Ratter (2015) Poster


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princess-fairy201028 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I was surprised that I somewhat enjoyed this. I do agree with reviews about the ending. I feel like it could have been better. I mean we don't even know what happened to Michael, yes I know we can assume that he was killed but it would have been nice to actually get a clear answer. Also what happens after she's kidnapped (or killed? I couldn't really tell what exactly happened to her) does her mom ever find her? I think that they could have added a lot more to this but I still enjoyed the movie overall. Almost got me worried about being on my phone lol
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It wasn't THAT bad
Seth_Rogue_One25 April 2016
Not great but watchable at least.

This is a found-footage movie, web-cam and phone-cam (stalker) style.

Similar to 'Alone With Her (2006)' with Colin Hanks (except sole focus on the victim) which is one of my favorite found footage movies, so no it's not even close to being as good but I've seen a lot worse.

What makes and breaks a found footage movie is usually depending on if the leads are annoying or not (which is pretty common) since most of what we see is their faces through-out the running-time.

Luckily Emma played by Ashley Benson is not very annoying and comes across as fairly likable which helps the movie substantially, had she been annoying this would not had held up, it helps that she's easy on the eyes as well.

There's not all that much to say about the movie, we get to see through hacked web-cam on phone-cam so most of it is everyday stuff often from weird (but natural considering the source) angles.

I can understand that some people would find it boring but I didn't, even though I wasn't amazed by it either it was a passable time-waster.
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Bandwagon Low Reviewers
Novelist_4 October 2018
All of the low reviews for this movie are most likely bandwagoners who want to seem cool and knock this film because it's a low budget. Indie film and doesn't have a lot of action. This is a PSYCHOLOGICAL movie and mind you, very creepy. It plays on a lot of our's worst fear, an intruder in our home, especially at night while we are sleeping. Or someone watching our every move. Ashley Benson also does a great job with her realistic portrayal of a girl who's just moved to another state to live on her own and doing some questionable and/or embarrassing things while alone, thinking no one is watching. And the ending, holy crap, I got chills all over my body, its so unexpected and scary and seems so real. This isn't nearly the best movie I've ever seen but I was glued to the screen, and I'm not afraid to say that, because they brought the creep factor and I was definitely paranoid after watching. If you scroll down you can see a lot of people rate this movie really well, before all these low ratings of "1" grouped together following each other like sheep. Come on, be realistic, this movie deserves much more than a 1. That is beyond exaggeration. I think if you like thrillers like this, you'll be in for a treat!
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Most boring movie I've seen in a long time
throwaway5000027 February 2016
There are at least 4 fake accounts being used here in the comments. How do I know? Because it is impossible for anyone with the intelligence to create an account and post on IMDb to consider this movie a 7, an 8, a 9 and a 10.

This isn't just a difference in personal preference. This is by any standard a terrible terrible movie.

I expected a movie about someone's life being turned upside down because they were being cyber-terrorized. That's the plot summary. What I got instead was a movie that chronicled the most mundane activities of a young pudgy woman's everyday life.

Everything is shot on webcams and cell phones. I thought this was clever for the first 10 minutes because, although it was annoying, I thought it was a good way to introduce the viewer to the fact that all her devices have been hacked by a stalker. I guessed that it would then turn into a real movie after five or ten minutes. Nope. The entire f***ing thing is shot like that. It's annoying as hell. But much worse is the fact that nothing happens.

For the first hour, we the viewers are treated to having to sit through (and don't forget this is all shot from the perspective of computer webcams and cell phone cams):

  • she does housework - she dances around the house - we see her ankle in the shower scene - she gets hit on by a guy in the library - she chats with her mom on Skype - she cooks - she does aerobics - etc. No, it does not get more meaty than that. Imagine your boring routine life and then having to watch someone else do the exact same things you do all day. That's what this movie is.

I tried hard to keep going but I couldn't. I gave up after an hour to go floss my teeth, which was more exciting by a factor of 10.

Bad movies, there are plenty, I can live with that. What I can't live with is the f***ing FRAUDS on this board that are working for the studio and come here to pump up the rating. It should be illegal to falsely make others believe a movie is good to get you to watch it. In every other business, trying to sell something by lying to the customer - by saying that something does what it clearly doesn't - is illegal. Movies are supposed to entertain. This one does the opposite of entertain.

The only "horror" in this film that I saw was having to sit through the non-story.

