Nick Gomez credited as playing...
Agent Joaquin
- Justice Crenshaw: In 1958, the Chinese went to war with the sparrow.
- Agent Meyer: Sir?
- Justice Crenshaw: Mao gave the order. The birds were eating the people's seed and grain. They had to go. So people all over the country started beating on pots and pans to drive the birds mad. Death by exhaustion. Two billion sparrows exterminated, all praised a great leader. But do you know what happens when you remove birds from a food chain? There's no one left to eat the bugs and the locusts. So, instead of solving a hunger problem, they ended up creating an even bigger one. You ever heard of the Great Famine? Possibly 50 million Chinese starving to death?
- Agent Joaquin: Sir...
- Justice Crenshaw: One step ahead. I'm not asking you to play four-dimensional chess. I'm saying think one step ahead. If we go to war with the most powerful sheriff in North Dakota, whose fathers and grandfathers were sheriffs, and who's connected to the most powerful militia in the upper Midwest, what do you think happens then?
- [agents stare wordlessly]
- Justice Crenshaw: Until you can answer that question, I want you to make Roy Tillman more like a hobby of yours, something you do in your spare time when you're not punishing the actual criminals.
- Agent Joaquin: You're on his side.
- [pause]
- Justice Crenshaw: We're done here.