Dariuss (2023) Poster


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Outstanding film
sophiejnutt7 January 2024
Guerrilla Metropolitana has created his own sub-genre in his cinema. Its no secret that his previous short films have crossed boundaries of creative film making and art and Dariuss is no exception. It really is like nothing I have ever seen before. I adore the use of colour, filming techniques and bonkers story telling that Guerrilla uses. The s*xual violence really shines through in the best way possible and takes you on a wild cinematographic ride. The lack of dialogue will nor deter you when you appreciate the visuality of Dariuss. I for one can't wait to add this insane, mad yet brilliant film to my DVD collection. I urge you to watch his shorts on YouTube!
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Guerrillas Metropolitana'a masterpiece!
straightrazor804 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This arthouse film gives you everything a viewer could want! I'm extremely happy Guerrilla allowed me the honor of viewing this masterpiece. It's technical aspects of filmmaking are quite exquisite and masterfully done from the visual, editing, audio and sound score.

This film follows a tragic story of a family who's lost a child and goes through the ups and downs of the tragedy and how they cope with it.

The first act blends eroticism and horror very well ams in a way that makes you want more. From a woman masturbating to an over the top incestuous love scene.

Second act has more erotic imagery and delves even further into depravity as we learn more about the loss and entering a new character named Dariuss.

Third act finally comes through with everything a fan of the gore would love, from dissecting each victim bit by bit.

My overall conclusion is this film must and should be watched multiple times to grasp everything Guerrilla has laid out in front of us and to get the overall story. Please give this a shot if you're a fan of arthouse horror at its finest.
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A Uniquely Dark arthouse horror Film
dawnduverger10 December 2023
The intriguing independent horror art film Darrius by Gaurilla Metrolpolitania a London based Italian producer/director, is a uniquely dark arthouse film that frames the twists and turns of the human psyche when dealing with tragedy. It confronts uncomfortable concepts that for some reason you cannot stop watching and will rewatch just to put together the puzzle that you alone as the viewer can The approach and execution of its story is unlike anything done before in cinema. The use of sound and paceing are as much characters as the images that you can never unsee. It is dark art in film, it is an experience.
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An exceptionally brutal if avant-garde exploitation effort
kannibalcorpsegrinder30 November 2023
Following the loss of their daughter, the lives of her family are thrown into disarray as the seriousness of the situation takes a toll on everyone, and when the maniac responsible for the crime finds them makes their lives an even darker and more deadly experience.

This is an incredibly difficult film to get a handle on. The main selling point here is the extremely omnipresent avant-garde approach that washes over everything present in this one. The flashing imagery featured throughout, from the shots of the girl playing in the forest to the husband wandering the abandoned city streets at night, are presented nicely with an intriguing visual flair not just relegated to the constant shifts in the narrative with who we're following or focusing on for the moment with constant shifts to various individuals along the course of the film. It also extends to the hyper stylized technicality on display, utilizing a series of impressive techniques that range from the epileptic-inducing subliminal flashes but the washed-out haze, the sensuous camera movements, the use of unconventional angles, and the constant influx of insert shots showing paintings or other objects in the location. That goes into the film's later half as well when this one really decides to ramp up the violent content into a more sickening and exploitative mark. With the film already bringing this type of material forward with the sexual antics that take place here, this soon descends into a veritable orgy of depravity once the killer finds their house. The sexual antics alone would be enough to tip this into the extreme but when added alongside the strong gore and over-the-top brutality, including bits during the attacks that are played with comically exaggerated sound effects and the number of repeated actions make for some graphic sequences here that provide quite a lot to like. This continues on with the different technical approaches with the hazy look and grimy feel of the whole presentation adding an extra sense of rawness to the whole thing that provides this one with some rather intriguing positives. That said, beyond the artistry on display, it's really difficult to get a hold of the film and what's going on. The fact that it's almost entirely dialog-free and shot without a lot of context makes it difficult to understand what's actually happening since you're using the unusual visuals to tell the story. Most of the plot for what's going on is gathered via outside materials provided by the creator so it's slightly difficult to trust that's actually happening since the in-film universe is almost impossible to reason due to this approach and the non-linear storytelling. This avant-garde approach ends up making for a unique and intriguing approach to tell this type of story but it's also one that makes this exceptionally hard to follow along which is the main problematic aspect here. Much like the content, this is mainly a personal approach rather than a general overriding issue as some may not mind this but it is a part of the film overall and should be mentioned.

