American Conjuring (2016) Poster

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American Marketing Scam
shawnblackman4 October 2016
This film was originally called Bind but then they decided to do some marketing scam in conjunction with the Conjuring films. They figured it needed it and they were right. This is one awful movie so if they don't get you buying it by mistake, chances are you won't.

A family moves into a house that used to be an orphanage at one time. Tragic events took place making even more tragic events take place and so on. The film has a few things moving on its own but the crux of the hauntings are more of the spirit taking over someone's body to make them kill. The acting was so bad in this and the ending was one of the worst I've seen in a long time. Avoid this one.
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Shamefully bad.
S_Soma17 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
It's illuminating, I think, to consider the fact that "bad" movies have as much complexity and dimensionality, in their way, as "good" movies. After all, there are nearly as many facets to a bad movie is there are to a good movie. Just like a good movie, a bad movie must have music, sound effects, visual effects, a story, actors and acting, lighting, recording, editing, and so on.

In the same way that you could take an entire university course on what made "Citizen Kane" a great movie, you COULD similarly take such a course on what made "American Conjuring" a bad movie. You wouldn't want to do it, of course, but the point is that there would be that much information to study and learn about what made it such an incredibly awful picture.

That being the case, it would take far more than the space I have here to fully elaborate on the depth and breadth of the execrable- ness of this movie.

But I will make one observation. For every human endeavor, and especially in art of any kind, sometimes an example is so incredibly appalling that it makes you feel bad for the people involved with it. You get the sense that they've "been punished enough" by simply being associated with such a steaming pile that you don't want to be responsible for adding to their misery. Let them mercifully scatter into the dark and concealing night.

"American Conjuring" ALMOST achieves that forgivable state. Almost.

The reason it DOESN'T is because the movie is CALLED "American Conjuring". Anyone with a suspicious mind might think that the creators of this movie were attempting to capitalize on the success of other relatively recent but unrelated movies that have the word "conjuring" in their titles, and that they were hoping to confuse people into paying good money to watch this fly-blown manure accidentally. This would suggest evil intent and malice aforethought rather than a sad and hapless set of talentless people tragically exposed for their artlessness.

Personally, I'm not suspicious of such a thing at all. Nope. Not suspicious.

The sound and video masters for this movie need to be taken out on a moonless night and buried deep beneath cursed ground, sprinkled with salt, and hosed down with holy water. I'm precluded from suggesting what should happen to the people responsible for it.
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Tedious And Choppy (No Pun Intended)
shoy_Miss_Murder17 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
No great stuff to write here, just a (very) small chuckle for the title of a horror film set and filmed in Canada. If they'd left the original title 'Bind' it would at least have been a bit different. Regular (read boring and predictable) stuff happens here and the movie - especially the ending - has no cohesion or clear story line.

When one can't produce a scary enough story, they always go for killing animals - people hate that. Kill 100 people, okay - but kill one dog, oh the horror!

BUT if you want to fast forward to the end, you'll see a lot of famous names (and horror sites) listed under "Special Thanks". I wonder how many of them would pay to be removed from that list?
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What the 'beep' did I just watch ((Spoilers))
playagurlrocks22 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Where do I start, oh boy!!!! This movie had the potential to become a good horror piece, instead its a 'sh**' horror piece. Seriously what was the director thinking, or should I say why wasn't he thinking? So many bad scenes, bad camera angles, over the top acting, weak script, story started really well but what the F*** happened with the ending? Was he dreaming everything while out cold? Or was it the alternate ending?

When the wife looks at the drawings, the same image is shown like 3 times. When the husband keeps saying, "I saw her" the wife doesn't even bother to ask "Who". She just keeps yelling and yelling. Why wasn't this movie made sensibly?

Towards the end the movie suggested that Ben and Laura had an affair. Nothing was established. They should have at least shown us the flashback or given us some idea about the events that they both are talking about. But if the whole thing was a dream then that would have been senseless too.

