"The Flash" Lose Yourself (TV Episode 2018) Poster

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Making a comeback, but not without plot holes...
~AleXa~24 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Almost immediately, there is a welcome shift back to a more serious tone. Barry and Ralph once again disagree on tactics for defeating DeVoe, however Ralph finally gets serious and reveals why he's willing to cross the line.

Joe is rightly suspicious of Wells, and we see him have an episode while in the secret room trying to use the "thinking cap", which somehow goes unnoticed by the team even though he seems to be knocked unconscious and was presumably still so when Cisco is sent to find him.

The encounter with DeVoe left something to be desired, lacking the emotional weight Ralph's absorption should've carried, primarily because of his character's inability to take anything seriously, and his lack of relatability. Furthermore, the team's ability to defeat DeVoe is becoming less plausible with every passing episode, as he not only has taken the last of the bus metas, but now presumably killed Ralph and removed Killer Frost from existence. The predictability at this point is getting tiresome. The only feasible way I can think of for him to be defeated is by something Cisco concocts to do with Flashpoint or the Speedforce, or by some of the metas DeVoe absorbed to still be alive and fight back...

I was actually very impressed with the first half of this season, but it has become increasingly hard to stay invested when it seems there are no real ramifications. The show has struggled with balancing believability, character growth and development, and emotional weight, and this episode was no exception. That's the reason why I feel it's DC counterpart "Arrow" is the better show-they all have unique real world challenges and struggles, and there is always imminent danger and consequences that they can take almost an entire season to explore and resolve.

Alas, this episode tried to make a comeback. 7.0 of 10.0
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Am I the only one that........
headsound16 May 2018
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Being a huge fan since day 1, this is a little hard to say. But, I am getting really tired of Barry's "no kill" speech! There is NOT "always another way" as Flash loves to say, over and over. Perhaps if he had to visit the families of everyone that DeVoe has killed, so far, he might realize that the life of 1 murderer is worth far less than the lives of dozens of innocents. Also, he should hold himself PERSONALLY responsible for any future deaths committed by Team DeVoe. Then again, he has already proven how self righteous he is, by his Flashpoint blunders!
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Mind. Blown.
glafournie22 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers

Ok hold on, WHAT just happened? I absolutely cannot believe what I have seen here. I mean, it was a good episode but oh my God! How could they let this happen?? Ok, so let's start from the beginning.

So they find the final bus meta, who in my opinion is awesome! I mean like the whole hippie idea they've come up with for him? Love it. I find him pretty funny. Anyway, the team doesn't know what his power is, but it turns out that he can open portals to pocket dimensions! But not only that, he can actually go into any pocket dimension, including DeVoe's!

Meanwhile, Cisco has made a weapon that is similar to Izzy's power with thhe sound waves amd stuff, so that's pretty awesome because that was the only thing that they knew of that could actually hurt The Thinker. Ralph was happy because he thought they could finally kill DeVoe (I totally agree), but Barry said that it wasn't the "right thing to do." See, I don't like Barry because of these types of things. He's too good and perfect if you ask me.

Anyway, I thought that Harry's addiction to his thinking cap was odd. And I am still very curious as to what is going on between him and guidian. Might he be Dr. Wells somehow?

And I have to admit I've always loved the Killer Frost character with Caitlyn, and I thought it was kinda sweet how she communicates with her by leaving sticky notes, and the one that she read was funny, I laughed hard.

So when they decided to go to DeVoe's lair, I have to admit, I was getting super excited! I couldn't believ that they were finally having their big faceoff against The Thinker. Barry, Cisco and Caitlyn entered his lair with the help of the now meta-human. Unfortunately, he was ready, having a super brain and all, and when they entered the pocket dimension, he left and closed the portal, leaving them trapped inside! Then DeVoe went to Star Labs. The alarm went, so Dibney went to the new meta's cell to protect him from DeVoe. When he showed up, unfortunately he could not protect him from The Thinker, so he murdered him and took over his body. then Ralph took out the new weapon and zapped him with it. It hurt Devoe.

