Seeds (2018) Poster

(I) (2018)

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A graveyard of interesting ideas
kuarinofu19 October 2019
Firstly, the script is not that great. Some scenes feel like a waste of time. These just drag for no reason, not really establishing anything. Yet new characters appear out of nowhere and still get no introduction anyway. The editing also doesn't help, it's messy and constantly trying to be artsy. There's too much pointless symbolism in this, it's just a basic case of "trying to look smarter that you are". The whole "slowly going insane" thing was managed poorly and the film feels like a disjointed mess rather than a journey down into insanity. The ending love drama while being somewhat justified still doesn't work because they wasted too much time on pointless things and "smart symbolism" instead of building it up. I can see such a story work, but it's just not done well.

Secondly, the main lead's acting hurts me. He's not a good actor and he is constantly bad in this. His acting never changes to reflect any changes in his character. This also takes away from the story. The girl was an ok actress and this film just feels like a waste of her talent. This is a competent film, they had a nice location, some CGI here and there, and this looks good since it was shot on Red cameras (as mentioned in the credits). Some of the music tracks were good, but most of them were misused to build up tension out from nowhere.

What it all boils down to is that this could've been a good psychological love drama. The way they did it is just a boring mess nobody is going to sit through (besides me of course). I wish they would rethink and re-write this and try again, this might work.
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BandSAboutMovies14 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
After a night of debauchery and depravity gets out of control, Marcus has retreated back to his family home. His solitude is disturbed when his brother asks him to look after his estranged nephew and niece.

Soon, he feels as if a dark force is in the home and that he either has a monster inside him or inside the house waiting to destroy him. As he remains haunted by his deepest fears, Marcus struggles to protect his niece Lily form the beast that lies in wait.

Trevor Long from Ozark stars as Marcus and his brother Owen wrote and directed this film. Andrea Chen, who plays Lily, is fantastic, abe to be both a young girl and a tempting young adult, sometimes in the same scene. If that makes you uncomfortable, that's the whole point of this film.

You can either see this as an arthouse examination on a man's mental illness and a taboo relationship that should not be. Or you can see it as a lolita-esque male fantasy that makes those yearnings safe because some Lovecraftian insectoid creature is controlling it all.

Interestingly, Lily makes the most of the moves on her uncle, which again plays into the male fantasy of this film, as we never see a moment from her point of view or from her voice. It's all certainly interesting - think the way that Possession used horror to show the end of a relationship - but it's just as troublesome when you realize that if this is all in the untrustworthy narrator's head.
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You're a monster
nogodnomasters5 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Marcus Milton (Trevor Long) lives in his New England home. There is a creature that lives there with him, something that came from an ocean shell. When his brother has to leave town, he saddles Marcus with his two kids which include a teen daughter (Andrea Chen), Lily. Lily and Marcuse become dangerously close as he fights off her attempts of seduction. He also gets pills from a guy who shows up from time to time.

The film is slow-moving. Is the monster real or a metaphor is the only mystery of the film and you have the option of making a case either way. The beginning is disjointed to create a mystery.

Guide: 1 f-word. sex. nudity (Shannon Hartman?)
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A Crime Mystery Perhaps, But No Thriller
queeroid7 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This slow, awkward, and uncomfortable film purports to be a horror and thriller. It is neither. It's about a grown man having sex with his pubescent niece. She is written to be the pursuer (as if that should make the situation more acceptable to the audience somehow?) and he is written to be conflicted. The conflict being: is he sexually interested in a child because he's mentally ill, or is it just the virus he contracted from a conch shell? (Insert eye roll here.) That's the mystery we, the audience, are presented with throughout the film and left with by the time the credits roll. So, with absolutely no resolution, it's a _bad_ mystery at that.

TL;DR: You'll be mad you wasted your time on this gross nonsense.
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Perversion disguised as "Art""
nthbeach4 November 2019
This is NOT a horror film, nor is it a thriller. This so called "film" explores pedophilia under the guise of "art".

This film is about a middle aged man, (Marcus) who happens to be infected with by some parasitic seed that causes him to have sexual exploits with a young convenient! However the creature that's infecting him is nothing more than a metaphor for his own sick and perverted desires.

To make matters worse, the movie is painfully slow, boring and vague with an ending that provides us with no answers.

One would have to question the sinister motives of the writers and creators of this child abuse trash.
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A Cure For Insomnia... But No Horror...
P3n-E-W1s36 October 2019

The premise for this tale of depravity is quite solid and offers up a lot of opportunities. Unfortunately, all of them were squandered... that's if they were ever realised at all. And that is the main drawback.

