Final Destiny (TV Movie 2016) Poster

(2016 TV Movie)

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An Aircraft Accident Investigator Afraid of Flying
Uriah435 May 2017
"Sophia Gilchrist" (Kerry Condon) is an agent for the FACB (Flight Activities Control Board) which is an agency responsible for examining aircraft accidents. However, as the story unfolds we learn that Sophia has an unusual trait in that she is very afraid of flying. So much so that when she finally boards a flight with her brother (in order to overcome this fear) she ends up leaving just before the airplane takes off. It's not until she is driving to her destination that she learns that the flight crashed--killing all on board-including her brother. Needing answers to gain closure she begins investigating the accident even though she has been ordered to distance herself from it due to creating a potential conflict of interest. Unfortunately, because of feelings of guilt, she disobeys orders and continues to investigate in spite of warnings to cease and desist. And her continued activity creates all sorts of problems for everyone involved. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this was an interesting film by and large but it suffered from a socially liberal bias which was simply too obvious to be ignored. It also had a rather anti-climactic ending which seemed a bit too rushed as well. In any case, I thought this movie was good enough for the most part and all things considered I have rated it accordingly. Average.
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SnoopyStyle8 March 2024
Sofia Gilchrist (Kerry Condon) has a fear of flying. She and her brother are flying to visit their mother (Sheila McCarthy). At the last minute, she runs off the plane and leaves her brother on board. The plane crashes with no survivors. Sofia is a suspended plane crash investigator and her personal connection excludes her from the case. She investigates on her own anyways.

I'm here for Kerry Condon. It's a Canadian production trying to be American. It's TV movie level except for a couple of these great actors. The investigation goes too slowly and lacks action. The solution seems pretty obvious which saps away the tension. She needs somebody trying to kill her. Fighting the system can only go so far.
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Strange flick
jhr20126 May 2017
What an odd movie. Sofia, the lead character, has to be the most annoying character ever. You are supposed to believe she is a dedicated, top notch investigator. But in reality, she's a workaholic, meddling, busy body that assumes everything is a conspiracy and will go to whatever lengths to prove she is right, no matter how unethical or illegal. If this were a true story, she would have been fired and/or arrested 30 minutes into the movie. The movie had potential but it goes woefully off track. Another Netflix special that is best avoided.
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Made for TV Characters and Writing
jbgrant20 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
What struck me oddest is the absolutely flatness of the characters. We're dealing with the death of a man who's sister narrowly missed getting on a plane that crashed and all of the people around him. No one really seems sad - his mother, his sister, his boyfriend or the large circle of friends that he has (and his sister seems to share). There is way too much brevity even in the scenes his sister visits the crash site while it is literally still smoking. The scenes of his sister trying to grieve are forced and insincere and her interactions with the people around her are plastic and the dialog is like a 'movie of the week'. The mother doesn't seem to be either happy that her daughter survived nor the fact that her son did not.

The sets - the homes of the people involved and the offices - are also too perfectly staged. No one has clutter or personal mementos on display, the way our normal homes look. Phones and computers are always conveniently charged but never plugged in.

I only made it through about the first 30 minutes and found so much alarmingly wrong that I couldn't watch more. The production seems okay and the actors might be good if not for such a 'carefully' written script.

While others have commented with the number of gay characters, I found this okay, having been a "beard" for a number of friends. I didn't get through enough to comment on the Muslim characters.
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TV Movies passed off on Netflix as a real movie
robtaday27 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Netflix has this out under the title "Brace for Impact" which apparently has been the title of about a million other movies. Anyway, we get our heroine who is afraid of flying and is in a support group to conquer her fears. They take a flight and it crashes but not before our heroine senses something and gets off just before take-off, leaving her gay brother on board to die. THEN, we discover that she is in fact an FBI agent who is the LEAD INVESTIGATOR for crashes! Kind of like an Admiral who is afraid of water!

It seems that everybody back at FBI HQ in Quantico knows her as a hothead who gets entirely too involved in her work but hey, she is just dedicated, right? It appears that she is always on some kind of forced vacation to cool off but that does not stop her from leaning on her co-workers for access to information so that she can indeed continue to investigate or from using them for sex just to take the edge off of a busy day.

She has a mother too, who seems to know her all too well and who also had some kind of problem with the gay brother being gay and the idea of meeting his "widower" is nauseating to mom but in a miraculous 180, she embraces the guy with no hesitation whatsoever. It helps that the dead sibling haunts his sister - I guess.

