The Family Tree (2020) Poster

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Disappointing Charmer.....
ohlabtechguy17 January 2021
Low budget gay themed movie set around Christmas time in Panama. Roy, one of the lead characters, was gorgeous, but the actor playing him was weak at times - a little too monotone. The first half was rather charming and heartwarming, with an unexpected sudden twist. But the second half became unbelievably convoluted, disappointing and unreal. This could have been so much better.....we had ample eye candy and parts of the script were realistically written and acted. Favorite part was when Roy and Victor just came home from signing their contract. They were playful and the scene looked like real people playing real people. Never was there sex crazed human animals throwing themselves at each other like wild dogs and kissing madly as hard as possible. Yep....that's what directors typically it was nice to see a director trying to stay real at times. After looking at more stills of Michael Nelson, I have to chastise the Director for not showcasing Mr. Nelson more thoroughly and completely throughout the movie. Only once did we get to see an appealing, naturalistic part of Mr. Nelson....during the dance and subsequent breakfast scenes. The rest of the movie should have built upon showcasing the lovable personality and visual aspects of Nelson. Epic failure.....even if Nelson had some acting weaknesses.
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Went sideways...
toddpalmernc20 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The storyline about the 2 main characters, Victor and Roy, started off on good notes and a sort of kind and gentle sweetness. Roy is a homeless Santagram that meets Victor and Victors female friend. We dont really know if anyone is gay or not at this point. Victor offers Roy a place to stay and a kind heart. We find that Roy is an undocumented alien and doesnt to go to the hospital or call the police after he's mugged.

Fast forward and Victor offers a solution to Roy about immigration - to be married as a same sex couple. At this point, we do get a stern "not that way" response from Roy. However, Victor's offer comes from a place of a good heart. Whether it's more or not, we dont know.

They do enventually get married and afterwards go back to the apartment where some actual feelings towards each other romantically are shown. Both ask each other have they done this before...and both said no. But. They sleep together and we find that Victor does have feelings for Roy in a romantic way. Roy reiterates he doesnt want to hurt him. So there is thus already undertone that which direction are we headed.

What made this sweet is that Roy slept with Victor only for Victor and showed so much character in this and continued in a shared bath. Roy supports Victor in an upcoming visit when Victor tells his father of the situation and stressed Victor out. Roy takes Victor to a safe space he goes himself he enjoys to calm down. Victor realizes his planned time with his friend Alise (I think thats her name as the actress was so non-eventful) to share Christmas Eve dinner and he takes Roy along. It is here some tender moments are shared and we find that Roy was pretty neglected as a child with birthday christmas cheer. Victor and Alise both gave Roy presents and it was a turning point.

Now it gets weird. Alise offered some part-time work to Roy and things became romantic to eventually getting divorced from Victor to marry Alise.

Ok. First all.... This where i lost the allusion and it became far fetched. Both Roy and Alise would have known Victors feelings for Roy. Plus, Victor and Alise were great friends. In my circle we dont do that to friends. I can definitely see the strain this will cause in this triangle. Being gay myself, there are few unwritten rules to follow in friendship circles of straight and gay friends. I liken it to a straight man not shouldnt date his best friends ex... Its a slap in the face.

At the same time, you can see and feel Victors anguish and pain. Then skip ahead for the newly married couple ask for a sperm donation from Victor to make a baby since we find out Roy cant have children. The weird thing is the sperm donation was to have baby conceived in the old fashion way... Wait, what?!! It was a quasi 3-way. Then months layer we see alise 8 months pregnant.

Another storyline tragedy is both Alise and Roy die within minutes of each other. Roy stepped in the path of an incoming car as he was flagging Victor to join him to meet up with Alise who was struggling in child birth and eventuall dies. What a crappy ending. We see Victor holding the fingers of the new baby boy as we know lights flicker to let us know Roy is with them... A previous discussion had between Roy and Victor while sharing bath.

Ok.... The absolute tragedy to Victor throughout this movie is awful and i was haunted by the storyline enough to write a review. Both male actors do a wonderful job. One is reserved and cautious and the other more interceding with direction. Very believable emotios from them and well presented. The actor playing Alise was not great. No life. Nothing realistic.