Rated Unrated/R: Extreme Graphic Violence, Full Male and Female Nudity, and strong sexual content.
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Sticks to the brain and stays there.
BradPaulson15 December 2023
Sticks to the brain and stays there.

Guerrilla Metropolitana's latest film, "Dariuss" is an uncompromising, arthouse movie. It sticks to the brain and stays there. The structure and editing is unconventional and creative. Several moments are disturbing and difficult to watch (especially in the second half). However, the amount of risks "Dariuss" takes is encouraging. Not recommended if you havent got the stomach for it or are trying to eat, and may induce nightmares. Those warnings aside, it stands out as a truly independent vision. Rest assured, no corporate overlords were present to water down this one.
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A Dark Exploration of Madness for the Senses
horrificplayground11 December 2023
A meta-cinema, dark erotica underground experimental indi horror. Inspired by various cinema methods such as German expressionism, but creating its own style, DARIUSS is an extremely unique bold expedition feature debut from filmmaker Guerrilla Metropolitana. Lower budget but once again demonstrating the LOT you achieve using little, with a clear artistic vision. It's unlike most any other horrors seen before and certainly not following tropes or formats of mainstream slasher. It's a journey and cinemagraphic experience, bringing an audience in as less watcher and more a witness. It's a portrait of pain, loss, voyerism, and madness. The performances were just what was needed for tone, but tone was the overall gemstone here. Combining layered visuals with an eternally unsettling soundtrack, keeps a viewer in a constant state of engagement and discomfort. No doubt this will be a polarising viewing to different extremes. Very likely not a journey for lovers of the mainstream subgenres, unless they do also house desires for the darker, deeper, madder, artistic rides. It's new, it's intense and it's out there. There is imagery that will not simply leave you after your viewing. And has an intense sometimes beautiful soundtrack to boot. If these elements appeal to you, give a watch!
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Absolute masterpiece from a visionary filmmaker
tettucy-8403613 December 2023
In my entire life I have never watched anything remotely close to this incredible film. It got me so involved that I completely lost myself when watching it. Its surreal atmosphere, the deliberately non-linear plot, the uniqueness of its pace, the sickening sexual elements of it followed by an unspeakable level of gore and insanity drove me into a state of total alienation from reality.

Guerrilla Metropolitana' s vision of cinema is one of total madness and shocking originality.

His film contains so many things I have never seen in a movie before. This is not something for just anybody. It is a unique experience that can only satisfy those who are above certain standards.

I have seen Guerrilla Metropolitana' s short films prior to this and they were very indicative for what he was going to create later with this film.

All signs were there (the beautiful visuals, the bizarre sounds, the aesthetics of his direction, the unusual acting, the psychedelic music, the crafty editing, etc..) and when I finally got to watch his actual feature film, all pieces got together perfectly like a puzzle waiting to be completed.

This is a masterpiece of cinema and it should be studied in film academies, as nothing like this had been made in history.

Not for everybody, but for those who really love cinema.

It is an experience that goes beyond simple entertainment.
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Dark twisted mind blowing film
mendozaeva12 March 2024
Dariuss is completely unique, it's like no other film I've seen. It definitely isn't a 'popcorn horror' I would consider this Arthouse horror. This film tells a story about bereavement & the affects it has on a family.