Our heroine has a variety of FBI co-workers, some Muslim for example, to let us know that Muslims are good - like gay men (who as usual in movies are handsome and virile and totally at ease and leave you with that "what a waste" taste in your mouth). She originally catches the boyfriend breaking into her dead brother's place (since he did not have key (hmm)) and who the dead brother had even already broken up with and never even mentioned on the ill- fated flight. Apparently, the deceased broke up with him "all the time." But it was great having a boyfriend "everybody wanted" even if it was a bore having to shoo them all way - all the time.

I wish I could say how the movie turned out but I could not take another minute of this stupidity.
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Somewhat promises but falters mid-way
bettycjung31 March 2018
3/26/18. Although the very beginning seemed somewhat promising, it sort of faltered a third of the way through and didn't make too much sense after that. Oh well.
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Propaganda movie
mitchellfinesod28 April 2016
Here's the movies plot: 1. Americans are bad. 2. Government agencies are evil. 3. Muslims don't commit terrorism and are unfairly targeted. 4. If you get to know a homosexual, you will like them. 5. Men are evil and woman are saints.

Goebbels couldn't have produced a better piece of worthless propaganda. Apparently in this NWO of political correctness, the bad guys are good and the good guys are bad. Instead of just making this a who-done-it movie, the producers felt the moral obligation to inject their ideology into it. Hard to judge whether this could have been a good movie or not because of their preaching. The most glaring defect of the movie is the fact that the "hero" of the movie commits numerous felonies, but, that is apparently insignificant since the end justify the means.
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Watch it, but you were warned
harley_wc3 January 2019
This movie is so bad that the lead is a total criminal. No respect for the law. Breaking and entering / theft of private property to name some false impersonation. She cares for no one except the so called "truth". No matter who? Her friends who she blatantly uses and steals from. Doesn't cares how they feel. She is smarter then everyone on the planet. Arrogant, no feelings except for her own. Even her mother is less intelligent and she disrespects hers. Some daughter? The director fails at making her look caring with all the decietful acts. Doesn't listen to anyone. Didn't care about anyone even her brother is less important than her cause to solve the case. The work protocols in place or the law are there for a reason. They are a guide I know, but she has total disregard for any of them or the law. Abuses her authority because she's the poor soul who couldn't get ahead cause she is insubordinate and egotistical about her knowledge and skills?

Change channels before you're sorry!!!
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Don't Trust These Negative Reviews!
heykateforever2 June 2019
Like another reviewer on here, I am also one of the most conservative reviewers on IMDb which seems to be stacked with liberals only. That being said, I loved this movie, too. Not enough for 9 or 10 stars, but for 8 stars! Unlike others, I found this movie very entertaining, one of the few B movies that actually was done quite well. I love a good thriller. And this movie fit the bill because instead of nitpicking the little things, this story drew me in and did NOT waste my time with a surreal or weirdly thought provoking nonsense most of Hollywood is foisting on us today. Either that or horror movies that are either absurdly bad or poorly acted and simply not scary, slasher movies filled with too much blood and gore, or girlfriend or boys gone bad movies with overt sexual content or the F-Word in every sentence. It was simply entertaining.

The mystery of what unfolds through the lead actress's covert investigation was well done and interesting. Her acting was fine. I have seen far worse acting in too many other movies passed off as "entertainment" today. My mantra here in IMDb is that I am SICK of preachy Hollywood political movies, SICK of teenage "coming of age" nonsense (exception, "13 Reasons Why" on Netflix which is the first 10 star teenage show I have seen in years) or political commentaries by the Obama-owned Netflix. I am one of those people SICK OF IMPEACHMENT TALKS and constant references to the despicable Trump in almost every show and movie made today. I am weary of it all. So, this movie had a good, cohesive story, an entertainment factor lacking in too many new movies, and yet somehow didn't slip into the Lifetime model of the same story, different characters.