However, it's unclear as to where the seeds in the title come from. It would appear that the main player in this story, Marcus Milton, is infected by a parasite. One that his daughter found in a conch shell. Here is another little vagueness - is it the creature that affects Marcus or is Marcus broken. This isn't the only ambiguity that hinders the project. There is too many to list. With everything being left unanswered it makes everything inconsequential and irrelevant. You cannot relate to it so you don't invest yourself in the story.

And this isn't the only weak thing about the story. The characters are paper-thin and two-dimensional, and this helps to hinder and weaken the tale.


Owen Long, who also penned this travesty is a much better director than he is a writer. There are some very nice pans and sweeps. These are mostly around Marcus walking through the garden or his daughter running through it after finding the conch shell. The rest is quite average and basic. The bad thing is it doesn't add anything to the story it just fundamentally tells the story in pictures.

A little bit of imagination and inventiveness in a few of the darker scenes would have helped a lot. Even in the more ordinary scenes, a different camera angle here or a change in lighting there could have worked wonders.

I have to admit though that the scenes where the parasite becomes visible are the best parts of the film - shot wise. I especially liked the parasite hug scenario, though it wasn't as creepy as it should have been, and the slight reveal in the cellar tableau.


As with the story, this is lacklustre and lethargic. I believe Long may have found a cure for insomnia. When the story is mixed with this torpid telling pace you have to fight to stay away. It would have helped some if I actually cared about the story or the characters. If you are going to use a more languid speed to tell a tale that tale and its participants need to be interesting.


This was the biggest surprise of the whole film. The acting varies between okay to good. At least Trevor Long, who portrays Marcus, is a better actor than his kin is a writer or director. Trevor even has screen presence and this lifts the film a little. But this slight rise is deflated when Lily, Andrea Chen, shares screen time with him. Marcus and Lily are the forbidden lovers... but there is absolutely no chemistry between the two. A truly horrendous thing when this is supposed to be a twisted love story.


Apart from the couple of scenes I mentioned above, there is very little to like in this slow and boring film. The story needed to be crisper. Some of the mysteries needed to be answered, even if only in a vague fashion. The characters needed to be more believable and meatier. The direction needed more oomph and punch. And the pace needed to be varied.


I would not recommend this film to anyone. It's not a horror story, there may be a monster but there's no horror - there's no tangible emotion whatsoever. I'd be hard pushed to call it a fantasy, a drama, or a sci-fi. There is so little of anything it's hard to categorise.

Stay away from this one.

Come and check my lists-come-charts, in this case, Absolute Horror, to see where this film ranks... or to find something better to view.
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Not your normal horror fare!
SamIAm-8639625 October 2020
I recently watched "Seeds". I wasn't aware of the film until a friend mentioned having seen it. All I can say is, I'm so glad I took his advice, because man is this a really good film. I watch a lot of films of all different types and while this film seems to be categorized as a genre film, I found it to be more of a really strong dramatic film with some interesting twists and turns.

I won't get into anything too specific because the last thing I'd want to do is be a "spoiler". The film's story is unlike any I've seen before. There were so many things that kept me interested and wondering what was next, right from the very first minutes. The main characters are all really good and although it took me a while, I eventually recognized the lead actor (Trevor Long) from "Ozark". I personally loved his character and stay riveted during every scene he was in.

The film has a kind of fantasy like quality to it and I think thats really what makes it feel different. I'd recommend it highly to anyone looking for something different than your normal fare. I don't know how it sneaked under my radar in the first place, but I'm glad someone told me about it, so I'm writing this review to tell you to put it on your watch list.
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My Review Of "Seeds"
ASouthernHorrorFan8 September 2019
"Seeds" isn't unique in its style or concept when telling stories like this, surreal melodrama and psychological horror meant to serve as a metaphor for something else. It is creative, and even with such dark, uncomfortable material, the film is often poetic. Right off, I got impressions of classic horror dramas like "Suspiria" and "Possession". Two films that hardly made sense at times, flowed in a dreamscape of confusion and melanchalia, but managed to be captivating and hypnotic.

"Seeds" is filmed beautifully, the characters hang between detached mimics and relatable, tragic beings. I have to admit though that a lot of the film is muddled in aimless grandeur, and it took far too long for a clear story line to emerge. There is also a very real moment when you understand the metaphorical significance, it all becomes predictable, and I wished for the confusion and mesmer to return.

The horror rests mostly on the psychological elements, more so than the monster aspect. The conflict between ones own morality and propensity for depravity is universal and always relavent. The creature, set aside it's own existence within the film, is menacing when on screen . Strikingly so! Still what I personally wanted was a representation a bit more Lovecraftian, than what I got.