The cinematography is absolutely stunning. There is no dialogue & very few props, the sounds & visuals tell the story. This film is a psychedelic trip & it blows your mind. The storytelling was played out perfectly & at times I felt like I was entering the mind of a mad man.

This film crosses boundaries & wasn't made to be a typical mainstream horror. Some of the scenes were pretty brutal & were shot in a way that you almost felt like you were in the room watching. This is dark twisted, erotic, mind blowing film but beautiful at the same time.
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This Movie Tried To Fight Me
grahambrooklyncracker8 February 2024
This movie tries to fight you. No sucker punch cowardly nonsense either, if you get a chance to listen to writer/director Guerrilla Metropolitana he basically tells you that the movie is coming for you. It practically dares you to defend yourself, and if we're being honest it's not even worth trying.

Full disclosure I love the bizarre. The odd, the weird, the unsung. If it's hard for normal movie goers to even fathom, I'm all in. This movie also goes all in. Metropolitana replaces dialogue with gristly sound design and camera work but filtered through a brain that has no limits. It's not an easy watch, reminding me at times of such arthouse weirdos like All Jacked Up And Full Of Worms, Skinamarink, and Gabriel Bartalos's later work. I'm not gonna spoil anything but it's basically a story about how 3 people react to a traumatic loss. But told through veins that are screaming with whatever drugs Spider Jerusalem did mid-career.