It's a nice mystery that was quite good and refreshing considering what is being offered by the "entertainment industry" on the whole today. I recommend this movie! Don't overthink it. Just enjoy it!
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Started out ok then got preachy, stupid
johnadcock28 March 2018
This movie could have been a good movie except for the bashing of men and the ridiculous, obsessive female lead. What a complete waste of an hour and a half.
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A moving motion picture
skoyles4 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Having read the other reviews I should point out a few things: 1. I am probably the most conservative person on IMDb, and 2. I loved this movie! I found the lead actress to be a very convincing portrayal of a damaged, slightly paranoid person with OCD tendencies. Her observational abilities were well established early on while her grief at the death of her brother rang very true. Her under-control reins slipping explosively is something I saw frequently in my professional life. I was gripped by her monomaniacal search for the truth and was delighted at her vindication. The rest of the cast were fine too. Sometimes I think folks watch movies nly in order to tear them apart in these amateur reviews. I recorded Brace For Impact and am a richer person for having seen it.
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jackie_4580129 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Okay so you know how Sharknado was so bad that it was good? Well this ain't that (yes I said AIN'T)! I read the 4.7 rating, ignored it, and watched this movie. Do NOT be like me! This movie is horrible. I can overlook the bad acting (and it is really bad), and I can overlook the obvious flaws (like getting arrested and the police not finding the watch that she stole from evidence, or slapping her supervisor and still not losing her job), but I'm having trouble forgiving the obvious stupidity of not just lifting up one of the mechanisms from the pan to keep the house and all the darn evidence from blowing up. And I absolutely will not overlook the nasty way she treated every single person still in her life. You know it's horrible when less than 1/4 of the way through the movie you find yourself wishing star of the movie had died in the crash too.
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Hooray for dumb sh...
kaliforniasgold8 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This woman is supposed to be a top notch investigator, but manages to blow up a house full of evidence by accidentally spilling a chemical while snooping around. If you love dumb movies like I do, this one is gold.
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Movie is okay, political correctness brings it down
girl_tesla16 January 2017
The story-line and execution of that story-line are okay. It's an average sort of mystery/conspiracy. BUT, the political correctness is so out of control. We have way too many homosexuals presented in this movie. Way out of proportion to real life. I have gay friends, but not MOST of my friends are gay. I don't care if you happen to be gay, but I don't need to have "gays are great" shoved in my face when I watch a movie. I also have Muslim friends. But NOT ALL of my friends are Muslims. And I don't need "Muslims are Great" shoved in my face when I'm watching a movie. Sad to day, but many of the terrorists active today are Muslim, or at least claim to be Muslim. I imagine there are mimes out there who are terrorists, too. And probably clowns. And a nun here or there. But jeez, can a movie just be a movie and not have a political agenda?
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A total waste of time
billythewizard9 July 2017
One of the most annoying films I've seen recently and the actress (Kerry Condon) playing the lead role was the chief cause of the annoyance. She may be a gifted actress but this film did not show off any talent she might possess. It was a wooden and obnoxious performance. Perhaps it wasn't her fault since she was given an unbelievably bad and poorly written script and non-direction. Her character came off as completely false and unsympathetic (An aviation crash expert who is afraid of flying? Give me a break). The character reminded me of one of those nasty little yipping dogs that won't stop barking at you. And the PC of it all was nauseating - Women, gays, Muslims, Hispanics and a physically handicapped black woman in the hospital are all good. Uh-oh. They left out a transgender (at least not that we could tell). Did they overlook any other minority? And of course, white heterosexual American men are fat and bad.
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Just "plane" bad.
mxsuba2617 June 2018
Just a bad movie. Holes in the plot, too much propaganda. unauthentic characters., bad acting.
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Propaganda is right
dwarrenl-0185912 April 2017
Extreme left wing distortions. Also to add to the first reviewer if you are an NRA member then you are referred to as a typical gun nut. Not only is the writing horrible they make it logical that a military service member is a logical person who would have crashed the plane but a Muslim would be unthinkable.
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Yes, it's like watching a plane crash
moonpics-19 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This film is so bad and on so many levels it's hard to find a place to start. Okay, so we have a crash investigator who's afraid of flying. Yes, that's deeply ironic. Her brother dies on the plane that she bolted off of in a panic attack, her mother is dealing with both the loss of her son and the miraculous sparing of her daughter. Anybody in these situations would be numb for months just trying to process all of this, but not these two women. Through a combination of bad writing and bad directing, we fast-track past the five stages of grief and submerge ourselves into the investigation by a disgraced former employee of the (wait for it) "National Air Crash Board". Seriously?

The real investigators of the NACB are too incompetent or wrapped up in politics to see the evidence that their former colleague screams at them, so it's up to our maverick heroine to bust the case wide open. Of course there's the obligatory Muslim investigator who spends a lot of suspicious time at his mosque; no red herrings here. She has her suspicions of who the culprit is early on in the story, and without any attempt at plot twists or misdirection, turns out to right in a ridiculous and unsatisfying ending.

I watched this through to the end because it became a study of bad storytelling. With so many good offerings available to us these days, do yourself a favour, skip past this one, and trust the trending titles on Netflix.
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karimnn4 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A dead brother, a dead boyfriend, and yet neither sister or boyfriend shed a single tear. What terrible acting, what terrible directing, what terrible script. The only sad thing is the background music. A complete waste of time.
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