The storyline is a farce but i really enjoyed the 2 male actors.

The audio was at times rediculous. This could have been more plausible if Roy was intetested in a cousin ir coworker of Alise. I would have loved Roy to realize he was in love with Victor and possibly say so in his dying moments to kind of make it worth it and softening Victors pain and the gaping hole in his life. Just gave and gave and gave. Nothing but heartache.... A definite not a feel good movie. Tragic.
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I so wanted to love this movie
wfs-4702220 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I really wanted to enjoy this movie. Parts of it were quite good and overall the film would have been substantially improved if those parts had been developed. I give it a 5 primarily because of the potential in theme, definitely not for the execution.

Overall the movie had one major flaw with two parts: it was too slow and too long ; cut all the indulgent scenes -- virtually all of the walking/looking at scenery scenes, etc. -- would have made it tighter with a greater impact. The Panama tradition at the beginning of the movie had no discernible impact on the plot or story at all. To have explored Roy's dilemma following his physical encounter with Victor could have been really lovely, especially following Roy's statement that it would not be repeated (which I personally found unbelievable given how into it he was). Even if he had believed it at that time, to have him growing and learning about himself through the movie would been much more interesting than spending time all that time at the fashion show (among other wastes of time). Overall the basic plot would be unchanged, only the character's development would have happened. That in turn could have made the ending more satisfying which it most emphatically was not!

I was reminded of Lady Bracknell's line at the end of the movie (paraphrased): two lose one parent is a great sadness, to lose both is carelessness. I felt that was greatest Ameer's greatest flaw in the movie (even more so than the very uneven acting, sound, lighting, etc.). How much more interesting for Victor to have someone help him raise the child -- my personal vote would be for Roy so he could continue on his path (or so I would have made it) to self knowledge and self acceptance.
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A mess and a half.
soldier-1530527 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I made an account just to review the film cause I cant sleep until I vent this frustration.

I don't even know where to begin. The thing that hit you first and one of the most jarring thing through out the film is sound design. All dialogs sounds like they were recorded on a phone, and not a good one. The music wasn't good or very fitting, it goes on for way too long and at times you can actually hear it ends, cuts out then played from the beginning.

Next is the editing, I've seen YouTube high school projects sub 500 views with better editing than this. Even though the scenes were static there were multiple cuts. Usually you cut a static scene then goes to another angle to make it flow. They just didn't do that and in the end it looks like you just accidentally pressed the skip forward button. All in all you can tell me a 6 grader edited this and I would have believed it.

To their credit the camerawork and lighting is at least barely decent for a film with seemingly zero budget.

Now the technical part aside, we get to the acting. Keith Roenke looks like the only one who put in some effort, like he's too good that it's kind of jarring. The other main seems like he wanted to be anywhere but. He is so lifeless and bored for the whole film and I don't blame him. I would have ditched the gig right after reading the script because the story is an absolute mess. A mess and a half. (The fact that if you go on the actors social none of them posted anything about this film it's like they tried so hard to sweep this under the rug it's kinda funny)

And where do I begin with the abhorrent storyline. The whole time I was like "what?", "no!", "why?", "this is not happening..." and I paused the film 5 times to take breaks before I lost my sanity
  • A gay man fell in love with a homeless straight man in the first 10 cringey minutes
  • Straight man got hit and is in a coma but instead of taking him to the hospital the gay guy just left him on his bed for 2 DAYS.
  • Straight man wakes up after 2 DAYS like he was taking a nap for 2 hours. If I were him i would be mortified but meh, film logic.
  • We find out the straight guy is undocumented so like any sane person in real life the gay guy proposed to him the next day. After knowing each other for about less than a day max. Fully knowing the straight guy is... well.. straight.
  • Then they got married in 5 minutes, came home, have sex. Straight guy thanks gay guy and telling him how kind he is. (No he is not kind, he is nuts.)
  • Well straight guy wakes up, tell gay guy he's still straight and the sex is just a thank you, gay guy is like oh ok of course this is fine and normal.
  • Days later straight guy fell in love with gay guy's friend then propose to her, came back to gay guy like oh I just proposed to your friend we're done bye. Mind you the whole plot until now has been happening over probably A WEEK.
  • Then after that broken mess of a rollercoaster they jumped 1 year ahead. The straight couple is happily married, Gay guy is still sad and single. The straight guy is infertile so they asked the gay one for his sperm. I was like no no please don't but gay guy is mentally challenged so of course he said yes.
  • Then I thought it they're going to go through doctors and everything but nothing makes sense anymore so naturally right after he said yes they immediately went the organic route, I'm gay and this is absolutely offensive.
  • Time skip again, woman went into labor, straight guy panicked on the road and just dies. Woman had complications, also dies. So now this gay sad single man is left with a child. And the film ends implicating the straight guy is now a ghost and watching over him and the child.

