"Wharf, Me Worry?" is an interesting episode that covers some timely themes with a refreshingly optimistic approach. One of my favorite aspects of Bob's Burgers is its ability to demonstrate the power and importance of never losing hope. While I can't pretend this episode is the funniest or most original the series has to offer, I do applaud how it acknowledges our world's problems in a way that doesn't feel too preachy or overwhelmingly negative. A lot of recent social satires have fallen into that trap, putting their messaging ahead of the story and characters. This episode remembers and retains its core focus, and balances out its darker suggestions with a fair amount of jokes and endearing moments. It also ends on a note that indicates how despite everything, we can always make things better. I feel like it would have been very easy for this episode to have fallen apart, but it really does stick the landing. It's nowhere near my favorite, but I have immense respect for it.