We've Forgotten More Than We Ever Knew (2016) Poster

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Very Original. Best I've Seen In A While
Amira-Says22 November 2017
I won't go into the plot because it is already posted on the IMDb page and that makes a boring review. I'm also not going to spoil it for you, but what I will tell you is this.. I watch mainly independent and foreign films because mainstream Hollywood is too predictable and repetitive. I found this film to be very original, I could not predict it at all. That alone made it worth the watch for me.

I guess you would call it a drama, but it had a very creepy feel which kept me intrigued. It did have a slow start and you only see three people throughout the entire movie, but there is still plenty of dialogue. What I didn't like is that I felt right when it was hitting its best moments it ended. This obviously means it did leave a couple of unanswered questions which was slightly disappointing. Nonetheless, it's very hard to find an original movie these days and these one gets points for that. We've Forgotten More Than We Ever Knew is definitely worth a watch. It's only around 88 minutes so what do you have to lose?
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kendallwehr29 September 2018
I've never seen a movie quite like this. It's deep and hard to figure out but is a descent film. I will warn you that if hearing people chew and other poor table manners bothers you than be warned.
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I'm not sure what this was supposed to be.
ten-thousand-marbles22 February 2020
Post apocalypse? Parallel universe? Someone's derangement played out on screen? The movie is slow, and doesn't have much of a story. We're never quite sure what's going on, or what it's supposed to be. The characters are confusing (the pool guy, especially.) What exactly this is seems to be very open to interpretation, which is only slightly charming. That with the performances and cinematography keep it from being completely unwatchable, but if I had to do it over, I would probably pass this one by.
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Like a dream.
neri-pedro04 April 2018
Just gonna leave this here:
  • If you do not care about a movie being left totally unexplained in the end, go for it.
  • There are things that happen in the movie that you are like "oh ok, this is either a sci-fi movie, or one of the characters is having a dream".
  • But then you are left totally without explanation at the end of the movie.
  • I'm sorry, but coming up with a "dream-like" story is really easy. Giving it a plausible explanation in the end is where the challenge is.
  • And in the end this movie is left exactly like this.
  • Totally unexplained.
  • I Consider it a fail.
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Lost in the woods
phredator20 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Straightforward, clear, to the point, are not ways that you describe this movie. Neither is good.

This is more like an arthouse project or an abstract painting than a movie with a story and a point.

We encounter two characters a man and a woman roaming the snowy woods hunting. He tells her a story of a better place where there are two towers with clean beds and food etc. They can't drink the water from the stream because it is poison? (this will never be explained) She falls and breaks her leg. (this will never be explained) Then there is poison gas?? (this will never be explained) So the man runs through the woods suddenly unaffected by the poison gas (this will never be explained), finds the woman and takes her to these twin towers. (this will never be explained) The towers are like hotels. Inside they find clean rooms, food, soap etc. This much makes a degree of sense, possibly the only time the film makes sense.

Man puts magic bandage on woman's leg. (this will never be explained) Broken leg begins to heal at astonishing rate. By next day she is able to run up the stairs to top of building without limping (this will never be explained) Man says to woman that he made up the tower story to give them strength while they wandered through the woods. But these towers are real, it's safe so they should stay here. He emphasises that there is safe water here (this will never be explained)

They find audio tape and player (this will never be explained) At various places there is writing which does not appear to be from any human language. (this will never be explained) Man finds "instruction book" in strange writing by a power panel. Man eventually figures out how to turn on the power. Hotel now has power - no explanation where the power comes from. Entire rest of countryside seems to be empty forest with these two towers which have no visible means of getting electricity (or water, or food, or soap, or clean clothes, or the hundred gas lanterns they find).

About this time you are really wondering what is going on.

Man finds empty pool in other building. In it is weird guy who is waxy catatonic, essentially a poseable doll. (this will never be explained) weird guy has audio tape. Man poses weird guy, fusses with his handkerchief. Takes tape back to player. Plays that tape and another. One has annoying distorted noise, another has musical distorted noise. (this will never be explained) Woman comes in and man tells her it's music. It's not and it's unclear why he would say that.

Eventually, woman is unhappy or something, goes to other building finds weird guy and eventually teaches him to dance (this will never be explained) Weird guy gets weirder (this will never be explained) then man returns and rescues woman by throwing weird guy back into empty pool pretty much where they found him. (this will never be explained).