At least before the new meta died, he brought Barry Caitlyn and Cisco back. Barry raced to the speed lab, where Ralph and DeVoe were. Ralph stood there holdng the weapon, and DeVoe was beside him, handcuffed. When I saw this I thought, no way. I thought that maybe somehow The Thinker had become both of them, but he hadn't. Caitlyn and Cisco walked in, and for a few seconds, all was well. But, those few seconds did not last long, as he used Killgor's powers to get the cuffs off, and when Barry ran over to stop him, he paralized him. Caitlyn turned to Killer Frost and grabbed him, but he somehow managed to "melt" her, and then knocked her out. Then he grabbed Ralph by the head, and killed him.

I could not believe that they killed of Ralph Dibney, escpecially because it felt like they were realy building on The Elongated Man. I'm not sure how, but I think they may bring him back.

Another thing tha happened later was that Caitlyn discovered that when she touched DeVoe, he took her powers. At this I was very dissapointed, like I said before, I love the Killer Frost idea.

So in the end this episode was awful for team flash. But the way that they did it, I think they were trying to reach into the heart of the watchers so then when they bring things back and reverse what they've done, people will be especially happy. I thought this episode was really good, so I rate it 9/10.
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Holy crap what a great episode. On par with Arrow's episode "Fundamentals".
robertmosconi18 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was great. As great as episode 15 "Flashtime". Ralph has certainly grown as a character. Let's get to the details.

Ralph wants to literally end DeVoe by killing him. This obviously doesn't agree with Barry. He tells Ralph that's not what hero's do. We finally get to meet the final Bus Meta, the Folded Man. He can go between dimensions. Harry comes up with a sonic "fork" as Cisco calls it to injure DeVoe with one hit. A second hit will kill him. Team Flash break off to find Folded Man. Barry, Caitlin and Ralph find him at a hippy camp where the Samuroid shows up again and stabs Caitlin through the shoulder. They bring Folded Man back to STAR Labs and put him in the pipeline. Ralph eventually takes him out and takes Harry's Sonic Scepter. As he's about to have Folded Man open a dimension hole, Barry shows up and knocks Ralph out. Ralph wakes up (Barry put Folded Man back in the pipeline), Ralph says he'll kill DeVoe to protect his family (Team Flash). Barry, Cisco and Caitlin use Folded Man to open a portal to DeVoe's lair but when they get there it's a hologram and DeVoe and his wife teleport into STAR Labs. DeVoe hacks all the computer and tech. Harry goes to the Time Vault and puts all the Dark Matter her can into the thinking cap and passes out. The Mechanic and Iris have a duel where Iris let's her stab her and uses DeVoe's chair to teleport her back. Joe duels Samuroid and wins. DeVoe takes all the metas powers and uses Folded Man's body as his new host. Ralph duels DeVoe and wins but even with the meta cuffs on, DeVoe can't be stopped and he uses either Killgore's or Null's powers to force Barry to the floor. DeVoe takes Ralph's body as his new body and takes away Caitlin's powers via Melting Points powers. Barry cleans out Ralph's office. DeVoe's new body (Ralph's) is immune to the deterioration that plagued him before and transforms back into the Thinker we had earlier in the season by using Ralph's powers.
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1 down ... 1 to go
caravindan199419 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The Thinker breaking the spirit of Team Flash and obtaining his original form is one of the pluses of this episode. Still we don't know why the showmakers are not revealing why he's taking on the Flash.

The other plus in this episode is that Ralph is killed, one annoying character out. If something similar were to happen to the another annoying character Iris, that would be one of the best things to happen for this show and its fans.

