because he has a talent at making GREAT films..even BRAINDEAD and FRIGHTNERS were amazing in their own way and themes. The guy knows how to make A good film. HAIL TO PETER JACKSON!!!
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Speechless (1994)
23 November 2000
the only reason I saw this was to see SUPERMAN and BATMAN in the same film. apart from sucked. totally lame story totally lame everything. but reeve and keaton gave us a glimpse of what their onscreen presence would have been like in a team up
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23 November 2000
ok this movie was not a good effort. But there's one scene where SUPERMAN gives that speech about ridding the planet from nuclear threats. and hell that speech gives me shivers every time I hear's one of the best speeches up there with al pacino's 'any given sunday speech', bill pulman's 'independence day' speech and the 'armageddon' speeches. watch this movie for the sake of watching chris reeve be the real superman and listen to the things he says. Man I wish we had real heroes in this world
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19 November 2000
apart from a nice performance by HOFFMAN this movie sucked. It sucked in the sense that it had a great cast but didn't have the right juice to lift it up. I am shocked that legendary LUC BESSON directed this cause his films always rock. This film is a waste and the wisecracks in it and stupid laughing in the face of danger made it unbearable.
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First Knight (1995)
where are you BRYAN ADAMS?
18 November 2000
This movie was great. It was great because it had a great cast and nice direction. My chief complaint is the soundtrack, this is where people could have done a terriffic job and put a BRYAN ADAMS song ala EVERYTHING I DO IT FOR YOU in ROBIN HOOD (which honestly would have went much better here). I like the way they took liberty on changing the legend to make the story different. And though many didnt like the ending, I thought it had a meaning that was kinda cool. Also some scenes were trully fantastic. It's sad that this film came out at the same time that BRAVEHEART did because people compared the two right away and that wasn't fair cause both films are completely different. very sad really, cause this film was good. I mean let's face it, GERE as LANCELOT and CONNERY as that was GREAT!
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Mr. Jones (1993)
great film
18 November 2000
this movie was great, but there was one very annoying thing. apart from the great acting and trully good story and script, there was one thing that really bugged me. You seem this movie came out at the same time that COUNTING CROWS released their song MR JONES and I was kinda hoping it would be in the soundtrack, or that the director could tell the composer to do the same thing that the composer of GHOST did when they used UNCHAINED MELODY..that would have made this movie a classic. Anyway great film, sad true and perfect for psychology majors like myself.
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this movie rocks
16 October 2000
this movie is great it holds lots of memories for me it is written by the script writer of BLADE and DARK CITY so you know it has to be good. The cast is full of unknowns which deliver a fine perfomance for the genre. This film also has a great soundtrack which unfortunately was never released, Give it a chance cause this is a feel good martial arts movie along the lines of AMERICAN SHAOLIN. I own both films and I prefer this one to the VAN DAMME prequel. This movie is good so give it a chance. Also if anyone has the song 'BROTHER'S EYES' from the movie please let me know. I am desperate for that song because it gives me chills every time I watch the film
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The Quest (1996)
15 October 2000
It really get son my nerves when people criticize some films that are actually good. This film was great. It is in my opinion the best Vand Damme film ever. It has story/action/heart and mystery and the highlight of the film were the last battles which showed different fighters from the whole world (ala streetfighter 2) all showing off their capabilities. this movie also has an EPIC feel to it and I don't know what people mean by 'poor' movie cause this looked pretty expensive to me. Roger Moore was cool here too. SO was the babe. Give this a chance people.
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this movie rules
15 October 2000
I can still remember seeing the trailer of this film and getting chills all over. It was amazing! The day it came to the cinema in Egypt I ran and to get my ticket and couldn't wait for the curtains to open. This movie was good. It also had a wonderful song in the beginning 'Brother's Eyes' I think it was called that went perfectly with the film's story. In those days big named actors were not a necessity in making a cinema movie differ from a video film. All I'm saying is this movie was great. It had all the necessary ingredients to make you leave the film happy and wanting to run infront of the mirror and start kicking and punching thin air. Lots of people have underrated it becaue it's a VAN DAMME sequel without VAN DAMME but hey, to be honest..ok the first one was good, but this one had more of a HEART to it. And believe haven't seen anything if you haven't seen the trailer of this film. I can still remember the trailer giving me goosebumps all over and YES that song from the film was in the trailer too. I went and bought this movie too. Something people are forgetting however, is that the film's script is written by David Goyer...who is that? hahah well that's the guy who wrote scripts for DARK CITY and BLADE. HA! pretty cool huh? Yeah...this movie here is good people, just watch it and don't think of starpower. Sasha Mitchell did a fine job as the young brother here who's just trying to do the right thing. Also the fight scenes and final match were great to watch and had that feeling of 'yeah this is cool'. The sequels that followed however all sucked to be honest. So to whoever wants to see a good film check this out after you've watched the first kickboxer just so that you know what's goin on. Anyway give it a chance people..this film has a heart.