All in all this movie sucked. Please save your time and do not watch it. I am giving this 2 star only for the effort, and also because I never give any film 1 star.
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Yep, only 20 mins in...
Fox_Prime4 January 2020
Only 20 mins in and I'm ready to gouge my eyes out, shove pens in my ears, and then slit my wrists and throat. Ok so the last part was stretching it... Wow, where to begin. Might as well start with the acting, because it's like the singer's voice in a band, it'l make or break it. Yeah this acting shattered it. Just awful...I mean... do they audition these people? Do they just say, "Who's willing to work for free?" K everyone who raised their hand, you're hired! There's a little 3 min news story at the beginning of the movie laying out the history and bad things that happened. Best and only good part of the movie. Laid out a descent horror story. Boy did it fail to measure up. Ok so, I'm gonna finish suffering through this so none of y'all who are smart enough to read reviews before watching movies, can be spared the torture this movie spews out. I'll come back at the end to update and finish this review.
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Ridiculous, Has a lot of spoilers, only read if you've watched.
elec2410-944-94421818 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The other reviews are fairly accurate. The plot isn't that bad but the actual script is ridiculous. There are so many moments in this movie that make you angry and wish there was a way to slap the director in the face.

The teenager forced to call her stepfather "dad", the arguments and anger between the family are over the top. The way the mother finds the pictures drawn by the child and as she cycles through them the same image is shown every time. So many moments when someone does something and the reaction from the other actor is just stupid.

The imagery / editing / audio was fine so no complaints there. Please only watch if you're bored.
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so badly acted
jcroak-1817427 April 2020
I made it 25 minutes and It has the worst acting I have ever seen. They try to make the teenager into the bad guy, Her so called parents were horrible. The guy isn't hear dad and they get pissed that she won't call him dad. She has a dad, her parents are just divorced. I hated every character in this movie, don't waste your time. I decided to finish the movie and it didn't get any better. I found myself wondering why all the characters were so angry and hateful. Bad movie with bad people.
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just because you have a few friends,a camera,and five dollars doesn't mean you have a movie
disdressed1218 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
***spoiler dead ahead***This thing has nothing at all to do with The Conjuring or any of its sequels/prequels***well.i managed to make it twenty eight minutes and forty eight seconds before calling it this was an awful excuse for a movie.the acting was abysmal as was the dialogue.i haven't seen a movie this awful in a long time.i really believe they broke a five dollar bill to make this thing.i.m not saying I could do any better,although I do have a few friends,a five dollar bill and a camera.only four other people have reviewed this schlock.i don't know if they all made it to the end or not.but if I could,i would gladly pay for the years of therapy they have ahead of them.this thing was so bad I could actually smell it.i could go on and on,but you get the point.for me,American Conjuring is a 1/10,but I am rounding down to zero.
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Worst waste of time I ever spent
littleton_pace5 January 2017
One of the worst pieces of "acting" I have ever seen comes from the father in this movie. He was hideously awful as an actor. Every one of his lines came off like he was reading the script right in front of his eyes. Not only him, everyone's lines in this movie were terrible. No one talks like this. Why do movie writers insist people talk like people in a soap opera? Like the mother alone saying: "Oh, crap I forgot the washing detergent" or the daughter alone saying "this phone never gets signal". And why the hell was the mother so insistent her daughter call her step-father Dad? She's 16, she can call him whatever she wants and Dad wouldn't be one of them. Stupid idiotic movie. Saving grace was the scares from the ghost woman, but they don't save what is a vomit-ridden crap-fest of lazy dialogue, terrible acting and an hour and a half of my life worse off than before I started watching.
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Use the Google, Luke
smilingshadow21 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The entire movie is predicated on the idea that a family moves into a house where something bad happened - 3 girls were murdered by another girl (that was possessed) that subsequently committed suicide.

The family moves in, the former owner of the house shows up and tries to convince the family to leave because "something bad happened" but is interrupted by the real estate guy.

The family is like: "Huh. I wonder what happened here." and promptly moves in. Hello? 2016 anyone?

The teenage daughter in the movie is on her smartphone texting like all the frigging time. She should be able to Google all the details about the house like 30 seconds after the creepy incident. But nooo... Things have to spiral out of control and then they meet with the former owner who gives them a scrap-book with the newspapers clips about the murders that happened in 2004 - you know, back in the day when EVERYBODY WAS ALREADY ONLINE AND NOT USING SCRAPBOOKS TO STORE NEWSPAPER CUT-OUTS.