8 because Thinker is upping his game, not anymore because we still don't know why is the Thinker who he is and we're nearing the end of this season.
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Credit goes to Culpepper
asb_deutsch22 April 2018
Joe did what Wally West couldn't do (earlier episode), but the director finally showed her direction using Dibney in a meaningful way. My ratings (based on what I marked on IMDb): Season 1: 200/23 = 8.69 Season 2: 193/23= 8.23; Season 3: 188/23= 8.17; and Season 4: 119/18= 6.61 (This episode = 8/10)
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Ranking/Reviewing every Flash episode: Lose Yourself
lbramson12 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Team Flash meets a new meta. DeVoe invades S. T. A. R Labs, forcing Team Flash to fight for their lives. This episode rules! It's one of the best this season! A word to describe this episode is: intense. Probably one of the most intense episodes with some crazy action sequences in S. T. A. R Labs. And, of course, there is the ending when all the bus metas including Ralph are killed! Oh, and Caitlin loses Frost too. But who cares about that? I only care about Ralph! Ralph died! Ralph died!!! RALPH DIED!!! RALPH FRICKIN' DIED!!! Wow! What an episode! Gives Trial of the Flash a run for its money for 2nd best of the season.

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Pissed off, but not bad
diornodouwes18 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler alert !!

So, the first big battle: team flash vs team thinker. The concept really wasn't bad, with the dope new (hella powerful) hippie-meta, who was portrayed by quite a good actor (never heard or seen the guy so worth mentioning) but his powers where underused. Team flash could've used him in the fight for example (would've been though to write).

Than there's this thing i have to mention what really really pissed me of. When Joe, a pretty standard detective could take on The Samurai with a freaking sword !! They didn't show how, obvious what really stressed me.

Than, i hate what they did to Ralph. He was a fun, bit annoying (more annoying by the episode, probably because they would kill him off, so he would get hate) but i liked him. He was really powerful and had one of the funniest and coolest powers. So it was stupid they killed him, but the way they did it was terrible. First off all, lotta trash talk before and during fighting, what is accurate to comics but annoying and a really really idiotic way to eventually kill him. wrong cuffs? for real? and not killing him is understandable, because of the PG-13 but why spend an entire episode saying he would? Another bad thing bout the episode.

Than some unnecessary but awsome flash stunts, good fight scene between iris and mechanic, good dialogue and hippies which all are dope.

last, i was really surprised with what they did with killer frost, did not see that coming at all.

all with all, not a bad episode. some lazy or bad writing that pissed me off. would've given a 6.5/10
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The Fire that Burns Down Team Flash Will Also Light the Path to Enlightenment
ThomasDrufke18 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Well, we can finally say that The Flash has done something major in one of their episodes. Doesn't it feel like this season has been lacking that big/shocking moment or episode that previous seasons had? And I guess the way you feel about the big death in tonight's episode all depends on how you felt about the character of Ralph this season. If you're like me and you've been in between on him all year, then this death at the hands of DeVoe isn't exactly the most impactful thing, especially because we ultimately new his death was coming.

However, I am glad that with Ralph's demise comes the return of Neil Sandilands as DeVoe. Because of Ralph's abilities, it sure looks like DeVoe will use them to stay as the original look of himself for the duration of the season. And to be honest, I was growing tired of the Ralph character anyway, and I didn't really see a plausible future for him on the show, he's just another case of a Team Flash member who's on the team for a year and then done. We really never needed him this year to begin with, even if it's important we feel the weight of something DeVoe has done.

The other plot points this episode included Wells going ballistic with his Thinker cap, Caitlin losing her powers, and Iris taking a few hits. I feel like this Wells stuff came out of nowhere, as did Caitlin all of a sudden losing her ability to become Killer Frost. Not like we needed her alter ego either, but how exactly is Team Flash going to take down DeVoe if they have yet to do any damage to him or his plans. Wait, what exactly is his plan anyway?

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Heroes always die.
apd81 May 2018
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This is why people stop believing in doing good things, in giving other people chances. Everyone will say, 'Hey you remember what happen to Ralph? He could just finish off the bad guy for good, but he didn't because someone brainwashed him about being hero. Well, those people survive, he didn't.' Also, when did they ever check the color of the cuff?
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Not Bad, but Leaves Lots of Questions (Second Sonic Scepter?)
Anonnamus20 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
First, let me say the Ralph character grew on me, especially in this episode where he admitted he wasn't scared for himself, he was scared for his teammates, who he now considers family. This is a huge change from how he felt just a few short episodes ago, when he didn't even want to leave the building because he was afraid of DeVoe coming after him and was more than willing to let everyone else put themselves in danger as long as he wasn't in harm's way...but whatever. I was still very sad when he was finally taken by DeVoe. He grew into a caring human being in one episode. At least his demise brought one bright spot, the return of the original Clifford.

