Night of the Hunted (2023) Poster

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A nihilistic and predictable thriller
sportswiz-6108520 October 2023
I am a big fan isolation horror and really enjoy movies that take place in a single location. That is if the writing is good and the payoff is worth it. That was not the case with Night of the Hunted. A nihilistic, predictable and ultimately bland thriller set inside a gas station.

Without going into too much detail, the plot revolves around Alice, a selfish but resourceful pharma executive who gets attacked by a sniper while getting gas in the middle of the night.

What follows is a run of the mill cat and mouse thriller without any real original ideas. Alice is unlikable at best, though she does use some very clever ways of avoiding the shooter.

When you have an isolation horror movie like this, the script has to be really good and that is just not the case here. The movie never decides on what it wants to say. It's filled with philosophic monologues about trauma, personal loss, conspiracies and it just goes on and on and on. It's as if the writers couldn't decide which social issue they wanted to tackle, so they just tried to tackle all of them with vague conversations that go nowhere.

It's competently shot though generally uninteresting in it's cinematography. The acting is okay, with Camille Rowe giving a passable performance. The shooter was pretty bad all around with a monotone voice throughout that wears thin pretty quickly. It's not Keifer Sutherland, thats for sure.

One thing I did like about this movie was the practical effects. There didn't seem to be much CGI blood or gore, which is rare these days.
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Easy to take pot shots at.
BA_Harrison8 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
In Night of the Hunted, Camille Rowe plays Alice, who is driving home to her husband after a work conference where she has been carrying on an affair with colleague John (Jeremy Scippio). When John and Alice stop at a gas station in the desert, they find themselves the targets of a sniper (whose accuracy is wildly inconsistent).

Night of the Hunted might have made for a great short movie, but as a full-length feature, it simply doesn't work, the action being repetitive and the script resorting to weak social commentary on every hot topic of the past few years to pad out the runtime. This, coupled with an adulterous protagonist who is hard to root for and who makes very dubious decisions, results in a less than satisfying watch.

At one point in the film, Alice manages to get outside unseen, and instead of escaping into the darkness of the surrounding desert and then heading for the road, she attempts to get to her car that is sat on the very well-lit forecourt. It's stupidity like this that makes us root for the sniper. In the end, Alice supposedly finds redemption by saving a child's life at the cost of her own; I was just relieved that the film was finally over.
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Better re-watch The Sniper (1952).
Fella_shibby24 October 2023
I like movies which takes place at an isolated gas station situated in the middle of nowhere.

I thoroughly enjoyed Open 24 Hours (2018).

This movie enticed me via the settings of a gas station but found it to be a disappointment.

Nothing original bah this unnecessary lengthy movie. The editing is so atrocious that the movie gets very repetitive n boring.

The villain doesn't sound intimidating or terrifying n there is absolutely no character study or background story.

This movie is lifted from so many other thrillers. Some of them r mentioned below.

Carnage Park (a psychotic sniper terrorizes a bank robber and his hostage). Carnage Park is boring n had lots of flickering lights n hand held shaky cam stuff.

Roadside (A couple fight for their lives when they are held hostage in their car by a concealed gunman at the side of a desolate road). Haven't seen Roadside but very bad reviews on IMDb.

Phonebooth (A publicist finds his life under threat when he answers a ringing phone at a phone booth. The caller tells him that he will be shot the minute he cuts the call).

Phonebooth is one of the best thriller n everything has already been said bah this movie.

Downrange (A group of friends are killed one by one by a ruthless sniper after they get stuck in the middle of nowhere).

Downrange is violent, brutal n tension filled. It's from the director of Midnight Meat Train.

And the recent To Catch a Killer (A cop is recruited by the FBI to help profile and track down a sniper).

This one has top notch acting n it is a thriller. This has more to do with catching the sniper.
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So many messages and yet none at all
I have to be honest, this was not my favorite... there was just a lot of things that didn't work for me.

It felt like this movie was three hours long with very slow pacing and was quite repetitive in nature. The acting also generally didn't help, it wasn't the best on anyone's part and there wasn't a likable or redeemable character to enjoy. Also the amount of suspension of disbelieve required to navigate your way through this plot is hearty. But what really got me about this movie was the message/point.

It got to be extremely preachy, talking about all of these modern day issues... like, ALL of them. It felt like it was taking itself very seriously and thought that they were being very clever and woke while simultaneously not really saying or doing anything of substance. It touched on 101 different topics and issues, but none of them felt like the main premise. It also then left us completely and utterly unfulfilled in the end.

