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Anastasia (1997)
Oh, those Russians........
24 March 2002
Let me get this straight - the Russian revolution came about because Rasputin sold his soul to the devil to get the power to make the peasants dissatisfied with their lives. Dissatisfied peasants. Soul sold to the devil. Come on. My daughter will never spend her time watching such crap.

I wonder where the lead characters got their "Barbie and Ken" good looks, having grown up a country populated by, according to the film, the "ugliest people on Earth"?

Nice looking animation, though.
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Foxy Brown (1974)
If You Dig Blaxsploitation......
5 January 2002
If you dig Blaxsploitation films the way I do, Foxy Brown will not disappoint. It's a wild story of sex, drugs, vengeance and adventure. Best of all it features Pam Grier, the undisputed queen of the genre.

The movie features Antonio Fargas as Foxy's brother, and he has some fabulous lines. I love how he tries in vain to persuade the cops to stick around by praising the quality of coffee they are drinking. Outrageous!

I have about 500 films in my collection, including Citizen Kane and The Bicycle Thief. Unfortunately, many of the so-called classics don't feature 1970's fashions and fights with barstools in lesbian bars, plus a remarkable combination of over the top/wooden acting. I need these things in my life, and films like Foxy Brown do the trick.

Damn, Pam's SUPER-BAD! Other great Blaxsploitation pictures include Shaft, Superfly, Truck Turner and Black Caesar. Dig it, if you can.
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I just threw away $13
18 December 2001
I saw the high rating on the IMDB, read a few of the reviews, and decided to add this to my DVD collection. As an independent film, I thought it might be like Pulp Fiction, only a little more clever, a tad more insightful.

Well, except for a few short moments with Willem Dafoe, it was largely disappointing. It's just a low budget rip off of Pulp Fiction. I don't think I was the only one to find David Della Rocco's character annoying in the Jar Jar Binks sense of the word.
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You should compare
4 August 2001
You should compare this film with the original - those that crafted this were well aware of what went on in that film. Look at what they kept, look at what they omitted.

Clearly, character development and dialogue were thrown out in favour of a frenetic, action-filled pace. While this might please an illiterate teenager, others will probably not be so satisfied.

Could it be that this film was crafted by apes? I sense the lack of an opposable thumb in the screen writing process........
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In My Top 20
4 August 2001
I watch films all the time. Currently I have about 500 in my collection, and I would put MY MAN GODFREY into my top 20. The film, while certainly rooted in the Depression Era, is so skillfully crafted that I'm sure I will find in funny 30 years from now. The cast is in great form - it is the best work that Powell and Lombard were ever to do. It is more than a great screwball comedy, it is "the great" screwball comedy.
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A Few Films you should see first
18 June 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Recently I bought a copy of ON THE BEACH, an anti-nuclear film made in 1959. It was branded "defeatist" by many American critics at that time, who disliked the idea of American's resigned to their fate after a nuclear holocaust. A film that is still worth a watch.


A week later I bought VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA, which came out in 1961. Wow, is it interesting to compare these two films. In the first, the world is "destroyed" by "the bomb", and in the later, the world is "saved" by it. The "defeatist" attitude of the first film is countered in the second, who slams a God fearing man for wanting to accept his fate.

Comparisons can also be drawn with THE CAINE MUTINY (1954). Both had characters who were in authority positions who had their sanity questioned. In the early film, this character was found to be insane, but in the later cleared of this charge.

All in all, VOYAGE was a fun watch. I had heard that the model of the submarine cost 400,000, but that's a little hard to believe. The copy I have is on the same disk as FANTASTIC VOYAGE, at at $24 Canadian, I felt that I got my monies worth.
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What went wrong?
21 April 2001
Okay, nobody was expecting Shakespear. That said, how did this film, which had all the earmarks of a romantic action film turn into such a lousy action/buddy film?

I'm guessing that the secret probably lies in the original script for this film. I don't have that script, but I imagine that in that much of the plot revolved around the romance between Aaliyah and Jet Li. Unfortunately, Jet Li has no noticeable acting ability, and could not in any credible way create a believable romance between himself and his sexy co-star. Realizing this, the director settled for making them friends, threw together a couple of hours film and said to himself "I'll try harder next time if I don't have to work with Jet-Li".

