Cop talk(sort of).
Of course TV must dramatize, but all and all much realism in this episode.
For those familiar with the tribal ways in working class Protestant Belfast, we see both the "say nothing" culture, and the law abiding citizens sick of violence and bullying by paramilitary drug gangs. All accurately presented.
Also the portrayal of police under pressure as the team tries to keep the lid on the feuding drug gangs in the fictional neighborhood of Mt Eden* ("I got your back" bonding, internal tensions, commanders stressing out over the whole situation) is well done.
Grace's partner Stevie shows the human side of policing with his great sympathy for a citizen suspected of breaking the law concerning assisted suicide, while Shane's harsh treatment of an ex-con at a police check point causes Annie some distress. Good cop bad cop I guess, just like real life.
Other things of interest, Lee the enigmatic owner of The Loyalist Pub continues to cause this viewer to ponder what his game is, and enthusiastically anticipate finding out. Finally (and happily) Officers' Tommy and Aisling budding romance continues apace much to the satisfaction of the distaff owner of the diner they meet at half way between Belfast and Derry.