Blah blah blah, they turn out the lights in the buildings. Credits roll. (this will never be explained).

Where is this place? Why is the water poison? What was the poison gas? What's with the poseable weird guy? How does the hotel get power or food or anything? What's with the alien writing? Where did these people come from, where are they going and what does it all mean? None of this will ever be explained.

That's it folks. A train wreck from hell if ever there was one.

Some people claim they like this film (this will never be explained).
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strange !!!!!
mick12035914 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know if you would count this as a spoiler but I was waiting throughout the whole film for something to happen that might explain what is happening or how it happened or why, but, nothing. you are left at the end wondering what the hell have I just watched?? I think that the main story line runs around the jealousy theme even though the "third person" in the triangle is "strange" from the start. (At first I thought it might have been a de-activated android). there are weird bits (strange walls, mirrors) that make you think Sci-Fi, but nothing is explained. I think that overall it would have been better if the writer had at least said something at the beginning explaining how the world had got to this point, it would have been easier to watch. Worth a watch if you like this sort of film, but it wont be added to my DVD list.
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Its a metaphor
jwcstorage7 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
***Spoiler warning***

The entire movie is a metaphor for relationships and lying/cheating.

Here is as brief as I could explain it without discussing every single moment of the movie.

The movie starts out on an established relationship where the two people are co-dependent on one another, but they arent equal partners. The man tells the woman false stories to encourage her to go on, similar to how some men tell women lies about the great life they will have together after they're married. The woman is dependent on the man for these glimmers of hope but she performs the domestic roles while in the wild, such as providing meals and even going so far as to give up things (like the empty water can) so the other person can be happy.

The woman is gravely injured, and while the man returns to her, he leaves her (more symbolism) alone in the night and goes to the massive towers that are within a VERY short walk. These towers represent a false version of the promised life the man kept giving, but hes tired of dealing with the hardships so he just suggests accepting this new, easier life, rather than the life the woman was constantly promised by the man. This is a betrayal of trust and likely also a metaphor for the "where are we" talk that occurs in complicated relationships. The woman doesnt want to accept this new, easy life, but instead she wants the life that was promised to her, but eventually relents and accepts it too.

The two massive buildings also represent the emptiness of their relationship, with scenes of past memories still there but without the two people each scene would otherwise show. The banquet hall is more important to the woman as its like a photo album of happier times together, whereas the man focuses on the happiness of other peoples relationships.

Another theme are the mirrors, in which the only other character, who will become a replacement relationship, happens very early in the film after the woman first enters the banquet hall. Though it is front and center, his reflection is easy to miss.

The rest of the movie continues the themes of a broken relationship as the man withdraws into unimportant hobbies, such as reading and listening to the tapes, while paying little attention to the woman. He also seems to be more interested in other people being happy together than his relationship with the woman. The woman, on the other hand, continues to search for a greater meaning and purpose. Also, one of the first rooms the woman finds after the banquet hall is the kitchen, which mirrors her role in the wilderness, and which she continues in during the film, as traditionally the kitchen and providing meals to her man was seen as a "womans place".

At one point, after a sexual encounter with the man, the woman wakes up and has morning sickness, suggesting she is pregnant, but the man does not know this. After this, the woman changes drastically, shaving her legs, applying make up, and wearing increasingly revealing and sexy clothing. She literally "brings to life" the odd statue man with her stories and affection, which threaten the relationship between the man and woman.

At the end, the man and woman return to how things were, wear comfortable but practical clothing that is reminiscent of their earlier clothing before they arrived at the twin buildings. They leave the safety and comfort of the buildings for the harsh reality of trying to reach a "home" that the man promised them, without knowing if they will ever truly reach it together.

Throughout the film, mirrors play a key role in many things, showing us the "reality" of things, revealing hidden places and characters, and informing the woman (and the audience) that something isnt right here, and that the mirrors are a key to it. The man even discovers this early on when he sees a room in the mirror but cannot reach it in the real world. He quickly dismisses this mystery but later this knowledge helps him reach the woman when she is in a new abusive relationship.

For those of you who are confused or disappointed by the film, try to see it in a slightly different light than the surface level or gave you a better appreciation of the film and allows you to shrug off the unanswered questions of the sci-fi elements.