It just plain sucks bad.
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I hate films with no end.
fredschepers14 March 2016
Potentially a good film spoiled by having no end.

I have seen thousands of films the last 35 years, but it seems that today film makers are less and less bothered about a good ending. The acting was OK in it, actually deserves a 7, the location looked OK, another 7, The story line and subject was fine, 7 again, but I guess the film maker had no money left over for a normal ending. And that makes it worth a 1. You wouldn't by a car without engine, or a house without a roof, would you? Even an empty bread bag would not pass a till.

I couldn't have cared if she would survived, got killed, turned into a privacy activist or what ever, but pls pls pls, give films an ending.

As from 2010, the difference in a good film or a bad film seems to focus on the end of the story. Imagine: The Green Mile without the end scene between two older people, The sixth sense without explaining at the end that the guy actually was dead all the film long, The Hunger Games missing part 4? That's what the "ratter" is about. Quick and cheap productions without an end... Thanks.
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Ratter is AWFUL - Don't Bother
foxyimports20 February 2016
I hate it when you go to a movie on IMDb and it has a high rating as one person, most probably involved with the movie or promoting it, rates it high just to suck you in. This movie is absolutely AWFUL. It has amateur camera work, most probably due to a limited budget, a boring story line, and the actors just seem like actors from a local college class. I know it is supposed to be on the subject of people hacking into your devices and monitoring you but boy was this BAD. Don't bother with this movie as you will never get that time back. For the person who wrote the first review - Shame on you. You should not review a movie again. This movie should be 1/10. I certainly regret watching it.
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Genuinely disquieting
slay_city3 June 2017
There's a lot of negative reviews for this film and, while I can see some of the issues pointed out by other users, I actually liked this much more than expected.

I found this film to be quite disturbing. It's a slow burn and yes, the fact that the entire film is shot on hand held devices can be a bit off-putting. I found it really effective though, and a simple way to highlight our reliance on technology. There are screens everywhere - I'm writing this on my phone and my laptop is open playing a series on my TV.

As a woman who has lived alone and has had her fair share of creeps, this movie builds the sense of dread quite well. Others have commented on its boring nature, but for me it was effective simply because it was about the quotidian activities of our lives - there's no horror, no major twists and turns, it's just about the life of one fairly ordinary (albeit pretty damn gorgeous) young woman.

That's why it works. She's realistic and relatable so seeing the escalation of the stalker's actions and its impact on her life and the people around her is super creepy.
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Possibly the most boring movie I've ever watched
wheeler-528013 March 2016
And I've watched some bad ones.

The movie just drags and the sound is bad at times. I take it we're supposed to be hearing it like the 3rd person. It plays out like a high school movie project.

Parts are looped like we're supposed to feel like the hacker is replaying the exchanges in their head or it's supposed to incite fear.

I'm not even sure what was supposed to be watching the character at times. Considering the angles they show it at.

And the ending, without spoiling it it was juts god awful.

All in all, one of the worst movies.
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paul-day-clone21 February 2016
One of the reasons I explore the out of the way places when it comes to film. Low budget and shot mostly on webcams, this movie evokes a sense of dread and horror without showing a drop of blood. The moral, if there is one, says that danger in the 21st century no longer needs mass or form.

Emma is surrounded by the technology that slowly becomes a menace to her as a stalker takes over her devices and the devices of others. A nameless presence oozes through the movie with no clear indication of who or why - it's just nameless malice floating through the same ether as the wireless signals that connect her. As such, it's filmed entirely on hand-held, cell phone and webcam. While this gets annoying at times, the filmmakers break up with some nice editing moves. The performances are solid and engaging. The stark, brutal ending horrified me with its unspoken implications.

(BTW - to the person who trashed this, insisting that the rating was inflated, I didn't even know this film existed. If you didn't like it (and I'm betting the lack of nudity and gore played a part in that) that's fine. But don't be a dick.)
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Digital dairy of young lady
quincytheodore17 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
It seems a subgenre of found footage has been born, horror flicks with prevalent use of webcam and phone cam for majority or all of its content. Aside from "Unfriended", none seems to get it right as of yet, "Ratter" falls into the failed attempt category. Virtually nothing happens in its already short runtime. Any shred of horror is presented far too late and in mediocrity.