This movie is gonna fight you. Don't even try to defend yourself. Put your hands down and watch, it's the only way to get through it, and you'll be a better person for it.
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My review of DARIUSS
delmartin-8897420 January 2024
If you think you have watched it all, think again!!! I have just finished watching DARIUSS. This Horror/ Gore/ Erotica fest feature film is not for everyone. Definitely NOT for the faint of heart, weak stomach popcorn horror fans, or highly sensitive persons. NORMIES stay clear at all times!!! In fact, it has the possibility to make your stomach churn with bile. But, if you want to watch something unprecedented to date in the independent filmmaking sphere, this little golden nugget is for you! I had the privilege to view this film just now, and there is so much to unpack about it, I will try my best to give you a review based on my opinion and experience whilst watching this bizarre, psychedelic, mind-twisting tale of a non-conventional mortifying portrayal of a family dealing with grief in ways that will either leave you baffled for hours, sickened, or feeling as if you watched something and you have no idea what the heck just happened! It's about the human psyche and how far can a film take you, until you are left pondering life and all its depravity. It's all levels of pure insanity. The madness takes your breath away. This film pushes boundaries I have not seen in years...and if you are brave enough to give it a go, you will see exactly what I mean. From the introduction, right through to the very bitter end; a rollercoaster of intense emotions grabs a hold of you and doesn't relent AT ALL!!! The intensity level is ramped up to the max and it does not damper down, there are no quiet moods or tones of lightness, it is constant darkness and bone chilling visuals, suspense and tension, imagery, sounds, music, camera shots and photography, and still shots that each tell their own sad and appalling story. There is nothing implemented into this film that doesn't have a purpose or a goal - the attention to detail is sublime. I do wonder if this film is intended for a male audience more so than us females. Whether it's due to the fact I'm a female reviewing this, I don't know, but if I was supposed to feel a certain way about this, for its gross factor and the uncomfortable images, I think I handled it very well considering it is a visceral story about some of the darkest taboos in life. As this will be a relatable story to a lot of people, the ones who understand the complex emotions and torment running through as a major thread, I think people will identify in some way to the agonising twists and turns and the full-on hard-core events that occur in this film. And will appreciate the artform it delivers in abundance. DARIUSS, although it made me squirm, took me out of my comfort zone, gave me a true sense of horror in the world, the shock value being enormous and instrumental - it confirms to me that there are movies and filmmakers out there like Guerrilla Metropolitana, who can remain true to their vision, regardless of how diabolical it can be for others to ingest. The intimate POV in the extreme graphic parts is something I have not come across, since the era of the 80's when anything went. When censorship wasn't as rigorous as it is now. An age when horror produced some of our favourite movies of all time. I have not seen anything to this caliber; it's chilling, the sound effects gruesome, and even without dialogue, (yes you heard that right! There is absolutely no dialogue, but it does not matter in this instance as it is superfluous) with the watcher only having to rely on their senses, total attention is needed to piece the storyline together (if you can!) And there is a storyline in there somewhere, believe me! Characterization is instrumental in this film. The actors and actresses take this seriously, you can tell by the way they act out their scenes. It's the characters that keep you invested in the complexities of this film. They have a purpose to present themselves as tormented and devastated - they do not disappoint. Visually, I am mind blown. Every camera shot and video clip has a purpose and an intention. Attention to detail is thorough, well developed and precise. Once you get through the intense sexual elements, the erotica, the in-your-face body shots (and trust me there are a few!) you can appreciate the film for what it is - a game changer in the world of weird and bizarre horror with a dark demented twist! Giving us a full-on experience into the minds and actions of a family broken in every way possible; physically, mentally, emotionally, and a whole heap of other uncomfortable feelings. This film will not bring you joy and happiness! The cinematography is outstanding! It's one thing I really love to focus on when it comes to movie reviews. This has intimate close-up shots that seem to brand themselves into your brain. There are symbolic elements woven in, animalistic, hypnotic and subliminal messaging, that if you blink you miss! So, pay very close attention the entire way through to after the credits, to see what happens. The way the scenes segway seamlessly together is masterful. Although some of the scenes are brutal, diabolical and unnerving, but we can see that Guerrilla Metropolitana is a master filmmaker. Not only does he deliver a film unmatched and unprecedented for our time; the editing is gripping, inspirational, intimate, and encapsulates the madness this film invokes. The tones ebb from light to dark at the beginning, in a wonderfully crafted way. Subtly we see a shift as the intensity level rises. There is excellent use of color and then the switches to black and white, with psychedelic undertones, is done with skill. The color red is a motif throughout the film. We see it everywhere. It's significant to the theme. The tone changes and morphs into dark, moody and helps to set the scene. Each scene has their own valuable role to play in the storyline, adding layering and texture to the overall plot, quite eloquently. I also get