I'm checking out Bloody Muscle Body Builder in Hell (2012) purely because of the catchy title and how the movie marketing itself out to be The Japanese version of Evil Dead so naturally, as a big fan of low budget horror movies like I am this movie seems like it right up my alley and after 60 minutes I can tell you guys that this movie freaking deliver what it promises. The movie makes me smile every time I see a homage scene to Evil Dead 2 and how deadpan the characters look when they see how crazy stuff happen but not one time that I think it just a cash-in on the Evil Dead name because the movie doesn't force the slapstick comedy down your throat so when it needs to be tongue in cheek it works and when it needs to be creepy the movie can legit make your heart jump with the distorted Image of the ghost and the old VHS look of the movie. The practical gore effects are there and it may look low budget some time it still very impressive in my opinion