Santa Jaws (2018) is a movie I recently watched on Amazon Prime. The storyline follows a high school comic book writer who lives by the ocean who one day receives a magic pen that causes his work to come to life. Wouldnt you know his current work is called "Santa Jaws" and now it isn't safe to go by the water in his town...can the kid and his friends find a way to rid the town of his shark before it kills everyone?
This movie is directed by Misty Talley (Shark Island) and stars Reid Miller (You), Courtney Lauren Cummings (The Collection), Jim Klock (The Underground Railroad), Carrie Lazar (The Magnificent 7) and Scott Allen Perry (Keeping Up with the Jonses).
The storyline for this is actually pretty fun and I liked the comic book aspects in this. The kill scenes are better than you'd expect, sudden and has some jump scare value. There are some scenes where you'll say, "That was a pretty awesome kill scene." The storyline itself is awful; and funny enough, the kids acting is much better than the adults acting, which is consistently awkward and painful.
Overall this movie is as bad as you'd expect but also has more entertainment value for horror enthusiasts than you'd expect. This isn't the worst movie you'll ever see and I actually recommend horror enthusiasts see it once. I'd score this a 4/10.