All of this added up begs the question, what was the point? I hate saying this about movies but it felt like a bit of a waste of time. It wasn't total trash but I would not recommend.
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Always enjoy these gas station movies
whymesswithitwhenitworks20 October 2023
There must be at least a dozen or so horror/thriller movies in which most of the action occurs at remote gas stations or roadhouses. I'm always a sucker for them. This one follows the usual script more or less, and I can say that I did enjoy it even if it was fairly predictable. The one thing that many of them seem to have in common is that they fail to wrap things up neatly at the end, so I always feel a bit disappointed or cheated because of that. This movie is no exception in this unfortunately. If asked how I'd improve the movie I'd say that a few more characters trapped in the gas station would have permitted the writer to create more interesting dialog and the interaction between characters given the writer far more scope and diversity. As it is I feel it got a bit bogged down and drawn out for a fair amount of the time. Another suggestion would be to have a character enter the gas station with the aim of robbing it. Of course they'd be armed and be able to shoot back to some degree. But could the woman trust them?
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Hate when a movie makes you dislike the protagonist.
projectpat7298821 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I like to judge a movie on its own merits. But there are just things that get on my nerves especially when I see them repeated over and over again. There is just such a lack of originality these days combined with a basic DEMAND for everything to be some kind of social commentary as if every piece of media we consume these days isn't also one of those. All acting as if we've never heard these same issues before when we hear it daily.

What is it with movies similar to this one always wanting you to dislike the protagonist right from the start? Well unless you're "like" she appears to be. Terrifying thought, is she actually not intended to be this unlikable? These days you gotta wonder. So right away we learn she is cheating on her husband who is sending her supportive text messages. The guy she is cheating with clearly knows all about the situation. He makes a comment that has been universally used in discussion for as long as anyone can remember and she makes it into a "gender" thing. Oh great, 2 strikes THIS quickly? Seconds later a 3rd one when she rudely slams the car door in his face. What a catch.

Great, so we're supposed to pull for this really unlikable person the entire movie. Since we know the premise already. I know something very predictable like the man she is with getting killed instantly is coming. But while we're we it. Score one for the things that would NEVER happen in real life category. Imagine filling up your gas tank. Then the very next morning your gas light comes on. Then just simply start filling it again like maybe you somehow in your sleep went out to the car and burned an entire tank. It's just stupid. They flat out show the gas tank leaking. INSTANTLY you know the car is busted. Pretty sure you would even be able to hear that leak as it was very heavy.

Our protag is inside the gas station telling her husband through texts she wants to make things work. Even though she is having sex with another man. Can she just be shot please and the rest of the movie be about the guy? He's unlikable as well but her every action has been unlikable. Cashier is nowhere to be found as they are obviously dead. Oh look she actually left money!? I guess you gotta break the streak and she has to do one not trashy thing.

Lets start up the movie itself as its pretty ridiculous. So the sniper starts shooting. For some reason opts NOT to shoot the man who is sitting entirely still unaware of any of this so far. He manages to hit her while she is heading towards the exit. Then proceeds to miss 2 shots by a mile while she is down and not moving. Lol. Meanwhile this guy in the car is somehow not realizing GUN SHOTS are going off. Our protag is on the ground reaching for the phone. How much you bet this guy who missed her 2 times while she was sitting on the ground manages to directly shoot the phone. You guessed it! This is like a comedy at this point! She decides to do what they do in every sniper movie ever and use a lure. Even though the movie makes completely misuses the concept of this. Instead of poking something out of cover. She just throws a bad of chips up the ceiling and the guy of course with perfect accurate fire hits the bag of chips. LOL!!! If you've seen that type of scene before you know how silly it is. Why would a sniper fire at what is obviously not the person? Its not a box slowly coming into view out of cover that could be someones head. Its an entire bag of chips thrown to the CEILING. Did he think she somehow managed to jump onto the celing like spider man for a second?

This clown in the car only decides to come into the station once the ENTIRE tank of gas is drained for the second time in less than a day. Income the prediction I made earlier with him being shot instantly and killed.

Theres a guy on the radio. It's TOTALLY not going to be the shooter. Now conveniently when he knows EXACTLY where she is his aim becomes terrible again and misses like 5 shots.

