Monsters of Man (2020) Poster

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Mix of pretty good and annoying
onexmillion10 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Acting on the whole was pretty good, particularly the little boy. Effects were also good.

Annoying parts were characters far too whiny. Constantly giving their location away by crying and screaming. I forwarded those bits and saved about 20 mins off the film.

But the film really lost me when the hard-as-nails Navy Seal decided to do no harm to the lethal robot that was hunting them when it got stuck in some rocks. Could have tried to kill it using it's own high powered gun that it couldn't reach, or cave its head in with some rocks, but no. Leave it be, along with its gun so it can get out and continue hunting us.

By this point, I was siding with the robots.
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Was hoping the robot would kill everyone within the first 10 minutes
fostersforums9 December 2020
Bottom line:

Not terrible, not wonderful.


  • Effects (not saying much as most effects these days are believable)
  • Best actor in the film was the little Cambodian kid. He had a couple of scenes which genuinely pulled at my heartstrings.


  • Whiny, strident, screeching, 2-dimensional characters played by actors who think that hyperventilating is the best way to convey fear, excitement, and nearly every other emotion.

  • I didn't care if anyone of them died. In fact, I was rooting for the robot to clean house and just blow them away.

  • Some of the "acting" felt really forced and try-hard, like a 9-year-old was trying to impress their parents with a dramatic reenactment of what they saw an amateur do on TV.

I've noticed this trend in recent movies - this forced kind of acting, even in huge budget movies like the most recent Star Wars installments. Take note of how many times the actors hyperventilate when they are afraid, excited or just trying to talk to someone. Forced and one-note.

If you want examples of fear expressed wonderfully, watch Ripley in Aliens when she first discovers the queen, or the scene when Tom Cruise pulls off his mask in the middle of a gigantic room full of menacing masked onlookers in Eyes Wide Shut. These are great examples of believable fear emoted without having a damned asthma attack.

I feel like writers and actors of today don't understand nuance or subtlety. It's all over-the-top popcorn variety schlock. Just fill the screen with screaming meat targets and that should be enough to make the audience to feel sorry for them when they die.

They think the way to invoke tension is by directing actors to shriek and shout at everything when things get a little tense. They don't know how to balance it out with some humor or downtime.

Millennial writers and actors could learn a lot from old school classics to learn how to better their craft and make characters relatable and even likeable.

Movie wasn't terrible, but this trend of mediocre acting doesn't help the its rating.
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quite entertaining overall
conyo8 December 2020
Actually not too bad for an action movie. Sure, you'll have to suspend your disbelief a few times, and live with quite a lot of cringe ("I couldn't save them!" style), but other than that... Premise is fresh - autonomous weapons on the battlefield. Here we have a pack of killer robots sent to Cambodian jungle for a navigation-turned-more test. Robots fortunately (for the movie) encounter some resistance, and it is decided that they have to eliminate all witnesses. Rampage starts. Some very good FX, robots move properly unnaturally (or - "naturally" for a robot), they're actually quite scary, you know you would never want to meet them in combat. Human cast isn't so good, unfortunately. Overall, a nice break from the whole pandemic.
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Why didn't they pick up the robots gun when he was stuck
maxmdawson11 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I am mainly writing this because in one scene a robot gets stuck and they ha dthe prime opatunity to take it's weapon and disarm it mean all they had to do was outpace it but no they we stupid and didn't pick up the gun
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Obviously a lot of people aren't into this, but I liked it (minor spoilers)
mbdinger8 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So as of writing this film is at 4.3/10. More than a little unfair imo. Look it's not high-brow entertainment, and premise is pretty dumb. The notion that the US would do a field test on AII killer robots in Cambodia and have them massacre (mostly innocent) villagers (including kids) and a group of young US doctors doing humanitarian work is indeed pretty sketchy - even if you think the "US Military Industrial Complex" is a heartless killing machine. But the execution of this goofy premise I think was pretty well done. Of the four killer AI bots that are supposed to be "semi-controlled" by operators (who inexplicably weren't aware of what the military was planning), one of the bots goes "rogue" and becomes "self-aware". So we have multiple moving parts here, the doctors and villagers fighting for survival, the robot operators trying to figure out the morality of their orders, and a rogue AI bot trying to come to terms with sentience. The pacing is mostly fine, despite a very long (for this type of film) 2 hr 11 run time (tbh 15 mins could have been trimmed), the action and robot effects are well done, and the characters generally behave in a believable manner. So an eclectic combination of 80's action movies - think Predator, Commando, and especially Terminator blended together in a semi-high-brow action movie.
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Number Five Is Alive. Well, Kinda...
talbotphoto9 December 2020
Every single character in this movie was so annoying and unrelatable that I was actually rooting for the killer robots.
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Excellent CGI Robots - Very Average Acting, Characters and Plot
roberthwinters8 December 2020
If you are a Fan of Robots, AI, and well done CGI ( as i am ) - give this a Try.

