"Death in Paradise" Christmas Special (TV Episode 2023) Poster

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Best show of Christmas 2023?
Sleepin_Dragon27 December 2023
Businessman Gerry Stableforth falls to his death, and an employee of his vanishes, Neville has to prove his death was murder, he also has his mother over for a visit.

This truly was a lot of fun, entertaining and despite being a murder mystery, quite uplifting. I'd perhaps go so far as to say this has been the best thing on over this festive period.

The 'it's behind you' lark, was wonderfully tongue in cheek, and definitely added a bit of seasonal, panto humour. The one thing they got spot on here, was the tone, perfect.

Maybe a little on the easy side to work out who and how, there was one very strong clue.

They went all out for this episode, a terrific cast, the likes of Patsy Kensit, Youssef Kerkour, Geoff Bell and Bronagh Waugh, all were excellent, but the star of the show, Cathy herself, Doon Mackichan, who was tremendous as Neville's mother, please can she return very soon.

Can't wait for the new series.

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Decent episode
sameepnankani27 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Neville and the team are back to solve both a mysterious death and a disappearance during Christmas on Saint Marie. Patsy Kensit makes a guest appearance (first time I've seen her name in about 20 years lol) and Don Warrington is in fine form even yelling at Neville in a scene early on. Is the story and ultimate reveal as cleverly crafted as a prime Agatha Christie? No, but then that's not what DIP is. Decent episode with a satisfying resolution and clever reveal of the main clue - 'its behind you!' No hint as to whether Neville will be leaving the island just yet. Looking forward to the new series coming soon!
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safenoe2 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Bronagh Waugh guest stars as Debbie Clumson and quite significantly, we have Doon "Smack the Pony" Mackichan playing Neville's mom. And even more significantly, we have Patsy Kensit, famous for her role in Absolute Beginners which was released to much fanfare in 1986. Anyway, Patsy should have been accorded with more respect by having a special credit placement, like "And Patsy Kensit" rather than being placed in alphabetical order with every other guest star if you know what I mean init.

Anyway, here we see Woking in the cold Christmas time in England, and of course Saint Marie where the action is. Neville's concerned about his love life and all.
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Better than expected, a quite enjoyable episode
TheDudeReviewsStuff11 April 2024
As a long-time fan I was hoping for a show that brought back the vibe from the Ben Miller (seasons 1-3)/Kris Marshall (3-6)/Ardal O'Hanlon (6-9) days. In those series the lead detective was a character I saw a bit of myself in as they were inept in interpersonal relationships, but never annoying.

The change to Ralf Little's character, who is a very fine actor in his own right, introduced the first lead who was in the same vein as the others, but was quite annoying at times. Gladly, over the three seasons he has matured in the role and is quite enjoyable to watch him figure things out.

Officers Marlon Pryce (Tahj Miles), Darlene Curtis (Ginny Holder), and Naomi Thomas (Shantol Jackson), have all developed well-rounded and enjoyable characters you can care for in their trials and tribulations.

In this episode it brings together quite a nice mystery with interesting guests. With the death of Gerald Stableforth and disappearance of Debbie Clumson, there are multiple mysteries to solve. Quite fun trying to figure it out before the cast.

A nice touch is how Commissioner Selwyn Patterson (Don Warrington) has allowed his respect and admiration for the team to show through, on rare occasion at least. It adds a nice family feel to the team that has been missing since Ralf Little took over as the DI.

Overall, a very pleasing episode that gives me hope for more quality shows in season 13.
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Festive fun
SunnyDaise26 December 2023
Obviously it is a little bit sad due to the mystery, but over all there's plenty of humour in this heart-warming run-up-to-Christmas plot. Being thirty minutes longer than the usual episodes, there's lots of space for some extra locations and people. I love the cross-generational regular and guest characters and we've some real good ones here. I don't like Death in Paradise to be too dramatic, so I'm glad of the potential feel-good set ups for the imminent new run. Roll on Season 13 - let's hope it isn't unlucky for DI Parker. And my special New Years message for Neville, regarding the whole Sophie thing, is remember 'It's behind you'.

ADDITION: Would love to see the amateur sleuth become the next Trainee Officer - such a great character!
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Christmas Special
Prismark1026 December 2023
DI Neville Parker has to contend with his flighty mother, a murder and a disappearing online publicist for Christmas.

Gerry Stableforth (Geoff Bell) is pushed off a balcony of his house to a ravine. As he lay dying he said the words, 'It's behind you.'

Then Debbie Clumson (Bronagh Waugh) the online publicist just flown in from Britain by the Stableforth family suddenly disappears.

Geoff's wife, son and daughter all have seemingly watertight alibis. Although the family fashion business has been in financial trouble.

The key might be to find Debbie Clumson. Her shiftless boyfriend Dave also flies in to search for Debbie. He ends up in hospital with sunstroke.

This was enjoyable enough but a bit daft. I liked how Neville is still distraught over the betrayal from his ex girlfriend in the previous series.