In summary, pretty much the entire plot and everything that goes with it is highly metaphorical with relatively few things that dont fit. While watching it, I kept seeing the metaphors but it wasnt until I checked the reviews and re-watched the earlier scenes that reinforced my view. What happened to other people isnt important, nor is the answer to 'what is the odd man?', at least not in the context of the sci-fi story. The man makes the woman reliant on him, chasing others away from their relationship, creating a sense of solitude between the two. The odd man is groomed by the woman to make him look more dashing in his suit rather than his old baggy clothes he once wore, and she slowly builds a new relationship with this quite, blank slate of a man until she discovers he is abusive.

I hope this breakdown helps some of you out there to see the movie beyond its surface level.
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Um... OK.
S_Soma5 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Based on the short description and first few scenes of WE'VE FORGOTTEN MORE THAN WE EVER KNEW, I thought I had a pretty good grasp on what it was I was watching. It INITIALLY appeared to be yet another low-budget post-apocalyptic ragtag-survivors-in-the-wasteland movie with, perhaps, a little above average acting. Hey, no matter how bad your own life is, watching how bad people have it after the end of the world can always cheer you up, right? As it turned out, I was quite wrong. WE'VE FORGOTTEN MORE THAN WE EVER KNEW does have some of these end-of-the-world elements as a part of it, but only as a backdrop to some deeper meaning. Or so I assume.

I would be flatly lying if I claimed to understand WE'VE FORGOTTEN MORE THAN WE EVER KNEW, or grasped its message or its meaning. Movies are artistic endeavors and as such have no requirement to always be literal or straightforward.

It does seem to me, in my vague way of understanding, that WE'VE FORGOTTEN MORE THAN WE EVER KNEW clearly operates at some meta level in its presentation. But to that extent, though I gave it my best effort, I came away completely in the dark. I was not able even to discern if it's message was allegorical, symbolic, metaphysical, abstract or something else.

So for my own self, though others might disagree, it's equally possible, therefore, that my failure to understand the movie is a consequence of my own lack of insight or plain stupidity, or, it could be, WE'VE FORGOTTEN MORE THAN WE EVER KNEW is simply a large pile of hypnotically entertaining hogwash.

So, I suppose, given the fact that I failed to understand the movie, I'm probably not in any position to thoroughly critique it. If I am to say anything negative, it would simply be that I do feel the onus is on the movie maker to provide at least SOME path or route to insight if their movie is going to make a lot of points or expressions that are not plainly comprehensible. I will observe that when it comes to symbolism and abstraction, a director can hurl anything at the screen at random and claim that it means something. If I'm going to be subjected to that I would appreciate a little help. I don't know... A study guide maybe? That would certainly give us simple people a leg up.

Taken in isolation, there were some random, individual scenes or elements in WE'VE FORGOTTEN MORE THAN WE EVER KNEW that I WAS able to understand and enjoy, more or less in a vacuum.

The movie had its own representation for written language that was not English nor any other form of alphabet that I recognized which was quite well done and stylistically consistent. This, I believe, was intended to communicate to us the notion that what we were seeing did not take place on earth but some other planet. This alien written language appeared both in the opening credits and at various places throughout the film. It seemed, to my eyes at least, very well done and probably required a bit of effort to create.

Also, one of the central mysteries in the film, and never resolved, by the way, is where everyone else on the planet had gone. In the entire movie there were only 3 people, and the entire planet full of other people had mysteriously vanished. Highlighting the point that everyone had vanished is the fact that there were no remains anywhere. So we know they didn't just die.

To underscore the fact that the universal disappearance happened abruptly, The Woman character passes through a dining area in the mystery building and observes a collection of set pieces that suggest nearly instantaneous vanishing...

An open book laid face down on a table to save the reader's place, as if the reader had just laid it down to take a bite, intending to pick it up and resume reading at any moment.

A table with a wine glass and carafe still showing the dried residue of the red wine that was being enjoyed when whatever happened happened. On the table with the glass and the carafe are personal, individual belongings; a handbag, eyeglasses and other detritus as placeholders for a real, vanished person's life.

On another table is a chessboard with pieces still in place, interrupted mid-game. On either side of the chessboard there are also two small glasses, again with the dried residue of drinks long evaporated, feeling as if the glasses are the opponents in the game.

