Rupture (2016) Poster

(I) (2016)

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Just Ok.....
nyjazzman6 March 2019
Not terrible. Sort of interesting, and sort of scary conceptually. Noomi Rapace makes this movie watchable. Without her, my rating might have been a "2" at best. Her acting sells the story, and provides some emotional connection for the viewer.
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Not the best, but better than many
Samirsbureau18 December 2016
This is a totally spoiler free review because it's best to see this film without knowing what to expect.

I watched this film with no expectations in mind at all, and i have found it watchable. Yes, it's nowhere near any of the best sci-fi movies, but it's an alright watch.

The dialogue of the movie is kind of lame and that's the thing that bothered me, but when it comes to the pace of the movie it's really good, i can guarantee you will not be bored. As for the plot, it's intriguing and I can't say you haven't seen it before, but i found it OK.

In the end, Rupture is a good watch at home when you have nothing to do and feeling like killing some time. Not great, not bad either, just mediocre.
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Tense but flounders a bit
thekarmicnomad21 November 2017
A woman is abducted by some people who tell her she is special and are going to "change her" to make her perfect.

This is a well acted, well shot, fairly well produced mid budget movie. Sometimes the sets look a bit over-lit and the few bits of CGI look cheap and nasty but overall the film is of a high standard.

The main character is very good and has a lot to shoulder. She does spend the majority of the film trussed up in one way or another looking petrified. This is not done in a way that makes it graphic, gory or titillating.

The only problem here is that the story doesn't have an awful lot to say but takes its merry time saying it.

Now, if you can get into this movie I think you will find it tense and enjoyable. I found I lost my patience a bit, I was gripped enough to want to see it through but my finger was hovering over the fast forward.

It appears I have a limit to the amount of time I am prepared to watch someone tied to a table and preached at.

The ingredients are here for something pretty good but be prepared to put the work in yourself.
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Exciting but very flawed
bnelson-rugger5 July 2018
Was sucked in by the extremely tense atmosphere but left with not being sure why I burned 1h40m if my life on this movie - the ending left me not really caring about the characters or story
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A competent student film...
Syntax_Terror18 February 2017
... that turned into a full-length feature that somehow managed to snag a few high profile actors. Whoever decided to bankroll this production should've put their money into understanding scripts seeing as this barely had one. Poor direction overall, from the acting, to setting up scenes and pacing. The only thing that got me to finish watching was the mystery of it all which wasn't anything complex or special.

If this had been a 20-30 minute student film or fully realized Twilight Zone episode, then sure, I can roll with that. Long story short (like the movie should have been), don't waste your time.
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A movie that can't decide it's genre.
jayg_588 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Kidnapping, check; horror, check; torture, check; suspense, check; mystery, check; action, sort-a; monsters, check; aliens, check, sci-fi, check. Anyone notice that there are TOO MANY categories here? As a result, none are fleshed out sufficiently to actually work. So, let's polish it all off with a mid-sentence ending, so popular these days. I only used the fast forward in about every fourth scene because the scenes changed quickly enough to not turn the whole thing off. I kept hoping that the ending would make sitting through the shotgun plot worthwhile. Nope - they just ended it with a little dialog (part two set-up?). BTW: no sex, no nudity, no language. Hello, late night TV.