A key plotline regarding why Debbie was invited over to the island, I was not sure about. How anyone could had spotted something valuable from a zoom call!
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Riddled with bad decisions and flawed logic
the-who-review27 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode suffers from a lack of basic common sense, which is something I was worried about after the last few rocky episodes.

To summarise, a son and daughter push their father to his death due to him finding a file containing a plot to steal an expensive vase belonging to a woman who goes missing shortly after he is murdered.

This has a solid idea behind it, and I think if it was told better could have made for a decent watch. Unfortunately, the writers must have had a bit too much to drink leading up to Christmas because this episode is riddled with dumb decisions by the characters and strange decisions on the episode layout.

The priceless vase that was the motive for the murder is not given any attention in the episode until the detective is revealing how he solved it. Given the fact that I was watching this hoping to try and piece some bits together myself (as some people do when watching murder mysteries), it was highly aggravating for fake motives to be spread throughout the entire episode only for the real one to be introduced late on when you have no chance of figuring it out.

Right before the big reveal scene at the end the detective asks a young girl named Riley to stand at the spot where the murder took place and scream to see if they could hear it at the villa. For some bizarre reason that I cannot begin to try to explain, they do not allow you to see the results of this and just cut to Riley being back in the house again. This decision left me baffled, and I felt like the show was asking me to just go along with it when the detective said that everyone could not hear Riley screaming, as there was no way for the viewer to know that until he said it himself.

This could have been a bit more excusable if the method of the murder was smart and the murderers seemed competent, but unfortunately when I sat down to watch the episode with my family I laughed through the explanations of how the murder took place.

I'll start with the biggest offender first, and that is the treatment of the file. The file contains evidence of the plan to steal the vase and the motive for the murder. When the father finds the file and confronts his children about the plot, after arguing with them he casually tosses it on a bench in the garden like it's not a big deal at all. Then after the murder takes place the woman who goes missing finds the file on the bench and looks inside, getting a good look at the entire plan. This already has a problem, as this means that after he finished arguing with them and tossed the file away, the children didn't remove the file from the bench at all or destroy it, and instead opted to leave in lying around it broad daylight for anyone to read. After hitting the woman over the head and retrieving the file, you would think that the daughter would then proceed to destroy the evidence, right? Well, instead she hides it in a see-through bottle. The woman who saw the entire motive for murder and witnessed the victim's final words? They didn't make sure she was dead and instead let her roam around the island for a few days. This one file puts so many flaws in logic in this episode it's honestly astonishing. Even the existence of the file at all should be in doubt, considering this isn't Scooby-Doo and the murderers could have simply organised the theft online instead of leaving evidence lying around at every turn.

Speaking of leaving evidence lying around at every turn, they recorded the victim screaming so they could seemingly change the time that the murder took place. Clever, right? What is not so clever is carrying this phone on you during the days following the murder and not destroying it. Sure, it would look suspicious, but not nearly as bad as having a track of the victim screaming on your phone.

Luckily for the murderers, the victim was just as much of an idiot as them. During his precious final words, when he can say anything to provide the two listeners information on his murder (perhaps who pushed him or a motive), he says "It's behind you". A line so vague it could be literally anything, and it takes the police team over half the episode to figure out. Unfortunately it takes the audience even longer since the vase he's referring to isn't addressed until the solving scene. Would it really have been so hard to say "I was murdered by my children"? He clearly thinks about what he's saying too, because he pauses halfway through saying it to think. This one line basically turned an easy solve into an impossible one for no reason.

I've seen people complaining online about it not feeling like Christmas, but given that it's set on a hot Caribbean island, I'm fine with that. Cultures are different and it may be celebrated differently there (I'm not caught up on my Caribbean Christmas celebrations enough to say for certain).

To summarise, there's a motive that isn't introduced until the murder is essentially solved, murderers who seem to leave evidence lying around whenever they have the opportunity, and a victim who can't be bothered enough to help to solve his own murder properly. I didn't even mention that the woman who hears the victim's final words, finds the file full of evidence and goes missing has a fiance who takes up a large chunk of runtime and plays next to no part in the story besides constantly asking the detective how things are going.

I have watched this entire show up to this point and have not wrote any reviews before this one, as I never felt any need to. Each episode felt like a light hearted murder mystery for you to play along with and try to solve, and not something that needs a review as you knew what you were getting. Sure, some murder stories were weaker than others, but they all had a logic to them, and criminals with motives you could pick up on and slowly piece together throughout the episode. This episode, to put it bluntly, has none of that.

This episode is now what I consider to be the worst of the entire show, and is bad enough to make me come onto imdb less than an hour after watching it and write this review. I highly recommend you do not watch it, or if you plan to, watch it from another room while doing something else.
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No, No, No, not Ho, Ho, Ho!
DoctorStrabismus28 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Oh, really, was this the very best they could do for a Christmas special?

