Anomaly (2016) Poster

(I) (2016)

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The. Worst.
kinectedpharm3 April 2021
I could have filmed a scarier movie with random strangers and an iPhone. The acting was a joke. The camera angles were so terrible, as if they were trying to film the entire movie in one single take. The script seemed as if a 10 year old wrote it. I've sat through some pretty awful movies, but this was just terrible.
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Nothing good except the film poster
gian_992 November 2017
I watched this movie because it was on Amazon prime and the poster looked interesting. Do not judge a book by its cover, as the saying goes. The story is a basic ghost movie. The script doesn't make sense sometimes (I can't really explain without spoiling, but there are several scenes where the characters do or say things no real person would do or say in the situation). The only reason I give this movie a 2 and not a one isn't the movie poster (real streaming bait, this kind of things should be illegal), but the fact this movie might become good entertainment if you watch it with some friends drinking and laughing at it (oh, every scene with the priest...). Because, it's not only badly scripted, but ridiculously acted too.

I can't really recommend this even as "so bad it's good" kind of movie, however, as some slow scenes are painful to sit through. Don't watch.
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I try to say something nice
amomlookingup26 September 2018
Even if I don't like a movie. But. This is the dumbest movie I've seen in a while. The acting is laughable. The writing is laughable. I would have laughed throughout except I think it was meant to be taken seriously. It had the potential to be scary but fell so short because the writing and acting was horrible. It's a shame because I really think they meant to make a legitimately scary movie.
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I'd rather sit through a 3-Day insurance seminar
brockrockford7 November 2017
This movie is so gawddog awful. The effects are preschool and the acting is a disgrace to the profession. The father's character is unbelievably terrible to the point where I was experiencing uncomfortable squeamishes. There is one thing going for it. It's so bad it could probably be, with a lot of tweaking, a pretty good comedy.
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Do Not Believe The High Ratings
mrsapped20 June 2017
People are obviously voting high as a joke, or the creators are doing so.

I swear on my life Amomaly is the worst movie I've ever seen.

Apparently a group of everyday people decided they wanted to try & make a film.

Better acting & costumes in a 6th grade play & I'm not exaggerating.

What was supposed to be horror unintentionally turned into comedy.

It is truly sad that these ppl couldn't see how awful every scene they shot was, when watching it back.

Watch only if you have time to kill & want a good laugh.
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Reruns of the Love Boat are more frightening than this movie...
skael1 December 2017
This move was so bad I created an IMDb account to prevent others from Suffering as I have through it. It is quite obvious to me that the individuals who gave this flying turd Taco a 10/10 have either been paid to, or are direct relatives of the individuals in this film. There were many scenes where the sound didn't sync up to the action (think 70's dubbed kung fu), in addition to the horrendous editing which appeared to be done by a severely ADHD seven year old who hadn't had his daily dose of adderall. If that isn't alliterative enough for you, then try to imagine a demon possession movie where the main "scary" character is simply a man in a Walmart grim reaper hood with a 5 dollar face paint job. Seriously folks, my Niece can paint a better scary face, and she's only 8. Nothing original, a rehash of other horror movies all coalesced into one garbled, unimaginative piece of garbage. }:-\
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The Absurdness
dcarsonhagy13 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I am dying to know how this big old POS rated 7.1 stars (out of 10, no less). It has got to be one of the worst movies to ever make release. I have absolutely nothing against "low budget." Sometimes that's all you have to make your film, but low budget doesn't have to be awful as well. A couple and their brood move into a house. Yawn. The wife giggles constantly and just seems to be high on life (gag), while the husband runs the acting gauntlet from A to B. Those who played the children got on my nerves something awful. Whomever narrated this piece of do-do displayed absolutely NO emotion. It's obvious the "house" was some long-abandoned dwelling the producers of this mess just happened upon. The walls and doors were FILTHY. As I was watching, I kept thinking why are you bothering to put up pictures, curtains, or anything else when it is obvious the damn thing needs painting? That is how distracting this was. You can never tell when it's light or dark. I suppose they couldn't plug in more than one lamp at a time for fear of a fire. Of course all the "demons" appear after sis and brother dig out a Ouija Board. Ain't we beat that horse to death yet? This was a total disaster from all angles. However, I'm sure the people involved can get their money back by working an extra shift at Denny's. Awful, just awful.
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takato05249 February 2021
The moment I saw Charles what's his name in this I knew it was going to be terrible. The last movie I saw him in, he played a psychologist that took his patients to a cabin for the weekend and someone was killing them off. That movie was bad. This is worse.