Emma (Ashley Benson), a young woman living by herself is stalked by an unknown party. She is spied through the cameras around her. While this may present a few creepy nuances since she's clearly being targeted and objectified, the tricks worn off about twenty minutes in. The movie drags on far too long and without giving any build up for thriller at all.

Emma herself is the typical attractive girl, there's not much for her character aside from loitering on the camera, fooling around in her apartment or generic mingling with friends and potential love interest. In fact, that's basically the whole movie. Audience would wait for something to happen in what seems to be ages, and when it does happen, it's done in such abysmal quality. This eventually just leaves a disappointing taste as it has wasted one's time.

"Ratter" could've been one hour of panoramic shots of New York and it would've been better than this meek attempt at thriller.
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See This Film
mrsxhush16 May 2016
Ratter is one of those rare horror films that actually scared me.

Ratter CAN happen. Ratter DOES happen. They could have slapped Based on a True Story and I wouldn't have doubted them. My only problem with Ratter was that it was too realistic. The acting wasn't great but it wasn't poor. It was like how people are in real life. The film plays itself as if you are watching what the Ratter is watching.

I don't normally feel for the victims, most of the time, I'm on the villains side. But I felt so scared, so frustrated, so wanting to help Emma, to warn Emma. Emma and myself probably wouldn't be friends, but man, did I feel the need to warn her of what was happening. I felt violated for her. I lost trust of those she trusted.

Give it a shot. You won't be disappointed.
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How do people not get the point?
ahayesss1 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm seeing most of the low ratings for this movie are because it "didn't finish the plot" and "didn't answer questions".... When that was entirely the point.

The point was to show Emma's (Ashley Benson) daily life and how unexpecting most people are. The unanswered ending was to show how unaware Emma was and that makes it all the more terrifying.

We clearly don't find out who the stalker was because I'm sure he didn't know her in real life. He found her through the internet b/c he was that skilled in tech. The final scene made me extremely uncomfortable to the point where I couldn't sleep after. You feel so strongly for Emma in that moment, as he slowly comes into the camera view and you know it's the end for her (of course she's gonna die people, c'mon).

Overall it was by no means the best or most thrilling found footage, but it does not deserve the low rating.
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0 Creativity
roiduring24 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is one of the worst I have ever seen in my life. The people behind this piece of crap are amateurs at best, no talent, no creativity, nothing.

I can't even believe a movie like that managed to see the light of day. The camera work is awful, sometimes you can't see anything and some angles don't make sense at all.

Please stay away from this, it's just a total waste of time with nothing redeemable about it, not even a decent ending either. You will feel cheated out of an hour and a half of your life.

There is some suspense but nothing special. And nothing happens that will make you feel like it was worth watching.

Don't, just don't...
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Ratter Needs The Pied Piper or Some Ratsack
krocheav7 November 2016
Thinking of seeing 'Ratter'? then maybe you need to seriously think again! The write-up sounded as if it could have been an exiting modern cyber 'warning' - NOT SO. This is one case where you can believe the bulk of reviews that are trying earnestly to warn you away. Wish I had read them before I wasted more than 10mins on this indescribably bad movie.

It starts off shot on webcam, cellphone, bagphone, wobblecam, kitchencam, then progresses to toiletcam, before finally ending on pervcam. Thinking this cheap style was only being used to set-up the plot - I waited for it to turn into a professional movie - and waited...but, no change whatever!.....The name Branden Kramer is now on my 'Must To Avoid' list. At times it looks like he forgot to turn off the camera between takes - then thought the results looked 'creative' so left them in. Could some of the problem perhaps be born within certain types of Media Studies courses being taught at every school across the land - who hand out digi-cams to students and "teach" them to think they can be the next movie junkie king?. This particular effort looks like it's from a student who should have been told...!. To think that any serious distributor would even consider going near this, is unthinkable (Sony!!!)- tells us how much we just can't trust this industry anymore. If you don't care what you sit through or have an abundance of time to waste - then this could suit your level of non- eventism.
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So boring until the last 2 minutes
jenniferlynn-495558 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I like some movies where it's being viewed through the computer or phone, like Searching or even The Den but this, awful. It was horrible points of view because the phone is in her purse or on the table. Then all the glitching, it made me think it was my connection which is so annoying because sometimes mine really does it. Like hearing an alarm on TV and immediately cringing because it sounds like your alarm for work. There was no resolution, not even a you decide kind of ending because it never gave you a beginning. Is he a random stalker? Does he know her? Is she dead? What happened? It was the most boring, agitating movie I've ever! Fell asleep a few times, in fact the end woke me with all the screaming. I felt the mother's pain. So she got one star.
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Good Idea, Bad Execution
kbaxws18 November 2021
It could have been good of bad or something in between.