I don't like putting spoilers in a review, but this one spoils itself with sheer crassness, giving every appearance that it was just cobbled together as an afterthought over a few Christmas drinks.

The one and only redeeming feature is that we get to meet Neville's mum, which helps us understand why he is such an emotional mess, dealing with that domineering woman for all his young life.

But as for the plot, dear oh dear!

We very much enjoy Death in Paradise as light entertainment, and it usually has very good characterisations. But sometimes having the same theme repeated over and over starts to grate. The one where a sound, usually a gunshot, but in this case a scream, is erroneously used to define the time of the murder, a time when everyone has a cast-iron alibi, is as worn-out as Charlie Chaplin's old shoes. We all knew it, and thought "well, we can ignore all those alibis for a start". A scream from a deep ravine remote from the house. Why did Neville not think to test out just how well that could be heard from such a distance until the very end?

With his final breath in this world, the victim makes a pantomime comment "It's behind you", when saying "the vase" would have been so much more obvious.

The background suspect characters, the family members of the victim, are so wooden, none more so than Patsy Kensit (Patsy who?) as his widow, although his daughter is successfully portrayed as an utterly brainless airhead, who just happens to be a hopeful (ie hopeless) 'artist'.

And now we have this new character called Riley, and I am seriously worried that she is about to become the newest trainee officer, with her grating estuarine accent. At least Ruby did kind of fit in with the locality.

I'll give it 4/10 for Neville's mum and the good way she gets on with Catherine.
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Only so much suspension of disbelief
ukgreek28 December 2023
I get that the show doesn't have a big enough budget to hire very many extras, but there's only so much you can do with a handful of actors trying to fake a parade crowd. It's still painful to watch the lead try to act like it's hard to get through a make-believe crowd where there are about nine actors on the screen.

But at least try to pretend the suitcase isn't empty and don't lift it up with a couple of fingers. That's less an actor/extra problem and more not giving them proper direction. It just seems like every scene's production level is near-high school. They can do better than that. Please.
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Oh dear. This was supposed to be special...
xeke29 December 2023
Dreadful. Terrible script. Depressing characters. The crime explained in the last ten minutes using clues we didn't have. The series used to be so good.

Perhaps they need to get better writers and develop the characters and not depend so much on the location to hold our interest.

I found it hard to come up with any positive comments to make about this episode. If anything it can only get better. I fear that the new season will fall victim to the same blandness and lack of creativity.

There is always hope. Unless the stories get better this show will be cancelled. Beyond Paradise is much better. Watch that series if you want a more charming and watchable series.
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Flame out
southgatekid27 December 2023
Sad to say, after a nice long run, it's time , at least for me, to finish with it. From the first season, very seldom very few clinkers. In spite of major changes to Inspectors, the series held its own. There are many scene stretchers , burn some air time, which usually shows declining script quality. The guests are always good , and their parts used to be well written. So many of the last few episodes, the scripts have been, sliding downhill. You hold on, hoping for better, but it doesn't come . Will stream the older seasons, but the last three are nor worth the time. Lots of mrmories and good tunes, tho.
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This was special all right...
prolifik57 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Given this show's inexorable decline in quality over the last several seasons, I was reluctant to even watch any of this season. It turns out my fears were justified, as the writers apparently used the additional runtime of a Christmas special to cram some extra nonsense into an already ridiculous plot.

We start off with two of the most hackneyed cliches of the series, both employed in the clumsiest manner imaginable. First is the prerecorded sound meant to establish a false time of death (and therefore line up conveniently with a false alibi or three). Secondly, we have the victim ostensibly trying to identify the killer(s) with his dying words, but resorting to a vague and unhelpful utterance that makes no sense even when DI Parker explains it at the end.

The foolishness doesn't stop there though. We have a file outlining the crime that leads to the murder being left carelessly for others to see, first by the eventual victim and then by the perpetrators. Another tired cliche follows with someone finding the incriminating file and getting conked on the head, but the culprits not bothering to ensure she's actually dead, allowing her to wander off to an ambulance (which nobody else on the crime scene managed to notice for some reason). Having recovered the file, the genius conspirators then hide it in a plastic bottle which is part of a display by the pool, rather than shredding or burning it.

It's not even clear to me why this elaborate scheme needed to be documented in a physical file, which led to its discovery by both the father and the intended victim. All they did was identify a priceless vase from a Zoom call and plan to steal it. And what was the plan if their father hadn't been standing by a ravine, or hadn't screamed, or had struggled and managed to overpower his son?

This kind of show will always require some suspension of disbelief, but when the plot has so many holes, the solution just isn't very satisfying. Let's see if the season gets any better...

On a separate note, the subplots with the pushy women around DI Parker constantly digging into his love life are super tiresome. He isn't interesting or charismatic enough to make this an avenue worth exploring. Here we had to introduce an entirely irrelevant side story involving the fiance of the vanished woman chasing around the island to find her, just so we could get the "payoff" of Parker's mom trying to get him back dating again.
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