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14 October 2000
alright I'll keep this as simple as possible. this movie is tooooo long...but you know what? it was PERFECT worth every second and it really gets to you. The power it posesses is watch it and enjoy
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Coyote Ugly (2000)
great film
13 October 2000
ok this movie was great. I went in to see it for all the wrong reasons and ended up loving it for the right ones. This movie shows the viewer how tough getting a break in the music business is basically. For those expecting'll be disappointed. The soundtrack rules, the direction is fantastic (what else can you expect from bruckheimer) and the girls are beautiful. the cameo by Michael Bay director of Armageddon was cool. Generally the film will leave you in a good mood. I wish there were more films like this. The highlight of the film toward the end (which I will not spoil) is one of those moments that gets the hairs on your back standing upright erected and that moment alone is worth seeing the movie twice.
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Still Crazy (1998)
this movie makes me shed tears every time and that is a rare phenomenon
6 October 2000
Alright. The cast is superb. these guys are all probably real big in UK but to me they were total strangers that I fell in love with. the story is real and makes one realize what the life of a rock band really is like. the funny moments and drama are very effective and realistic. And the song of the film will bing tears to the eyes of those who watch it. I have this film ad have watched it many times with different friends. and everytime the ending kicks in we all sit back and smile and say AAAAAH how nice. PS: the soundtrack is fantastic, even though a song I heard called ROCK N ROLL PROPHECY by LINES OF D could have had the same effect in the end but for a more ROCKIN audience. The soundtrack is superb. One thing I kept asking people was whether or not STRANGE FRUIT were a real band cause they seemed so real.
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5 October 2000
alright perfect cast, perfect direction...problems? hmmm the lines were a bit dull. the atmosphere and scenery all great. the cars? fantastic. the chick? WOOOW! the pace? GREAT boring? NOOO WAY! the soundtrack ? good but I wanted to hear more ROCK..something along the feel of 'LINES OF D' in particular the song 'HELL YEAH' but hey! at least we got a new song by the CULT written by the renowned DIANE WARREN who also did the armagedoon aerosmith hit. Anyway, the movie's the type you'll sit and watch over and over. Bruckheimer knows his stuff... HELL YEAAAAAAH!
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The Matrix (1999)
A true masterpiece of a film
5 October 2000
Every few years comes a movie that will blow everyone away opening the path for a new breed of film. This is one of them. The story, characters, character names and locations, costume designs, soundtrack, direction are all so good they'll make you wonder why they don't make more films of this caliber. Groundbreaking philosophy on life. Are we all in the AMtrix? hmmm This movie breaks all the cinematic rules and re invents them in all ways you could possibly think of. Only problem with the soundtrack is that it didn't have the song PUPPETMAN(lines of D) ahhahaha MORE ROCK IN THE SOUNDTRACKS PLEASE!!! MONSTER MAGNET RULE!!! AND CARRIE ANN MOSS IS SEEEXXXYYYY YEAH BABY!!! Joel Silver you are da MAN! gimme more man!! MOORE!!!!
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ok...YEAH YEAH!!
5 October 2000
alright, I knew this movie would have lots of unbelievable scenes. BUT WHO CARES! IT ROCKS! Tom Cruise is cool as always, but with a James Bondish salt and pepper ahahha. Dougray Scott's performance made me wonder if he would have been better as Wolverine for XMEN and the Anthony Hopkins cameo was perfectly cast adding more quality to the film. My only complaint is that they didn't have that 'Lines of D' song in the soundtrack called HELL YEAH cause I think it would have been perfect in some scenes. Also the Metallica song should have been played earlier in the film too. I can't wait to see the next instalment. JOHN WOO RUUUULEZ!
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X-Men (2000)
hope part 2 is better
24 September 2000
too much hype over nothing special. magnetto is the best here. can't wait to see gambit and hopefully he'll have a more manly role than awful Marsden as cyclops. Is this WOLVERINE? or is it X MEN? This is the big flaw here. A movie based on a team is practically based on one character. And even though Jackman was good in his role, we all know for a fact(even though we don't admit it) that it could have been better cast. The effects are good. The dialogue could have had many more lines. the music was pathetic and was obviously quickly orchestrated due to the film's early release date. This is more of an intro to what's about to come..I hope so anyway...cause i want to see more of the cyclops of the comics. why couldn't they just put Dennis Quaid? AH pathetic. And what's this? No songs in the soundtrack? ahhah come on! Where's the rock soundtrack? PS: the individual fight scenes were decent, but this movie would have been better directed by the Matrix guys
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