The person who made this movie is either 100 years old and their world stopped in 1993 or 16 years old and thinks 2004 was in the Middle Ages.

Other than that: Boring. Incoherent story. Sex scene and a shower scene with zero nudity (if your budget is so low you cannot get the lady to even show her naked back to imply nudity, skip the sex scene and the shower scene please, it is just pathetic...).
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It was hilarious because of the bad acting 🤣
kaleewolf7 October 2020
Everything in this movie was so bad it was funny. My husband made a The Room reference. That's when I knew he'd caught on. So I gave it a 6.
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Not even worth it for the laughs
hnhnyc9 October 2017
What's most unsettling about this movie is the fact that it was actually made and then distributed. There's bad, and then there's the scary and sad realization that a bunch of adults found everything from the acting to the plot even merely passable. It's like they dug this one up from the bottom of the bargain bin covered with garbage and thought, yeah, let's see if we can offer it to people who are doing a search for The Conjuring but end up streaming this instead, thinking it's just as good. It's like a bout of food poisoning on screen (in some cases, literally.) If this sounds good to you, bon appetit.
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LoupGarouTFTs23 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This movie can be summed up in one line: If the family owns a dog, kill it. Yep, that's the quality fill it is. The dog barks, so the guy chops it up with an ax (off camera), with barely anyone giving it a second thought.

There was absolutely no attempt to build tension, develop characters, or create an atmosphere. The movie opens with the murders at the orphanage, then does a quick cut to a reporter telling all, followed by the family buying the house. Why? At least in the Amityville Horror, the family knew that they were gettig a deal because of tragedy. Even when the girl comes right out and says, "you don\t get a house for the price Ben is paying," the stupid parents don't think a thing about it. All of a sudden, there is bloodletting everywhere. And not even good, schlock horror bloodletting. After a while there is even a "Christine" moment, when headlights come on accompanied by the same musical sting as in Christine. Ugh.

Finally, the twist ending doesn't work. Did the house decide it made a mistake and hit the rewind button? Did time really rewind, meaning everyone (including the dog) was still alive? Or did the house just say, "Okay, Ben, you had your chance and you went nuts too fast on me. Let the girls play now" and incapacitate him long enough for them to kill him? Either way, except for the dog, I don't think I really care.

It was bad. Just bad. If you can't catch it on free Pluto TV, like I did, then don't try to catch it at all. Even a Red Box rental is too much to pay.
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Waste of time.
jesvinjosephjoe18 April 2021
Giving it a 1 because it doesn't have an option 0.
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Not bad for a low budget movie
mossmelissa5 May 2022
I've watched horror movies since I was 5. And this wasn't what I consider horror. It could have been a lot better. However, if you don't have the funds for an over the top horror film then this movie isn't that bad. Yeah the storyline could've been better and the actors could've been better. But my daughter and I enjoyed it.
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bad bad bad bad bad baaaaaad
ozolas30 January 2017
Easily gotta say that the worst part about this was the acting. It was really sad. Too forced and just...BAD.

the real horror in this movie is the horrifying thought of realizing that you have wasted your time on it.

story line...seen in so many movies before, no special twists or anything like that, so you are stuck between pushing terrible acting thoughts and knowing what's going to happen anyway.

I guess that's a good one when you are really bored or can't be bothered about what's on the screen. BAD.

nothing else to say really.
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Too bad you can't give 0 stars!
piaroz22 September 2018
This was the least thought out storyline ever. Completely illogical timeline and felt like it was being made up as it was happening. I can't believe this got funding to be produced.
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This is how you conjure up boredom...
paul_haakonsen8 November 2016
I fell for the title of the movie, even with its blatant cash in on the recent successful "The Conjuring" movies. But hey, it is a horror movie, so I still decided to give it a go.

And I did, and I managed to survive perhaps a whole 20 minutes or so into the ordeal that was "American Conjuring" before I just threw the towel in the ring and gave up, getting up and left to watch something else. Actually, not just me, but my wife did the same.