I disagree with one other reviewer: Noomi Rapace is good; everyone else is a caricature. Michael Chiklis was a walk-on, collect a check, non-character. In fact, he was so badly overdressed for the part, it looked like they snagged him on the way to a night out with his wife.
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Good job from Steven Shainberg
deloudelouvain6 April 2017
Like most of the time before watching a horror movie I look it up on IMDb and look at the ratings it gets. And most of the time when the ratings are low, like for this one, I just read a couple positive reviews to try to give me an idea of what to expect. And when it seems plausible that it might be better then the ratings tell I give it a shot. So did I with Rupture, and I'm glad I did. Rupture deserves way more than it's actual ratings. The point of a good horror movie is that you are captivated by the story and that it keeps you on the edge of your seat. All credits go to the director Steven Shainberg that gave me everything I expected in a horror movie. Good actors, an intriguing story, a good soundtrack and choice of filming, but above all a lot of suspense. And if you honestly find there is no suspense in Rupture then you must have pay no attention to the movie. Rupture deserves better and if you like suspense without to much bloody details you will like this movie.
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As a pilot-episode of some scifi series it could have worked, as a movie it failed.
johannes2000-110 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is a very unsatisfying movie. The premise is okay, albeit that we've seen the likes of it (i.e. humans being abducted by aliens) lots of times before and to be honest, much better. The first half of the movie, where we have no clue whatsoever about the identity of the abductors, is bearable, it has uspense and a Kafkian athmosphere. The attempt of Renee to escape is very thrilling, but when some 20 minutes later it's clear that it didn't work and she's back to square one, it all impresses as totally superfluous for the story, simply adding nothing at all. The last ten minutes of the movie we see the changed Renee back in her own home. I won't give the end away, but it's as if the movie is cut-off suddenly then and there, as if we've seen the pilot-episode of a meant-to-be series and the further episodes should bring us gradually all the answers. Now we hardly know anything. Who (or what) are they, where do they come from, what do they want, what's so special about Renee that she (as well as some other victims) is picked out of the whole human population?? It is and stays a total mystery. In short, a failed and unnecessary movie, notwithstanding good acting by Noomi Rapace and some creepy scenes.
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Rubbing off
kosmasp26 June 2017
So people/characters in this may seem cold and this may seem a bit too much for some. And it has its flaws, but it still builds a stellar case in the thriller department (though many will also put in Horror, Science Fiction and Fantasy territory). The movie is not for everyone and I did cringe at times.

But there is more to it than meets the eye (no pun intended). And if you allow yourself to take the journey, you may not understand everything, but you will have a tension filled film. Now that sounds vague, but don't expect the movie to do all the thinking for you either. Well lit and photographed, this is a trip of a different proportions
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Stay away
mgl-920376 November 2016
I don't want to give a spoiler, but let me say that the plot is completely derivative. The "science" is not even bad enough to laugh at. The acting is uniformly shlocky, as if the actors watched the worst horror movies and copied all the moves. Is Noomi Rapace completely dreadful? Honestly, no, but she can't save this dud. Do yourself a favor and pound some nails into your hand, or watch the complete oeuvre of Caspar van Dien, instead of this movie. At least you wouldn't have the pain of completely failed expectations. I would put this movie at about on par with the recent Flytrap, and just slightly better than ISRA88. If you know those films, you will get my meaning.
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Well made sci-fi intimate theatre
patrick-9164023 November 2021
Because of the mostly bad reviews and a not so interesting marketing campaign I delayed to watch this movie for a long time.

Now, that I did catch up on it I'm glad I watched it. Rupture is way better than the reviews. If you're into sci-fi, intimate theatre, and don't expect non-Stop action I suggest you give it a chance. It offers An interesting plot, decent artworks, and good acting of capable actors.

The ending falls a little short compared to the previous acts.
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If you like creepy bad B-horror flicks, you'll probably get a kick out of it.
Hellmant29 June 2017
'RUPTURE': Three and a Half Stars (Out of Five)

A psychological horror flick directed by Steven Shainberg (who also helmed the 2002 cult classic 'SECRETARY') and written by Shainberg and Brian Nelson (who also wrote the 2005 cult classic 'HARD CANDY'). It stars Noomi Rapace as a single mother that's abducted by a mysterious organization, and then subjected to severe fear-inducing torture as part of some secret experiment. The film also costars Michael Chiklis, Peter Stormare and Kerry Bishe. It hasn't been well received by most viewers, or critics that have seen it, but I enjoyed it.