No way to know cuz half of the movie was missing!

...and yes, they left us the boring part only.

The excitement, the character development, the motive, who's the bad guy, etc all absent!

If you like a movie where you have to fill in every hole yourself, then be my guest.
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Lacks a proper ending
ashleytite16 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It reminds filming style me a lot of something that was made during Covid. The movie was good enough but you never really find out what happens. Who the bad guy was or why he was doing it. It was like they just decided not to finish it and cut the last 10 or 20 minutes out.
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plasticanimalz6 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
If you don't watch PLL or like Ashley Benson, I doubt you will find this entertaining. On one hand I think it's smart the director used her to draw people in, on the other hand, it did seem a bit redundant that he used the theme of the show attempting to make it seem more real with the use of a digital camera. So, points to the writer / director for lack of creativity. And, if it had been some no-name actress I didn't know or care about, I would have turned this off in the first 5 minutes.

The film starts off pointless and makes you wonder how you can continue watching it. Because I'm already invested in the character Hannah from PLL, I'm not sure I would be invested in her otherwise, and I'm used to her being stalked and terrorized from PLL, so, I'm already empathetic and rooting for her. As it goes along it becomes more interesting, thinking about who is doing this, why, the stalker's intentions, etc. When his stalking elevates it does start to get a bit creepy. Even though I was being taken on this slowly escalating journey...I did begin to see holes. Like, this guy has advanced hacking, IT abilities, AND knows how to break into locked apartments from the inside, not seen by neighbors, look suspicious, etc, AND he is a part-time electrician who knows how to blow fuses, where to find them, etc., AND is super fit and strong like Dexter and can quickly take down and hog-tie a woman? Is this a superhero movie? In Pretty Little Liars we suspend belief because that's what you do for television and it's meant to be unbelievable, but the whole point of found-footage films is to seem believable and real, as if this really happened.

Like, how did he open a chained lock from the outside? It's obvious they made the chain longer so the actor / stalker could fit his somewhat skinny arm in there. Who in NYC would put a chain like that on their door? What manufacturer would make that chain? A lawsuit waiting to happen and not believable. Not to mention, she lives in a super expensive apartment and it doesn't have proper security? Unlikely. Also, she knows someone's been going in her smallish apartment but never bothers to check the balcony? Nor does she notice his shadow? Unlikely. I know they camouflaged his shadow but in real life that seems unrealistic. And he's out there multiple times and she doesn't notice?? And, what are the odds that the circuit breaker is on the balcony, where he's hiding, where there are things like weather? Not too likely. In fact, impossible. And he manages to jump through a sliding window, through the curtains, over a couch, in the dark, not trip and fall or seriously hurt himself, and attack her? Again, is he a superhero? And she just sits there and screams, waiting for it? My bet is the second he pulls back the sliding door she's dashing out her front door that is only 15-20 feet away. I find it literally impossible that he can do all these things before she can even sit up. If you say he 'left' the sliding door open, then the curtain would be sweeping back and forth in the wind, most likely revealing the guy on the balcony.

These are just the problems you see in the film. I wondered if this type of stalking was a real thing and looked up Ratter and nothing immediately came up other than the film and terrier dogs. When I looked up cyber stalking it said what I thought which is someone has to have access to your devices which isolates the suspects to her ex-boyfriend and the guy fixing her computer. Which, you expect me to believe her ex from Wisconsin is doing all this? Or the guy at the PC store who doesn't look physically capable to do much let alone be a stealth killer? They leave the killer ambiguous, which...is kind of a bummer. You have a movie with no plot and no real conclusion, no answers, etc.