I guess the fact that I mustered enough energy to sit through this instead of tapping out after 10 minutes shows that maybe it crossed the line of being too bad that it's good to make fun of. But really save yourself an hour and a half and watch one of the other hundreds of good gay films.
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Could Have Been Good
kschles-6790519 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Victor is a sweet, lonely man who cares about others and his job in an animal rescue organization. Oh yeah, he's also pretty hot. He takes in Roy, an illegal immigrant who is homeless and has been mugged. Oh yeah, Roy is also hot. Roy talks about his ex-girlfriend, while Victor mentions a brief fling he had with a girl who is now his best friend.

To help Roy with his immigration status, Victor proposes that the two of them marry. At first Roy is repelled by the idea, but comes around to accept it. At this point, it's clear Victor has feelings for Roy. After a nervous civil union ceremony performed before a government official, the two men return to Victor's apartment. To celebrate, they drink some, share a dance, and go from sharing a kiss to some hot sex.

The next morning, while curled up with each other in bed, Roy tells Victor he only had hot sex with him as a thank you for helping him. He tells Victor not to expect the sexual relationship to continue. The two then share a bubble bath.

Up to to this point, the plot was kind of hard to believe, but enjoyable and fun. So where would you take things. The writer/director decided that no one was going to be happy here.

Roy hooks up with Victor's gal pal, and eventually marries her after getting a divorce. He tells Victor he will always have a special place in his heart for the man who saved him. He and his wife could have helped Victor find someone special....remember Victor is a great guy who is pretty hot...but no.

Roy and his wife let Victor know they've been trying to have a child, but can't because of Roy. They ask Victor to be their surrogate. Victor assumes they want a sperm donation, but Roy says he wants Victor to have sex with his wife. We next get to see a very sad sec scene where Victor lies in bed while the wife rides him. Victor only has eyes for the shirtless Roy, who periodically leans in to kiss his sperm donor.

Then things really get weird. Wife starts labor prematurely and is rushed to the hospital. Roy waits outside the hospital for Victor, who he wants for emotional support. Once Victor arrives, Roy attempts to cross the street to meet him, but is struck and killed by a car. Meanwhile, the poor wife dies during childbirth. Victor and the newborn baby are left to fend for themselves.

As a gay man, I would have loved for Victor and Roy to end up together. If that wasn't going to happen, Victor could have meant another man, as he accepted his role as god father. The publicity poster for the movie implies that the three form a loving threesome.

The ending sucked big time. I don't know what the writer was trying to say. An opportunity lost. Not every movie has to have a happy ending, but it needs to make some kind of sense.
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A Christmas package not worth opening.
kbraidi26 March 2021
This is a very low budget film, set in Panama City (although the chance to showcase this exotic locale is squandered.) The story line is so unrealistically over-the-top that it is downright laughable in places.

The 2 male leads provide some welcome eye candy. But only one of them displays any acting ability, with the other droning his lines without any change in expression or inflection throughout the entire film.

While the plot is ludicrous, it is not the worst thing about this film. That honor is split between 2 technical aspects. The first of these is the atrocious sound quality, with much of the dialogue being completely incomprehensible. ( This is true not only through the entire film, but also in the extra features on the disk.) In addition, the entire film is so poorly edited, with static scene after static scene, each running to 2 to 3 times the length that would be needed to make its point. Thus, there is no sense of pacing, as the film creeps along to its bloated 2+ hours in length.