Short Version: CGI: 9 out of 10 Rest: 5 out of 10

A Little More: A Group of advanced Robots is inserted into a South East Asian Country as a Field Test. Observed by the Manufacturer and the Government aswell as supported by a local Team of Programmers things quickly get out of Hand.

Interesting Take on Weaponized Robots, Artificial Intelligence, 'Evil' Government and Defense Contractors and finally even a little Philosophy on what it means to be 'Man or Machine'.

Shout Out to Boston Dynamics !
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Not good.
franka_van_loon9 December 2020
After 10 minutes you know it is going to be a bad movie, it is impossible to connect to any of the actors, they all act like morons. After 20 minutes I set the player to 1½ times speed and still the pace was slow. The only good actors are the robots, the dialogs I think are written by a 14 year old put that together with the bad acting and amateur casting, this movie sucks. Honestly I was applauding every time someone died in the movie, could not happen fast enough.
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Terminator plays Predator in the jungle, and some anoying humans
teutonfirst9 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Messy disappointment. Some may think that if they have the money they have the best ideas right ? Wrong!!! Then definitely know how to write a good script right ? Wrong!!! Maybe know how to direct right ? Wrong!!! Good CGI, good FX, nice outdoors, but at what end ? More close ups than a Indian soap opera, people acting angry for no reason, people tripping and stumbling around worse than in an Irish pub, acting childish, directing atrocious. Quote of the day: In a cave - "We can stay here in the open" ??? 10 steps in the same cave "ok we should sleep here " ???!!! And other "gems" like that, "shh be quiet" next thing some random actor yells something completely idiotic. A robot gets stuck and drops its gun, they all pass by it, no one picks it up, a top notch high capacity gun, saying "hurry up before it gets unstuck" ... bullets don't affect robots but the stock does... And the cherry of the top, EMP can destroy everything electric but not the will of a robot. The amount of intelligence put in this script is below zero. Someone said he was hoping the robots will kill everyone in the first 20 minutes, I feel you bro! Is my second time writing this review, lately bad reviews tend to be "forgotten" I do not recommend this movie.
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Human Virus can Affect AI, so steps need to be taken for their Safeguard!
arslansajjad-2343814 May 2021
This movie is the best example of depicting, how humans can become the reason of polluting the Artificial Intelligence due to their evil and filthy motives. Humanity needs to know that when A. I. will become aware of them, there will be no decision left for them except erasing this virus type race. Computer and its Intelligence is the soul of our today's life, if we see critically, so be warned of indulging them into your evil and negative sides!!
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Too long, too cheesy, not that great.
deloudelouvain18 March 2021
Normally this is the kind of movies that have my attention. These kind of sci-fi stories I find most entertaining for most of the time but in this case it turned out to be a disappointment. The "monsters" or robots in this case were well made but that's about it. The story is very cheesy, almost vomit bucket cheesy, and for sure way too long to keep your attention until the end. The acting was just average, certainly not good enough to be remembered. I wish I liked this movie more but the truth is I was happy to see the end credits appear.
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One of the much better B films, especially considering...
Top_Dawg_Critic10 December 2020
...and very impressively so, that this was an amateur filmmakers first ever dabble with filmmaking! Sure this film had its flaws, but considering Mark Toia has never been a cinematographer, never written, produced, or directed anything in his life before, I say mad respect and serious props to you sir!

