123 of 165 found this to have none
Some jokes are aimed at adults, these kind of jokes children are likely to not understand.
Astrid's cleavage is briefly seen at the end of the movie.
Snotlout flirts with Hiccup's mother a number of times, it is mostly one-sided.
90 of 124 found this mild
Characters engage in battles, with and without the use of dragons.
Various scenes of destruction, on both sides of the battle.
Dragons and humans alike participate in the destruction of boats.
Characters are implied to be killing people, although this is never shown onscreen.
Dragons shoot fire, often with the goal of destruction.
Some action, no blood or gore.
104 of 125 found this to have none
95 of 126 found this to have none
People seemed to drink beer or alcohol during eating.
85 of 123 found this mild
Multiple dragons are seen to be shot by poisonous darts.
Scary looking dragons spray acid and attack with a scorpion like tail.
Some scenes involve an army in dark smoke.
Characters we know have their lives greatly endangered.
The villain Grimmel the Grisly is a very vicious and unpleasant character, and every scene with him is intense.
Easily the darkest film of the HYTTD trilogy, and of DreamWorks Animation's darkest films in general.