Bottom line, this film isn't smart. They had a chance to be smart, to tell a real story, and instead they seemed to take advantage of a cheap budget in order to get something made. Cyber stalking is real and 50% of women who seek help from abuse are stalked and harassed in this way. They could have taken this opportunity to express a message rather than just gratuitously exploit a cute girl, and, in some ways, I wonder if this film is actually more appealing to the would-be stalker types and this could spurn them into thinking it's a fun, easy game? I honestly did not get the message that the writer / director is trying to make awareness about cyber stalking since he didn't bother to use any actual realistic resources that were easily available about the subject. It seems like he wrote a script in 2 days, and just made a film to make a film. It's not to say the director doesn't have any skill at all, 'cause, it did end up being a little bit creepy and did manage to build in tension. I'm just saying his work was kind of sloppy, not well thought out, not well researched. Plenty of movies are made like that but they usually have big budgets with lots of special effects, action, etc., and so you are a little more willing to suspend disbelief because there are a lot more offerings.
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I wish I made the film
nickeyblack3519 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I liked it. I get it. The ending was sad, but it's 1 of those movies where the stalker or the killer wins. It's not 1 of those movies where in the beginning we see the girl get killed and the killer moves on to a new victim, but that victim defeats the killer. Perhaps Ratter 2 would display that. By the way, what is "Ratter?" I guess I gotta google it right now..... hold on(Jeopardy theme music plays).... OK I'm back. A Ratter is a dog or animal used for hunting rats. That explains nothing because there really wasn't no hunting. Unless we're talking the stalking thru technology? Nevertheless, I like it, and the lead actress was sexy. Too bad her character didn't make it.
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Disappointing product of an increasingly important subject
bjornar-182-2603516 April 2016
Topic: electronic gadgets might get hacked! And these gadgets (laptops, smartphones, etc) have cameras and some of us ALWAYS bring them along wherever we go.

Topic is interesting and though the characters act to a B-level, the movie was like watching a Finnish TV-theater from the -70's of a couple in a Sauna. Almost entire movie was filmed inside the sauna and nothing interesting happened. The viewer is left waiting for something to happen.... And it never does..

Don't bother watching the movie, call an old relative instead and do a good deed, it's time way better spent!
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I was wrong...
mdoyleactor10 March 2016
So I'm going to start off this review by saying that, in all honesty, I only watched this film because of Pretty Little Liars star, Ashely Benson. I thought, going into it, that it was going to be yet another modern horror film and I thought I would actually find it more funny than scary.


This film played on my absolute WORST FEAR! Someone watching me via my laptop.

Now, I know Unfriended kind of had the same plot but this one was less cheesy. This felt more real to me. I often found myself at calm parts in the film seeming paranoid for Emma (Ashely Benson). I would often think that some of the extras might be this Ratter person... Stuff like that.

It is a bit slow at times and normally I don't do slow movies but this film kept me on the edge of my seat and literally up all night. I did not sleep at all after watching RATTER.

This film is so well done and really good acting too. I highly recommend this film for all you horror/thriller fans out there. You might be surprised.
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Entertaining Until the End
astrofan-politics5 February 2022
Not a bad movie. It kept my interest, but the ending was like they ran out of money and just quit. The plot stopped just as it was getting interesting. Who was the stalker? Why? How?
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Drama, Horror, Thriller & IMDb 5.1 = Cant believe it
pjearre23 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Ratter (2015) 5,1 Drama, Horror, Thriller Sounds like a good movie to watch.. -------------------------------- I have to make an account here on IMDb just to review this movie. I have watch tons of movies.. - I cant understand how this movie can get 5.1.. This movie is an super amateur cellphone record B-movie whitout any Drama, Horror & Thriller in it.. Absolute waste of time, Top 5 on the worst movies ever made. ridiculous bad. i would rather die then watch this movie again..... I believe that this movie came from some kind of school- project or likewise but this movie don't place here for public conception. + 1 scene when the man entered the apartment was OK but the rest is nonsense for me. Over and out
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Another Movie Without an End... !
ercarvajal12 August 2017
What was this supposed to be? Horror? C'mon, more like a reality show about girl with ex-boyfriend issues. This is the kind of crap that I awfully hate, a movie that spends the 90% of the time building up to reach a dead-end.

No conclusion, you don't know anything about anything, why things are happening, and for the sake of leaving you with an "open interpretation of the end", these lazy scriptwriters end the movie with what should be the beginning. Very disappointing; I felt like I wasted 1:117 minutes watching one of the worst movies ever. When are the storytellers going to learn that hackers are NOT super humans, that are things that are simply not possible, and that if someone gets to the point of feeling hacked, a visit to the "Geek Squad" of their College/University or any group of decent IT Geeky friends could help them determine if they are truly hacked and if someone is manipulating their smart-devices.
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crosbyp120039 April 2018
The only problem I have is the ending why cut it off. Good premise but could have been developed more. Low budget
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