
5 Reviews
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The Shootist (1976)
You Really Should See This Film
20 October 2003
John Wayne is an icon, and so many viewers seem to use his work as a referendum on the larger geo-political issues of our time. I find that distasteful, as this isn't a political movie, and one that doesn't even have an oppressed indigenous person in it. This is a personal story of a man who "has outlived his time", who is dying of cancer, and yet is determined to die with dignity. John Wayne really was dying of cancer when he made this movie... he gathered old friends around him--the widow of Humphrey Bogart, Jimmy Stewart, John Carradine, and addressed the topic of how legends die. (Selling the rights for his corpse to be displayed by the undertaker for $50 cash in advance was a particularly interesting idea.) I am viewing this film 27 years after it was made, and there is 'something' it had which is absent from movies today. It is a film addressing mature themes for one thing, but it had a pacing, and made time for it's dialouge--it was never dull, never slow, but proceeded towards it's climax with the sort of gravitas you very rarely see in today's cinematic roller coaster rides, which have become little more than special effects vehicles. There is another reason to see this film--it looks back at 1901 with a loving vision. I was impressed with the historical accuracy in which it was filmed--it was impressive to see the town, from the horsedrawn street car and the Stanley Steamer, to little things like the flour dispenser in the kitchen. (Wondered where it was filmed--perhaps the old Old Tucson Studio before it burned down and was rebuilt to be a tourist attraction?) Anyway, this was a lovingly crafted film--I don't know if Hollywood could still pull this off "as real" in 2003. So, for big reasons and small, "The Shootist" is worth your time. It is deeper than it looks.
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Shallow Hal (2001)
It is not that bad!
2 December 2001
Wow, some people really didn't like this movie. I, on the other hand, thought it was great. My insight on the dichotomy: There is an epidemic of obesity in America, and some people haven't come to terms with the effect of their condition on their attractiveness... in any event, I can understand an obese person getting stuck on the "fat jokes" and not being able to get to the core of the movie, which is one of acceptance and love.

It is a subtle movie made by people not known for their subtlety. I laughed more than most in the audience, and I think my heart strings were tugged more by the same realization that affected "Shallow Hal" the world is a better place when you see "inner beauty" rather than the surface--be it for good or ill. You are watching a being evolve on screen. If you get that, you will like it--if you don't you won't.

I liked it at full price.
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Texas Rangers (2001)
Beautiful People on the Range
2 December 2001
This is an acceptable movie, but not a great movie. It isn't "Tombstone" or "The Outlaw Josey Wales"... but the stars really look good. "Attractive TV stars join the Texas Rangers and bring law to the West." The bad guy is really bad, the young idealistic good guy is really good, and the haunted, cynical mentor of the young idealistic good guy is kinda mixed.

Not too many surprises: I think the reason I am not rating this movie higher is the elements of political correctness that have crept into this 1870's era Western: The idealistic young woman who wants to know if the Texas Ranger asked the names and served warrants on the accussed before using deadly force, the wisecracking black ranger doing an Eddie Murphy "Beverly Hills Cop" imitation as he crept up on a camp of vicious outlaws... in these cases, I lost my "suspension of disbelief" and said to myself "no one in this situation would have said or acted like that"... it was distracting. Welcome to 2001.

Dylan McDermott was good as the angst ridden Captain... there is some good action scenes and the scenery is excellent. If you like Westerns it is worth your time. You won't feel bad about going.
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One of the Best Suspense Thrillers of All Time!
17 September 1999
LA confidential was one of the best films I have seen in years. It is a tight and exciting story, but the most remarkable aspect of the film was the depth of the characters; most action films feature people who are stereotypical or at least one dimensional archetypes--these guys are flawed, but very real, people. Twists, turns, surprises, drama adventure--this is really a film well worth viewing! 10/10
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One Encore Too Many / A Pale Shadow of Past Glories
6 September 1999
I really loved Lethal Weapon. Mel Gibson deserved high honors for his portrayal of a tortured, suicidal, Vietnam veteran in the first film. More than a decade later, these fine actors are being trotted out strictly for laughs, and everything I found engaging about these movies is gone. Bad plot, major holes in the story, heavy handed, politically correct dialog (yeah, right, cops hang anti-NRA posters in the squad room, and these guys love gun control international. Yeah, these characters are anti-handgun! Gag me.) It is just SAD. Hang it up, guys, you are too old for this stuff, and you surely need a different director. I could shoot holes in the plot, but it would be a waste of time--it is a blooper gold mine. I wish big Hollywood Cop movies would have at least one real cop on the set to point out how things are really done, so we wouldn't see such embarrassing retelling movie stereoptypes.
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