In short, this movie is unsuccessful in so many ways: unable to tell a cogent, believable story, or to do it in an entertaining and technically proficient manner. Little redeeming value here.
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Don't do it!! I tried to watch and it was unwatchable..
tommyguacamole15 December 2020
Had no idea what it was about and after 20 minutes of suffering I gave up. Horrible. You have been warned.
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Exquisite, unique and warm.
ggarciaparedesr27 December 2020
First of all, christmas theme in this movie was a perfect fit for the connection and feelings towards the characters, it made the whole situation (plot) more warm and nostalgic for the audience. Christmas has a representation of happiness in movies, but this film give you the whole expierence with pain / love / sensual / family / tradition, it hits you with so many different tones that you keep connected with the entire movie.

I loved the connection of all the characters! The dynamic that Roy and Víctor had was very beautiful. I also liked how Alina fit in perfectly with both of them, her way of being made the coexistence between the three of them (very natural).

10/10 for sure
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Fantastic film
mkhl-3541926 April 2021
I like this film so much. When it is about friendship it is so fantastic. Always a fan of these kinds of movies! The artists are so lovely.
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Bought reviews create false expectations
chungadil29 September 2021
I have watched some awful movies in my time. This is absolutely the very worst I have ever seen. Believe me that's a stretch. Acting seriously? None of these would have made the audition. Stiff dead lifeless! Your pick it's all that and more. Also no gay persons worth their weight, would agree to what this says. I am horrified beyond words. It's utterly disgraceful this was aloud to take up two hours, when 10 minutes would have done. Reviews of 9-10 are obviously the actors and the production company. No story line, no continuity, sound quality equal to singing on the bath. Watch at your own peril of never getting back the two hours, you could have taken your eyeballs out and washed them.
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An Epic Movie of Unconditional Love ( XMAS Theme)
clentbowers-116 December 2020
The Family Tree is an epic film with landmark moments. Ameer, the cast, and his team, we believe, have a competitive chance for many awards. As its merits can not be denied.

The Family Tree reflects a current segment of society youth. Who have been brave enough to acknowledge a condition of being that has long been a truth but shunned upon. They call it, being fluid. The ability to love someone completely without judgment and without limits, regardless of gender.

When a person's "forever essence" is more important than what is limited about them. CBR
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Good film
yasernch26 April 2021
An interesting and good film that is worth the time and you will enjoy it with great actors and good directors.
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What on earth.......
qui_j8 October 2021
Fifteen minutes of this rubbish was enough to indicate that it was not worth the time or effort to continue watching! The acting is atrocious as is the script and dialog! A total waste of time and an embarrassment to the art of film making!
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Who wrote this mess, an 8 year old?? Contrived stupid garbage.
vgfiiqsp16 January 2022
I lost over 2 hrs of my life. How did this film win awards - from directors relatives?! Story so u realistic - has nothing to do with Christmas. Might as well be in the movie earth is flat. Story of the two male leads alone would have been better with a script written by a sober adult. Chances of winning a super lottery more plausible than this stinking script. Don't waste your time.
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Terrible acting and poor audio quality
jmeesey-6038615 January 2022
The storyline isn't bad, but the acting is terrible!

The lines are delivered in a monotone like they are just reading aloud off the script. The audio is often muffled and the background music frequently sounds like it's being played on a Victrola. I can't believe this movie won any awards.
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peggysue42213 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Just terrible. Ask a complete stranger to get married?? After just knowing them for a few days? I think there were better options. God help anyone that desperate or lonely.
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Christmas theme but depressing
dtharvey11 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted a good love story based on the ratings alone. The movie itself was kind of confusing with the time jumps, but the end was the worst. I get "the story" and how it tells of unconditional love between the characters but it left me angry.

1. I get helping someone with their visa, but victor was in love and Roy shouldn't have exploited that.

2. Who asks the person they screwed over in a live triangle to be a sperm donor? To me it makes more sense to have them in a thouple at this point.