This rates as one of the worst films I have ever seen. My sister in-law got it free with her DVD player, so it didn't cost me a cent to watch. Only a 11 year old child from the getto could find anything worthwhile in this film, and that would be the musical score.
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Disturbing, yet Vile
2 January 2001
While at a family gathering this evening I watched this movie with a group of young children. The cute pig and sweet singing mice did not offset the disturbing, vile nature of this film.

You can't help but think that those involved with this film really must have a hate on for children. There were countless scenes of cruelty and violence - maimings and barbarism. The film is a sick parody of a children's movie. I really wished I had check the IMDB reviews before pulling this one off the shelf. Not surprisingly, the children also found it quite distasteful.

I would hope that those in charge at the IMDB would decline suggesting that, if viewers liked Babe, that they would also like this film. In terms of story, they have nothing in common.
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1 January 2001
I have about 400 films in my collection. My wife and I watch at least one film a day. Six Degrees of Separation is on my top ten list - it might even be number 1. And Will Smith is in it. That is the most difficult thing to understand.
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Frantic (1988)
above average
30 December 2000
Warning: Spoilers
********Spoiler Alert********

The scene where Emmanuelle Seigner is getting roughed up by two men, and Ford, a mild mannered doctor, is forced to take action. Does he call the police - no. Perhaps he scares them off with an iron bar - no. What lengths would you go to to protect this young woman, so as she could lead you to your kidnapped wife? Ford makes an unusual decision - he takes off his clothes, and slips into bed - and pretends to be her lover. At first glance this seems quite clever, quite unexpected, a treat for the viewer. While walking with my wife tonight, and discussing the movie, I couldn't help but thinking that most men, when confronted with the threat of violence, would probably avoid disrobing. A funny scene, but completely out of character.

I enjoyed the slow pace of this film, how realistically the Ford's predicament was portrayed. All in all, above average entertainment.
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Harrison needs some Geritol
5 December 2000
Towards the end of his career, Carry Grant realized how ridiculous it was for him to play the love interest to women who could very well be his daughter (or granddaughter). Watch Run, Don't Walk (1966), Grant's last film, to see how he makes fun of this. How long will it take for Harrison Ford to realize how silly he looks romping around with these youngsters? I would find this film of interest if I only watched three films a year. Perhaps unfortunately, I watch far more than this.......yawn.............
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8MM (1999)
Coming A Mile Away
3 December 2000
I don't think I'm alone in saying that Nicholas Cage doesn't cut it as an action star. He has a gift for offbeat comedy, as evident in such films as RAISING ARIZONA and WILD AT HEART. Yes, BRINGING OUT THE DEAD did have its moments, but once again, that's because it was offbeat. He was lame in the virtually unwatchable SNAKE EYES, and he is just a shade better in 8mm.

It seemed that the story in 8mm was going somewhere interesting at first. There was much dialogue about Cage's character being influenced by the evil around him. Then, just when Cage was about to step into the darkness the film makers pulled back and gave us just another Hollywood Action/Revenge flick. Yep, the same old thing. And if you watch as many films as I do, the same old thing just doesn't do it for you anymore.

Kind of ironic, huh?
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Bowfinger (1999)
Compares with Ed Wood
25 August 2000
I was in no rush to see this film, believing that Martin and Murphy haven't done a watchable film in years. I was pleasantly surprised by this film - plenty of good laughs, coupled with a clever story. Did anyone notice the similarities between this film and ED WOOD? Bowfinger and Ed Wood both shot low budget films, and both used inspired means to get famous people into their work (Ed Wood's use of Bela Lugosi, Bowfinger's use of Kit Ramsey). Having seen both, it seems clear to me that Martin was more than a little inspired by the Ed Wood story. All in all, I'd have to recommend BOWFINGER.
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Good for this sort of thing
19 August 2000
I just finished watching THE GODFATHER FAMILY. Although enjoyable for the behind the scenes footage and candid footage, I would have liked to have heard more from author Mario Puzo on how he came up with the idea for the original story. I was disappointed not to hear anything about the late John Cazale, who played Fredo in the first two films. For myself, his performance was the most enthralling of the series.
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Down to Earth (1947)
In Technicolour!
21 April 2000
I suppose that Technicolour was a big selling point when this film came out (1946). The colour is beautiful to look at, but much of the rest of the film is rather slim. In this film, Rita Hayworth is a muse who becomes upset when she learns that a Broadway musical is going to portray her as a jive crazy love machine. She heads to earth to correct matters and the audience settles in for 101 minutes of unmemorable musical numbers and several poorly choreographed dance scenes.