LOL at the scene where the guy shows up and for some reason doesn't get shot. Then after finding out his love interest is dead he has a mini meltdown about racism. You can't write this stuff.....because THAT is what you would be thinking about in a moment like this.

Her nonsense speech about her affair. More "men bad" nonsense. Somehow her husband has too high of expectations for her? Yet shes the VP of one of the biggest drug companies in the country and she doesn't even look 30? Lol oh god it must be so hard!

After the old couple is shot and a kid is revealed to be in the car. The protagonist walks RIGHT OUTSIDE of the gas station in clear view of a shot and he doesn't take it. Only to then 2 minutes later demand she come out and give him a clear shot....good grief this horrible movie.

Super cliche time where the war veteran somehow gets upstaged by a random woman whos been shot 2 times and shows no issues from it. Somehow becomes a ninja and moves right in his field of view without being seen and stabs him

The movie THINKS its being clever by not showing his face. But its really just cringy nonsense. They have to come up with a completely random way for her to kill him and also destroy his face so he cant be seen because they think that is thought provoking. Even though the stupid fire extinguisher would've done the trick. They have her randomly use a machine she would have no way of knowing how to lower.

Horrible movie.
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2 stars only due to a acting and suspens
ukgreg21 October 2023
The whole movie is really good considering the story. However, Hollywood could not refrain from the government narrative. They portrayed anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists as the culprits, which is a pathetic approach to dismiss anyone with a different perspective on the mass delusions promoted by governments. I felt a sense of nausea after watching this propaganda garbage. Nonetheless, the story takes you to an unknown world where you must question if you are a good person and confront all your past sins. I'll give it a second star just for this aspect. I cannot comprehend why the producers are endorsing this sickening narrative.
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A simple and effective thriller
Ark345620 October 2023
I always enjoy these simple one location thrillers. Like Phone Booth, Identity, REC, Devil etc. I believe the last one like this was No Exit back in 2022. It is a basic story about a woman held up at a gas station by a sniper and that is all it really needs to be, I would almost say that movies like this lose points for me when they try to make it more than it is. As the saying goes its stupid simple.

I felt the lead actress did an amazing job, I started out absolutely hating her feeling she was an entitled brat but as the movie went along I couldn't help but feel as I saw her character arch changing throughout which is the sign of a good actor, script and director.

Reasons I would score it a 7 and no higher are I felt the sniper's voice could have been better cast, it didn't feel truly threatening or taunting to me, even when he had some great lines. Roger L. Jackson is still working right, that would have been a great option.

I hope to see a comeback of more movies like this. At the end of a long day I just want to sit down, kick back and be entertained. This movie does that and in 2023 for some reason this is hard to come by.
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Couldn't Even Finish It
kkmgirl-448-1119882 November 2023
The premise looked promising, but it quickly went downhill once the opening credits ended. When the film starts off with a woman texting her hubby about fertility clinics while her lover jumps in the shower, I'm struggling to understand how I'm supposed to root for her (not saying protags are saints, but at least build up to her flaws instead of smacking us upside the head). And speaking of smacking us, once the crazed sniper started ranting about every trendy social issue without taking a breath, I turned it off. I like scripts that are thought provoking, witty, deep, etc. This sounded written by a 20 year old undergrad at Berkeley who probably relies on his trust fund to pay for his "film aspirations." I could see this as a 30 minute episode (which is about as far as I got), otherwise it just drags and sucks my soul dry. Not to mention the plot holes and ridiculous suspension of disbelief required. I didn't care about any of the characters and certainly was in no mood to listen to a cheesy actor tick off every hot topic via walkie talkie. This was a wasted opportunity so I chose not to waste my time. Based on the reviews, I certainly didn't miss anything.
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It was good watch ending was disappointing
newmantanya-453363 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So I was really into the whole film Had me on edge all the way through it I found that lot drama and people dying Blood as well which I like in movies The only down side and why I couldn't give a full 10/10 was because there wasn't no explanation to any of it never got to see the person face I'm assuming it was someone the little girl new as they was happily going to take their mask off to the little girl and he come a cross as friendly to her other than having to assume who was what their reasons behind it all was there wasn't actually any explanation it's a shame because I really did enjoy the movie it's just the ending was so disappointing for me.
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OK but just way to over the top
Daman-Malone4 November 2023
This movie had amazing potential, but the severely saturated political BS and message passing was just too much.