the sense of an experimentation happening, with the lighting, the sound effects, artwork, camera angles, they all make everything visceral and painfully obvious. With the POV you are featuring in the movie and that is definitely a terrifying experience, to say the least! There are elements in this film that push the boundaries on many levels. Horror as we know, is on a spectrum. Generic Hollywood big budget franchises are turning the horror genre into a joke! It's people like Guerrilla Metropolitana who should pave the way for a new type of horror, it's weird, bizarre, terrifying and all in all, it's a game changer for the world of art house cinema and the extreme horror genre! Yes, it's sickening and graphic in places, but it should be remembered for its visual and sound effects, music, cinematography, photography and art, more so than focusing on the sensitivities this film provokes. The music as I mentioned was composed by Guerrilla Metropolitana, and a couple of other people, it plays an integral part to enhance the scenes, and for setting the tone. It's very moody, dark, creepy and beautiful at the same time. The setting for each scene feels and looks authentic and realistic. There are several location changes. It's easy enough to grasp the totality of the scenes as we shift between first person POV, and third person POV. The first person POV gives the viewer a personal and intimate experience. So, be warned, it gets messy! I feel the chaos is well enough contained and vital to the story arc. I was still thinking about the concept, the storyline, the visuals, and what it all meant, well after the film ended. It does that, grips you into a psychedelic conundrum of extreme and graphic horror. Only for those who can hold onto their senses and their stomach acids can get through this film. I commend you if you make it through to the end. As this is an hour long, there is no way I could have gone on very much longer, as the intensity was so overwhelming! I support independent filmmakers taking a risk. I'm all for vision. I want to and expect to see passion coming from the team behind the scenes. The fact this took nearly an entire year to edit, tells me dedication and hard work went into making this what it is - a highly controversial film for our time. In an article I read, where Metropolitana was being interviewed, he mentioned the toll this film took on his mental health. He had three mental breakdowns, and the last one being the most severe. I know a lot about mental health, through my own experiences. I can sense the pain throughout this film that he must have been feeling. I can see he put his heart and soul into this. In reality, the world is no worse off for having films like this in the horror sphere. Although this is the work of fiction, this is actually true horror at its most diabolical, and there are people all over the world who actually live like this on the daily. I highly recommend this to true gore horror fans, and for any filmmaker out there who wants to see something brilliant unfold, something to inspire towards perhaps? As I mentioned above, in the trigger warnings, use your brain, if you think you can handle, good one, if not, look the other way. Ladies out there, this is an acquired taste, so if you are prone to being triggered, PLEASE watch the trailer first, before you decide to deep dive into the abyss. You might walk away from this feeling slightly ill and dirty, or, like I did, come away from it with a sense of hope! Hoping that we have finally found an independent filmmaker to turn the tide when it comes to the horror genre. Will it take someone of this caliber to save the horror genre from dying off completely? Or becoming more CGI and greenscreen, with terrible writers and lazy filmmakers? The story behind this film being made, is that it was rejected by several producers, until SRS Cinema picked it up and ran with it. It was filmed on a shoestring budget of £6,000, or so the story goes. It took two years to film this.
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Beyond any perverse imagination!
giatenmin31 March 2024
Dariuss is without any doubt a film with an erotic perversion within a horror frame that goes way beyond the usual schemes frequently used in the horror genre. It is way out of boundaries. The music is highly disturbing and brings a high level of anxiety as the viewer doesn't understand in which direction the film will lead. There is no rational logic to it. It works through the imagination of the mind and how it registers the visual information received. The scenes are very perverse and cruel, sometimes full of sadness as you want to know why all of that is happening. An attempt in trying to understand the sadist psyche of the main character is extremely difficult, especially since one can't see the other characters as real innocent victims. Sadism is everywhere in the film and perhaps within every character in the film? The ending has so many different interpretations.
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jamesmaddox-621588 February 2024
I would like to thank Guerrilla Metropolitana for giving me the opportunity to watch his new film Dariuss. This film is a one of a kind LSD induced story about the loss of a loved one, and the grief and emotional toll it takes on the surviving family. This film is not for the faint of heart, it will grab you by the throat and not let go until the credits roll. This films follows 3 family members as they try and deal with a devastating loss. You get scenes with each of the family members, and in some ways not coping with this traumatic experience. This film has no dialogue, but the director instead uses a gritty technique of having an almost asmr like sound throughout each scene. And the choices with the audio paired with the hyper stylized visuals is chilling, and scarier than any words could ever convey. Speaking on the visuals, each frame has its own way of showing the internal and external struggle of each family member. Such as one person is filmed in black and white and in close ups, which us a more claustrophobic feeling