These little tableaux actually struck me as quite powerful. To me they had the same feeling as the shadows of vaporized people at Hiroshima and Nagasaki; poignant, tragic and terrifying by implication.

And there you have it. That's all I've got.
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Strange Movie That Seems To Go Nowhere
tabuno16 December 2021
Unfortunately, this attempt at something creatively and emotional brilliant never succeeds. The audience is instead bombarded at the start with too many puzzling questions: Cannot snow be melted for fresh water? Cannot deer tracks be followed instead of running after a live animal to find water? What smoke makes one cough? A woman not noticing someone missing? Tall structures that are not able to be seen? An impossible search "everywhere" in so short a time? Instead of enjoying and experiencing the movie, the audience is stuck in their heads wondering "why the inconsistencies?" at the start. While the screenwriters attempt to offer one answer to the fascinating existential question of what is "home?" they really never succeed to offering up much more than a boringly tantalizing taste. Instead we get questions about eating customs and practices, disjointed relational continuity between a man and woman. Often one scene relational interaction does not always seem to flow into another. There are unclear personal motivations of the characters and scenes that seem to cut away too soon without helpful temporary resolutions. There is the unlikely absence of important communication of experiences between this man and woman especially considering they have supposedly spent surviving in the wilderness for years together. Ultimately this movie offers only a hodgepodge of "supposedly" interesting incidents with little understanding or connectivity and mostly unexplainable behavior even the strange reaction to artificial light. Unfortunately, the script writers know so much more or maybe known nothing about what is really going on or struggling to. The audience, most of them, will most likely only experience confusion and bewilderment as to the motivations and the odd reactions that the characters display as if the script writers were hoping for more from their apparently supposedly different, strange occurrences. One is reminded of a similar but more effective thought piece found in Season Two of Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "The Royal" (1989) where Worf, Data and Riker find themselves trapped in a recreation of a poorly written novel. This movie is not really worth watching hoping for some wonderous revelation or reveal.
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Never underestimate your need to each other
sukrancetik519 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Entire movie is full of metaphors about relationships. I usually don't like that much metaphors but I found this film very well crafted. Even though I couldn't get some of metaphors meanings. But thanks to the IMDB reviewers I will be able to understand most of them. Although some of them still stayed in the dark, nevertheless I like a lot of things about this film. I did not only understand it also be able to feel it through out the movie. This was truly astonishing. After finishing the watching I could not stop myself thinking about it. Relationship are in their best through out searching, building something together but in comfort zones everything starts to get ruin easily. I guess this is very true. So this film makes its points by reminding us something very important for the healty relationships. Stay on the road of searching and never underestimate your need to each other.

1# Mirror used very creatively. To understand another person feelings & needs are not easy. Scenes like looking mirror and seeing something is not there reminded me that when our internal look reveals things but we can't find a way to express them or find ways to solve them, we find ourselves right in the middle of everything, puzzled, helpless. Usually we try to ignore this facts untill some traumatic events force us to do something about it. His love to his wife makes him find a very interesting way like going backwards while looking that broken mirror piece, (by going backwards also mean doing things obversely) and surely his wounds not stopped him doing everything opposite whatever he wanted or believed for. I found this very touching indeed.

2# Firstly the man healed the woman's wounds by his regrets, may be even wraped this wounds with his regrets. The effects was astonishing and when the man had broken to the pieces and had a deep cut, he let her to heal him.
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Sci-Fi as a narrative vehicle.
legionofthesnowzombie26 November 2020
The story of lovers and troubled minds. Some relationships thrive in adversity others wither and die. Jealousy, selfishness, these two emotions can destroy any relationship within moments. However, if you have nothing else, no where to go, no where to hide, then you have to do with what you have, like it or not. A relationship can be an endurance race with no end in sight, depressing.

