If you follow any of Scott Schirmer's work, you will be familiar with a couple more effective titles, such as Found and Harvest Lake. These are examples where low-to-no budget can be great entertainment, if not just a bizarre experience to hold your attention. The questionable title aside, this one was great, all things considered. It's done on a very limited budget, but the heart is in it, the actors are giving 100% of their ability, and it just ends up working. The actors are comfortable in their skin and their ability to be fearless with the script really adds a lot to this premise. Even though it's hit and miss on what the Ellie Church posse comes up with, they put in the effort as independent film makers. Plank Face is not perfect. There's a lot of missing lore that would otherwise fill in many plot holes or plausibility acceptance (and would risk the runtime becoming too long), but I did enjoy this one without getting hung up on the details. The acting, direction, ending, and overall production made this one of the better ones in I/Low Budget category.