Overall I left the film being a little split on my feelings. There is so much in this film that is told disturbing, beautiful. The acting is superb, and the creativity can't be denied. But I also wanted a bit more actualized, traditional horror. Still "Seeds" is film worth checking out, and a project worthy of recognition.
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Very good movie!
myth13888 October 2021
The director sets the mood right off the bat. Makes you feel you are right there. I understand it can be a little slow paced for some, but it keeps you wanting to watch more. Trevor Long is phenomenal in it! After seeing him in this, then seeing him in Ozark, it's unbelievable to think it's the same actor. This won't be everyone's kind of movie, but if you can understand what the director is going for, you will love it as I did!
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It's Seeds!
lovefest-3231320 April 2020
Seeds is an upsetting directorial debut that left me wondering what in the hell I'd just seen. A genuinely creepy film. There's something here to make everyone uncomfortable. Acting is right in line with the overarching theme of disturbing tension. There are scenes that are beautifully shot, and the sound design and sound editing really stand out as memorably disturbing. I didn't know whether to drink until I forgot what I'd just seen or watch it again right away.
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A Dark Twisted Dance
paperclip52726 April 2020
Well I'm not exactly sure how to describe Seeds. Definitely not your typical horror. Don't know if I would even place this film in that genre. It's more of a psychological horror or some sort of cautionary tale - an unraveling of the mind. It tells of dark desires which manifests into some sort of metaphysical creature that seems to hold the two main characters accountable for their illicit longing for one another. The film walks a fine line that made me question morality and how complicated human desire can be. Seeds isn't a film that most will enjoy watching. Given the subject matter, it's uncomfortable to sit through, and the pace is slow. I'm fine with this. Feel it's deliberate slowness is what the film needed to tell this story as it did. Beautifully shot, there's almost a painterly quality about the film. The haunting score and the sound design are on cue for setting a discomfiting mood for this story of forbidden love to unravel painfully and poetically. Part of me questions if anything inappropriate actually occurred - whether any of it was real other than the longing that drove the insanity bus for the lead's (Trevor Long) ultimate demise. By the way Trevor Long is in Ozark as Cade Langmore - you will not believe this is the same dude - what a departure from that redneck lowlife character. Andrea Chen, who plays Lily, also did a fine job wielding her coming of age powers. Their dark dance had me squirming in my seat to the bitter end. And my guess is this is entirely what the director, Owen Long, intended. Bold bit of filmmaking going on here. Impressive for a first time director. Don't know how some more seasoned directors would tackle such difficult subject matter, but as far as this avid indie film buff is concerned, this was handled remarkably well - my screws were tightened real tight! By the end I was filled with pity and sympathy, and longing for a shower and a stiff cocktail.
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Great Film. Something Different.
rxl-5247221 April 2020
The title Seeds is perfect, because this film plants ideas in your head that won't go away for days after seeing it. I actually watched it a second time I was so taken with it. There's so much to think about as you watch the relatively few characters in the film go through what they go through.There's a depth to this film that I don't see in a lot of filmmaking these days. If you've noticed, I'm not going into too many specifics, because for me letting the film unfold on it's own, was one of the added joys of watching it. I will say that the story develops at it's own pace and that although there's a part of the storyline that could be considered genre like in some way, the majority of the film is much more a series of psychological twists and turns. I really liked all the performances in the film and I loved the music too. Everything fit together so well and helped build the tension that keeps building scene after scene. All in all the film was a real surprise find that really paid off. Thank you to "Ozark" for getting me to even see it in the first place.
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Beautiful and Creepy
bambi-100679 April 2020
This haunting film will disturb you and make you uncomfortable in a thrilling way.. suspenseful and beautifully shot , full of mystery and intrigue .. compelling actors and an unsettling storyline! I really enjoyed it!
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An exploration And examination of the dark
andrew-952-44440420 April 2020
Seeds is many things, a horror thriller, a dark fairy tale, a tragic cerebral journey of obsession. The film doesn't take it easy on the audiences, it is deliberate, complex and confrontational. Owen Long's directing choices of composition, pacing and tone are bold and confident.
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Disturbing, Absorbing, And Impactful
Soup1516 April 2020
The film mixes narrative storytelling with surreal storytelling, and at times leaves it up to the viewer to decide what is real and what isn't. This is something that I thought was done extremely well. I was drawn-in by the dream-like quality of the flashbacks and fantasy, as we see a man struggling with his present demons, his improper longings, and a past that haunts him while he falls further and further into a pit. The movie focuses on the constant battle he fights against the "monster" inside him (which may have also come to exist outside him), and his struggle to not descend into madness. In a lot of ways it reminds me of Lynch's better work.