I can't really give a proper synopsis of the storyline in the movie, because the movie wasn't really in gear or had gotten to any milestones by the time I gave up.

What made me give up was the lack of a compelling storyline. There just was nothing that captured me and kept me in the seat. The was nothing scary anywhere in the 20 minutes that I endured. And the acting wasn't really a factor that worked in favor of the movie either, just added fuel to the reason for why I gave up.

I haven't the faintest of clues what directors Dan Walton and Dan Zachary set out to accomplish with "American Conjuring", nor can I claim to have any further interest in finding out. But thumbs up for actually managing to make a movie nonetheless.

I have no intentions of returning to finish "American Conjuring", not even if I got paid to do so. Once a movie fails to impress and captivate me, then the race is over, so to speak. I am sure that there are someone, somewhere out there that would find some kind of enjoyment in "American Conjuring", it just wasn't me...
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What did I just watch?
revedream-414382 March 2021
I agree the acting was horrible, so horrible I actually laughed out loud. Can anyone for the love of movies please explain the damn ending?
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Underrated horror movie
virtuafooty31 October 2016
I watched this as part of my usual Halloween horror marathon without expecting much and was pleasantly surprised. Okay it's not exactly groundbreaking, but for anyone who likes horrors anyway it moves along nicely with plenty of varied events throughout to keep you interested.

I'm not going to say it's overly original, although it certainly has fresher ideas than some movies out there, and the acting in the first 10 minutes/some of the makeup is woeful, but once you get past the opening and get into it there's an entertaining enough film.

It has no similarity to The Conjuring at all, and would have avoided any comparison and been viewed more favourably had it stuck to it's original title of Bind.
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Boring to watch in 20 mins
meydiana-6524218 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Yep, only 20 mins in... Only 20 mins in and I'm ready to gouge my eyes out, shove pens in my ears, and then slit my wrists and throat. Ok so the last part was stretching it... Wow, where to begin. Might as well start with the acting, because it's like the singer's voice in a band, it'l make or break it. Yeah this acting shattered it. Just awful...I mean... do they audition these people? Do they just say, "Who's willing to work for free?" K everyone who raised their hand, you're hired! There's a little 3 min news story at the beginning of the movie laying out the history and bad things that happened. Best and only good part of the movie. Laid out a descent horror story. Boy did it fail to measure up. Ok so, I'm gonna finish suffering through this so none of y'all who are smart enough to read reviews before watching movies, can be spared the torture this movie spews out. I'll come back at the end to update and finish this review.
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Deadly boring
vanjarbharat10 July 2021
Absolutely awful boring. Stay away from this. Garbage movie.
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Revenge is a messy business. I didn't know he held so much blood.
nogodnomasters24 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Bind" and "American Conjuring" are the same film. A family takes possession of a haunted house and vice versa. Ghost film turns into a slasher and Darren Matheson's character turns the movie into a stinker. The acting was bad and the drama written for the couple didn't make any sense...and speaking of no sense what was the do-over? Where did that suddenly come from? The other stupid twist would have been better if the audience knew about it, which would have explained why "dad" had a "stick up his.." and mom wasn't much better. .

Then there is the moody 17 year old daughter (Mackenzie Mowat) who hates her step-dad and half-sister. She is not allowed to say the "S" word, but has a smart phone cover with the "F" word spelled out. Go figure that parenting.

Would have been decent if they had been able to script a better character for Ben without the cliché lines.

Guide: F-word. brief sex. Some gore with sledge hammer, knife, drill, and ax.
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Another horror that makes a noise and quickly disappears.
RatedVforVinny27 November 2020
Seriously if I did not note note and record the films I watch, I'd totally forget about films such as American Conjuring. It's obviously a poor cash in on the successful Conjuring movies and this has nothing new really to bring to the table.
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Isn't even hilariously bad
Mogwoggl29 March 2022
Movie takes itself too seriously to be enjoyable schlock.

None of the actors feel like they've taken anything past 5th grade drama at school, the writing is so stilted and unenjoyable, the horror is non-existant, the darkness and terrible sound mixing make it physically hard to hear and see.

I watched to the end so you don't have to.
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