Renee (Rapace) is a single mother struggling to deal with an abusive ex, who's also her son's father. After dropping the boy off at his dad's for the weekend, Renee is abducted (on the road after blowing a tire) by a secret organization. She's then taken to an unknown location, where she's injected with chemicals and subjected to torturous fear-inducing experiments. Renee encounters multiple other people being held there, who are also being subjected to the same horrendous experiments. When she's left alone, Renee breaks free of her bondage, and then begins sneaking around the location in an attempt to figure out what's really going on.

The movie definitely has a cheesy B-horror movie feel to it, but I like that feel in films (if it's done well). This movie is really creepy, and effectively nightmarish to a certain extent. I always have to give those things credit. Rapace gives it her all in the lead (like always), and the supporting actors seem to be having a lot of fun with their creepy roles. It's definitely not an especially well made (or well written) movie, but it is fun and entertaining (in my opinion at least). If you like creepy bad B-horror flicks, I think you'll probably get a kick out of it (like I did).

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This movie is not complete.
KD-Lasso30 April 2017
Noomi Rapace, Michael Chiklis, Peter Stormare, Kerry Biché, Lesley Manville. All great actors! Brian Nelson wrote Hard Candy, 30 Days of Night, and Devil. Three very enjoyable movies! Even Steven Shainberghas directed good movies, like Secretary.

But Rupture... Rupture is awful. And when they arrive at the third act the movie ends. I can only assume that they ran over budget and could not find the money to finish the movie, and hopefully they realized not worth trying seeing what they already shot.

I am hesitant to give this even 2/10 because, this movie is far from a complete film.
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Not worth the effort
dannygrangerdannyg16 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly let me say that I watch hundreds of movies every year. I like to give any film the benefit of the doubt until the end. After resisting coming onto IMDb for so long, i had to join to let people know about this.

Simply put... This is not a good movie, you should be going elsewhere.

So many times during the plot I felt like the movie led me to believe it was about to kick up a notch from creepy music and promises, and then the lead actress just rolls over again and again and doesn't do anything. Just once she gets a bit of courage and does something brave, and this fizzles out too.

The ending left me feeling really disappointed, as that is where they could have saved the movie with a bit of action. But it all built up to nothing at all.

The actress was poor. The characters felt mismatched and unlikely. The acting was robotic. The plot twists were pointless and empty. The pseudo-science was not believable. The ending was flat.

After watching this I think my worst fear that could cause me to evolve would be to sit through this movie on repeat in a room I couldn't get out of. That could possibly make me scream...
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Interesting premise that falls totally flat
yaroslavc1 July 2018
This could have been a pretty good movie. But somehow it just never gets around to hooking you into it. I had never really thought about it before but it may very well in this case have to do with noomi rapace. I've seen her in a number of different movies but it was finally in this one something odd I realized has been there all along, there is just something about her that makes you not really care or feel invested in her characters. The movie had a lot of potential for its creepy vibe and off kilter scenery but ultimately the characters just never gelled.
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Not Even a Good Actor Could Save This
jburtonprod-802-75902913 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
First of all this is a movie without a 3rd Act. I weep for the future of cinema because NONE of these people seem to have ever read a book or seen a play. They all seem to be making movies from watching other movies. Bad movies.

Noomi Rapace is great as usual but she really can't save this thing. It's even got Peter Stormare who I usually like and Kerry Blishe who I've liked in other movies but they are given ridiculously shallow parts. Blishe is particularly bad. I expected her to break into her best moo-ah-ah-AH!!! Dr. Evil laugh at any time. Since I've seen her act before this it's probably the fault of the director. Michael Chiklis is in it too but I've never been a fan. He usually gets on my nerves and does here, for sure.