Allow me to guess what happened here. Columbia was looking for a musical vehicle for Hayworth, then at the top of her career. They had script for a B musical ready to roll, but they needed to beef it up a bit. So what they did was steal a few of the characters from a past hit, HERE COME MR. JORDAN, added Technicolour, and hoped that it would prove enough of a draw. If you do watch this film, note how poorly the JORDAN characters are worked in - especially Max Corkle.

Elements of the Broadway musical DOWN TO EARTH also appear in Fred Astaire's THE BAND WAGON, which came out in 1953 - but the numbers in the later film were far more memorable. I had enjoyed HERE COMES MR. JORDAN, and was curious as to what the sequal would be like. My curiosity has been satisfied - yet another half-baked movie sequel.
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The Cowboys (1972)
A Field Trip From HELL!!!!!
25 March 2000
I've just been watching THE COWBOYS on t.v. (Saturday afternoon Special) - which I'm sure should have been subtitled A FIELD TRIP FROM HELL!! In this film, a group of 14 year old boys are lead on a cross country cattle drive by THE DUKE, who is looking more than a little long in the saddle. Oh, if they only knew what sort of field trip it would be, they would have opted to stay at home playing cowboys and indians.

Well, when I was a kid, the best I could hope for in a field trip was maybe visiting the aquarium, or maybe a museum. These kids have a much broader experience. One kid is crushed in a cattle drive, another gets to visit with some prostitutes, and they all get to see their "teacher" gunned downed in cold blood. Hooo Haaaa!

But the fun isn't over yet! The young fellas get to take up work out a plan to un-russle their cattle from a bunch of varmits (including Bruce Dern at his snarling best). Finally they take up arms finish of the bad guys, thus moving from boyhood to manhood.

If you think this is the best western you've ever seen, you really should check out films like HIGH NOON, THE GOOD THE BAD AND THE UGLY, as well as GUNFIGHT AT THE O.K. CORRAL. If you'd like to see John Wayne at his best, see THE SEARCHERS, or my personal favourite, THE QUIET MAN.
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Picnic (1955)
that William Holden
23 March 2000
Although an enjoyable film, Picnic falls sort in the casting department. I'm somewhat of a William Holden fan - Sunset Boulevard is one of my top 5 films. Still, try as he might, I think he's just too old (I think he was 38), to play a mixed up kid in this movie. In reality, he's much closer to the age of Madge's mom than Madge.

Kim Novac, in what I believe is her first screen role, is inexperienced in the acting arts, and it shows. She's marvelous in the dancing scene with Holden, but other wise stumbles about it a zombie like state. I find it quite difficult to get caught up in her situation - "people only say I'm pretty" or something like that.

The subplot is something that grabbed my attention. The interplay between Rosalind Russel and Arther O'Connell always gives me a chuckle, no matter how many times I watch it.
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Hope Floats (1998)
that sinking feeling
18 March 2000
Where to begin? A friend and I were laughing about the talk show scene, and she suggested I watch HOPE FLOATS. Certainly, the first four minutes where Bullock's character discovers her husbands infidelity on a national talk show are interesting, but then the wheels come off the cart and the viewer is left stranded for 110 long minutes. The story is very thin, the acting (Bullock can't act, Connick's a good singer...) is atrocious. Without any chemistry between Connick and Bullock, this is a romance without romance. There is the opportunity here to examine the adult life of a past prom queen, how her adolescent values have failed her, but the opportunity is lost. Character development has gone out the window in this film.

Clearly, there are some problems in the editing/directing department. When the bully beats up Sandra's little girl, she says she's going to speak to the bully's parents - this never happens. There is considerable build up to this fight scene, but no apparent resolution. I'm left to believe that, at 114 minutes, some serious trimming had do be done to this film, and that scenes these scenes were left on the cutting room floor. And what was with all the boom shots?