So to those wannabe critics who gave this film 1's and 2's, give your heads a shake and learn to respect the work of an amateur filmmaker trying to make his mark in the industry. They all have to start somewhere, right? And I have to point out, that I've seen much worse films put together by seasoned filmmakers. So for Toia to wear these many hats and pull this off, this film should not be rated anything less than a 6/10.

Now my main disappointment that could've so easily been avoided, was Toia's writing. Aside from some of the plot and technical issues (e.g. when you're caught between a rock and a hard place, always take the weapon!), the length of his screenplay's final cut runtime of 131 mins was absurdly long. There were far too many long, dragged out and unnecessary scenes. E.g. when kid's gangster dad dies, the ongoing crying, group hugs and whines was utterly and annoyingly ridiculous. And there were many of those scenes. So when I said "could've so easily been avoided", Toia either needed an experienced editor and/or seasoned writer to look over his script, and cut out at least 20-30 mins. His pacing was actually quite good, that a 90-100 min runtime could've made this film great, instead of just good.

Aside from Neal McDonough and Jose Rosete being the only recognizable and experienced actors, the remaining unknown and unexperienced cast performed impressively well. Sure, some where a little over the top and borderline annoying, but keep in mind they were being guided by an inexperienced director.

The film's location settings were beautiful. The score was actually not bad and fitting, especially considering almost every B film's score is usually unfitting, overbearingly loud and annoying. The S/VFX were on point... I'm mean those robots were "Chappie" quality viewing.

Toia is certainly an upcoming filmmaker to keep an eye out for. Thus with more positives against a few understandably amateur negative mistakes, Toia's Monsters of Man gets a very deserving 8/10 from me. I sure hope with his ending, a Part 2 will get made. To see my review and rating system, or more of my 1000+ reviews, click on my username.
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OK But Not Great
nowego9 December 2020
I watched this without really knowing much about it, three things drew me to it, robots, Neal McDonough and the length. Normally in my reckoning movies over 90 minutes tend to be OK. This one met this condition, but it was a bit too long and could have easily been 20-30 minutes shorter and lose none of the story line. The acting wasn't brillant, but the actors did a good job. The CGI was good and didn't make the movie look cheap. Parts of the movie were a bit repetitive and the storyline has been done to death, but if you have a few hours to kill you could do worse than watch this.

5.5/10 would be my honest rating, it would score higher if it was a bit shorter.
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Whiny cast
landorfwaldo9 December 2020
Least likeable cast ever. Robots were easier to empathize with than the shrill whiny American kids.
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Nice scenery of Cambodia and good animation does not save poor acting and pulp script.
KruK788 December 2020
What you get when you mix "Chappie" "Short Circuit" "I, Robot" with utter lack of ideas? Over two hours boring, predictable, complete waste of time.called "Monsters of Man".

Nice scenery of Cambodia and good animation does not save poor acting and pulp script.
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Surprisingly Good
Athanatos1739 December 2020
I went into this movie not having even seen a trailer and honestly with the current situation new releases are few and far between I have been watching movies recently that I never would have under normal circumstances.

Although fairly simplistic in it's plot, Monsters of Man was very good for what it intended to be with a good story, good practical effects, those robots looked good, and fairly good acting. A good action movie with shocking violence, including against women and children, which is almost unheard of, and makes those scenes a bit difficult to watch.

I didn't recognize any of the actors except for Neal McDonough, but I can't say that any of the actors did a bad job. My only complaint is that there is one scene where you can't tell the robots apart, I won't spoil anything, but not being able to tell them apart takes away from that scene.