Let's start with the production. I had to check several times to make sure this wasn't a dub. The dialogue never seemed to match up with the lip movement. It also had the sound quality of those dubbed European shows on Netflix. But, alas, it was made in America and the actors were American.

Next is the actors. I guess acting school/lessons is a thing of the past. No one had any presence at all. The girl telling the story was so droll I wished I was deaf. The father spoke like he didn't know how to construct sentences. And the mother just whined the whole time. There was also a son and daughter, but like I said, had no presence and I dismissed them easily. Then there's the pastor. Just why? He was so over the top yet underwhelming at the same time I had to rewind a few times.

The ending was not a shocker. I figured it out in the first 5 minutes of the film. If you need to put someone to sleep, this film will do it for you.
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The priest
majorhappener12 August 2020
Are we not going to talk about that hairline? Did it slip everyone's mind. I couldn't take him seriously lol
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High school play quality
Scaperoni3 December 2017
Terrible. Especially the young actors (Hunter Alexes Parker and Mason Parker) and the dad (Matt Holbrook). Lara Jean Mummert did pretty well, but she is too much of a stage and theater actor to work well on screen.

In the actors' defense, the writing can take a lot of the blame for the disjointed and unnatural dialogue. No one says things like, "looking...right at myself." Or, "...without knowing the background of it." I know Batista was born in the DR but no one proofread the work at all to remove any rigidity or colloquial missteps.
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Good quality film
carlosvega-1184820 June 2017
I have watched the film twice now and I must say it was very very good. Despite the two negative reviews posted here. I felt compelled to write an honest review and not one out of spite or hate, in which that is what seems to be the two previous hater reviews. Those critiques are not based out of factual information from the film, but more or less, look like pathetic and envious nobodies, that do not want this film to succeed because they perhaps can't get their project off the ground, or an actor that can't get work, or in competition with some of these actors in this film, or just a person of jealousy. If they were to concentrate on their own careers, they might be where these people are. With that said, this film has a great story line, well acted by all of the cast, very well acted. This was not some cheap looking indie film. The quality is fantastic. If it wasn't good, it would not have gotten distributed. Think about that logically for one moment, before you post another negative comment. All in all, awesome film, well done. 10 stars!
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Flawed but worthwhile
nebilcs-168-16529825 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Having seen the reviews, I wasn't optimistic. First the negatives: the son's lines and behaviour were of someone much younger. The dialogue sometimes sounded odd, like it was dubbed as an afterthought. The latter part was formulaic and the least believable and effective part was the interview/narration which bookended the story. The creature effects were mercifully kept short as they were clearly limited (it's good that this was recognised and understood) although the end shot succeeded as a clever misdirection.

The positives: genuinely creepy in places. Surprisingly so given that the flaws would normally have me tuned out of any attempt at building an atmosphere. The soundtrack and sound effects, cinematography and production quality were above average for lower budget indie standards. The script was hit and miss but the acting was again above average, substantially so with Paige who went from homely domestic to yelling possessee and back again. And it was refreshing to not have models cast for every part.

Overall and even with the flaws, I thought this punched above its weight which is a credit to everyone involved.
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Bad acting
arlene_marier13 January 2021
Movie wasn't scary and acting was terrible based on a true story Try and prove that
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Totally craptastic
dekspam8 July 2017
There's really no foothold to gain in order to redeem this film; none other than watching it for a laugh. Bad cinematography, bad editing, bad acting (the male character above all others) and what's more important, bad storytelling. The scenes with the priest were the ones where we laughed more hysterically: the one where the guy budges around as if he was annoyed by a mosquito rather than a demon takes the cake. (MEMO: bring insecticide rather than holy water next time.) Oh, don't forget to take a look at the fake 10 star reviews here on IMDb for an additional laugh.
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Robbed of 5.99 ...
cjmouser6 July 2017
Or whatever I paid on demand for this abomination. I actually feel embarrassed to have watched the whole thing. I feel like at some point my self respect should have kicked in and I should have turned it off in utter indignation. But honestly, I really wanted to find some value, after all asking for a refund is a huge drag. I assume the time frame is supposed to be sometime in the 70's, and I assume this only because of the way the woman was dressed and the fact that the kids are immature for their apparent ages. They spend the entire second half of the movie crying and hugging each other and they seem to be teenagers.