A little political isn't bad but the writer went overboard from racial, vaccine, mask wearing, abortions, guns and religious bases touched. It was just as if the writer had gone crazy during Covid-19 shutdown and thought "how can I project me anger and frustration at the world"..and here we have the is projection.

The actual premise isn't unlike some other single shot location movies where the lead is trapped and 90% of the film is revolved around that place.

Splinter/Phonebooth/Night of the Living Dead.
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Staying alive
kosmasp28 September 2023
No pun intended - this is not a remake of an 80s movie! It still is a remake - from a Spanish movie, a quite recent one. I did not watch that - yet! I want to see it, even if I may not have many surprises left (I assume they are quite similar ... although the whole conspiracy spin this has, may not be in the "original").

Our main character is flawed - she has issues! About life, about love and about her goals! The movie or rather the antagonist will challenge all those! And her will to survive. No Rocky reference here by the way. She does a lot of things that ... well are not morally appropriate ... also she may have chosen to take ... let's say different paths ... but I reckon some things had to happen the way they did ... for suspense purposes and all that.

The movie is tight and will have you on the edge of your seat - if certain things don't annoy you that is. Well done overall - nice thriller for sure.
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Two thumbs up...!!!
PANDIAN12062120 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Shot in a single location of a Gas station somewhere in the middle of a haunted highway,the story takes a different leap to maintain suspense and the momentum is kept intact with a logical theory... A Simple plot of mystery man with a sniper & a grudge to take on a people is an ongoing trend of mass shooting in USA,but what makes a difference is not an individual pain or tragedy but a debate of political ideology & corporate dominance that terrorize the human race to take the law on own hands... Heroine Camille shines at ease with little less given runtime and refuses to give up inspite of her emotional counterpart... Morever its obvious that filmmaker doesnt take a stand by the sniper but meant to say that "FREEDOM IS JUST ANOTHER WORD FOR NOTHING LEFT TO LOOSE" Overall a gem of a movie by the director of P2,with major contribution from writer Alexander aja.
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Oh no! Here we go again...
danielcereto1 November 2023
Again, another gas station movie. Again, another shooter movie. Again, at night. Again, nobody comes to the rescue. Again, same lame conversations. Again, the movie starts interesting but in 10 minutes everything starts to fell apart. Again, you know what is going to happen because you have watched this movie several other times. Again, this movie isn't realistic because people here act like robots. Again, the movie ends as many others. Honestly, I don't understand why independent movies are not risky anymore. This one is an example.

So, consequently you can skip this movie again, and follow with your life. Again. Happy Halloween.
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Kindergarten script!
therealjaysmoke25 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is what you get when you have a great concept but you forgot to build up on that one idea. This movie shouldn't have been longer than 30 min with this plot. Is it a must to have an hour/half long movies?

Don't get me wrong, the idea was solid, but it got boring really really quick because they didn't think it through thoroughly. After the black guy was killed, I just lost all interest. The rest was just a bunch of boring conversations between the girl and the sniper. They tried to throw in a few extra characters but they weren't interesting one bit.

It would have been much more exciting had it been a group of youth trapped in the shop.

In the end, sniper decided he was bored shooting from a distance so he decided to come down into the shop and kill the girl, which obviously didn't work and he was killed. End of story.
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She's a lying cheater
edwardbigfoot-9657930 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Right away when the movie starts, it shows her taking a phone call from her bf in the hotel bathroom while the dude shes screwing casually walks in and gets in the shower.

This is soooooo cold and downright wrong! Then she continues to text him, agreeing she wants the relationship to work, blah blah blah.

I was a fan of the sniper 6 mins into the movie.yep...snipe her and make her suffer! Lolol.