If they had wanted to make a real movie they should have got to the 'rupture' earlier with it's TERRIBLE computer generated effects and have something of import happen after. What if the rupture happens and then Rapace's character still goes on to resist them? A MOVIE might happen then, huh? And while I'm thinking about it, if you are going to make a SciFi movie with creature special effects make sure you have the BUDGET to hire a talented creature designer AND a good effects house. Nothing takes you out of the movie faster than bad effects when the movie is centered around the theme of watching a human becoming something non-human. The effects here are embarrassingly bad.

They waste a lot screen time with Rapace getting loose from the room she's held in when you know she's eventually going to get caught again. She goes all over the damn place and then is very accidentally discovered by Chiklis' character who says words to the effect, 'Did you think you could get loose without us knowing?' Well, YEAH. We just saw her do it for about 20 minutes until you dumb-lucked into finding her, you doofus. That's just plain bad writing.

Also I'm going to go on record as saying having people escape a room through the duct system is the most ridiculous cliché in the history of film. A room the size she's in would have a duct no larger than 6"x10" at most because of a thing called air pressure. You see ducts must become SMALLER as they reach their final destination. Rooms that size don't have return air in them, so you can't get out that way, either. Please, just stop with it, already.

One review compared this to a student film. THX1138 was a student film but Lucas got help on the script to turn it into a feature. Steven Shainberg who directed this isn't a novice so he really has no excuse for these pretty egregious shortcomings.

I've been happy to see thoughtful SciFi making a bit of a comeback with interesting movies like 'Ex Machina' 'Arrival' 'The Zero Theorem' and the beautiful and poetic 'Bladerunner 2049' being released in the last few years. I was hoping I might see that here but no.

It's too bad 'Rupture' couldn't be part of that resurgence.
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Surprisingly good!
david-ham-117 November 2017
I rarely watch horror films, and I only tend to watch suspense films that don't have an absurd amount of gratuitous gore. When I saw the title and the Rotten Tomatoes score, I almost passed on it. But when I saw Noomi Rapace's name, I decided to give it a chance. I still think her performance in the original 'The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo' is one of the most perfect performances I've ever seen. Every word and every subtle movement in that film was pure genius, to which I credit Rapace as well as brilliant director Lasse Hallstrom. Though her performances will probably never match that one, nor will the films themselves, she does some things very well in Rupture. She's very physical and palpable in her close-ups, which works great in this setting. I'm not sure that I ever completely figured out some of the the specifics of the premise (I don't want to give away any more than that), but I was glued to the edge of my seat the whole movie. The casting was good, with the exception of Michael Chiklis, who seemed like a fish out of water. Peter Stormare was effective as always. I generally loved the suspense and uncertainty of the film, which was allowed to play out by director Steven Shainberg without giving much away to the viewer. And I actually loved the ending, which is rare for me. For fans of horror/suspense/sci-fi/thrillers, I think you'll find this film to be a bit of a hidden gem.
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Lacks a story
jwkc217 April 2021
Credit to the actors - they did a good job for what little substance was there, and you know Noomi Rapace always gives her full commitment. I thought it looked pretty good, despite obviously being made on a shoestring budget... but none of this matters because there's no story and what little there is, is poor. I noted that it was 1 hr and 15 mins in before it felt like the plot was moving forward in any meaningful way... but it wasn't much (and remained that way for the rest of the movie). I recommend not watching this, because the experience is some mild intrigue, but mostly boredom and frustration. Lots of frustration.
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Its scary for the right person
jonathan-720743 September 2020
Rupture wasn't a bad movie. Noomi Rapace keeps you engaged until you learn about the motives of the antagonists in this story. It's a very chilling and at times uncomfortable to watch movie for the right person. I personally would have been open to learning more about the motives of the antagonists, the other patients and that whole setting where Noomi was held captive. I feel there could have been more story there to fill the otherwise gap in the antagonists motives. Nonetheless, It's a thrilling movie to watch, and Noomi Rapace keeps you at the edge of your seat throughout the entire movie my rating stands at 7/10.
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Interesting but Falls a Little Short
jonathancupp6617 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
There's an interesting idea somewhere in Rupture. It has a quality cast and a director who has done some interesting work. Noomi Rapace seems perfect for the material. The cinematography is good. There's some interesting coloring and some good visual design. It just needed a third act or might have been better served by being a shorter anthology episode of something.