It stars Trevor Long, from Ozark, who gives a truly amazing and nuanced performance. His niece is played by Andrea Chen, who also does a great job. Together they play off each other remarkably well. I like slow paced films when done well, and the slow pacing here contributed a lot to the uneasiness I felt throughout this film. I also loved the fast cutting in the opening scene, which was almost impressionistic. The cinematography was superb, showing off the strikingly beautiful locale, including an interesting use of shadows and light. It made me wish I had had the opportunity to see it in a theater on a big screen.

On a scary note, they managed to turn household electrical wiring into something oddly terrifying and disturbing. And I never knew it was possible to make a broken short-wave radio so damned creepy, with tiny, unclear distant voices that cut in and out. Like a dream that leaves you shaken.

This film had a strong impact that stayed with me for days after.
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A brilliant revival of New England gothic storytelling
ssjauhar12 April 2020
Owen Long's "Seeds" is a slow, languorous ride into the unconscious troubled mind of a man, Marcus, who is plagued by unnatural thoughts for his niece. At first glance, we see the beauty and placidity of a stately New England coastal home: rolling hills punctuated by serene fieldstone, sailboats gliding on the Narragansett Bay, its waters lapping on rocky shores. We catch a glimpse of a young prepubescent girl in a white frock, who while playing among the rocks discovers a beautiful conch shell. Nestled within this shell is a creature whose tentacles flicker briefly, the portentous seeds for the main character Marcus' unraveling. While the cinematography woos us into a coastal lullaby, we are made increasingly aware of the unrest literally lurking beneath the surface. Marcus, played superbly by Trevor Long, is an accomplished city man who returns to his family roost for a restful sojourn. The house he inhabits, a relic of his childhood, is on the verge of extinction as its creaky floorboards and tangled web of dysfunctional electrical wiring would suggest. But, it, like Marcus himself, takes on a second life, as the mollusk creature has grown up, alongside the house's inhabitants, weaving its tentacles into every crack and crevice. Director Owen Long's obvious reference to Nabokov in the character of Lily, serenely executed by actor Andrea Chen, will inevitably invite the censure of a culture now woke to sexual harassment and transgressions of every ilk by the Me Too movement. However Lily turns Lolita on its head as she is the active temptress preying upon her reluctant uncle. Long deftly weaves into his narrative engine a dreamlike montage of images that blur the boundaries between victim and victimizer, sanity and insanity, reality from horror fantasy that leaves the viewer spellbound and wondering. An artist's ode to unrequited love or a dark poem to forbidden fruit? This is the miracle of "Seeds" and you must watch and decide for yourself.
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Psychological human study that is awesome
karenbethyoung10 April 2020
I loved this film for its detailed study of characters that I've never seen before, or have ever been written about. It's original story and detail to pain and taboo faults combined with penalty, hit you slowly... and at the same time hard and fast at the back of your head. Strange and haunting, I saw it as a different view point than the mundane everyday films we see. Like Netflix's The OA, it offers a different and strange perception of reality. It's not what the main character does literally, it's his mental process that is one to learn from...from his mistakes. It plays like a good book, you are able to think while you watch. Very haunting.
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Gorgeous Film, Slippery Content
CassCain196820 April 2020
Seeds draws you in with its slow pans and decadent scapes. There's something off putting about pairing a beautiful, idyllic setting with such morally suspect characters. No one is clean or truly likable. Similar to Breaking Bad, I hated the protagonist. It's that gut-instinct of disgust that makes Seeds a compelling watch. A lot of the other reviews probably didn't make it through the movie. Their reviews stop at cursory content warnings. But having just seen the movie through, I promise it's worth it.
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timothyhunter-2297321 April 2020
This is not you're average run of the mill horror film. Be prepared for the mental horror in this film! The director did a great job making you think out side the box in many different ways.

Great cinematography!
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Interesting - Unsettling - Surprise!
Movie-hound3432 November 2020
Last week I watched this film and man was I really surprised. I'll just start off by saying, this film was totally different than I thought it was going to be, and I mean that in a good way. The film centers on two main characters, Marcus and Lily. There are only a few important supporting characters, but for some reason when you're watching the film, it feels like there's more. I loved the look and feel of the film and the acting is top notch. Without giving anything away, I'd say that I was pulled into the film early on and it never let my attention wander as the tension builds and builds. I'd suggest going to the bathroom before this one starts because you won't be able to look away or get up during the film.

If you want to enjoy a odd quirky film that feels like a small Hollywood studio film, then I'd suggest giving SEEDS a try. I think you'll be glad you did. I know I was.
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