I could've made a better movie. I could have rallied my extended family and come up with a better story line. There are two positives about this movie, the cover - cool pic - it sucked me in. And it was short. It is difficult to believe that such a clunker made it as far as this thing did.
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nickavvento14 October 2017
I am not one to publicly trash something, but I don't want people to waste money or time that can be better spent elsewhere, so I am doing this kind of like a public service thing. I was 22 minutes in before I gave up. The first thing I noticed was poor acting, unbelievable characters, and just really bad dialogues. I kind of got that sense right away and the 2nd thing was the awful camera work and editing. The acting is so bad though, please forgive me should any of them read this, but good luck next time. There is really nothing positive I can say, at least about the first 22 minutes. Sorry guys.
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The mexorcist
bengard-425661 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I understand this is a low budget film.. that being said independent films need to make up for money with originality and spirit.

Cookie cutter plot and flat acting accumulating towards ...nothing. We continued watching out of sheer amazement. Movie date night has had some real doozies in the past but nothing so empty and sad as 'anomaly'.

The cast looked downright bored during key moments. The director Succeeded in demonstrating he has never spoke with any law enforcement official or clergy member. The director wanted to play it safe. Regurgitate "The Exorcist" climax and make money. No vision required.

If you have ever complained about Hollywood just making the same -old movies than you will not enjoy this train wreck.
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djjarema23 June 2019
Don't waste your time. Watched it for free on Tubi and I still feel ripped off.
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Slow and talky indie horror
Leofwine_draca23 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
ANOMALY is another vapid indie horror flick with little to recommend it to the discerning horror fan. Ostensibly about a case of supernatural possession, this is instead a talky drama in which the characters incessantly drone on and one until the running time is complete. It's clear that the director is hoping to make a film in the same vein as THE AMITYVILLE HORROR but his efforts are in vain with all of the phenomena talked about rather than shown due to budgetary constraints.
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royeighmey26 April 2020
This is absolutely one of the worst movies that I have ever seen! I forced myself to sit through the whole thing. I dont know what kind of cameras they were using, but even in the middle of the day with the sun shining bright, the picture was overly dark and dull. The acting was atrocious, it seemed like none of them had ever acted before. Was this made by a bunch of high schoolers for extra credit? I beg you, please no-one waste your time with this movie. If your that bored, try watching infomercials, you'll thank me.
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marybethklein18 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Impressive content! Highly recommend! I would love to see more work done by this director. Who ever the casting director was, Great job in casting, great acting by the actors. Loved the creative camera angels. The choice of composer for the film was outstanding. Very believable film. I would like to see a sequel made to this film, as it would lead us to think their is a possible continuing story to tell. The New age Exorcist!
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Quirky for a "fun date"!
mzlizebeth23 January 2023
If you don't take the acting or dialogue too seriously, you can "relax" and enjoy the movie for its humor. The effort by a cast of amateur actors (some seasoned?), out in front of the camera and the talented crew "behind the curtain" as they say. Especially great fun for a relaxing "date night-in" or on those days when you "stay-in and "settle on the couch" with some snacks and a nice glass of wine or your favorite beverage. I squirmed, closed my eyes, laughed and enjoyed the he "dramatic acting" as much as I did the "moments when I jumped off my couch! Just sit back and relax...don't take life too seriously. Enjoy 👍
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Avoid "Anomaly" at all cost, don't say I didn't warn you.
algrolls17 August 2020
Lawd Hammercy the acting in this "film" is atrocious me and a few people off the street could of starred in this "film" and it would of been a better production. A weak lazy script that stole from every possession movie good or bad plus some of the worst acting I've ever witnessed make this picture a easy pass. Don't say I didn't warn you.
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Maybe the worst horror movie I've ever seen...
danielegalizzi3 June 2018
This movie is nothing but a series of horror movies clichés, bad acting, occasional jumpscares and an awful plot. Do yourself a favor, don't waste an hour of your life watching this movie.
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park-april15 June 2018
Very low budgeted bad acting awful awful just awful waste of money and time
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