I loved this show! It was so funny and unexpected. The actors were so good and their characters were really endearing. Yes, it's quirky. Yes, it's confusing at times. But I enjoyed it much more than I expected. I have to admit though that I'm not a fan of the usual K-dramas. So, if you love most K-dramas, this might not be your thing. But personally I'm happy to see the writers getting creative and trying something other than two lovers where one has a terminal illness.
ALSO this show was reviewed bombed everywhere. Don't believe the negative reviews, especially the ones that are pissed about the reference to Saudi Arabia. Was that joke offensive? Yes. Was it necessary? Absolutely not. But it also doesn't occur until the LAST 10 mins of the VERY LAST EPISODE. So anyone claiming to be mad "after that episode," clearly did not watch the show at all. "Worst Korean drama ever" is an unfair assessment for a single one-off joke that lasted 2 mins.