I hinestly am writing this review and i have only seen 10 minutes of it so far. Maybe my view will change as the movie progresses. I will always be in favor of grimy characters getting what they deserve (even though murder is a bit much....its juat a movie)
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So many issues
theRealKidneythief21 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Within the first minute I hated these characters. The lead is a scumbag cheater, her husband is clingy (called twice in the first 5 minutes and texted non-stop) and the "boyfriend" was an idiot. On their way to the gas station, the gas light comes on. The boyfriend swears he filled it up last night. Oh well, the gas must've magically disappeared. Couldn't possibly be a leak. So he pulls into the gas station to a pump on the OPPOSITE SIDE of his tank and proceeds to pull the hose around the car and fill 'er up. We are then shown (shock!) there's a leak. Cut to the lead woman entering the gas station store where she is immediately shot in the arm from an outside shooter. This disables her enough to make every scene that follows PAINSTAKINGLY slow. Please do yourself a favor and don't even attempt this POS.
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Downrange on steroids
hiramthreets21 October 2023
Horror/Thriller with good writing and suspense, bloody as well. Dont listen to the naysayers. Check it out. Reminds me of the movie Downrange, this one is on steroids though. If you liked that movie you will love this one. I always go into a movie with my own take, I dont pre judge, I check it out for myself. Shudder did good with this one, it was a treat to watch. The acting was good also, no cheap thrills here. You can tell when money was no subject for a movie, its not a big budgeted movie of course, but it surpasses so many cheap movies I've seen in the past year. Kudos to the director. Yay.
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cool, classic concept ruined by preaching and bad writing
No-Ghost-Zone23 October 2023
Who was this movie even for? The writing is sloppy, the "message" is hamfisted, the characters are incredibly 2 dimensional. For a movie that's copying something like Phone Booth and maybe Die Hard, it sure misses a lot of what made those movies good. The protagonist is just awful and annoying - you know things are bad in your movie when the villain is more sympathetic than your "hero". Big swing and big miss. So much wasted potential. There was a good movie desperately trying to get out the entire time. Thank god it wrapped up in 90 minutes. Ironically, 15-20 minutes of set up and pay off for the characters would've made this a little more tolerable.
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Solid effort.
Patient44425 October 2023
Aahh, the gas station horror, how I've missed it.

I've truly fallen for this genre after seeing Splinter 2008, an amazing movie really, that has a touch of The Thing, my favorite horror ever!

About Night of the Hunted, I honestly believe it's a production that came quite close to something great, it has its moments but fails to expand properly and give us a better survival. I like the concept, the plot, the character background and the work done by the actors, it just never seems to reach its potential.

If you look at movies like Pontypool 2008 or P2 2007, you realize that there is a lot of wiggle room even in a contained space. What you do with the characters and how you slowly develop the action will decide if you're going to win over the audience or not.

Sadly Night of the Hunted comes closer to similars like ATM 2012, because it makes for an ok one time view, but doesn't have that kick to leave a mark and to make you recommend it to others.

But I am going to do just that and say that while it lacks the excitement of Vacancy 2007, it still has a lot going on for it, thus you should try this as long as you lower your expectations just a little. I for one would love to see more such movies, they can turn out to be really good.

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They lost me when he talked...
pattijo5921 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
*****A little plot info included***** This movie was ok, I was hanging with it until the 'sniper' started talking. Here we are having to deal with these nut-jobs in the real world but I seriously have to listen to it in a movie? That's where my interest dropped off. I muted the trumper until he was done with the tired spiel then picked back up. I like watching a movie that doesn't preach about freedom, gun rights, vaccines, and conspiracy theories. UNLESS that's what the plot is going into it. You want gas station suspense? I prefer Splinter or Open 24 Hours. All the tension without the dumbing down.
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Man of Principle
kyrenaika23 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Aside from the details of the action, this is a film that is all too real, in spirit and character. The acting isn't top notch, but that's not the point. Here's someone that has had something horrible happen to him, and upon realization that there is absolutely no restitution or justice (because it's been designed that way), he takes matters into his own hands. How he chose his victim isn't as important as the fact that he chose an appropriate one (in part) for her role in his suffering. Where some may think he's rambling incoherently, others will know that he has drawn a very clear line to his conclusions. This is the part that is meant for those who would sooner stick their heads in the sand and not have to listen because they surely already have all the answers. And like 90% of this world, they just want to be left alone. Which was exactly his point. And he was happy with that until it affected him. And like the 90% who feel the same until it happens to them. And he knew what the outcome would be, just as people who will see this and spout labels that are uninformed and biased before the thoughts that need to be thought are even an inkling of a thought. Certain words will point in one direction or another, clouds rise up and the vertices are drawn before the synapses can make a complete revolution round the roller rink of the psyche. To be a spoiler about it, that was also his point. And maybe that's the point of the film: the sand ears will lalala their time away and never learn a thing, other than what they've been trained to think and do while the vast minority will gleam a bit of wisdom and empathy for what really goes on in the world. And maybe just a very tiny minority will come to realize that they're not so far away from those who do wield the power and that they're just a tool for all the bad things foisted upon the unsuspecting. Another of his points, she didn't choose the innocents that would get harmed in the crossfire of her deeds, but he did. We could debate which is worse, but they're both evil in their own respects. Neither one is the good guy. To paraphrase a very wise man, I won't point the finger, but I'll pay for the thumb. The review title is the song, the song is by Chris Hickey. The thumb is the system. I'm sure a lot of people hide behind their pointing of labels, but feel no guilt in their part in promoting them. No one does anything bad, yet evil pervades and prevails.
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A Hair-Raising Thriller: 'Night of The Hunted'
tvboxhjbn5 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Yesterday, I had the opportunity to dive into an emotional whirlwind while watching "Night of The Hunted." This film takes us on an intense suspenseful journey, with a plot loaded with psychological elements and betrayals that leave the mind restless. The story revolves around Alice and her colleague John, who find themselves in a distressing situation when they stop at a remote gas station.