I could only recommend this film to those that like their movies inept, overly long and shallow.
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Bogus, a dud (not dude)
11 December 1999
In essence, this is a one joke film. Two dopey california teens use a handfull of then hip expressions (narly, excellent, dude, etc) for 90 very long minutes. Not without a few moments to chuckle at, but these are few and far between. Really, the most interesting thing is seeing how things have changed since the 1980's.
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Tombstone (1993)
Not great, but capable
30 November 1999
AI would say that THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY, GUNFIGHT AT THE O.K. CORRAL, UNFORGIVEN and SHANE are among the best westerns that I've ever seen. TOMBSTONE shares with these films a sense of history, great action and cineamatorgraphy. Where it falls flat with me is in how it develops relationships. Wyatt's relationship with the actress is weak, but that can be forgiven, as it is a subplot. What begged to be developed is the relationship between Wyatt and Doc, the central core of this story that everything revolved around (or should have). Why did Doc and Wyatt become friends, what drew them together - nothing is explained. That said, Val Kilmer steals the show as Doc. I might go so far as saying he was a better Doc than Kirk Douglas in GUNFIGHT AT THE O.K. CORRAL. Michael Biehn is pathetic as Ringo, but Powers Boothe does some remarkly sinister tongue movements in his role.
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Oh, there's trouble here .......
18 November 1999
I have a strong feeling that writer/director Alan Rudolf really enjoyed BLADERUNNER, and longed to create a BLADERUNNERish film of his own. As such, TROUBLE IN MIND has much in common with the former film - a dark, sad view of the future, a Vangelis-like instrumental score. Unfortunately, where it departs from BLADERUNNER most noticeably is in the area of and talent and budget. Bujold, Kristofferson and Singer are about as exciting as bran flakes. Carradine's hair is rather dull to begin with, but develops unusual colour and a neat curl towards the end of the film (which comes none to soon). Divine offers the only performance of note, but it is far too brief. Obviously this film experienced a great deal tightness in the budget department. The future appears to be Seattle on an overcast day, with a handful of classic cars and one army jeep cruising the streets. A vague vision of the future, coupled with an aimless script, makes TROUBLE IN MIND a not so great movie to see. A better bet would be to rent the directors cut of BLADERUNNER.
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Big Night (1996)
The Problem with Minnie
13 November 1999
This was a sumptuous, yet subtle film that touched my heart. The performaces by Stanley Tucci and Tony Shalhoub are very good. I'd argue that the presence of Minnie Driver in this film brings the whole production down a peg. This really became evident to me towards the end of the film, when Minnie emerges from the sea, clothes clinging to her shapely form. What was it that Roger Ebert said, "If you can't show her naked, get her wet"? It was a crude moment in the movie of sensitivity and high ideals. From there I had to reassess Minnie's role in the movie. What she brings to this film is "star power", something that, with it's quiet greatness, it didn't need. Her appearances in this film are often awkward, as if the producers were thinking "We've got Minnie Driver here, where can we fit her in"?

Minnie's central purpose in this film is to sell to a movie going public that would only see a movie if it had a big star in it. These are the same people who, after the movie, would head to a fine Itallian restaurant and order a side of spaghetti and meatballs with their risotto.

I have included this film in my collection, and recommend it to friends. It is a wonderful film, a celebration of the finer things in life. Minnie remains a small fly in a yet otherwise exquisite dish of cannelloni alla sorrentina.
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Made for TV/Direct to Video
11 November 1999
The best thing that you can say about this film is that it's easy on the eyes. The British Columbia scenery is breath taking, as is Ashley Judd. Sadly, the plot is rank with implausibilities, so much so that the audience is left laughing at the ridiculousness of it all. Did the trailors spoil this movie for me - hardly. The problem here is that I seen a few action/suspence films in my time, and they did it much better.

The problem here is that those involved in this film have taken the moviegoers money, and given little in return. A poor effort.
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flash bulbs, flashy bosoms
31 October 1999
Finally, an understated Joe Pesci performance - but unfortunately it doesn't make up for a paper thin plot, and a remarkable degree of heavy handedness with what plot there is (count how many times that his character is referred to as an animal). The Pesci character THE GREAT BERNSTEIN, is based on the 1940's press photographer WEEGEE, a fact that I don't see mentioned anywhere. Barbara Hershey delivers what must be said to be the finest bosom shots of her career. Does she care about Berstein, is she just using him, who knows. I collect cameras, and it was wonderful for me to see so many of them in use. It's a five star movie for shutterbugs, all others should look elsewhere.
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Sundown (1941)
Good, 1940's Style Entertainment
9 October 1999
I found SUNDOWN to be an enjoyable film. It seems sort of a cross between a jungle flick and a World War II espionage thriller, a kind of a TARZAN VRS THE NAZI'S. The story involves the British trying to prevent the Germans from secretly supplying the native Africans with weapons for a rebellion. Plenty of action and political incorrectness, plus Gene Tierney's ever so sexy overbite. Simply a must for Bruce Cabot fans everywhere.
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