The Sci-Fi angle made the story more bearable and allowed me to construct an alternative story that ran parallel to the actual story. It's up to the viewer to make the story work, so if you're up for it give it a watch.
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This movie is clever and emotionally smart with three great performances from the leads.
simonmoon11 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
At the start of the movie it seems like a post-apocalypse survival tale. But that is not what this movie is. It very slowly reveals itself. I think people should would best enjoy the movie if they discover the surprise of what this movie is really about. It is really well written, acted, and directed. (Brief post viewing content below) . . . . . . . The movie is an allegory for a relationship. The while they are in the wilderness the woman is taking care of the man by doing domestic duties like providing food. The man tells her of about better future. A future the man has no idea how to actually provide. It's just a story he tells. Hardship ensues and the man is able to find a poor facsimile of the future he's promised, but it's good enough as a temporary fix. As they become more comfortable in their new surroundings the man ignores his mate, and distracts himself by finding interest in the recordings of other peoples lives. While the man is distracted the woman is wooed by a mysterious stranger. A stranger she literally brings life to. But the relationship with the stranger is toxic and abusive. The man saves his partner from the toxic stranger and the couple head out into the wilderness to find the future the man has promised.
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A simple looking film asking not so simple questions
opiaterein6 April 2021
The plot of the film could probably be written on less than one page. It's very slow. Despite, or perhaps because of that, what does unfold on the screen is strangely upsetting. The film is definitely thematic and is seeking answers to what end up being very complex questions, and it wasn't until I saw this movie that I fully realized that the more plot there is unfolding on the screen, the harder it is to engage the audience in the asking of these questions. Examinations of the way human souls interact with each other are difficult enough when there's just a single question without more action raising more questions. The things that this film makes you think about, you can think about them for hours, probably days, and although many will be put off by the lack of action and plot, and others will be put off by how uncomfortable the answers to these questions make us, it is still a very interesting watch for the thinking sci-fi fan.

Although I want to say that the film seems ultimately to be about the difficulty of not only connecting with another person, but maintaining that connection, there is certainly another level, perhaps about how easy it can be to be lonely without being "alone." Why are human beings more comfortable interacting with inanimate objects than with each other? Is it just because those things can't contradict us or challenge us?

While the film wasn't what I would call entertaining, and while I can scarcely imagine who I would recommend it to, I appreciate that it has made me ask so many questions and that I'm still finding new questions to ask, not about the film and the bizarre things happening in it, necessarily, but about our species in general.
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Absolute bore
orionhi27 April 2021
I've been more entertained clipping my toenails. This is a seriously boring movie. Call it a metaphor call it a thinking movie but either way it's boring as hell.
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Deeply, Deeply Meaningful
bemyfriend-4018411 May 2021
Meaningfully deep, and deeply meaningful. A man and a woman. And a mannequin. They are in danger. Then, they are not. But all is not well. And the movie, although deeply deep, and meaningfully meaningful, is deeply boring after the first half. Seen on Tubi, the free streaming site, where many low-budget indies, foreign films, older theater films, B movies, and box office flops, go to die.
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Not what I was expecting, however..
tspike91125 April 2022
I'll start by saying I can't really add anything that hasn't already been written by other reviewers, so I won't.

Close to halfway through, I stopped the movie and started it from the beginning. I knew about 20 mins into it that the movie wasn't exactly what I thought it was going to be and wanted to re-watch the beginning with that in mind. There's a lot to unravel with the multitude of metaphors, symbolization of certain objects, as well as the character's actions, and reactions.

I'll leave it at that, (no spoilers) and just encourage you to watch this with an open mind and an understanding heart.
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A sad Story
vegicat24 June 2020
Action fans are not going to like this. It's all about the disappointment you'd have if everyone else was dead. But you don't change your relationship habits. The story is surreal, but it's an allegory.If somebody keeps telling you what you want to hear,you'll probably think it's the truth.
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A Well Crafted, Surreal Puzzle
mfoss-808-69526730 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
A man and a woman wander in a wild forest on what appears to be a post apocalyptic earth-like world. After one of them is injured, they accidentally stumble upon the remains of civilization - an abandoned luxurious hotel - and another survivor, a silent, motionless man. Who or what he is, what happened to all the people, and why The Man and The Woman have lost their memories of what happened in their past are the questions which drive the story, and remain open and debatable even after it ends.

This film's pace is leisurely but there is plenty enough mystery here to sustain interest. The charm of the movie is in its subtlety and it's moods, which run the gamut from tenderness, to playfulness, to eerie awe. A musical score winds its way around the plot like background commentary and muted greys and earth tones make up the most of the palette that fills the screen..

The dialogue, spare though it is, flows naturally. It doesn't hurt that the actors speaking the lines are Aaron Stanford and Louise Krause, who not only inhabit their eccentric yet understated characters effortlessly but make us care about them. As the Man From The Pool, Doug Jones breathes life into a character who serves as the central enigma of the story, and does so not only without prosthetics, but also without dialogue.