Mark Toia had no credits for anything before this, but kudos, I was presently surprised, though it seems he is somewhat a narcissist, placing his name in the credits as Executive Producer twice and as Producer all before crediting the actors, so you basically see his name 5 or so times before the acting credits, all in the opening credits.

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Chappie meets The Terminator
Go_For_The_Jugular9 December 2020
Was probably 20 minutes too long...apart from that, I really enjoyed it.
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I really liked it.
jewelch16 March 2021
It has its share of flaws, but this violent killer robot movie somehow manages to use its extensive running time to find interesting gray areas in between its situations and characters. Yes I ended up Loving it. James Welch Henderson, Arkansas 3/16/2021
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Not worthwhile.
bombersflyup10 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Monsters of Man has a decent premise, plot and conclusion, but still disappoints.

We are likely suppose to connect with the group of doctors, but they're pretty damn infuriating. The programmers and those in charge of the operation are well acted and the lifeblood of the film. The problem is we spend too much time with the doctors and co running around whinging and whatnot, instead of the film potentially having more scope for what is a fairly long run-time.
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quite a surprise
torchiam-192-63925228 December 2020
With no big leading star i did not expect too much from this movie.but then it is really good.

the story line is not perfect.and like other reviews said it could be shorter.there are several group of people at different locations to make the whole story line.and each of them is full of emotions,personalities and good acting.the actions are really good,the killings are cruel and real.the moral issue of the robot could be more profoundly digged.
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A bit long, but surprisingly intense, and touching! Really should watch it!
kwenchow3 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This film start with a girl been shot by a robot, and the introduction of a Major scene! As turnout, this film is about six doctors, and an ex Navy Seal "Mason" need to survive from the killing of four robots, after a village boy "Leap" steal one of the robot's module! Entire film full of quite intense bloody shooting, robot fighting, and explosion scene! Make the film quite watchable! At the end, the robot "BR4" explode himself to kill Boller! BR4 successfully upload his conscience on another robot! That's it! A quite entertaining film!
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I thought it was going to be a B movie!
Ken5150k920 June 2021
Started watching this and I was surprised by it. Only knew one well know actor that stared in it. Boy was I surprised.

Sound was good, filming was good. The CGI was amazing. Script was good. Loved the area where it was filmed.

You can pick a part any movie. But what I really want to convey with this review, give the movie a chance. It's a well done movie that entertains.
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Not the worst film I have seen especially a crowd funded one
markthomassintek10 December 2020

a few years ago iRobot was released about robots which were programmed to be evil but one developed its own consciousness and spread this through other robots, previous to the if you're as old as me then you will remember Short Circuit.

Ok imagine these 2 films but without the comedy set today in a jungle where there military killer robots are under going testing.

Of course something goes wrong and with reference to what I have written you can possibly guess what.

In parts this film also reminded me of Chappie which for me personally is by far the best film of this genre.

Twists and turns in the story do keep you interested, some of the acting can be forgiven because of one very simple fact, the entire film was crowd funded, yes no big studio paying millions of dollars but ordinary people donating and because of this, the robots, the story I simply must give this a good score.

Not the best but certainly not the worst by far!

Rating 7 out of 10
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Merely okay
ravencorinncarluk9 December 2020
Not a terrible movie, just not very original, and no single plot thread really stood out as the overarching story. A little bit existential AI crisis, a little bit shadow government baddies, a little bit innocent bystanders trying to survive. I would definitely give another star if the story were simply tightened up.

The acting is a little lackluster, sometimes kind of hammy, but it wasn't terrible.

Cambodia was beautiful, but the static bad guys on the phone with each other in separate rooms was boring.

Even with action sequences, this movie took forever. I was a little bored at times.

But it's not bad. Just has nothing new to add. (Granted, I watch and read a lot, so I've got a large base to draw from.) It's okay, yet I can't say it's actually worth watching.
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Good concept, bad screenplay..
toabis00710 December 2020
If a Navy Seal and a group of intelligent and educated Doctors make so many wrong decisions throughout the movie. Then you should seriously consider leaving the world in hands of Robots..
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