The narrative takes a dark turn as a sniper, claiming to have ties to the gas station cashier, Amelia, begins to threaten them. As the story unfolds, we become immersed in complex motivations, where personal vendettas and ideological beliefs intertwine, creating an atmosphere of distrust and intrigue.

What impressed me the most throughout the film was Alice's exceptional courage and determination, especially when faced with imminent dangers. However, as the plot unfolds, we are confronted with unexpected betrayals and twists that test the boundaries of loyalty and the human mind.

The outcome of the story strikes a delicate balance between tragedy and survival, leaving a strong impression and highlighting the complexity of the challenges faced by the characters. "Night of The Hunted" is a striking cinematic thriller that leads us to explore the depths of the human psyche amidst a web of betrayals, emphasizing the power of resilience in the face of adversity. The film, released in 2023, is a memorable experience that prompts us to reflect on the secrets and motivations driving the actions of its characters.
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If you can survive the 95 mins, you won't want her to
MG_8418 November 2023
What is it these days with making characters so unlikable, and so pathetically entitled, particularly in horror/thrillers where you are supposed to want them to survive!?

It fails in the basic task of creating a 'good' character you root for against a 'bad' character that you want to see fail and/or die.

The 'good' character here is actually written as a unpleasant, rude, obnoxious, man-hating woman who we discover is cheating on her supportive (apparently 'too nice') husband, who wants kids and thinks she's seeing a fertility doctor, with a co-worker who she appears to hold in equal contempt. She mentions on multiple occasions her disdain for men, and that is apparently her reason for not wanting kids, but lying to her husband that she does while cheating on him with another man - makes sense huh? She has no redeeming characteristics despite attempts to give her some redeeming situations, and at no point did I actually want her to survive.

Their idea for the 'bad' character was a feeling-hard-done-by right-wing anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorist who decides to kill innocent people and reinforce the stereotypes he apparently despises. It's almost comical how little effort was made, even if you find those kind of people ridiculous and dislikable. He isn't at all threatening or scary, just a childish idiot who got off Twitter and decided to kill people in a gas station in the middle of the night.

Some failed attempts are made to try to link the antagonist to the protagonist with her working for a pharmaceutical company and him hating "big pharma" companies and their employees, but it's all rather nonsensical.

Despite this, after switching off my brain, I weirdly found myself enjoying the overall premise of the film, and it could have been much better with more imaginative script-writers, but I don't think you'll find it particularly suspenseful or engaging so unless you can enjoy a film even when it's ridiculous you'll probably be more likely to dislike this as much as you do the characters within it.
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nogodnomasters7 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Alice (Camille Rowe) is trying to get pregnant with her husband while she has an affair with John (Jeremy Scippio) coming back from a pharma convention. The main highway detour demands they travel down Route 59. John, who just filled up with gas, must fill up again at a convenience store with pumps. We soon discover what we expect is that there is a hole in his gas tank. While in the store Alice is shot in the arm by an ambusher outside on a billboard that claims, "GODISNO WHERE." Her lover is soon killed. There is a walkie-talkie in the store that allows her to communicate with the shooter as Alice dodges bullets. Alice must use all of her smarts to survive as others who visit the store perish.

This is a rather pointless film. Alice was targeted. We never discover by whom or why although he runs down a list of possible reasons as he rants over the walkie-talkie. The conversation becomes political. He doesn't like being called a psycho because he shoots people by the "woke" people. The film spews a lot of right-wing rhetoric but doesn't seem to take a real stance on anything. The ending was messed up too. The best scene was too dark to see. Never cared for Alice either.

GuideL F-word. No sex or nudity.
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