My problems with this episode all stem around the fact that beloved characters have seemed to all completely change their personalities out of nowhere and their questionable decisions came out of nowhere. Harry was brilliant before the thinking cap, he should know what the infusion of dark matter would do to him, yet he commands Gideon to hit him at maximum capacity? I realize they were all in immediate danger but Harry was always rational in the past. That all changed in a single hour. Edwin Gauss was amusing and I thoroughly enjoyed his short time onscreen. Matthew Kim had potential as a future recurring hero so I was sad to see his appearance limited to a dead body laying on the floor. The Thinker had truly manipulated Team Flash masterfully.

Now. First of all, when did the team make a second Sonic Scepter? Barry used it against a hologram so it was seemingly wasted while DeVoe and Marlize were laying siege against Star Labs. But oh, no, Ralph miraculously pulls out the same Sonic Scepter from his body and uses it successfully. Smart. But alas, he's taken down because he forgets to activate the handcuffs. Seriously? How could DeVoe have known that would happen? How could he have planned for that mistake beforehand? He's brilliant with all the world's knowledge, but he isn't psychic. Also, Barry runs faster than the eye can see. Why did he take five minutes to use the scepter, giving DeVoe plenty of time to shoot off something to stop him. Hell, my great-grandmother could have used that time to stop him. Whatever. I can overlook that. What I can't get past is that the Sonic Scepter cloned itself. Anyway, other than those little details, it was not the worst episode I have seen.
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One of the dumbest Flash episodes of all time.
nionios8888818 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I would just like to point out all the things that hardcore fans dont take in account before reviewing episodes like this. First of all, Joe West taking out the Samuroid. How dumb is this? We see in the first episode of the season that even Wally West was easily defeated by the droid. Now a middleage cop handles a katana and cut the Samuroid's head off? Amazing. Then Iris West decides that the best option in order to not get killed by Marlize DeVoe is to grab the katana and stab herself? Like for real?.She even almost didn't have a pain reaction. On top of that somehow she knows what button should she press on DeVoe's chair to open the portal for the pocket dimension! Other dumb things are the money spend for a useless and visualy horrific CGI fight scene between Ralph and the dinosaur, the fact that Cisco and Caitlyn could just walk from the Cortex to the Speed lab since Cisco couldn't open a breach (which he finally opened with extreme effort) and OF COURSE the fact that the meta-cuffs couldn't hold since we have seen countless time tha Kilgore controls tech. This episode gets only a 3 because there is finally a hole episode devoted to the main plot something rarely seen in this season. Episodes like this should not be praised when there are things unable to be explained, like the fact that how Harry found the dark energy for the thinking cap?
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plot holes, contradictory
zerinchowdhuryamy21 July 2020
1.where the two scepter came from? 2. if Ralph is so worriedabout his mates, friends y did he hide, took the decision not to go on field . where is the love, care & protectiveness when he is needed. what changed in this two ep?😂 why is the epiphany that this is his family 🤣🤣🤣
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Bad on multiple levels
adamsosnowski23 May 2020
  • Iris as team leader is a joke. She is the dumbest, least experienced and least competent member of the team. Get rid of her already.

  • Flash is able to run around the city numerous times in nanoseconds (in Flashtime), but he can't react once the Thinker got free?

  • Barry and his "don't kill mantra" are annoying. So Ralph had to die because od this. So did the other metas. Makes no sense whatsoever.

  • Marlize is an accomplished samurai all of a sudden and can move faster then gun fire?

  • Where the hell did the second Sonic Scepter come from?

The reason this episode gets two stars and not one is because Ralph is gone now. Get rid of Iris too and maybe the show will get better again.
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