3. She should have died, flash to the future and the dads raise the kid and they stay happily together...
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a haunting Christmas film
hitzgesvicki86413 October 2020
I saw this film at the virtual opening night of the Marina del Rey Film Festival. That was a few days ago. This film has not left my mind, hence why I feel compelled to write about it. Full disclosure, this is not your run of the film Hallmark film. It is deep, it is loaded with many current themes and it is fitting for these pandemic times for most of what is describe in this film many will be able to relate to. I will not go too into detail because this is an experience you must journey through yourself. At over 2 hours and change, I could have seem many more chapters of this film - Netflix series maybe? This film is primarily about lonely Victor Gardel played by very talented Keith Roenke. A man of principle who lives in Panama and works as an animal rescue. He has very hight regard for four legged animals. He is very habitual and seems like he's been in a life rut for quite some time. He may even be suffering from depression. Then there's Alina, played by the beautiful Anais Lucia who is an artist with lingering feelings for Victor. Apparently they may have dated some time ago, but preferred to remain as friends. Enter Roy played by Michale Joseph Nelson. Roy disrupts the lives of both main characters. To say much more about the story, would be a dis service to the reader. The most unforgettable part of this film lies in the undercurrent of emotions - a lot is happening beneath the surface so much attention must be observed from the very beginning until the very end. No spoilers here, but all I will say is play very close attention to the scenes that happen at the mother's apartment because many secrets are revealed earlier that you will need to remember to get a better grasp of the ending. By the way, the ending is mind blowing!

You will be left with many unanswered questions that can only be resolved with a few more viewings. Luckily for those who saw the film on Roku, you'll can watch it several times to really get a grip on what is going on because the surface is telling a story and the undercurrents another one. I'm not sure if this film will be released on DVD, but if it is, I plan to get a copy for my personal collection. Yes, it is that good, and it is very much a christmas film.

The art director, production design, cinematography and overall visuals of the film are stunning - very red and vibrant and filled with holiday motives throughout. Jorge Ameer has captured something that is very difficult to create in film. There is an organic sensitivity to the movie that will tug at your heartstrings. As I watched, I felt tears rolling down my cheeks as the film regressed me back to the holidays I lived with loved one who are no longer around. Since watching this film, I've placed it on my cue of filmmakers to watch. There is one called D'Agostino that apparently stars the actor Roenke from this film, so I'll be taking a look at it once the festival is over. After watching the film, I began searching and reading other reviews and I've noticed one of two things. People either love this film or they obsesses about the little things that they fail to get or understand, that why I harp on the need to really pay attention to all that is happening because, the heavy messages in the film are beneath the surface.

In essence, the film is about not taking people for granted because you really never know how much time they'll have around you. It hammers home the basic reasons we are here and that is to love and live life to the fullest for the best moments can be far and few in between - then they only become moments in time -memories. The cinematography is lush and the soundtrack has many earworms that will be playing in your ear long after you've watch the film.

The only thing I regret about this film is the timing of its release. Im sorry this movie is playing virtually and not in a movie theatre. It's the kind of movie holiday experience we could all use around these trying times. If you are like me, I know you would really enjoy sitting in a large theatre around thanksgiving or anytime during the holiday enjoying this treat on a large screen. However, since we don't have the luxury of watching this film theatrically due to COVID, I'll have to settle with putting this film on my cue, or getting the DVD (I still buy dvds and hope to add this to my collection), and/or both when it is available. if you enjoy a good solid story, fresh, very original and unpredictable, you will like "The Family Tree".

This is a multiple viewing experience I highly recommend to anyone who appreciates a different kind of holiday film out of your usual hallmark movies.
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Warm movie
kmariamm27 April 2021
A nice and warm, an authentic family movie! Great to watch with your loved once, especially at the weekends or on holidays! :)
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Words cannot describe
rogerrand6 December 2022
I'm speechless. The movie is disjointed and poorly edited. It's not about Christmas. I had a difficult time following the plot and found myself having to fill in the blanks. The closest comparison I can think of is an Ed Wood production.