The story being delicately unravelled is one that lends itself to reading between the lines and seeking a deeper context than what is on screen. It is certainly to envision Adam and Eve like motifs in play for this couple, who may arguably be the last man and woman on their planet. That would make their encounter with The Hotel, with its array of sensual temptations and hint of darkness, extra significant. Or not. It is both frustrating and fascinating that the film seems content to create and cast a surreal spell, leaving it ultimately up to the viewer to decide what it all means.

By the end of the film viewers may be left with more questions than answers but the journey would have been well worth it.
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Familiar Story
writingsftww9 September 2018
Possibly seen an interpretations of the story about Adam and Eve geing expelled from paradise.
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Beautiful work but not for the action fans
amandafletcher-296137 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This film is well acted and beautifully filmed. It begins with a compelling mystery in an apocalyptic setting, and a answer to this mystery that many others who reviewed it seem to have missed... yes there are many possible metaphors as others mentioned but they missed this part.


The answer is: it is cyclical. They will endlessly journey back and forth between the cabin and the hotel, in between the dust comes, and they lose memories. The man in the pool is an android (can't be human) who works in the hotel. This level of technology is supported by the amazing instant cast that is put on the woman's injury.

The two people are stumbling through the wilderness trying to survive and have lost their memories. They are sick and coughing, struggling for resources and find a mysterious hotel filled with what they need, including amazing medical supplies.

It is suggested by them that there is a white dust that made them forget, we also see that just before they find the hotel- but they were telling each other a legend (memories) of being in this place previously. When they leave they are returning to a cabin where they have been before. The cycle repeats.

It appears all the other people have been evacuated very hurriedly, but these two were left behind to repeat this cycle endlessly. It is probable the man remembers more than the woman and know what happened or had something to do with it because of his furtive behavior. Perhaps he kidnapped her to keep her with him, because he seems obsessed with her and highly jealous.
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The Title Is The Answer
intuitx12 September 2021
Put simply this movie is a story about a forgotten story and the interim of trying to piece things together before they go looking for answers again. You know, like relationships that seemed so right and went wrong. The acting was great. The plot was intriguing. I gave it 6 for that reason. It's lacking 4 because the ending lacked closure in so many ways.
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Going home
MacGyvered4 April 2018
There's something about this film, something that feels like home. It's hard to explain, like a writing you can't decipher. Like sitting near a fireplace and listening to old songs. Everything was just very on point, the acting, the characters, cinematography, the pacing. And it definitely is sci-fi, there might not be lasers or space ships, but it's sci-fi in the primal sense. And if you love sci-fi and aren't afraid to experiment, you'll probably like it as well.
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The stories we tell ourselves shape our reality.
shawhey15 April 2023
My interpretation of this film is that it explores the subjective nature of reality. Where we are going, and where we came from are stories that we tell ourselves. Our stories are how we make sense of the world and form our reality. This idea holds throughout the film as a guiding principle. Everything the characters experienced is filtered through their own interpretation and point of view. This movie begins with the characters living off the land in very harsh circumstances. They dream of a better life which manifests before them, but it is not perfect. It is still cold, there is no ocean and no rain. It ends with a new dream, a new story that is full of promise and hope. The characters are heartened by this hope of a better life, which motivates them to once again move on in pursuit of their dream. Even the weather is holds more promise for their new quest. The film's final scene tells us the main message of this film, "Change your story, and you change your reality."
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Do you really know your partner?
stattshimself30 April 2020
This film is an artful take on relationships. If you are looking for clear answers, action or a fast pace, do not watch this film. If you are looking for an intriguing and thoughtfully "romantic" film, then this is the one for you. Beautifully shot, with great performances by all involved. A slow burn that never feels slow. A hypnotizing and intoxicating brain tease. Glad I watched.
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dpincgk-0407912 April 2020
If you look up Liberty, NY, the filming location of this movie you will see it is in the Catskill Mountains and that may very well mean this was filmed in one of the abandoned Borscht Belt hotels, but I could be wrong on that. If true that is pretty interesting in and of itself. I think there are some great scenes that take full advantage of the filming locations and good for the crew/director for making use of that. The evolution of the story is slow, and it does not end with a bang. That's OK with me. I appreciate this movie for what it is, it's not predictable and that's cool.
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