The more I have thought about the film since seeing it, the more I've realized that there is an interesting commentary on humanity and society going on. This is part of what's disappointing though, as a finer line might have been drawn under it and the film might not have spent so much time wandering air vents and speculating about how people hold themselves back with preoccupations of mundane terrors.

The first half hour is compelling and the last twenty minutes get interesting too, but the middle has more than its share of redundant moments and gets a bit tedious. Rapace spends too much of it tied to a bed, and honestly, the whole fear of spiders thing doesn't translate well to the audience.

It's an interesting little sci fi horror film with a couple of nice performances and the more you think about it, the more sense it makes. But i just wished there was a little more there, that if the film had tightened itself up, fixed the script, added a little more to the story, faced its own fears in effect, it might have been something special. And yet, it is the sort of underachiever everyone agrees has potential.
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Absolute garbage, not even Noomi redeems it
rpwfoster3 April 2017
Good on the crew for trying. They made a movie, that's more than most of us have done. Unfortunately the movie they made is a huge steaming pile of mammal excrement not worth watching, not even for die-hard Noomi rapace fans.

Script: terrible... Acting: terrible...Digital camera used: terrible... Editing: terrible... Sounds: terrible

It's truly awful. But go ahead and watch it, see for yourself if you don't believe me :)
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Good believable
andrewpackard710 July 2017
I thought it was good. A 4 really? What do people want out of a movie? It was unique, I've never seen anything like it and that's saying a lot right there.

It stars the woman that played The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and her acting was more than adequate, she was believable and did a good job.

The movie ties in current events and gives a credible explanation for some paranormal things that are going on in real life. It surpassed expectations, I was just looking for an abduction movie and it delivered mega mystery, a scifi spin at its finest to the level of twilight zone.

I think people don't like it because it doesn't fit traditional happy endings. It only drags very slightly, many other higher ranking movies drag much more.

It's not hokey, it doesn't resort to gore, and as I said its a unique believable twist.

Refreshing worth the watch. Every bit as good as Arrival which did get an 8 !!!
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I guess it's not about the story?
qdliusiwen27 March 2019
Good acting from the lead (which was the reason I clicked on the title) the mom was a strong character who didn't have some special skills but stayed focused to escape and to be with her son. I loved the scene where after she saw another victim (that talked to her) drowned (not to death*) she broke down and had to stop for a while. The movie communicated her emotions and her will really nicely. The ending was okay; some disliked the ending but I felt her lingering love for her son tied the whole movie together. I was SO UNCOMFORTABLE throughout the movie because I shared the anxiety the character had. I feel like the movie wanted to showcase something beyond the plot.
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Painful to sit through
shargraves3 April 2017
This is a strange one - the trailer looked pretty unnerving - but the finished film is deathly tedious. The director manages to concoct not a single scrap of excitement or fear from the horrific scenario.

The editing is slow to the point of being soporific. There was simply no tension or thrills - just a long drawn out pointless escapade.

The whole premise is scientifically ignorant - indeed comically stupid.

As are the digital FX of The Rupture.

The plot is fatally flawed in that for the vast majority of the film, the viewer has NO clue as to what is going on - just like the protagonist (well played by Noomi Rapace I guess - but all she does is lie flat on a table looking worried or crawl through a vent) - and so dramatically, the entire movie flatlines as the viewer is kept guessing as to the point of the whole thing to the point of tedious distraction.

When the explanation comes - it's cheap and stupid.

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It was good but terrible ending.
darill-280277 July 2018
The movie was pretty good all the way until the end. It had a horrible ending as if we will never know what has happened with the little boy. I hate movies that ends abruptly like that.
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