The Rings of Power, without a doubt, is made by people who fundamentally do not understand either the work or the message of Professor Tolkien. It's at best a fan fiction of Peter Jackson's movies (they shamelessly copy scenes and dialogue) but, unlike the original trilogy, this series lacks good writing, terrible acting, and appalling direction. The only thing I can rescue is the photography, but that's not enough. Friends, I'm a fan of Tolkien's work, but not a fundamentalist. I'm not offended when they change the race, color, or appearance of the characters as long as they do what they're supposed to do according to the original work. The Rings of Power borrows character names from Professor's legendary work to tell a kind of low-quality afternoon soap opera. I don't know who's to blame for such a calamity, but already into the third episode of the second season, things are getting worse and it's becoming increasingly boring.