for the character. Then in the next scene, we get a day time wide shot, this helps break some of the darkness and gives a little levity but still continues to build tension throughout. The director was very deliberate and meticulous in the way he framed every scene. This movie has many of layers, and to take this film in completely, you should watch it carefully to see all of the symbolism he added into this movie. While this film will not be for everyone , I highly encourage people who enjoy cinema and have a love for seeing a writer and directors passion project come to life to seek out the movie. This is definitely a masterclass in writing, directing, and film making at its finest. Guerrilla Metrpolitana is definitely a director you should be on the look out for. All in all I highly enjoyed this movie, this is a elevated horror film on par with some A24 films, and will leave you asking the question WHO IS DARIUSS. For me this is an easy 8 out of 10.
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jigor-1805110 December 2023
Just AWESOME Once in a lifetime opportunity to see a fantastic movie, for both artistic and horror lovers. Fantastic mix for everyone's liking. Director's approach to detail is fantastic, you must keep great focus on it. Every single fraze is important. Suspence is amazing, it will keep you on the edge of your seats. Cinematography is beautiful, use of sounds at the right time,just great!!! Sounds play a great role in this masterpiece. All i can say,You will enjoy, enter the Universe of Dariuss!!!! And fall into his madness. You will not regreat it. Enjoy this beautiful masterpiece. You will enjoy it!!!!
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Once watched never forgotten
FrancesBroudieOldridge9 December 2023
A journey into madness Review by Nightflyer on 18 Nov 2023review stating A journey into madness A deserted airport lounge waiting for a delayed midnight flight was a perfect opportunity to watch Dariuss. This was my second viewing of this extraordinary film. On my phone with headphones placed me in a zone where I felt like I was in a cinematic audio sandwich I was literally in the middle. I realised that although I had viewed this film firstRead more about review stating A journey into madness on my pc as it unfolded I was drawn into journey of sound and imagery but in a curious observer kind of way. I am not a follower of Horror genera movies I could probably count on one hand and still have some fingers left on how many horror films I have watched but I am a big fan of the dark strange macabre art house movement so this peaked my interest the minute the first frame hit the screen. The stunning use of cinematography and lo fi colour grading techniques fascinated me, the use of speed control and multi replaying of images kept the eye constantly satisfied. As the film progressed in form of vignettes I realised that this was how we as humans are, we think and process, we see we stop we think and we start again. With not a single word of dialogue but multi layered voices and sounds set alongside a sublime soundtrack Dariuss has you hooked. Each character leaves a haunting image in your mind and at the hand of the director the performances are pushed to extremes The story was like a puzzle the pieces came together so you thought but it could easily have be a story among many stories. I simple got lost in the experience. Read Less.
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Brilliant Bold Filmmaking
shagee79779 December 2023
The Writer/Director Guerrilla Metropolitana brings us "Dariuss". Guerilla makes a bold return to the movie scene with a controversial feature film that challenges viewers from the very start. As the film unfolds, you are confronted with a profound question: "The most important questions... are the unanswered ones." This thought-provoking beginning sets the stage for a visually stunning work of art that demands an open mind and an appreciation for the risks the Director has taken. From the opening scene, you're captivated, never quite knowing what unprecedented experiences will unfold. This film requires your full attention, immersing you in a unique world created through guerrilla filmmaking, reminiscent of a Blair Witch style, although the similarities end there. The narrative skillfully explores how a family copes with the loss of a loved one, depicting each member's individual responses. The choice of a remote, off-the-beaten-path house adds to the story's impact. The film powerfully illustrates how one death can shatter individuals in ways you've never witnessed before. The editing creates a nightmarish atmosphere that's impossible to escape, with moments of blood and explicit scenes that serve to emphasize the family's profound devastation. While not for everyone, this film is a must-see for true movie enthusiasts seeking something truly different.
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Review of Dariuss by Carol Droge Parks
rbtqfymyf9 December 2023
Dariuss by Guerrilla Metropolitana Review by Carol P. On 16 Nov 2023review stating Dariuss by Guerrilla Metropolitana Writer/ Director Guerrilla Metropolitana . A poetic beginning of childhood innocence that ends in loss . A family is left to deal with the loss is many different ways . You don't just watch this film . You become one with film and take the journey with them . It makes you feel so many different emotions it's unbelievable. Everything flows togetherRead more about review stating Dariuss by Guerrilla Metropolitana so beautifully from the sounds to the music . You become a participant in the journey of so many different emotions abd feelings . It's sensual, erotic , horrifying , gorey and so much more . It's a masterpiece that will withstand the test of time forever cause there are no language barriers . You become one with the film as the evil from the outside world meets the evil behind closed doors . It is mesmerizing and you can't look away even for a second and the more times you watch it you see something different each time .
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