I am shocked that it was filmed in 2020. The film quality was not good and neither was the sound. I suggest that the producer try filming with a modern iPhone. IPhone productions are good and have much better picture and sound. You can use Apple editing products to fill in background music too. The transitions need improvement too. I think this movie could have been edited down to 90 min.
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Wonderful slow burner
jamesbrown114 December 2020
This film builds slowly but surely until by the end it has you! I challenge even the most stiff upper lip of you not to be moved by this film. Why? Because it comes from the heart! It is unafraid to express itself in an unpretentious way. Isn't this what film-making is supposed to be? Excellent work.
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komarzadeh27 April 2021
Like this film so much. When it is about friendship it is so fantastic. Always a fan of these kinds of movies! The artists are so lovely.
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Life, Family and Friends
alassenamos8 October 2020
"THE FAMILY TREE" Life, Family and Friends Amos Lassen I have been a huge fan of Panamanian director Jorge Ameer since I first began reviewing and, in fact, one of his films was one of the first I ever reviewed. I am lucky that Ameer gives me an early shot at his films just as he has done with his newest film "The Family Tree". I have watched Ameer and his films mature, I never know what to expect with an Ameer film-- his range is so wide and diverse. I was truly in the mood for a sensitive film and that is what "The Family Tree" is. It is also the best film he has made as yet. The plot is amazing, the cinematography is lush, the music is sublimely divine and the production as a whole is stunning. However, because of the nature of the plot, I can't say too much without giving something away and I want everyone to have the same beautiful experience I had watching it. Roy (Michael Joseph Nelson) is married to Alina (Anais Lucia) in this Christmas story. They are eager to bring a child into the world but, it is just not happening for them. Victor (Keith Roenke), comes into their lives and changes everything. The three main characters' lives become intertwined through a series of events that are unsuspected and strongly brings them together and perhaps bring happiness to Roy and Alina. I could not help being drawn into the emotions of what I was watching. As the story moves forward, it touches the viewer evoking emotions especially when we meet Victor, a young workaholic animal rescuer for a local shelter. He is lonely and also an immigrant and he loves the Christmas holidays. When he was a child, Victor made dolls for the holidays, a Panamanian tradition. This year will be really special for him-- he will find love, friendship and especially family. That Christmas something otherworldly enters the world as part of an old Panamanian tradition and through that Victor learns a great deal as does the audience. I love the inclusion of an old Panamanian tradition that is still practiced today. Watching what happens on screen reminds us that we cannot let ourselves forget our good memories and how important it is to be with those who we love The performances are unforgettable all around. In no way did I expect the sensations that the film delivered and it is with tears of sensitivity in my eyes that I am writing this review. Seeing the beauty of the film reinforces that there is never enough beauty in our lives.
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mgorpenko26 April 2021
Very cool movie, I like it! I advise everyone to watch with pleasure! I think it will come to you too!
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Friendship, True Love and Hope.
careb-685069 October 2020
The Family Tree has arrived and happens to be the best Jorge Ameer film, no doubt about it. This Panamanian director, who has been improving his art through the years, is today at the peak of his career. The script for the film is excellent. The plot is deep and well woven, although I must admit that I had to watch the movie twice to find hidden messages and specific details, that further delighted me more. Michael Roenke as Victor, developed his role with simplicity and naturalness, allowing us to know his feelings and frustrations intimately. A man with a noble heart, with a need to help, venting out the same need in his work, as a rescue veterinarian. Life brings him closer to Roy, excellently personified by Michael Joseph Nelson, who finds in Victor a kind of a lifeguard. They develop an incredibly special affinity, almost immediately, and the puzzle comes to life, piece by piece. Victor's birthday gift to Alina, turns out to be the element of happiness that was missing, in both of their lives. A film full of sincerity, fraternity, a lot of real love, with a brilliant esotericism that hides at the beginning and becomes evident at the end of the film. Watch out, don´t miss it! The bathtub scene is a masterpiece... If you have loved, have felt loneliness or have been willing to give your life for love ... this is your movie. The script, the direction, the acting of Keith Roenke and Michael Joseph Nelson are spectacular. Of all the films by director Ameer, The Family Tree is my favorite. You must see it. Thumbs up Mr. Ameer !!
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